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Photos from Friday Liquor Store's post 04/10/2022

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Photos from Friday Liquor Store's post 27/09/2022

Speymhor 12 years single malt whisky 700ml
Postage excluded
Only Rm 2x0.00

Volume: 700ml
Alcohol : 40%
Grade : 12 YO

Color: Dense golden hue Nose: Spicy and thrillingly aromatic
Taste: Honey mingles with boiled sweets
Finish: A satisfying suggestion of dried fruits and nuts

The 12 Year Old Speymhor Single Malt hails from the north-east of Scotland and comes from a small distillery close to the seaside and where you imagine that you can detect the salty character from the sea-spray rolling in from the North Sea. This is an interesting dram with notes of honey, boiled sweets and with the finish of dried fruit and nuts.

Photos from Friday Liquor Store's post 27/09/2022

Islay Mist 12 years
Postage excluded
Only Rm 2x0.00
Personally recommended

Size: 700ml
ABV: 40%

Tasting Note
Nose: Peaty, smoldering, heather, and treacle. Mature and complex. Mixing the elements of Islay.

Palate: Well balanced between dried fruits with a damson-like sweetness and heathery smoke.

Finish: Long. Luxurious, to***co, slightly leathery.

Photos from Friday Liquor Store's post 27/09/2022

Anyone interested in Singleton 12 years?
Postage excluded
Only Rm 2x0.00

Colour: Warm amber.
Aroma: Toasted nut, rich fruit, barley sweetness and walnut.
Palate: Sweetness and crunchy nuts, smooth fruity richness, hints of blackcurrant, brown sugar and espresso coffee.
Finish: Medium to long, elegantly drying and crisp with a delayed, lingering warmth.

Photos from Friday Liquor Store's post 11/05/2021

The Singleton of Glen Ord 'Signature' Single Malt

Scotch Whisky

Product Details
Country: Scotland
Region: Speyside
Alcohol Level: 40.0%
Bottle Size: 700ml
This incredibly smooth and rich Singleton is the Signature expression of the Singleton of Glen Ord. An initial pepper note then sweet cooked apples and rich dried fruits. Sweet hints of nuts and spice, with a drying, smooth and rich finish. Longer fermentation and slower distillation than many competitors ensures exceptional smoothness and depth of flavour. The liquid is then matured in a combination of American & European oak casks, then finished in Sherry casks to ensure extra flavour and perfect balance.







Photos from Friday Liquor Store's post 19/04/2021

你们知道吗?其实马来西亚也有出产自己的威士忌, 还是在国际大赛旧金山威士忌大赛中荣获银牌。

Double peated blended whiskey 700ml


斯莫麗威士忌品牌有一系列不同年份的蘇格蘭單一麥以及純麥威士忌,讓全球的酒迷們有著更多樣化的選擇,斯莫麗威士忌完美呈現代代相傳追求完美的奉獻精神, 精湛的工藝在每一酒款中表露無遺!

此款來自位在斯貝賽河(SPEY)河岸邊的小酒廠,也是我們的最愛! 有著最優質的12年單一麥芽威士忌,熟成在比一般橡木桶容量還要再大一點的豬頭桶(HOGHEADS)內,容量大約是230~300 公升,據說是因為相當於一頭豬的重量而得此名,用美國白橡木或歐洲橡木製成, 醞釀出甘醇、華美的風味! 斯佩賽區(SPEYSIDE)該有的經典風味都透過這款12年單一麥威士忌完美呈現, 對於所有熱愛單一麥芽威士忌的酒迷們來說,這一款絕對是您的首選! 溫潤暖心的口感以及高雅柔順的酒質,用來當作每一天的結尾真是再完美不過了!

「心中舒暢快意,天地無限靜好,留取光芒幾許,剎那化作永恆。」這樣的體驗即是斯莫麗蘇格蘭威士忌(SPEYMHOR)帶給酒迷們最好的回饋! 即使嘗遍百味,依舊能為您帶來莫大的愉悅與滿足!


