Walela Healing

Walela Healing

Musica medicina
Registros akashicos

Photos from Walela Healing's post 01/05/2023

Mayo 2023
Unicas fechas
Cupos limitados

Photos from Walela Healing's post 06/04/2023

Feral women • in wild state after being captive •

Once free from birth, a wild creature that lives within all women.

When we are lost, and remain afraid of our feral nature we are separated from our instincts, our 6th sense, from gnosis, we remain only a percentage of who we are, filtering ourselves until there is no tincture left of us in there.

Many reasons are for this, fear of making an irreparable mistake, fear of being rejected from our peers, fear of going within and not liking what we see, fear of stirring to far away from our clan, fear of being a spinster, fear of being to much for the rest and for ourselves…

The richness than accompanies the feral woman, is beyond our mental comprehension, we suddenly gain so much information by simple staying still, be hear more, smell more, and our sense of gnosis is the way we move through the world….

This is our true nature, la forma salvaje.

Photos from Walela Healing's post 04/04/2023


Todas las mujeres estamos construidas distintas, reflejos de nuestro linaje, que nos heredan atributos para auxiliar en nuestro camino, el limitar la versión femenina a un estándar destinado a unas cuantas, es limitar la inteligencia de la naturaleza y la evolución…

Habemos mujeres dia, mujeres noche, mujeres arraigadas a la tierra y otras más cerca del cielo, unas con piel de arena, y otras con piel de piedra.

Bustos para criar a toda una manada y otros que están destinados a una sola amamantada.

Caderas que cargan hermanos e hijos y otras que son solo para cargarse a uno mismo.

Todas somos una, pero una no es todas, individuales con misiones familiares, de linaje, energías que viajan por tus venas, que piden que te abraces y te aceptes tal y como vienes, perfecta, indiscutiblemente perfecta…

El juicio a tu hermana es morderte la lengua, el estándar que pretendes que otra tenga, es atraparla en una jaula… ella es como es y tu cómo vienes .. del vientre de lo eterno, del vientre Perfecto.

Photos from Walela Healing's post 05/01/2023

, , , , y la life, esta mas inclinada a una rutina de que de

Lo que manifiesta no son estas prácticas, sino el nivel jerárquico de nuestro valor propio en comparación con nuestra percepción de lo que es “valioso” dentro del colectivo.

Y son estas ideas y formaciones mentales que crean nuestra realidad, y son tan intrínsecas y profundas que aveces observarlas parece como desenredar un n**o, ocupando un focus extremo, tiempo de sobra y mucha energía mental.

Si aveces has intentado manifestar algo y no te “sale” creyendo que está práctica no sirve o es falsa, pues estoy aquí para decirte que NO 😂👍👀 que mas bien estás haciéndolo de la manera complicada…

Y la razón por la cual puedo decir esto, es porque yo he logrado manifestar cosas como :

✨un departamento “high end” en un lugar hermoso
✨viaje a Europa en donde HICE DINERO
✨Pareja consciente que me apoya a ser mi versión más auténtica
✨ Tener dinero “extra” para masajes, faciales y rutinas de self care.

Y todas estas cosas, haciendo algo que amo, ayudando a otros, sosteniendo espacios y dando claridad y guía acertada, viviendo mi PROPÓSITO.

Puedo decir que encontré la manera sencilla de manifestar, la manera lógica, sin tanto fluff.

Beso 🤍



Vuélvete carne, que no se quede todo en la mente, búscate entre tus fibras corporales la información codificada del pensamiento.

Cuando nos piden “SENTIR TUS EMOCIONES” a que se refieren? Al proceso de vivirlas en el cuerpo. Porque todo está ahí dentro, guardado y lleno.

Como sentimos las emociones y los recuerdos en nuestras células, en los órganos y los huesos.

Si nos quedamos en el umbral del pensamiento, nada nuevo vemos, lo “nuevo” proviene del experimento.


Without there's no coherency, there is no our is reduced to a fear response reaction, and there is no call to action.

