Gift Meyer Ministry

Gift Meyer Ministry

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25TH FEB,2024.

"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." - Luke 6:38.

Have you ever considered the profound power of flow in our lives? Just as the body needs a consistent flow of blood to function optimally, our lives thrive on the principle of giving and receiving. When there's a blockage, whether in our arteries or in our relationships, complications arise. It's not just about the physical pain or the visible swelling; it's about the underlying issue - the disruption of flow.

Our relationships, be it with family, friends, or spouses, flourish when there's a continuous exchange of love, care, and understanding. When we withhold, when we become stingy with our affections or resources, we disrupt this divine flow. And it's not just about money. It's about time, love, attention, talents, and every gift we've been blessed with. When we give freely, we set in motion a cycle of blessings that not only enriches our lives but also those around us.

So, let's challenge ourselves. Let's be givers in every aspect of our lives. Let's ensure that the flow of blessings, love, and positivity never stops. Because in giving, we truly receive.

Let us ask the Lord our God to help in this area of our giving. "Heavenly Father, I come before You with a grateful heart, recognizing the importance of the divine flow in my life. Teach me to be generous in all things, not just in my finances but in my love, time, and talents. Help me to understand that by giving, I open the doors to Your abundant blessings. May I never be the cause of blockage or disruption in the flow of Your grace. Guide me, Lord, to be a giver, to be a channel of Your love and mercy, so that through me, others might be blessed. In Jesus' name. Amen."

God bless you, Great day ahead. Praying for you.



24TH FEB,2024.

This shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another [ John 13:35 ]

Walking in love is a primary way to tell that a Christian is being led by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit only leads us in love. He'll never lead you in such a way as to hate anyone, be proud, arrogant, or express unrestrained anger.

In walking with the Lord, one of the things He seeks to accomplish in your life is to have His love fully expressed through you, such that you're patient, meek, kind and not easily provoked. James 1:19 (GNB) says, "... Everyone must be quick to listen, but slow to speak and slow to become angry."

People with uncontrolled temper do foolish things, which is why the Bible says, "Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools" (Ecclesiastes 7:9).

Decide that there'll never be anybody anywhere that you'll begrudge, dislike, or be bitter against. It doesn't matter the extent of hatred you experience from others. You're only permitted to love them. That's the life of a true Christian.

Always, the Holy Spirit inspires us to love because you never lose when you walk in love. Your actions and inactions must pass the love-test. The Bible tells us that it's better for you to suffer the pain; you should rather put up with injustice and be cheated than avenge the evil done to you (1 Corinthians 6:7).

Consider Jesus: as they nailed Him to the cross and cursed Him, He looked up to heaven and said, "...Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do..." (Luke 23:34). That's love!

Let love be your guide. Walk in love, as Christ also has loved you and given Himself for you as an offering and a sacrifice to God (Ephesians 5:2). Yield yourself to the Holy Spirit to lead you in love.

Romans 8:14 says, "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." It should be your utmost desire to experience the guidance and leading of the Holy Spirit at all times; it'll make your life excellent and full of glory. And walking in love makes this easy. Blessed be God!

I'm born to love; therefore, I express the love and compassion of Christ through my words and actions. Thank you, righteous Father, for the rich deposit of your love in my heart. Everyone I come in contact with will experience your unconditional love through me, in Jesus' Name. Amen.




"Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my father who is in heaven"
Matthew. 7:21

The word result means product, outcome or effect. It is a method, course of action or instrument by which some act can be accomplished or achieved.

These days, people seem to emphasize results above means or method. They may say, "I don't care how you get it done, just get it done!, "And I don't care even if you bypass the correct process, just get it done! "The means is as important as the result before God because we cannot expect wrong actions to produce good results. The money we donate for God's work does not matter so much to Him than the means of acquiring the money.The position we occupy in our place of employment, or church does not matter so much to God than how we came to be in that position.

God judges result by means. Amazing result cannot justify wrong means before God. Samson was deceived by the amazing results. His life was stinking due to sexual immorality, yet he was performing great miracles. He was deceived by results until his two eyes were gouged out.

