Rise up africa

Rise up africa



Feeling the reggae roots in his soul



A child that claims he or she stays alone but everything in is his or her house is controlled by his parents and the child always ask for funding or donations from his or her parents to support him/her self, IS THAT CHILD INDEPENDENT?




Medusa statue in the depths of the Mediterranean Sea.

It was discovered in the western region of the Libyan Sea between Greece and Egypt. According to experts, it has been at the bottom for 2500 years. Getting this to the surface is extremely complicated because Medusa has been falling for millennia, with the slightest vibration or manipulation, no matter how slight, it could break or be irreparably damaged and eventually shatter into pieces.


Dear African Child,

You must know this truth about yourself and your great ancestors before the oppressors brainwash you to hate yourself and your lineage.
1. They will tell you, you are a sinner because someone ate an apple, disregard this information you are never a sinner but rather innocent, your fore father's never ate anything like apple, it is not our concepts nor our history, this was a tool used by the oppressors to belittle you, in other to be an obedient slave.

2. They will tell you that, you were save by a white man name Jesus disregard this information, you were never saved by a whiteman, but rather your great ancestors and few leaders accross Africa who fought for your Independence and made you free from the Caucasians.
3. They will inform you that, your ancestors way of life, our culture, Heritage, food, medicine, and education was the worse never fall for their cheap propaganda, your ancestors culture, heritage, medicine and education was the best everything they have today was stolen from your ancestors.
4. They will promise you HEAVEN, never fall for this fake promise and imagination, it was a trick they used to conquer the Brain of your ancestors in other to steal their resources of which our African Gods gave to us. Eg. Gold, oil, timber, diamond etc.

5. They will intimidate you with HELL FIRE place of fire, tell them if anyone should be burn it should rather be them, after rapping our grandmothers, killing most of our forefathers, enslaving us, treated us like animals and stolen from us. They should rather be burn from generation to generation.
6. They will Miseducate you, to ensure that you hate yourself and your brothers who follow your ancestors way of life, never read any history they wrote about you, because people who have enslaved your ancestors will never write something good about you. They said we were originated from Apes is a lie, we are the origin.


If you are the One Discovering the Graves, researching and Robbing them ..

That Means the Kings you Finding our not your Ancestors ...

Who Disrespects their Own Blood and Digs them up ...

Only someone who is not related that knows nothing about the people or their history would have to research them and do that

The African American Slaves was kidnapped from they home
The Ancient Egyptians disappeared from they home

America Began when Egypt in (Africa) Fell ..

that's when they changed time..from BC, to AD ...and the new testament was wrote for slaves Old kingdom, New Kingdom

If Egypt is more than 5,000 years old, We supposed to be pass the year 2000 ...

you let them lie and start time over without questioning it , in your face

Put two and two together, Its a Pyramid on the Dollar for a Reason

They needed slaves who had skills and enough strength to build a New World,ones who could work under the heat of the sun , who else you think had the talent to do it and handle that

They know why we like Gold and they try to make us seem stupid for liking it, but they praise thieves for stealing our gold and call them Great Discoverers, and stare at our treasures in museums ..it is all Foolishness

The(Roman Empire Kingdom) is Only 2000 plus years Old

But We pass the Year 5000 if you want to be Honest, because African Kingdoms are even Older than that

They start digging in the graves after Africans became slaves searching for hidden treasures.. Why else would they be in a desert in Africa

But the most disrespectful thing of all they did, was copied the Holy Writings from the stone tablets and stone walls, and translated them into English ...and then made they Own version of the Bible,.....with they own pictures and images

They just now discovering the treasures and pharaoh bodies in 1922 , but already knew the story before they discovered them in the Valley of the Kings, because the story was already on the wall from thousands of years ago,


Money can buy you a fine dog but only love can make it wag it's tail.


💯 true

Let me clear this nonsense also... Afrikans' desire to be Jewish or Hebrew

Is the Afrikan race a theological mistake which needs to change to Jewish or Hebrew? Why must I be Hebrew and not karanga.?? Why did he make me Karanga and now ask me to be Jewish? What is the benefit of being Jewish?

The desire of some Africans to identify as Jews or Hebrews can be attributed to various factors, including historical, cultural, and psychological reasons. Here are a few possible explanations:

1. Historical Connections: Some African communities, such as the Lemba in southern Africa and the Beta Israel in Ethiopia, have historical connections to Judaism, which may have been passed down through oral traditions and cultural practices.
2. Cultural Similarities: Certain African cultures share similarities with Jewish traditions, such as circumcision, dietary laws, and a belief in one God. These similarities can lead some Africans to feel a connection with Judaism.
3. Search for Identity: In post-colonial Africa, many people have been searching for an identity that is separate from the European influences that dominated the continent for centuries. Embracing Judaism can be seen as a way to reclaim an African heritage that is distinct from European Christianity.
4. Sense of Belonging: For some Africans, identifying as Jewish or Hebrew can provide a sense of belonging to a larger community and a shared history that transcends national borders and ethnic divisions.
5. Social and Economic Factors: In some cases, adopting a Jewish identity may offer social or economic advantages, such as access to education or job opportunities.