Glenlivet founder reserve single malt scotch whisky 700ml
格兰威特创始人珍藏单一麦芽苏格兰威士忌 700ml


Colour: Pale gold
Aroma: Citrus fruit, sweet orange
Palate: Zesty orange, pear, toffee apples
Finish: Long, creamy, smoot

To truly capture the essence of George Smith’s vision, Founder’s Reserve has been created using the time-honoured distillation methods that he introduced so long ago. Made with water from the same crystal-clear mountain streams, in the same cold and pure air, The Glenlivet Founder’s Reserve is smooth and fruity as the whisky that first ran from the original copper pot stills. These unique, lantern-shaped copper stills, designed by the man himself are not the only important tools in their distilling legacy. The traditional oak casks in which they mature the whisky give each expression its own distinct characteristics. When George Smith began distilling, The Glenlivet had no age statements and he selected whisky from casks of a range of ages. They have replicated this freedom with The Glenlivet Founder’s Reserve, selecting whisky from a variety of traditional aged oak casks. Then, to lend a modern twist to the flavour of the expression, Master Distiller Alan Wi******er marries together a selection of the aged oak casks and American first-fill oak casks. American first-fill oak casks are those that have never before been used to mature whisky. Selective use of these casks provides a smooth, creamy sweetness that mingles harmoniously with the delicate flavours and complex fruity tones already present in the whisky.

Photos from Friday Liquor Store's post 29/03/2021

200周年hennessy vsop 安全抵达顾客手中。




Hennessy XO 3L more than 10 years!! interesting? pm for more details
轩尼诗 叉栋 3升!! 有兴趣不要怕羞 可询问详情


1984年,山崎蒸餾場誕生60周年時所誕生,是日本第一支,也是最具代表性的單一純麥威士忌。來自日本獨有的日本橡木桶(Japanese Oak,水楢)的淡雅,呈現出日本神社的氛圍,口感香氣帶著淡淡伽羅、日本線香的氣息,口感腹郁,迷人的果香與濃郁的麥芽香氣,餘味悠長
色澤 : 金黃色澤
香氣 : 乾燥水果香、梅乾、麥香、來自木桶的氣味、蜂蜜的香甜
酒體 : 中度
味覺 : 櫻桃、香草奶油、梅乾、細緻的甜味、圓潤芳醇
餘覺 : 溫潤又深邃的口感、溫暖而深長的餘味
酒精度數 : 43%
There is a bright tropical fruit note that is reminiscent of a sunny, summer day picnic, with pineapple, citron, honeysuckle and pine sap aromas appearing before dried fruit notes begin to appear.
Spiritual and deep, made at Yamazaki Distillery, the soul-place of Japanese whisky, its signature multi-layered taste is highly praised by whisky connoisseurs all over the world.






VS(Very Special),也可表示为“*”(三星级):该等级表示干邑所用的混酿酒液中最年轻的酒液在橡木桶中至少存放了2年。

VSOP(Very Superior/Special Old Pale):该等级表示干邑所用的混酿酒液中最年轻的酒液在橡木桶中至少存放了4年。
XO(Extra Old):该等级表示干邑所用的混酿酒液中最年轻的酒液在橡木桶中至少存放了6年。有些特别优秀的XO级干邑可能会在橡木桶中陈酿20年以上。需要指出的是,自2016年4月10日起,XO混酿酒液中最年轻的的酒液在橡木桶中存放的时间延长至10年。



Napoleon Cognac:表示干邑白兰地所用的混酿酒液中最年轻的酒液在橡木桶中至少存放了6年。这个级别的干邑虽然在法规规定上更接近XO,但其市场定位介于VSOP和XO之间。

