Heaveny Cookies

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Chinese New Year Coming!!
We make special discount 😍
Let's grab our product now! Just click whatsapp button below 👇

Dijamin sedap hingga termimpi-mimpi 😁



Everyday you get a new chance to do better. Just believe in yourself 👌


Jus strawberry? Kek strawberry? Nasi lemak sambal strawberry?
Anda penggemar strawberry? Di heaveny cookies kami mencuba resepi baruu!!!

Kami menggunakan 💯 fresh strawberry tanpa tambahan perisa 😋
Apa tunggu lagi! Dapatkan sekarang!

Hanya RM15 sebalang! DM kami segera. Hanya perlu tekan butang whatsapp di bawah and grab yours now!!


Good evening guys, here we have an another new product ✨✨

At this time, we really want to eat something crunchy while having a cup of tea right?
So we are suggesting to you to grab our new product, MATCHA COOKIES.

The combination of leasure time and cookies are the perfect match for your tea time.

Just for today, we only sell it at price

💵RM 10/pack
💵RM 10/pack
💵RM 10/pack

So what are you waiting for, GRAB IT NOW GUYS

Click button whatsapp below 👇


Teringin makan manis-manisan?
Mahukan makanan yang mudah dan boleh dibawa kemana-mana sahaja?

Here we goo!!!
This is our product which is tart nenas!!
Kami jamin sekali dicuba pasti teringat 😋

What are you waiting for!! Grab now before late 😁

Just click button whatsapp below 👇


Hi and Good Morning Everyone ♥️♥️♥️

Did you know what actually benefits pineapple?
What actually can we get when eating it?

Let we tell you what it is:

☑️ Aids digestion

Pineapple contains a significant amount of fiber, which is associated with better digestion. It also contains bromelain, which is thought to aid digestion, though there’s not enough scientific evidence to say for certain.

☑️ Fights inflammation

“Your body needs inflammation to help fight off illnesses,” Zumpano explains, “but too much inflammation in the body, especially over long periods, can lead to conditions like cancer.” The anti-inflammatory power in bromelain can help fight inflammation and may suppress the growth of certain tumors.

☑️ Arthritis pain relief

The anti-inflammatory power of pineapple’s bromelain may provide pain relief for people with osteoarthritis. “If you have achy joints from osteoarthritis, try adding pineapple into your diet,” Zumpano says, “but don’t stop taking your medications or change your dose without talking to your doctor.”

☑️ Weight loss booster

Most weight-loss experts recommend a diet rich in fruits and vegetables if you’re trying to shed pounds. But pineapple could be your diet’s BFF (best fruit friend) because its enzymes just might help with fat burning.

☑️ Promotes tissue healing

“Pineapple is the only food known to contain bromelain, an enzyme that helps your skin and tissues heal,” Zumpano says. “Bromelain appears to produce substances that combat in pain and swelling.”Consuming bromelain from pineapple might also help your skin heal after surgery or injury.



As we promised yesterday, we presenting to you our latest cookies product that you have been waiting for. So, what is it this time?

📌36 pieces
📌RM 18

Why you guys should buy it? Let me tell you

✅ The taste different from others
✅ 100% no chemical taste
✅ 100% fresh fruit


Good evening everyone ✨

We want to inform you that we will release our new product tomorrow😁😁
Are you guys excited about the news? what kind of biscuit this time? is it delicious? is it marvelous?

So stay tuned until tomorrow and we will give an offer that you guys cannot refuse 🥰🥰


"Hmmm, baru beli biskut ni semalam, tapi sekarang sudah lemau"
"Aik, kenapa rasa lain dah biskut ni? Haritu sedap, sekarang dah lain"

Tahukah kamu bahawa biskut yang kering dan tidak mempunyai tekstur yang lembab boleh bertahan lama?? Manakala biskut yang sedikit lembab hanya boleh bertahan dalam tempoh yang lebih singkat?? Bagaimana mahu kekalkan tekstur biskut supaya kekal rangup dan sedap??

Senang sahaja, disini ada beberapa tips penting untuk anda :

📌 Pastikan suhu biskut dalam keadaan suhu bilik
📌 Pastikan bekas yang disimpan itu tiada air dan sentiasa kering, boleh ditutup rapat dan tidak mudah terbuka.
📌 Tidak bercampur dengan biskut yang lain kerana ia dapat mempercepatkan biskut menjadi lemau
📌 Alaskan biskut dengan kertas minyak kerana ia dapat menyerap lebihan minyak dan memastikan biskut dalam keadaan kering.
Jadi, ini sahaja sedikit sebanyak tips dan perkongsian mengenai bagaimana untuk mengekalkan kerangupan biskut agar tidak menjadi lemau ketika makan. Anda boleh kongsikan tips ini bersama orang terdekat anda !😉


Hi and good evening everyone!!!✨✨✨

Today I would like to share the benefit of eating grape🍇🍇🍇🍇

Did you know that grapes are an excellent way to get vitamin C other than oranges? With other nutrients like antioxidants, vitamin K and potassium, these little globes are jam-packed with tons of goodness

📌Helps maintain brain health
It’s all about resveratrol, which benefits the body in many ways. The powerful antioxidant helps reduce oxidative stress, which can have a positive effect on your brain. Resveratrol may help reduce the chances of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease from happening.