Alignment is - Removing the density, the unresolved, the excess thoughts the masks, the persona we where built to be by our environment, childhood and previous experiences.

The clarity in my business, in my body, in my identity, in my voice, in my desires, in my actions. Clarity Is everything, once we are clear, there is no “need” to get to the the path is laid before you, you just need to walk, with ease, with flow, no need to control, you just go, the rest is taken cared of, and you TRUST fully and divinely. And WOW is so delicious to live this way.

When people ask me what I do (like yesterday while I was laying in the pool 😂) I often don't know what to say... I'm like : do you want the long answer or the short one? 🤭

Shortly: I bring people towards alignment, back to themselves, their TRUE SELVES! as deep as they want to, as much as they need to.

And it takes many forms, I bring clarity and alignment in their business, alignment In their health, alignment in their relationships, alignment with their purpose, alignment with their money, and alignment with their body, and so on.

And the reason I can do this,
Is because it's part of my AUTHENTICITY, I'm my UNIQUE core CODE, I'm able to see patterns, pathways,connections and clues, it's like I can SEE YOU in layers. ( Makes for a cool party trick 😂) and when I present this to you, coded and new, there's a “click” moment, once it drops the movement outside can begin.

Your authentic self is so grand, it wants to expand and express itself fully.

I'f you're ready to :
✨live your authenticity
✨define and call in your dream relationships
✨ know what LIFE PURPOSE you are here to experience
✨tap into what specific blocks are holding you back and how to resolve them.
✨ what is the best way for you to have a money flow that feels right for you
And sooooo much more. Send me a DM or comment : AUTHENTIC CODE for more info.

Photos from Walela Healing's post 12/12/2022

Existe mucha información sobre la , y cuando comencé a estudiar el arte de la creación con intención… me encontré con demasiadas voces que todas decían todo y a la vez nada …

A mi me interesan las cosas sencillas y simples, tengo una cantidad de energía limitada debido a mi trabajo y mi y no estoy dispuesta a leer y hacer mil y una cosas para manifestar “esto” o “aquello”

Cortando todo el “fluff” hay 4️⃣ pasos para la manifestación :
✨ACCIÓN (inspirada y coherente)

Estos pasos sencillos, son los 4️⃣ pilares para la manifestación, claro adentrarnos en ellos lleva algo de complejidad y entendimiento que TODOS florecen desde el VALOR PROPIO y nuestra creencia inconsciente de este valor.

Ninguno de estos pasos requieren de escribir 3, 6, 9 veces lo deseado, escribir en hojas de laurel o hacer un , si bien estas técnicas ayudan … NO SON ELLAS las que manifiestan, sino la correcta programación de nuestro inconsciente (subconsciente) 😙

Photos from Walela Healing's post 30/11/2022

*La claridad es una secuencia*

La claridad se piensa ligera, te descansa y desacelera, te conecta al paso que sigue sin ansiedad.

Cuando hay carencia de consciencia, (cuando no hay claridad) podemos accionar mil y una decisión y puede que ninguna nos de inspiración y que no se materialice nuestra visión.

Cuando tenemos C L A R I D A D todo lo demás toma su lugar, todo tiene un proceso mental sencillo, lógico y mágico, llegan las personas, las situaciones, y los recursos necesarios, porque a diferencia del “hay que sacrificar para ganar” la claridad nos ofrece otra cara de esa moneda.

Como se ve la claridad ??? :

✨Se de DONDE proviene este patrón.
✨conozco el PASO QUE SIGUE para alcanzar mi meta
✨puedo ver la RELACIÓN entre mi problema físico y la emoción que oculta
✨ puedo ver la INTENCIÓN de esta relación emocional en mi vida

Por mencionar algunas 🥰 🤍 si necesitas claridad en tu vida, te invito a unirte a mi próxima sesión grupal 👌🏻 click en link en BIO.


Curando al cuerpo físico con remedios del cuerpo etéreo.

Los más que nuestro cuerpo en aumento, es un desmembramiento, una separación a manera de .