Extra:这个级别的干邑通常比Napoleon Cognac或XO陈年时间更长。


Vieille Reserve:这个级别的干邑介于XO和Hors d'age之间,更接近于后者。

Hors d'age:可译作“忘年陈醇”,虽然法国国家干邑行业管理局(BNIC)认为这个级别的干邑更接近于XO,但实际上Hors d'age的品质更为上乘。


轩尼诗 X 刘韡

轩尼诗联袂当代艺术家刘韡,携手迎接2021中国新年。 在经历了一段充满挑战与艰辛的时期后,即将到来的牛年在中国传统文化中象征着真诚坦率、才华与自信


Spring’s arrival illuminates every family with spontaneous joy and new possibilities. Under the auspices of the year of the Ox, it is a time to celebrate self-esteem, free will and the openness to new possibilities, to write a brighter future. Echoing the depth of tastes of Hennessy’s cognacs, the organic curves painted by world renown artist Chinese artist Liu Wei are an invitation to let yourself discover the highlights of a rich color palette evoking spring’s cheerfulness.
In 1870, Maurice Hennessy created Hennessy X.O for his circle of friends and introduced a new style of cognac. Hennessy X.O is the Original, the emblematic icon of the Hennessy Maison. Hennessy X.O is the Original, the emblematic icon of the Hennessy Maison. Deep and powerful, the eaux-de-vie of this Hennessy X.O cognac are aged in young barrels and marked out by their power and energy, but also by their capacity to achieve a great roundness through time.

For Hennessy, Liu Wei conceived “SPRING” as a sensorial invitation to experience the season of rebirth through an abstract artwork of almost psychedelic joy. A visual echo to the depth of Hennessy cognacs, the painting appears freestyle and organic; its vibrant shades of fuchsia, blue, green and yellow buoy the spirit. The emotional resonance of the piece, which was designed to remain open to individual interpretation, is rooted in a constant quest for what the Beijing-based artist calls “a certain kind of beauty within a world of possibility. That quest mirrors the time-honored savoir-faire Hennessy Master Blenders draw upon to craft exceptional cognacs, generation after generation.


Absolute Vodka 1L
绝对伏特加(Absolut Vodka)是世界知名的伏特加酒品牌,虽然伏特加酒起源于俄罗斯(一说波兰),但是绝对伏特加(Absolut Vodka)却产自一个人口仅有一万的瑞典南部小镇Ahus。多年来,绝对伏特加(Absolut Vodka)不断采取富有创意而又高雅及幽默的方式诠释该品牌的核心价值:纯净、简单、完美。



享用 Absolut Vodka Original 的方式几乎与其蒸馏的次数一样多——数之不尽。召唤三五好友,或独酌皆可。搭配各种原料,或单独饮用。添加苏打水、青柠汁和几片青柠,为自己调配出完美的 Absolut Vodka Soda,或者选择以下任何一种饮品。这是一款上乘的伏特加。

口感极为顺滑,静静驻留,并以和谐的方式缓慢消退。口味略带焦糖和香草味,余味则是清新果味。Absolut Vodka 是平衡与和谐的代名词

Photos from Friday Liquor Store's post 27/12/2020

Glenlivet Distiller's Reserve Triple Case Matured 1L

酿酒大师珍藏 (Master Distiller's Reserve) 在三种不同的木桶中酿熟,赋予其独特的风味。传统的橡木酒桶与格兰利威的经典风格相辅相成:成熟李子味和淡淡的夏季气息。美国橡木酒桶则带来深邃的口感,伴有椰子和软糖的奶油气息。首先灌装到陈年使用的雪利酒橡木酒桶中,赋予其干果风味和香料的香气,令口感愈发复杂、丰富。

Distiller's Reserve is the cornerstone of the range, exemplifying the skills the makers have mastered through decades of experience. It is created with the balanced influence of the three types of casks to give it a harmonious balance of fruity notes and smoothness. Triple cask matured in Traditional cask, American White Oak cask and Ex-sherry cask.

Triple cask matured in Traditional cask, American White Oak cask and Ex-sherry cask.

