Jay Mohler, YarnMandalas.com

Jay Mohler, YarnMandalas.com

Presenting my artistic work, spinning out complex Ojos de Dios, and encouraging and sharing the work


Wow!! Life is full of surprises! Yesterday, and continuing into today, my GoFundMe appeal for donations jumped from a stagnated $1200 or so to over the goal of $5000 *usd* all because of a little link at the end of my son Corey's weekly philosophy themed online Existential Comics. His comic is actually used in college philosophy classes, and one college professor from San Francisco State University donated $500 *usd* !! I had been totally mystified about where the F all these new donations were coming from when Corey messaged me about his own surprise about how much was suddenly being donated, all clearly because of his posting an appeal and link to my GoFundMe!! See https://gofund.me/72ffe12d

Donate to Fund Jay's Urgent Medical Needs in Oaxaca, Mexico, organized by Jay Mohler 19/06/2024


Donate to Fund Jay's Urgent Medical Needs in Oaxaca, Mexico, organized by Jay Mohler Hello friends! Here I am in my 6th year in Oaxaca, Mexico, where I ha… Jay Mohler needs your support for Fund Jay's Urgent Medical Needs in Oaxaca, Mexico

Get more from Jay Mohler on Patreon 09/05/2024

Before I moved to Mexico, I had written a full length first draft to a novel, but I didn't seem to be up to the work of polishing it to finished form, and set it aside. Now, as an exercise to keep my mind active as much as anything else, I decided to finally finish and publish this rather fun work ..... BUT I LOST it .... no copy to be found anywhere. I was sure I saved it both in the "cloud" and on a memory stick, but I searched and search, and NOWHERE to be found. What to do? .... well, a whole lot of the novel remains in my memories, and I'm STARTING IT ALL OVER ..... pledging to my self to work on it at least five days a week, and try hard to get it finished THIS YEAR, 2024. These days its super easy to publish a novel, in a least a minimal way, by posting on Amazon, and that's what I hope to do. What to encourage me? Well I've got a long standing Patreon page, about both my life as mandala weaver, with many instructions posted, and my life as a sixties hippie in California. Now I am switching my posting there to early access to chapters of this novel, as I write them. Care to join up and encourage me in the best way possible .... by making a patreon pledge?? Here's the link: https://www.patreon.com/jaysmandalas
Pledges for as little as $1 a month accepted. All previous posts on mandala weaving, and my sixties life immediately available for any minimal pledge.

Get more from Jay Mohler on Patreon now writing my first novel


After a long break from weaving yarn mandalas, a fellow ex-pat also living in Oaxaca, Mexico, ordered this mandala as a custom order. I'm definitely open to more custom orders, and will add information to the website soon for ordering. This particular yarn mandala I'm calling Violet Flame. It's 24 inches, 16 sided, and made with acrylic yarns. Including shipping, the price to USA would be $350. Ask for prices to other areas. As always, to see other examples of my work, Google my name, Jay Mohler, and hit the images tab. I've been featured many ways and for many years, so there are lots of examples, as partly shown in the above cover photo.


A fun fb memory from four years ago. A movie of Huicholi art features one of my Ojos de Dios, and, in small print in the lower left corner, gives me credit. See at second 22.


If you are looking for the very finest in Ojos de Dios mandala work, look no further than the work of my former apprentice, Inga Savage, who studied with more than just me, and shows her amazing pieces on Etsy. The attached screenshot of one of her Etsy feedbacks says it all. See her full online shop at https://www.etsy.com/shop/OjosDeDiosShop