Cuando somos capaces de alcanzar las capas , nuestra mente se desprende de la versión física y personificada, está totalmente abierta para recibir un , todo es más sin ser .

A medida que nos más, y nos volvemos menos densos, perdemos las razones por los cuales tenemos miedos o inseguridades, aprendemos a estar en medio, curando al cuerpo con los remedios del cuerpo etéreo.

Octubre es un mes de cambio que se siente inmediato pero que lleva tiempo anunciando su llegada, recuerda que sin cambio, no hay novedad, sin cambio no hay oportunidades, ni encuentros destinados, si no te mueves, te arraigas y te pudres.

Se siente abrupto, se siente que es mucho, que te abruma tanta decisión, pero es un momento de .



El universo te dice que si, pero primero debes decirle si a la expansión interna.

El universo quiere dártelo todo, pero para que lo nuevo entre, algo más debe salir, en todo nivel …

Pero sobre todo en el mental, la manifestación es un proceso intrínseco es irte en lo profundo de tu subconsciente , de ahí sacar los ingredientes que te hacen ser quien eres.

Es modificar los que no te pertenecen, y remplazar por unos más alineados, más curados a quien en verdad eres

La manifestación, es magia, es alquimia de la antigua, es chamanismo , neurociencia, hipnosis, sonido y visualización, es toda una combinación, que nos desenvuelve y desarrolla.


Photos from Walela Healing's post 19/08/2022


Photos from Walela Healing's post 03/08/2022

Abrimos el espacio para participar en un evento único, donde combinamos 4 herramientas con una sola intención, que es crear espacio para las nuevas manifestaciones, para entrar en contacto directo con nuestro más alto ser, y sobre todo recibir nueva información.

Con el cacao, abriremos el corazón, con nuestra respiración consciente, llegaremos a estados sutiles de conciencia, con nuestro cuerpo podremos observar los bloqueos a nivel corporal y con el sonido relajarnos para la integración.

| 7 agosto | 800 mxn | 17:00 - 20:00 hrs |
English & español

Para la asistencia a este evento, es necesario reservar un lugar ✨


( English below 😘 )

Celebra quien eres, aunque te veas así. 😂

Muchas veces esperamos a bajar de peso, o tener cierta cantidad de dinero,alcanzar alguna meta para sentirnos dignos de celebrarnos … pero verás que si no tienes el hábito de celebrarte ahora en el momento presente … tampoco lo tendrás cuando “llegues” a ese lugar que tanto quieres ❤️

Celebrate yourself even when you look like this 😂👌

We might have the tendency to wait until we've reached that specific goal, we've lost the weight, or have more money to take the time and acknowledge ourselves... but the funny thing is that... if you don't celebrate yourself now, you won't do it when you've reach your desire either, celebrating ourselves is a habit that we must apply everyday, in the present moment ❤️


Akashic sound, is a combination of notes, nature and animal mimicking, that allows the body to achieve openness and a sense of safely.

When we feel safe, then the process takes us deep, you give permission to be seen, and the messages can come through, the sounds are targeted specifically for your body and what it needs.

People experience almost like a ceremony effect in their mind and body, they have a sense of release and oneness, they get sometimes visions and physical reactions from a slight tingle, to a intense shake, sometimes people feel fear of the sounds, and others so much bliss. And it’s always different no matter how much times you’ve experience it.

It’s such a magical thing to experience ✨🎊 hopefully I can someday teach it to those who want to learn how to channel while we use sound to support the body.

Photo :

Photos from Walela Healing's post 16/07/2022

There are so many ways we can resolve, understand, clear, and realign ourselves.

Sometimes we pick the hardest ways, the harsh tools, the repetition, and sometimes we change everything except that ONE THING that actually needs to be modified.

But why?

Occasionally our biggest block, pattern, memory, limited belief, core wound is exactly in our BLIND SPOT, and for some reason, we are pushed to figure things out alone, out of fear, guilt, pride, and shame.