Pear, fudge, spice, marzipan, hazelnut

Marzipan, fresh hazelnuts

Ripe pear, fudge

Fruit, pear, spice


Chivas Regal 12 Year Old -1000ML

对James Chivas来说,调和艺术有两个基本原则:古老、成熟的库存,和明显的斯佩塞的风味。

我们引以为豪的苏格兰调和威士忌历史可以追溯到 19 世纪,从那时起,我们便致力将其打造成完美酿品。凝萃经典,出众闪耀。品味苏格兰经典,感受至臻人生。

Chivas 12 将带给您柔滑、浓厚、醇和的美妙口感。此款威士忌选材精良,优质麦芽搭配饱满谷物历经 12 余年陈酿,滴滴威士忌中汇集着蜂蜜、香草和成熟苹果的甘美香甜。



2015 IWSC – GOLD

For James Chivas, there were two fundamental principles of blending: ‘old, mature stocks and a distinct Speyside accent’. Master Blender Colin Scott adheres to those same principles today, with whiskies at least 12 years old with a generous measure of Speyside malts.

Chivas Regal 12 is smooth, rich and generous. It’s a blend of the finest malt and grain whiskies matured for at least 12 years, that deliver luxurious honey, vanilla and ripe apple notes.
Because blended is better, in life and in Scotch.

~ An aromatic infusion of wild herbs, heather , honey and orchard fruits
~ round and creamy with full, tich taste of honey and ripe pears, with vanilla, hazelnut and butterscotch notes.
~ rich and lingering / colour radiant, warm amber

#芝华士 #12年 #调和威士忌

Photos from Friday Liquor Store's post 25/12/2020

Chinese New Year is around the corner ??? Pm only Rm4xx !!!



Martell 红桶白兰地 Martell VSOP Age in red barrels. 取代Martel medalion. 优雅精致的Martell干邑,采用细陈年橡木红桶陈酿并对纯粹葡萄酒进行双重蒸馏,创出经典Martell品味。

Martell 红桶由树龄180-200年间的橡木制造,木材特色纹理细致,甘宁酸不明显,有效保留了纯粹葡萄酒的细腻味道,并使干邑果香与蒸馏酒在长久的陈酿后达到完美均衡。



A cognac with subtle aromas. The Martell VSOP Aged in Red Barrels is a perfect harmony of luscious fruit and refined wood overtones.

Product Discovery
The Colour
Warm copper with glints of gold.

The Aroma
Intense aromas of ripe yellow fruit: mirabelle plum, greengage, apricot and vine peach.

The Taste
Luscious fruit notes fuse deliciously with hints of wood and soft spices from the red barrels, creating an impression of elegance and perfect balance.

‘Red’ is a reference to the reddish colour of aged oak. These barrels, crafted from fine-grained oak, have already been used to age eaux-de-vie and have reached the perfect stage of maturity before being selected for this cognac. Martell VSOP Aged in Red Barrels perfectly highlights Martell’s unique ageing style.


Hints ON Hennessey XO
轩尼诗X.O 小贴士


Ice makes the greatness of Hennessy X.O a never-ending discovery
When ice greets Hennessy X.O, it sets in motion a sensory odyssey. Fingers feel the warm glass cool, ears hear a gentle clinking, eyes witness the amber-coloured cognac lighten, palates discover an ever-evolving tastescape. Discover new experiences, new sensations and new occasions through three main drinks: On 3 rocks, On a rock, Over Ice.


Hennessy X.O

轩尼诗X.O干邑是1870年莫里斯·轩尼诗(Maurice Hennessy)为款待亲朋挚友而创制。此款原创X.O干邑成为轩尼诗家族的标志。


- 甘甜始现:入口即被蜜饯水果的味道紧紧包围。
- 热力升华:强烈而有趣的味道逐渐升温,展现生命之水在橡木桶中陈年而获得的丰富口感。
- 辛香诱惑:独特的黑胡椒味与淡淡的巧克力味不断挑逗舌尖和味蕾。
- 炽焰绽放:一阵阵暖流变得强烈,到达顶峰,继而消散。带来的感觉,刚劲而有力、复杂而奔放。
- 醇厚涌动:似曾相识的味道随之而来。原来是醇厚圆润的黑巧克力。
- 木香萦绕:朝气蓬勃的橡木香气与香草的味道层层交错、萦绕不断。
- 余韵悠然:橡木香气持久萦绕,留下无所不在的悠长余韵。每一层味道中的微妙细节都仿佛无尽的回声,久久不散。