The greatest deceit of our days is the belief that results justifies the means. The Lord spoke about false teachers and prophets who deceived people with miracles but lived a contrary life (Matt. 7:22 - 23). What we do for God does not matter so much than whom we are to Him. The fact remains that God will judge the means, motive and intention of whatever we think we are doing for Him.

We should not be involved in doing wrong things expecting right results. May we not be carried away by results that come through wrong means. No wrong route will lead you to a right destination.

Let us ask the Lord our God to help us not to be carried away by our achievements, outcomes and effects,May our motives and intentions be aligned to His divine perspective for our lives.

God bless you, Great day ahead. Praying for you.


Message Title:The Case Of The Painted Sticks.
Ministering: Gift Meyer
23Rd Feb,2024.

" Jacob however took fresh cut branches from poplar, almond and plane tress and made white stripes on them by peeling the bark and exposing the white inner wood of the branches.He then placed the peeled branches in all the watering troughs.." Genesis 30:37- 38.

It's a well known fact and theory that unless you have twins in your bloodline it's genetically biologically impossible to give birth to twins.

In the case of Jacob and the painted sticks, his wicked uncle made not just a bad deal but also an impossible one.Saying I won't give you good wages but if the flocks you are taking care of manages to produce speckled sheep they are yours.

The uncle knew that unless a speckled sheep mates with unspeckled sheep before their offspring could become speckled.Purely this is an issue about genetics and biology.

Precious one ,what is impossible with men are possible with God when you believe.

Anyone denying you your due by putting impediments in your way and using tricks and intimidation just to rob you of your blessings and the promotion or breakthroughs you have worked hard for are going to be super disappointed.

" But we all with open faces be holding as in a glass the glory of the Lord are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord".2 Corinthians 3:18.

Precious one, the things we watch, spend time with, assimilate, hear, and allow to get into our systems eventually begins to mould our thinking, character, our behaviour and our destiny.

The more time you spend watching something the more you are gradually altered and changed into that same thing.You will unkownly transfigured into that thing, even before you realised you have become exactly what you have been watching.

The flocks kept looking at the painted sticks in their drinking troughs and before long as they mated before the painted sticks and their DNA become altered, changed and transfigured and influenced by what they saw and looked at consistently, hence they began giving birth to speckled sheep exactly what they kept looking at.

An impossible feat so far as genetics is co cerned but not impossible with God.

As you keep reading the scriptures, meditating on them and confessing them and exposing yourself to the things of the Spirit and the word of God, you will be transfigured into becoming the same things.

May the scriptures come alive in your heart, mind and body so that the healings, the promises and the favor, blessing etc in the Word will begin to manifest in every area of your life in Jesus name.

" It is the Spirit that quickened, the flesh profiteth nothing, the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are alive" John 6:63.

May your finances, your womb, your mentality , your body and your Spirit be transfigured into conformity with the counsel of God for your life, so you will move from fear to faith, from lack and poverty into riches, from failure into victory, success and properity and from nothing into greatness and from Barreness into fertility and mega fruitfulness.

In the name of Jesus let your life , family, relationship, business etc undergo Transfiguration now and begin to over throw every satanic agenda being hatch over your life now in Jesus name.

Begin to move from glory to glory and may God cause your face to shine as with the eternal glory of the father as we keep beholding his face as in a mirror.

We become what we see and look at.Keep excelling and shining in Jesus name.

The Lord bless you and keep you in all your ways in Jesus mighty name.Amen.

We are a reflection of what we look at.

Have a wonderful Weekend


Message Title:The Holy Ghost Is A Ghost.
Ministering: Gift Meyer.
22ND Feb,2024.

" He waited another seven days and sent the dove out a third time. This time it didn't come back".Genesis 8:12.

There are two kinds of persons in the church today.Namely the Ravens and The Doves.

When Noah sent out the raven from the ark it didn't return, it kept flying around the place, supposedly feeding on the rotten carcases that were still floating around on the drying water.