📌Improves bone health
Thanks to vitamin K and minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium, eating grapes may help you maintain strong bones. While all those nutrients are important for bone health, more studies are needed to fully understand how grapes may help bone health.

📌Improves sleep
Having a hard time getting a good night’s sleep? Grapes may help you catch some because Grapes do have a degree of melatonin in them. They don’t have a lot of calories and they can potentially help you fall asleep.

📌Protects against diabetes
Grapes have a low glycemic index number, meaning they won’t raise your blood sugar. In fact, studies show that nutrients in grapes may decrease blood sugar levels and may increase insulin sensitivity, which may help your body use glucose.



Hello, cookies lovers ✨✨ Do you know that butter is important in making biscuits? Butter contains many of the benefits and today we going to share with you the benefits🧈🧈🤩🤩

📌It can help lower your chances of cancer. 🧈
Butter is high in beta-carotene, a compound that your body converts into vitamin A. Beta-carotene has been linked to lowered risks of lung cancer and prostate cancer.

📌It could help your eyes. 🧈
The beta-carotene in butter may help slow the rate of vision loss, or age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

📌It can help strengthen your bones.🧈
Butter contains vitamin D, a nutrient that is vital for bone growth and development. It also has calcium, which is essential for bone strength. Calcium also helps prevent diseases such as osteoporosis, a condition that makes bones weak and fragile.

📌It can help make your skin healthier. 🧈
Butter also contains vitamin E, which plays a role in skin health. The nutrient reduces damage from UV sun rays, reduces skin inflammation, and improves how well skin wounds heal.



Hello, cookies lovers ✨✨ Do you know that cocoa is crucial in making biscuits? Cocoa contains many of the benefits and today we gonna share with you the benefits of cocoa 🤔🤔
Cacao contains many antioxidants. These antioxidants can help reduce cell damage in your body, which helps prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, and cancer.

📌Healthy Digestion
The fiber in cacao beans promotes healthy digestion. Getting enough fiber can help soften your bowel movements, prevent hemorrhoids and help with other digestive conditions.

📌Heart Health
Per serving, cacao contains more heart-healthy flavonoids than red wine. These flavonoids have been linked to improved heart health.

📌Reduced Heart Disease Risk
The flavonoids and potassium in cacao nibs may lower your risk of heart disease because they help reduce the stress on your cells and lower your blood pressure.

📌Less Inflammation
Certain compounds in cacao nibs have anti-inflammatory properties, which may help to lessen the risks of getting cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and depression.


Is butter good for you?

Butter mempunyai pelbagai sumber vitamin yang diperlukan dalam diet makanan seharian kita.

Chef pasrty kami menggunakan butter berkualiti yang membuatkan produk kami lazat sehingga anda membawa cookies kami kemana sahaja!

Psst.... Tapi jangan makan terlalu banyak takut nanti terbawa hingga ke mimpi 😝🍪

Cepat cepat dapatkan produk sementara stok masih ada! Kalau lambat nanti terliur 😛

Whatsapp kami sekarang 👇

Photos from Heaveny Cookies's post 08/01/2022

Why you should try our product? 🤔

Here are the benefit of Heaveny Cookies;
💯 We only use premium and fresh ingredient to make sure our product will give perfect texture and quality
💯 It lasts a long time and still retains the same flavor
😁 You will crave more and more after first bite 😋

Come on grab yours now!! Just click whatsapp button below 👇 and order with us.
You will be satisfied 😍

Photos from Heaveny Cookies's post 07/01/2022

Musim banjir yang telah melanda bukan sahaja dirasakan oleh manusia, akan tetapi kesannya juga terhadap haiwan peliharaan dan stray animals.

Di sini kami mengambil kesempatan untuk kita bersama-sama prihatin akan nasib haiwan-haiwan ini. Kami meletakkan reach hotline bagi perkhidmatan veterinar bagi haiwan yang terlibat banjir.