But let me tell you... We are NOT MEANT TO DO LIFE ALONE. Other people are here to be a direct reflection of all of our parts, all of the fragments that make you, YOU.

Allow loving tools to show you the way, allow yourself to be held by precise guidance and information, and allow the deep look inside your shadows so you can recognize them and cleared them with ease.

I love you ❤️


When we travel a part of us gets expanded.

The expansion gives us so much contrast, to be able to observe in witch part of our past self we’ve played it short.

The realization of these shadow aspects that we weren’t been able to see before, becomes VERY apparent, and on some occasions unbearable... So what do we do?

The immediate response is to quickly shift and change by avoiding the shadow and the work behind understanding ourselves... And let me tell you... I'm no stranger to this, and I KNOW IT JUST DOESN'T WORK THIS WAY.

Going deep in unraveling ourselves to get the answers we deeply need, to know what steps to take, but also, being more than okay with where we are NOW...

Being ok with our present, since it's just a manifestation of our past thinking and KNOWING and TRUSTING that the future will change because we are doing the work in the present.

If you are going through this type of rebirth, like me, you have my deep compassion and understanding, and remember that this is just momentarily. ❤️

I love you.

Photos from Walela Healing's post 29/06/2022

La mujer consciente.

Es un nacimiento doloroso, hambriento y intuitivo, donde para mantenerlo vivo hay que dejar de alimentar otros aspectos de uno mismo.

Este lado salvaje, que se guía por los sentidos, es nuestra parte más antigua, la que no está separada de la tierra o los planetas, es la que sabe.

Dejar morir a la “mujer buena” es una experiencia dolorosa y cruel, cruel hacia todos menos nosotras mismas.


I'm really happy to say that I manifested traveling while doing what I love the most, which is and giving people channeled messages from the ...

As would say: making people cry is your favorite part! 😅 and It is! But because people cry out of relief, like when someone takes the burden from you, so you can realize what are you carrying around. Or because they receive a msg from their late grandmother, something like: remember the flowers? ( which at this moment it means nothing to me ) but for the ears that revive, IT MEANS EVERYTHING! Suddenly a flood of memories comes to them from their grandma and how she used to have a garden and teach her how the flowers bloomed... Or because I ask a simple question like: aren't you tired of suffering? And suddenly they realize that they are! So so tired... These worlds might mean nothing to me or to you who are reading this, but that the power or the Akashic realm, it so exquisite and specific, that I -TO THIS DAY- never ever have given the same message twice.

All of these are true stories, of true people, of a true message, and a transformation that starts after.

Photos from Walela Healing's post 09/06/2022

When people come to a session, mostly think they will get YES or NO answers, but the reality that CHANNELING BRINGS to us, is a huge wave of information.

Most of my clients feel like they received so much knowledge about their life that they will text me months after, telling me that they are still on step 4 out of 10.

That is because once the path is open to receive this information, “they” ( your guides, source, past loved ones, higher self, or whoever you want to think about this never-ending consciousness ) will take the chance to communicate everything it feels like you are ready to know.

I'm so happy to receive this msgs of people after our 1:1 * swipe to read * 👈



We are becoming in every present moment, who we aimed to be.

We die a little with every expansion of our consciousness, making space for the new breath that comes with wider ideas.

In the depths of our psyche, the “to good woman” must die, she serves us well as children, but as we grow, it morphs, making us a pleasure for others and never to our selfs.

The “wild woman” lives in the depths of our own forest, the only map to her, is held by the mistik intuition, to make the right turn, we must listen the the gut and not the mind.

A deep knowledge, one that's buried underneath our toes and that creeps through our bones, will gives us the strength to embody the wild woman.

But see, something must die before, and the more you hold on to what is already putrid and begs for eternal rest within you, the longer the birth will hurt, hunting you down , when you sleep, as you eat, when you breathe...

Photo : ❤️

Photos from Walela Healing's post 27/05/2022

As a lot of you know, I LOVE scientific explanations, maybe I got if from my dad who is a physicist or from my innate curiosity to know why things work, or maybe a combination of both! Anyway...