More fun in Oaxaca


Fun in Oaxaca


Después de mucho tiempo ahora puedo ofrecer mis instrucciones en pdf en español. Estoy seguro de que estas lecciones pueden ser de gran ayuda tanto para principiantes como para tejedores avanzados. ¡Aprende a tejer de manera eficiente y perfecta para sacar a relucir tu artista interior! El pdf introductorio es gratis, y las lecciones avanzadas solo 5 usd. Satisfacción garantizada. Si en cualquier momento durante los primeros treinta días después de la compra, no está satisfecho, le reembolsaré el pago completo sin hacer preguntas.
nota: debido a que las instrucciones se escribieron primero en inglés, hay enlaces que están deshabilitados, ya que solo conducen a sitios en inglés.
Las primeras veinte personas que compren las instrucciones también recibirán crédito por hasta quince minutos de sesiones personales de Zoom conmigo para responder todas y cada una de sus preguntas que puedan tener. Todo el mundo tiene la opción de enviarme un correo electrónico en cualquier momento con preguntas.
Como fundadora de este grupo de facebook les puedo asegurar que mi experiencia en tejer mandalas de hilo es profunda y profunda. Empecé a tejer mandalas de hilo hace más de cincuenta años y ahora, a los 77 años, deseo difundir la alegría de tejer mandalas a tantas personas como sea razonablemente posible.
Para descargar tu pdf gratis, y comprar el pdf avanzado, ve a
Feliz tejido,
Jay Mohler
After much time I am now able to offer my pdf instructions in Spanish. I am confident that these lessons can be a great help to beginners and advanced weavers alike. Learn to weave efficiently and with perfection to bring out your inner artist! Introductory pdf is free, and the advanced lessons only 5 usd. Satisfaction guaranteed. If at any time during the first thirty days after buying, you are not satisfied, I'll fully refund you payment with no questions asked.
note: Because the instructions were first written in English, there are links that are disabled, as they only lead to English language sites.
The first twenty persons to buy the instructions will also receive credit for up to fifteen minutes of personal Zoom sessions with me to answer any and all of you questins you might have. Everyone has the options to email me at any time with questions.
As founder of this facebook group I can assure you that my experience in weaving yarn mandalas is profound and deep. I started weaving yarn mandalas over fifty years ago, and now, at age 77, wish to spread the joy of mandala weaving to as many people as is reasonably possible.
To download you free pdf, and to buy the advanced pdf, go to
Happy weaving,
Jay Mohler

Upstart Corn Activists in Mexico Just Beat GMO Goliath Bayer-Monsanto 27/10/2021

One of many reasons I love Mexico

Upstart Corn Activists in Mexico Just Beat GMO Goliath Bayer-Monsanto Mexico's Supreme Court voted down an appeal by several chemical and seed companies to allow them to cultivate genetically modified corn.


My first testimonial from my new Ojo de Dios instructions. I gave them to a girl from Brazil named Pan, for her 11th birthday, and she showed me this, her first using my CRAWL method of mandala weaving, as presented in my instructions. About the CRAWL method she said:
"yes I used it and I really liked the result, the instructions are great and easy to understand, thank you."
My CRAWL method is detailed in my second set of instructions, on sale now for only $5
Would you also like to learn my tips and instructions for perfection in mandala weaving? Check them out at yarnmandalas.com/instructions
Although only 11 years old, Pan has been weaving Ojos de Dios for two years, and I expect that if she is able to weave with this perfection now, we will be seeing amazing work from her in the coming months and years.

Photos from Jay Mohler, YarnMandalas.com's post 17/07/2021

Looking to see a history of my mandala weaving? Simply "Google" my name, Jay Mohler, and hit the "images" button. There are a few shown that are not mine .... half even by the time you get to the very bottom line of these three pages, and a few images other than my Ojos de Dios get in there, but overall, it's a very good look at my many years of mandala weaving, as featured on a bunch of different places on the internet. And I love how the very first image is totally up-to-date with the cover photo of my very recently updated yarnmandalas.com website.


I've finally updated my long ignored website, YarnMandalas.com, which is now centered on offering instructions for weaving your own Ojos de Dios mandalas. My beginning instructions are free, and the next stage on sale for only $5. For details, visit yarnmandalas.com/instructions.

New Benefits, New Instructions, New Website, New Beginning! | Jay Mohler on Patreon 05/07/2021

I've long ignored my Patreon.com site, and patronage has shrunk as I've not fed the site with new content. Today this ends! I'm now on a schedule to add new posts weekly (for this who pledge $7 or more a month) and and less often for patrons who donate as little as $1. New instructions will always go first to Patreon.com patrons, and I hope to build up subscribers to at least where I once had things, giving me added income of up $100 USD. I'll also be posting here on this page much more frequently, and am now offering free beginner instructions for anyone who signs up for my newsletter. See my newly updated website, YarnMandalas.com, for details.

New Benefits, New Instructions, New Website, New Beginning! | Jay Mohler on Patreon Join Jay Mohler on Patreon to get access to this post and more benefits.

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More fun in Oaxaca
Fun in Oaxaca
