Myra Kotze

Myra Kotze

Multi 7-Figure Mentor
$20k-$100k Months Combing Energetic & Business Strategies


🌟 Exciting News! 🌟

I had the incredible opportunity to be interviewed by Humans of Fuzia magazine! 🗞️✨ Check out the article to learn more about my journey, insights, and the passion that drives me every day. A big thank you to the Fuzia team for featuring my story!

Read the full interview here:


My inbox has been overflowing with requests to keep the special on my Luxe VIP Day Intensive till end of May.

You have spoken and how can I say no?

So untill May 30 you can still get the $2000 dollars off. The price will also increase as from June so for those ladies who want to jump in do so now.

These VIP Day intensives gets results!

We spend a focues 6-8 hours together and make things happen.

You can choose to do your VIP Day on zoom or here with me In Puerto Vallart Mexico.

Meeting me in person in Mexico has a different energy. An expansive transformational energy.

You are a soul inspired women.

You know you have years of experiance and or have a business already.

You feel that calling inside that there is more awaiting you.

These VIP Intensives are powerfully packed and customised to you and your business.

I have had clients like

My client Renee booked out her high-end retreat to Bali in 5 weeks and made $150K after our day together.

Jessica experienced her highest month ever at $72 400 and

Tessa a brand-new coach created her first program that day and filled it in 7 weeks. She enrolled 12 dream clients and resigned from her full-time corporate job.

This could be your reality with a Luxe VIP Day Intensive

You know you are covered as you have unlimited access to me via Telegram and 2 more calls booked for total support.

You get $2000 dollars off until May 30th

A VIP Day Precall so I get to know you and your business and plan our day together.

Outr day 6-8 hours together
Lunch and dinner plus a walk on the beach and a money flow activation on the beach.

30 days of unlimted Support via Telegram
2 more follow up support calls via zoom

Regular investment is $8,000
Untill May 30 Investment is $6,000
From 1 June it goes up to $10,000

If this feels like you DM me VIP to chat and get your spot secured.

Let's create extraordinary success for you. I'm here for you.


Tessa, a brand-new coach created her first program and filled it in 7 weeks with no audiance. Yes it can be done. ⁣

She enrolled 12 dream clients and resigned from her full-time corporate job.⁣

Tessa is what I like to call a corporate Queen, a Human Resources Director. ⁣

A woman with experience that has built an impressive successful career. ⁣

She was planning to start a family and wanted to find a way to work from home. We connected on LinkedIn, and she started asking me some questions. ⁣

Tessa knew what she wanted and was a little out of her comfort zone in starting a business.⁣

Being the smart women she is she knew she will need someone who can guide her. ⁣

A few days later we booked in her Luxe VIP Day Intensive.⁣

We looked at her experience, passions, and her why.⁣

We created her program, pricing, and positioning.⁣

We looked at a sales strategy that she felt aligned to.⁣

What made her my dreamiest client was that she knew what she wanted⁣

She wasn’t hung up by industry jargon and fears created by this industry⁣

She used her two coaching sessions after the VIP Day Intensive ⁣


She was in Telegram for additional support whenever she needed it⁣

Tessa used her Luxe VIP Day Intensive fully⁣

Within 7 weeks she enrolled 12 dream ⁣
clients into her program⁣

She resigned her corporate job⁣

If she can do it so can you ⁣

Until 15 May you can save $2000 on your Luxe VIP Intensive ⁣

This intensive is for the woman who knows what she wants and wants it now!⁣

DM me VIP and lets chat more or go to the link in the comments and book your Day.⁣


She came to me with an idea…⁣

She wanted to create a retreat it’s been inside her for months burning to come out.⁣

And she needed help getting it out, planning it, pricing, making it luxurious and filling it.⁣

I want to run my retreat in Bahli she said, I have been dreaming about it for so long.⁣

We booked her Luxe VIP Day Intensive because she wanted this, and she wanted it now.⁣

She knew its time and she wanted to move fast.⁣

On our pre-intensive call, we spoke in detail about her dream, about this burning desire to run a retreat, who it was for, what she wanted from it, what she wanted the women joining her get from it, the outcomes, the transformations she wanted for them. ⁣

On the day we got to work, we went internally, we connected energetically to Source, and her retreat was born. ⁣

She got clarity not just on what needed to be covered in her retreat but who her dreamiest ideal woman is she wanted to join her on this very special retreat. ⁣