In 1870, Maurice Hennessy created Hennessy X.O for his circle of friends and introduced a new style of cognac. Hennessy X.O is the Original, the emblematic icon of the Hennessy Maison.
Deep and powerful, the eaux-de-vie of this Hennessy X.O cognac are aged in young barrels and marked out by their power and energy, but also by their capacity to achieve a great roundness through time.
Our Tasting Committee has explored every facet of the blend and identified several emotions that were assimilated to an Odyssey through 7 chapters:

Sweet Notes: The palate is warmly embraced by flavors of candied fruit.
Rising Heat: The intriguing sensation of an intense, rising heat slowly reveals the complex taste of eaux-de-vie patiently aged in oak barrels.
Spicy Edge: Perception of a strong spicy cognac note, tantalising the lips and palate with its distinct peppery flavor intertwined with a hint of chocolate.
Flowing Flame: A wave of warmth grows, crests and then breaks. A robust presence, full and voluptuous, is felt.
Chocolate Lull: There is the gradual discovery of something very familiar. It is the well-rounded flavor of a rich, dark chocolate.
Wood Crunches: A striking sensation is suddenly felt – the vigorous ebb and flow of oak notes interlaced with vanilla.
Infinite Echo: The evanescent oak notes leave a long, omnipresent finish in their wake. Seemingly endless, it echoes all of the subtleties of each taste and sensation that has preceded it.

Photos from Friday Liquor Store's post 18/12/2020

Hennessey VSOP 200th anniversary limited edition

Hannessey 干邑200周年纪念限量版

Hennessy V.S.O.P 佳酿传奇追朔回 1818 年,Hennessy 和 Fillioux 家族携手以不同的方式酿制干邑。以 Hennessy V.S.O.P 之名,James Hennessy 和 Jean Fillioux 创造了一种全新的干邑风格,改变干邑酿造艺术,激发未来的「Very Superior Old Pale」的称号。

自首次亮世以来,Hennessy V.S.O.P 至今仍是干邑的完美平衡代表,始终保留最原始的理想。经历2 个世纪岁月,尽管未来世界将被创新所改变,而 Hennessy V.S.O.P 仍然忠实于其根源,坚决守护佳酿质量,并保留其独特的原始特征 ,因为Hennessy相信「我们的传统就是我们的未来」,势将这种永恒干邑的理念传递到下一代。

在19世纪中期,原始的Hennessy V.S.O.P干邑有着「charentaise」之名,为歌颂其悠久传承的200年历史,向Hennessy的悠久历史致敬。200周年限量版Hennessy重新构思精心设计,注入了「charentaise」元素,运用复古印章等古典设计元素,特别以藤曼和复古的邮票图腾包装酒标设计。

限量版包装盒上采用拉丝铝雕刻出配合鲜明的「Very Superior Old Pale」字样,手把则使用天然皮革制成,完美演绎时代的韵味,令此礼盒更显奢华,是送赠热爱 VSOP 的干邑收藏家的首选。

For the 200th anniversary edition of Hennessy V.S.O.P Privilege, the House collaborated with futuristic visual artist Can Buyukberber. Buyukberber captures Hennessy V.S.O.P Privilege's forward-looking ethos in a serpentine coil that encircles the carafe. The theme, "Our heritage is our future," is crystallized in the artwork that depicts the energy of the brand through leading-edge technology. Sinuous, illuminated swirls of digital art emphasize the emotion of appreciating Cognac in one fluid expression, seamlessly linking the House's past with the potential of future innovation.

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