It is a fact that Christianity and Islam, both introduced to Africa through colonization and conquest, have played significant roles in shaping African religious identities and influencing the way some Africans perceive and interact with Judaism and Arabs.

1. Christianity: European colonizers used Christianity as a tool to impose their cultural, social, and political values on African societies. This often resulted in the suppression of indigenous African beliefs and traditions, as well as the creation of new hybrid identities that blended African and European cultures. In some cases, the European emphasis on the Old Testament may have led Africans to identify with the Jewish people and their history of oppression, prompting some to explore and adopt Jewish identities.
2. Arabic Islam: Islam spread throughout North Africa and parts of sub-Saharan Africa through trade and conquest, leading to the formation of new Muslim-African identities. As with Christianity, the introduction of Islam often led to the marginalization or absorption of indigenous African beliefs and practices. For some African Muslims, the Arab-Israeli conflict has influenced their views on Judaism, with some identifying with the Palestinian struggle and viewing Israel as a colonizing force.

Christianity and Arabic Islam destroyed African history and identity. It has been going on for years and now it has become complex and multifaceted, as their influences have now been engraved into culture and politics of modern generations.

When individuals or groups attempt to break away from established religious beliefs and practices, they are often met with resistance and labeled as heretics or even the Antichrist. This can be particularly challenging in contexts where religious identities are deeply intertwined with cultural and national identities.

In the case of African communities exploring or adopting Jewish identities, they may face opposition from both Christians and Muslims who view these actions as a rejection of their faith and an affront to their communities. Additionally, the legacy of colonialism and the ongoing influence of Western powers in Africa can further complicate these dynamics, as some may perceive these religious shifts as a form of Westernization or neocolonialism.

Ultimately, the desire to break away from established religious identities and embrace new ones can be a deeply personal and transformative experience for individuals and communities, but it is often accompanied by social, cultural, and political challenges that must be navigated with sensitivity and understanding. I am Afrikan Karanga and proud.. I don't need to become Jewish or Hebrew to be accepted by God.. Except he be a Hebrew or Christian God who only accepts the Jews... Worse the Jews dont recognize him.. FoT




In 325, at the Council of Nicea, Constantine the Great created the Catholic Church after a genocide of 45,000 Christians, where he tortured them to renounce Reincarnation. At the same time the religious books of all the villages of the empire are collected and thus create THE BIBLE.
In 327, Constantine, known as the emperor of Rome, ordered Jerome to translate the Vulgate version in Latin, changing the Hebrew proper names and adulterating the scriptures.

In 431, the cult of the VIRGIN was invented.
In 594, PURGATORY was invented.
In 610, the title of the POPE was invented.
In 788, worship of pagan deities was imposed.
In 995, the meaning of kadosh (set aside) was changed to saint.
In 1079, the celibacy of priests is imposed >> a totally Catholic word.
In 1090, the Rosary was imposed.
In 1184, the Inquisition was perpetrated.
In 1190, indulgences are sold.
In 1215, confession was imposed on the priests.
In 1216, Pope Innocent III's tale of the terror of bread (a god in Greek mythology), which turns into human flesh, was invented.

In 1311, the batesimo prevailed.
In 1439, the non-existent PURGATORY was dogmatized.
In 1854, the immaculate Conception was invented.

In 1870, the absurdity of an infallible pope was imposed, in which the concept of Contracting was invented

There are more than 2,500 things invented by this religion to enslave human beings to Christianity ...
Religions and their Gods were created as a means of MANIPULATION and BUSINESS. As part of the EVOLUTION of the human being is the FREEDOM of these means of manipulation. Although little by little the human being is in the era of AWAKENING, young people are LESS RELIGIOUS every day for two more generations and the Catholic religion will be in its decline. (I wish to see that moment)
Everything will be part of our EVOLUTION.
It is up to you to continue believing what you now believe to be the absolute truth, because you have not questioned yourself ... question yourself and you


"Peòple without knowlèdge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roòts."
[ Marcus Garvey ]


This is a sad reality for Africa. We have a lot of resources and we are the most poor. The education system that was forced down our throats does not teach us about our minerals and trade between other African states.


Those people who gave Africa religion, to√tured and k!lled your ancestors & they told you to love your eπemies. Wake up!


KiIIing his own Son for OUR SINS instead of kiIIing Satan, I swear this story is not clear.


"Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it


Who is Isthar....?
Who is Jesus?
What is Pesach/Passover?
Now it's jesus on Easter?
Who is blasphemous me or you? Are these not idols of the Catholic and pagan GrecoRome creation ? Have you not built your faith on folklore of pagan Rome.. Now you buying hot cross bans, rabbits and Easter eggs... The Afrikans are really on the cross... Chained on the cross of colonial beliefs... Hands.. Feet and mind.

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Feeling the reggae roots in his soul