I’d love to tell you more, but this post will become a novel. ⁣

The result:⁣

5 weeks later she had filled her high-end retreat with 10 of her dreamiest women and made $150k. ⁣

6 months later she booked it out again and made another $150k. ⁣


These days are action packed and they get results, are you ready?⁣

Just like for Renee, your VIP Day can be highly tailored to you and your business, or you can choose the structured yet personalized agenda I have created for many of my clients.⁣

There are limited spots available at this discounted price, so make sure to secure your seat.⁣

✨✨Please note this special offer will never be run again and the actual VIP Day Intensive Price will increase soon✨✨⁣

If this is you…⁣

If this day is calling, you.⁣

And you have a knowing deep within this is for you.⁣

The link is in the comments for you to explore Your Luxe VIP Day Intensive.⁣


I've worked my way to an incredible $52.6 million (and counting!) as a business owner.⁣

And no, I didn't hit the jackpot or inherit a dime.⁣

It all started with a partnership that taught me partnerships weren't my vibe. ⁣

So, I made an offer my old boss couldn't refuse and took the reins solo.⁣

Best decision ever!⁣

My business shot to 7-figures in no time, no partnership drama. ⁣

Then, I met Andre and three months later, we were married!⁣

You could say I have a knack for irresistible offers. 😉⁣

Together, we built an empire across various niches, Payroll, HR, Labour & Business Consulting, Design, Fire, IT and even a Spa...⁣

I jumped into the spa industry clueless but learned lightning-fast.⁣

My motto? If others can do it , I can do it better.⁣

That drive pushed me to create extraordinary results in record time, from a million to $15.63 million a year. ⁣

Business isn't just a skill—it's in my DNA.⁣

Working with top international brands across many of the businesses we created was a blast. ⁣

Especially in the spa biz that still holds a piece of my heart.⁣

Sure, there were challenges along the way—153+ employees and countless ups and downs.⁣

But that's what makes the journey epic, right?⁣

After retiring and diving back in, coaching women to build a business and life they love stole my heart. ⁣

I've hit multi-million figures multiple times!⁣

My expertise in sales and business strategies is unmatched. ⁣

I know the shifts needed to take you to the next level energetically and strategically.⁣

Ready to scale to $20k, $50k, even $100k+ months? DM me.⁣

Let's make your dreams a reality!"⁣


🌍 Embracing the True Spirit of Entrepreneurial Freedom 🌍

As women in business, we often hear the empowering mantra that

it's okay to create our business around our lifestyle.

And it truly is liberating to design a business

that fits seamlessly into the fabric of our lives,

allowing us to explore our passions and prioritize what matters most to us.

But let's talk about the unspoken nuances.

There's this unspoken expectation that if you're building your business around your lifestyle,

it means you're constantly on the go, a perpetual nomad combining work and travel seamlessly.

While that lifestyle is incredible for many, it's not the only valid way to merge passion with profession.

I've had the privilege of exploring over 15 countries and living on 3 continents, soaking in diverse cultures,

and cherishing priceless moments with my loved ones.

Traveling isn't just about ticking off destinations;

it's about rejuvenating the soul, gaining perspective,

and creating beautiful memories.

And yes, there are times when I intentionally step back

from work during these travels

to fully immerse myself in these experiences.

The beauty lies in finding that delicate balance between passion,

work, and personal time.

It's about honoring the moments

when we pause to recharge,

connect with our families, and

simply breathe in the magic of life.

What's truly amazing

is when our clients understand and respect these boundaries.

Recognizing that our creativity and productivity flourish

when we prioritize self-care and meaningful experiences.

So, here's to all the women entrepreneurs

who dare to design their businesses on their terms.

Whether you're a jet-setting nomad

or someone who treasures quiet moments with loved ones.

Your journey is uniquely yours,

and there's immense power in embracing every facet of it.

Finding this balance is an art,

and my 1:1 Mentorship helps create that synergy. 🌟

DM me for more info


Client celebration… last year she made $150k… This quarter she made $230k


Hi, I’m Myra...

I specialize in empowering you to go from best-kept secret to goddess of your domain with passion and authority to create a million-dollar empire you are 100% in love with!

Because you see, here’s the thing. We all manifest what we create at a soul level.
When you connect your life and business with your soul, all the “other stuff” stops showing up.

As an entrepreneur, I have built five 7-figure companies from scratch, in record time. Together with my husband Andre, we built a group of companies to $15.63 million in 6 short years.

Through our Free Content, our Paid Programs and Private Coaching — we’re in this to make a difference.

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