These kind of persons are never in church, don't flow in church activities nor are they submissive to spiritual authority of the Pastor amongst other unwarranted behavior and attitudes.

They end up feeding on dead and rotten flesh from other places instead of the appropriate food prepared for them from the ark (church),these eventually contaminate their souls and spirits and in no time they find themselves in trouble and become prey for other prowling predators.

The second class of persons in the church are The Doves, these class of persons are regular, available, submissive,loyal, obedient and eat the prepared balance diet from the pulpit.

The difference is clear.They grow well fed, connected to the source of nourishment, prosperous, secured, protected, resilient,blessed,advancing ,succeeding etc.

It was the dove that found the olive leaf ,the dove persons has a sense of direction.They know who they are and where they come thus they always find their way home,but not the raven.They also get the transfer of the power and eventually inherit the anointings in the house.

Precious one, the movements and activities of The Spirit are invisible to the human eye, however we can see the symptoms and the effects of his work in the lives that he touches.

When the Holy Spirit symbolic as a dove left the ark , it's first destination was Abraham's house, guess what Abraham becomes the father of many nations,super prosperous, and fabulously rich, had a great and wonderful son after many years of nothing to show.

He next travelled to Issac's house and brought laughter and joy and unusual prosperity etc.

He visited Jacob's home and wonderful and great things begun to happen there to the amazement and perplexity of his enemies and those around him.

Precious one, guess what the next destination of The Holy Ghost is your house, expect miracles, healings, open doors, answered prayers, breakthroughs, promotions, unusual fruitfulness and unprecedented favour, fulfilment of dreams etc that will silence your detractors forever.

The Holy Ghost is on the move again touching lives everywhere....

Wherever the Holy Ghost lands great things are bound to occur,expect a visitation of The Lord from today in every aspect of your life in Jesus mighty name.

The Lord bless you and keep you in all your ways in Jesus matchless name. Amen.

Who Jah bless no man curse.

Have a blessed day



Faith Takes You Through Trials.

"Satan hath desired to have you, that he might sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not; and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren."
(Luke 22:31-32)

In the aftermath of every catastrophe, I often find myself asking a question, "How a benevolent God could permit such calamities. How could a good God allow this?" Surely, He must be neglectful to let such things transpire. However, attempting to comprehend the entirety of a picture by examining a single puzzle piece will inevitably lead to failure. It's only when we integrate that piece with the others that we begin to discern why this seemingly bizarre event was indispensable to propel us toward where God intends to lead us.

Today, I speak of a splendidly chaotic blessing. Praise be to God. "Satan has desired to have you, that he might sift you as wheat." I prayed for you, not that the sifting would be averted. I didn’t pray that he wouldn’t reach you. I didn’t pray that you wouldn’t be wounded, that you wouldn’t weep, that you wouldn’t be distressed. I didn’t even pray that you wouldn’t utter curses, for we know Peter had a bit of an issue there. As much as God values your morality, He didn’t pray for his morality. He prayed for his mentality.

He declared, "I pray that your faith fail not." I didn’t even pray that you wouldn’t fail. In fact, if you continue reading the verse, He goes on to prophesy that before the rooster crows, you will fail three times. He said, "Peter, the rooster will crow. You’re going to falter in this three times. And I’m not praying that you won’t fail. I’m not praying that it won’t get disorderly. I’m not praying that you won’t be upset. I’m not praying that there won’t be dust, sawdust, bricks, and mortar. I’m not praying that there won’t be debris. I’m not praying that you won’t be broken. I’m praying that your faith doesn’t fail."

In the midst of our mess, our trials, and our sifting, there lies a "messy blessing." It's a blessing that doesn’t shield us from pain, failure, or chaos but fortifies our faith amidst them. It's not a prayer that prevents our moral or physical failures but one that sustains our mental and spiritual endurance through them. Our faith, amidst the sifting and the chaos, becomes the conduit through which the "messy blessings" flow. It’s through the sifting that our faith is refined, our spirit is fortified, and we are prepared to strengthen our brethren.