I started to pay close attention on moments where I felt”off” or “erratic” and then I ask myself WHY I ACT DIFFERENTLY WHEN I FEEL THIS WAY!

Here's a question : How do you experience life when your nervous system is “excited” “out of control” “erratic” or not in its regular and calm state?

For me it’s a feeling of uncomfortableness like I can’t seem to pinpoint “why”, but I just feel like something is not right, I can’t seem to think straight and I’m very aware of my surroundings, of noises and people, that leads to me being annoyed about things that I normally wouldn’t care about 😂

When our nervous system is exalted for to long, we experience a lack of our mental capacities, our glands will be in an “alert mode” keeping high levels of cortisol in our body, and our blood pressure rises, our state remains in an unnecessary awareness of our surroundings.

Over time I have learned little and subtle ways to bring my nervous system back to a calm state, and these examples are just a few of them.

Hope they can serve you in moments where you might feel like the world is ending 😂🥲😮‍💨 ENJOY !

Ps, my favorites are #1 and #5, what is yours???

Photos from Walela Healing's post 25/05/2022

Calm your nervous system.

When we feel overwhelmed, extra stimulated, or out of our body, what can we do?

I had moments when I’m extremely stimulated, as a highly intuitive and sensitive woman, this comes with feeling out of control, noises and people become extremely triggering for me, and I have felt in the past, that i should “just get over it” but the TRUTH is that there’s gentle steps to move out of this state.

Over the years I’ve learned little ways to bring myself back ! And I would love to share them with you.

I love you.


What do you truly need?

What if I told you, that once that lover arrives, once that money comes, once you obtain that object, you're mind will find another desired element to focus on.

To obtain a desire will not get rid of the itch... This particular craving of the human mind remains as a vestige from a time when the need was provided from a survival point.

Most of our desires serve a different purpose.

Be aware of the itch, be comfortable enough in the present that you can ENJOY what is happening, fall deeply into what you've obtained so far, look around you and acknowledge who is beside you, who has your back, what energy is supporting this very moment, what asks for your gratitude.


60 people are joining us, to breath, to heal and to become.

Photos from Walela Healing's post 12/05/2022


For a woman is a gift passed from her mother, and her mother got it from her mother, and that mother from a mother, and we all birth it from THE mother.

Its the part of the human psyche, Jung once remarked that “nothing was ever lost in the psyche” things lost in there are waiting to be found.

So too, this, a women’s instinctual intuition has never been lost, and whatever is covered can be discovered.

Photos from Walela Healing's post 11/05/2022

Shadow work:

Cuando pienso en la vida que deseo tener, me siento …

( Cierra los ojos • respira hondo • baja al cuerpo )

En que partes corporales siento estas emociones?

( Quédate un momento un ahi )

Escribe y describe…

Notamos que partes nuestras , las que están en obscuridad, en negación y ocultas se encuentran dentro de preguntas cómo estás…

Y es aquí donde comenzamos a revelar el subconsciente para traerlo al consciente y modificar pensamientos y aciones.

Photos from Walela Healing's post 10/05/2022

Mujeres que corren con los lobos.

Han leído este libro ? 🔥

Photos from Walela Healing's post 09/05/2022

What if I could tell you...

that everything you're struggling with has an smooth way out?

The the steps for achieving the life that you want are locked within you.

That the life that you desire to live is possible and ready for you.

Everything you need has a key...

People often know what they want they just don't know how to get it, and are unaware of what subconscious block is hidden behind.

Use the tools that are there for you! Invest in yourself✨

dM me for moor on this topic ✨

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El universo te dice que si, pero primero debes decirle si a la expansión interna. •El universo quiere dártelo todo, pero...
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¿Como es que alguien se convierte en una mujer/hombre medicina? #holistica #medicinainterna #espiritualidad #coachespiri...
Les agradezco a todas las personas que nos acompañaron este pasado domingo a la primera meditación con apertura de regis...

