Sweet Bee Services
Childbirth Education, Pregnancy Support, Birth Planning, Trained Labor Support
It’s official, 100 hours in the books, spent with renowned chiropractors Dr. Carol Phillips, Dr. Jen Santos and the rest of the Acorn Chiropractic crew, completing my Dynamic Body Balancing Facilitator training. This training has forever changed my practice and I’m so incredibly honored to have learned from Dr. Carol how to facilitate a fully functioning pregnant body! I’m already seeing the benefits of this work with my clients and I’m thrilled to add Dynamic Body Balancing to my offerings. Also I just love the folks at Acorn and spending 100 hours with them is just as fun as you’d imagine! 💛🥰
Surprise homebirths are more common than you think, because birth usually requires no intervention at all. Yes we called 911 in this case, they arrived and provided 2 baby blankets and some chux pads, and then we thanked them and sent them back to the fire station. Birth is not an emergency. But maybe next time be ready with the chux pads just in case! 😅 Photo by me, shared with permission as always, with an extra thank you to for editing my simple cellphone shot into this beauty. 💛
A Spinning Babies Aware Practitioner in her natural habitat ☺️🥰
I’m incredibly honored to deepen my relationship with and add Spinning Babies Aware Practitioner work to my offerings. A more detailed post will follow, tonight we celebrate! 🤩💛🥂 I am living my absolute dream.
Love created this baby and love saw them all through an intense and hard fought VBAC. This couple was amazing. It’s was an honor to support them through this process. 💛
YES you can push on all fours with an epidural, in most cases. If you can move your legs your team can help you turn. This is a fantastic physiologic way to help your baby descend into your pelvis. Talk to your provider early and often in prenatals about your desires for pushing positions. You do Not have to stay flat on your back with your feet in stirrups. Big thanks to this amazing mama for permission to share this powerful photo. 💛
If I’m your doula, you’re definitely going to be offered a jiggle! 💛 Spinning Babies is an important part of my work as a doula and I’m so incredibly honored to have them sharing my content! 🤩
"The Jiggle is a Spinning Babies® practice that helps release tight muscles and fascia. I love using the jiggle! I love kitty helpers!"
🔁: Sweet Bee Services
Learn more: https://bit.ly/2KLw7V4
World Doula Week! Doulas are an essential part of the birth team. We know birth intimately. We teach coping techniques, go over birth plans, we stay with you throughout the experience. A doula does not take over the role of the partner. When everything falls into place we hold quiet space from outside the tub as you and your partner do the real work. Love and tenderness brings life into your body and I think that same love is the best at bringing baby out. It was an honor to capture this moment, and to witness these two meet their baby. 💛photo shared with permission
Throwback to 1993! 🤣 This is where my love of birth began. My amazing big sisters invited me into their birth spaces at such a young age, and it has had a profound effect on me. I am so blessed to be surrounded with such supportive family as I fulfill my purpose on this earth! 💛 photo shared with permission and encouragement 🥰 Happy ! 🤪
Happy World Doula Week! Here’s an extremely rare photo of me in action, mid jiggle! The Jiggle is a Spinning Babies practice that helps release tight muscles and fascia. I love using the jiggle! I love kitty helpers! I really deeply love to serve families at the threshold of birth. 💛 photo shared with permission.