Let us ask the Lord our God, "Lord,In the chaos, the sifting, and the shaking, may my faith remain unshaken. In the midst of my failures, my pain, and my mess, may I discern Your "messy blessings," may I recognizing that You are working all things together for my good. May my faith, refined through trials, not only uphold me but also become a source of strength for my brethren. In Jesus mighty name Name. Amen."

God bless you, Great day ahead. Praying for you.


Is that in the Bible?

Do not judge?

Webster’s dictionary defines judging as:

to form an opinion about through careful weighing of evidence and testing of premises
to sit in judgement on: try
to determine or pronounce after inquiry and deliberation
govern, rule

¶ And it came to pass on the morrow , that Moses sat to judge the people : and the people stood by Moses from the morning unto the evening .
̶ Ex. 18:13

The Hebrew word shaphat is used as judge.

08199. jpv shaphat, shaw-fat'

a primitive root; to judge, i.e. pronounce sentence (for or against); by implication, to vindicate or punish; by extension, to govern; passively, to litigate (literally or figuratively):--+ avenge, X that condemn, contend, defend, execute (judgment), (be a) judge(-ment), X needs, plead, reason, rule.

Leviticus 19

15 Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment : thou shalt not respect


Message Title:Give And Take.
Ministering: Gift Meyer.
21Th Feb,2024.

" Give and it shall be given back unto you.." Luke 6:38.

Give and take is a mechanism inherent to all personal relationships.You cannot expect to receive something if you don’t offer it in a reciprocal gesture.

Tentatively, what you give out is what you receive.
Especially when dealing about dealing with love relationship issues.

The law of reciprocity demands that when you give 50% ,you get 50% in return.Its a matter of debt and credit.

However,when is willing to give all without holding back and anything, reassured that your partner will reciprocrate in the same measure.

Once the balance between giving and taking is broken, difficulties arise and partners will begin to feel cheated with the ill feelings that they are not receiving as much as they are giving from their relationship.

The question is, are you giving your all in your relationship or you are still holding some percentage to yourself?

Women are often seen to be on the ‘taking end’ but they tend to give back whatever they receive with value-added. When a man gives out love, care, and affection to his wife, she is bound to reciprocate in the same manner with added value in return.

Similarly, when the man causes her pain, the return can be greater pain.You get back whatever you give out, it’s a give and take affair.

Precious one,for a happy and fulfilling relationship or marriage union, you have to give 100% of all of the time,energy and and focus on giving and giving alone, not taking. And the key for this to work is not to expect anything in return.

When expectations are unrealistic and based on some sort fantasy,the inclinations and end products turn out to be rancor, acrimony,hurts,and in warranted and unprovoked conflicts.

Mutual submission with respect, understanding, compromises, communication, open display of love and affection, openness, and trust among others are vital building blocks one can use to build up a solid, vibrant, and lasting relationship not forgetting the God factor.

Remember that when you treat your spouse with royalty, the effect is that ,you will be addressed in nobility and honour and a labyrinth of unending love, romance, and bliss occurs.

My Prayer for you today is that ,The Holy Spirit will help you to grasped this light and key,so you harness them to make your love relationships and marriages a living testimonies to the glory of God in Jesus might name. Amen.

People don't care how you love until they see how much you care.

Have a Great Day.


Message Title:7 Useful Lessons In Life.
Ministering: Gift Meyer.
20Th Feb,2024.

" So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom"Psalm 90:12.

Life is short and full of mysteries , intrigues, uncertainties thus it demands on us that we must walk circumspectly and wisely.

I have learnt many lessons in life and I want to share a few with you this morning.

1. Never undermine , rebel or betray the hand that discovered you ,helped you and brought you up, that fed you and covered you.

2. Always walk away from anything that takes your time, energy, resources and leads you away from God.
Eg. Unnecessary fights,Quarrels,Arguments,family feuds,law suits etc.

3. Silence is golden. The most loud and powerful response you can give to your critics, accusers and detractors is your silence.

5.Always hear the two sides of a matter before you give your opinion or verdict.

