National College of Policing & Law Enforcement - MPS

National College of Policing & Law Enforcement - MPS

Training and educational opportunities for Policing and Law Enforcement and the Security sector.

Photos from National College of Policing & Law Enforcement - MPS's post 23/07/2024

Road Safety Awareness Session conducted for new recruits of Maldives Immigration. A total of 17 recruits participated in this session.

Photos from National College of Policing & Law Enforcement - MPS's post 23/07/2024

DEA – Emerging Trends in Illicit Synthetic Drugs (ETISD) course concluded on 18th July 2024. This 5-day program, held from July 14th to July 18th, 2024, brought together 31 MPS officers to explore the latest trends and techniques in synthetic drug production and distribution.

Congratulations to all officers on successful completion of this course! 👏

Photos from National College of Policing & Law Enforcement - MPS's post 17/07/2024

ATA – Crisis Management Exercise Design (CMED) course concluded yesterday. A total of 21 officers including 16 MPS officers, 4 MNDF officers, and 1 NDMA officer attended this course.

This course equips participants with the essential skills to design, develop, conduct, and evaluate crisis management exercises. Congratulations to all the participants for their commitment and successful completion of the course! 👏

Photos from National College of Policing & Law Enforcement - MPS's post 15/07/2024

📸 Highlights from the ongoing Special Constabulary Basic Training Course 3 at Male' Campus.

Photos from Ministry of Finance's post 15/07/2024
Photos from Anti-Corruption Commission of  Maldives's post 14/07/2024
Photos from Maldives Correctional Service's post 03/07/2024

The Special Constabulary Basic Training Course - 03 commenced on June 29, 2024 at Male' Campus. A total of 20 constabulary officers are participating in this 3-week training course.

Photos from National College of Policing & Law Enforcement - MPS's post 01/07/2024

The Internal Investigation Training Program commenced with 30 officers from the Maldives Correctional Services. This training is held at the Civil Service Commission and will run from June 30th to July 2nd, 2024.

Photos from National College of Policing & Law Enforcement - MPS's post 27/06/2024

A session on Administrative Investigation was conducted on June 26th, 2024 for Fuel Supply Maldives. With 14 participants in attendance, this one-day session provided valuable insights and training for effective administrative investigations.


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Eid Mubarak to all! 🌙✨

Wishing everyone a joyous and blessed Eid filled with happiness, peace, and prosperity. May this special day bring you closer to your loved ones and may all your prayers be answered.

Enjoy the celebrations! 🎉


ATA - Critical Incident Management Course conducted from 26th May 2024 to 3rd June 2024 concluded today. Certificates were issued to total of 19 individuals from different law enforcement bodies including MPS, MNDF, AVSECOM, and NCTC.

Congratulations to all the participants!

Photos from National College of Policing & Law Enforcement - MPS's post 08/05/2024

ATA - Instructor Development Course commenced on 5th May in Male’ Campus with 15 police officers and 6 AVESCOM officers. Over nine days, these officers will refine their skills in adult education principles, communication, and training delivery, equipping them to excel as instructors in their domains.

Photos from National College of Policing & Law Enforcement - MPS's post 29/03/2024

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Maldives Police Service


As we celebrate the 91st Anniversary of the Maldives Police Service, it is truly inspiring to witness the dedication to serving and safeguarding the community. At the National College of Policing and Law Enforcement, we are proud to be part of the team and we take great pride in our role in training officers who embody integrity and excellence in law enforcement. ✨

Photos from National College of Policing & Law Enforcement - MPS's post 29/03/2024

NCPLE celebrated its 2nd Anniversary on 27th March with a formal gathering. Among the esteemed attendees were Chief Guest Deputy Commissioner of Police Faruhad Fikry, Executive Director Assistant Commissioner of Police Yoonus Sobah, College Senior Management, representatives from Addu City based government agencies, and dedicated staff and student officers.

Executive Director Yoonus Sobah commenced the evening with a warm welcome address. He expressed gratitude to the government agencies established in Addu City for their invaluable support to the College during the past year. He also highlighted the unwavering dedication of the trainers, acknowledging their pivotal role in shaping the future of law enforcement.

Guest of Honor Deputy Commissioner of Police Farhad Fikry shared insights into the college's inception and stressed the importance of continued diligence for our future success. ✨

Photos from National College of Policing & Law Enforcement - MPS's post 27/03/2024

📸 Highlights from flag raising ceremony held last night to commemorate NCPLE's second anniversary. The ceremony was attended by senior management, staff, and student officers from the college.


Today marks an important milestone as we celebrate the 2nd Anniversary of our college! Two years of dedication to excellence, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge in service to our nation. Thank you to our incredible staff and students for being part of this remarkable journey. Here's to many more years of shaping the future of law enforcement together!

Photos from National College of Policing & Law Enforcement - MPS's post 19/03/2024

📸 Highlights from the 8th week of 36th PITC!

Photos from National College of Policing & Law Enforcement - MPS's post 19/03/2024

The 36th PITC student officers wrapped up their Law and Procedure exam on March 15th. A total of 189 students participated in this exam.


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Photos from National College of Policing & Law Enforcement - MPS's post 10/03/2024

Wrapping up with success! The closing ceremony of Certified Trainer Program 09 marked the culmination of an enriching journey from February 28th to March 9th, 2024. Out of the 18 officers who enrolled, an impressive 17 officers successfully completed the program, equipped with valuable skills for effective training. Congratulations to all! 👏

Photos from National College of Policing & Law Enforcement - MPS's post 10/03/2024

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Happy International Women's Day! Today, we celebrate the strength, resilience, and achievements of women everywhere. A special shoutout to the remarkable women at the National College of Policing and Law Enforcement for their dedication and hard work every day. Thank you for all that you do!


We are hiring!
Housekeeping Officer

For more details:

Application Form & Crime Record Clearance Form:


National Patriotism Day! A day to reflect on our culture, shared values and reaffirm our commitment to the prosperity and unity of our beloved nation.

Photos from National College of Policing & Law Enforcement - MPS's post 06/03/2024

Highlights of 36th PITC's 7th week Sunday formation. Appointments were made for the company and squad leaders. These positions were handed over by instructors and senior officers of the college. Chief Drill and Ceremonial Officer Superintendent of Police Hussain Rasheed graced the ceremony as chief guest.

Photos from National College of Policing & Law Enforcement - MPS's post 05/03/2024

Commissioner of Police Ali Shujau and Deputy Commissioner of Police Farhad Fikry paid a visit to NCPLE yesterday. They were accompanied by Executive Director of NCPLE Yoonus Sobah, South Region Commander Assistant Commissioner of Police Ahmed Shameem and other senior officers of NCPLE and Addu City Police. The Commissioner was accorded a formal welcome with a guard of honor. During his visit, the Commissioner met with the college staff and the 36th PITC students.

Videos (show all)

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Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 16:00
Thursday 08:00 - 16:00
Sunday 08:00 - 16:00