Bersama-sama kita prihatin 🐱🐶🐰


Kes baharu pada 30 November 2021 adalah sebanyak 4,879 kes telah menjadikan 2,632,782 kes kumulatif.

No matter where we go, please remind, we need to take prevention from this virus spread to us and others.

Kita perlu berganding bahu untuk mencengah berlakunya penularan Covid-19 yang lebih serious.

Take care, stay safe, wear mask, and follow social distancing 🤍


We have know that continuous heavy rainfall over the past few days has resulted in flooding that hits KL and Selangor, especially in Shah Alam, Klang, Hulu Langat and other areas affected.

And the water has now started to recede in some areas and victims have taken the initiative to return home. Here we attached a few tips what you need to do after a flood. We hope that with this few tips could help victims.

Let's pray together for this flood to resolved quickly 🤍

Photos from Heaveny Cookies's post 07/01/2022

The flood news are all over again, hitting a few states like Negeri Sembilan, Johor, Melaka & Sabah. Tempat yang dah mula surut pun naik balik air sehari dua ni.

Please remind your family & friends untuk prepare apa-apa yang patut, especially for those who live in high risk area.




It look really confused to read and speak right 😭
It really need a little patience when it comes to learning to spell their hometown's name

Wait. Did I just said name of place?
Yes!! Yes!! This is one of hometown's name!!!!

This is a name of hill near Porangahau, South of Waipukurau in Southern Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.

This place have 85 letters long, which is the longest place name in the world

Fuhh that to long ~~



Actually this mountain peak standing taller than we'd thought in the past.

Previous readings in 1955 have ranged from 29,002 feet to 20,029 feet above sea level.

Now, experts have stated Mount Everest stands at a whopping 29,031.69 feet above sea level.

How can this happen ?? 🤔
This happen due to plate tectonics that created as a result of Earth's subterranean movements.

Now you know 🤗😁



There is no real evidence that shark actively hunting humans. On average, shark only kills less than 20 people per year. We human just look like they meal which is fish or seals 🦈



Let we take a deep breath ~~~ Breath In ~~ Breath Out ~~

Do you know "Humming Birds" are one of the animal that have highest breathing rate per minute.

Now you know 🕊



Where do you guys store your food? Of course you will store in refrigerator or in kitchen cabinet right. Do you want to know how otter save their food?? You might be surprise 😁

Sea Otter will save food under their armpit!! They have baggy pockets of loose skin. They will use the pocket to store food and favorite rocks that uses for cracking open mollusks and clams.

This is because the underneath hair have another layer of fur that stays completely dry. So it can help to save their food 😋



Do you know 99% of a panda's diet consists of bamboo? But!! Its digestive tract retains carnivorous characteristics 🧐.

Giant panda's ability to digest bamboo is low at less than 20%, and bamboo itself is low in nutrients.

So in order to keep up their energy, pandas have to eat a lot of bamboo and thus p**p a lot! 🤭🐼

Now you know 😆



Do you know facts about bees other than it is categorized as insects known for their role in pollination and for producing honey?

Lets check out picture below 👇 to get better known about bees ~~~ 🐝



Cat have soo many style to communicate. One of the style coming from their sound which is they can make until 100 different vocalization while dog only can make 10 different vocal sound.

They also have unique "vocabulary" to communicate with human - each cat has different set of vocals, purrs and behaviors

That amazing to know right 😻

Photos from Heaveny Cookies's post 03/01/2022

Hi and good evening everyone!✨✨✨

Today, Heaveny Cookies would like to share about New Year sales.

Are you guys looking for a perfect snack to celebrate New Year?
Don’t look further because cookies are the best snack to eat while celebrating the new year because it is healthy compare to most snack so that you guys can share them with everyone including your loved one 🤩🤩🤩

Grab it now for only RM 20
Grab it now for only RM 20
Grab it now for only RM 20

This Promotion will only last until 10/1/2021

Click https://wa.me/60129052285 to proceed your order 😋

!! I like it


Good day everyone, as promised, we present to you our latest cookies product that you have been waiting for. What it is ?
Wait what do we have tomorrow 😍😍😍


Happy New Years' 2022 Everyone.

The year 2021 has been a mixed bag for each one of us. Humbling in so many ways. Wish you all good health peace hope and love. May this new year be the best for you and your loved ones😍😍🥰🥰

Best wishes from Heaveny Cookies.

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FUN FACT OF THE DAY ✨Let we take a deep breath ~~~ Breath In ~~ Breath Out ~~Do you know "Humming Birds" are one of the ...
FUN FACT OF THE DAY ✨Where do you guys store your food? Of course you will store in refrigerator or in kitchen cabinet r...





No 18, Jalan Mekar 5, Taman Mekar, Ayer Hitam
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