6. Your Pastors are door openers to our lives, treat them well, help them to succeed and God will reward you greatly.

7.Never ignore the counsels of your wife,if you want to see the best in her and to enjoy peace, prosperity and go far in life.

I pray the Holy Spirit will grant you illumination and understanding of all these gems of counsels.

The Lord bless you and keep you in all your ways in Jesus name.Amen.

Never under rate the force of wisdom.

Have a Fruitful day.



It's a new day and with it comes the reality of God's unfailing love. Do you realize that God has unlimited resources with which to help you ? What you say with your mouth is important. If you confess fear and doubt then you will experience fear and doubt. You should never limit God or doubt His enabling power in your life. Tap into His strength and His unlimited resources and believe that He is able.

Each day is another opportunity to know that God is going to carry you. He comes to lift you up and to carry the load for you. Don't carry everything yourself, give it to God and ask Him to help you. "Praise the Lord, Who carries our burdens day after day, He is the God who saves us" (Psalm 68:19).

Every day you have the opportunity to see things from one of the two ways : You can see things from a negative perspective or a positive perspective. You can be miserable or you can be cheerful. Each day the choice is yours. "Every day is a terrible day for a miserable person but a cheerful heart has a continual feast" (Proverbs 15:15).

God has the ability to restore what has been lost - it's called Divine Restoration. When God restores it is usually more than you had before. Job may have almost lost hope, but God's timing was perfect. So don't be discouraged, God will transform things and bring blessings. "The LORD restored his (Job's) fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before" (Job 42:10).

You have this divine certainty in God's love for you. Uncertainty is part of life, but God's intentions for you are for all things to work out for your good. Along the road of life God wants you to experience His presence right within you. The fact that God is interested in your life is a picture of His grace. "For we are God's masterpiece" (Ephesians 2:10).

God knows you by name and He cares for you individually. He has a plan and a purpose that He has prepared just for you. He wants to call you by your name and tell you that you belong to Him. So, remember, you have a personal and profound connection with God. "What is your name ?' the man asked. He replied, "Jacob" (Genesis 32:27). Today I ask you, "What is your name ?"




For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God (Eph 2:8).

Even though we know we are sinners and know our vulnerable frame, we need to feed our souls with the incontrovertible truth that God loves us not because of our merits but in spite of our demerits. God's love for us has its cause in Himself.

Therefore, we are of great value to God. He loves us and sent his only Son to die for us in order to grant us eternal life. So hold your head high. You have value. You are loved by God!



"For I, saith the LORD, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her" (ZECHARIAH 2:5).

A Christian missionary and author, Kevin Bart, once shared a story of God's protection during an outreach in the Ferraz de Vasconcelos area of Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 2006. He and his companions had been warned by their Brazilian friends of the danger posed in the area by a gang of criminals on motorcycles who attack people and sn**ch cars at gunpoint. The gang truly marched around Bart's mission car for some time, but suddenly pulled back after looking inside the car. Instead, they attacked and sn**ched another car coming behind. According to Bart, "I do not know what they saw, but we believe they saw something from God that caused them to back off."

In this revelation to Zechariah, God sent a message of hope, restoration and protection to Israel. Jerusalem, in particular, would expand and be inhabited by a multitude of people and cattle. Beyond the surveyor's measure, Jerusalem was to become a city of "towns without walls." What is more? The city and its people will enjoy divine protection because God Himself will be "a wall of fire" round about her and His glory will radiate in it.

God's promises to enlarge and protect His people from danger are real and still reliable today. The Bible is replete with His promises of divine increase, protection and preservation for those who have received Him as their Father. He is the wall of fire around them. He protects and shields them from danger, hurt or attacks. In fulfilment of the Abrahamic covenant, He defends them in trouble.

God builds an unseen wall of fire around His people. You cannot enjoy the protection of the Wall if your life is not free from sin. Hence, to enjoy boundless increase and continued protection from God, all you need do is maintain a good relationship with Him always.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:Those who keep God's precepts enjoy His providence.


A DivineFirewall.

