MCT Oil We Share Enjoy Slim

MCT Oil We Share Enjoy Slim


天然椰子低温萃取分离 MCT 中链脂肪酸 (C8 辛酸:60%, C10 癸酸:40%)


不氧化 不含防腐剂,最安全最高等级 MCT


【很 geram lo,试了一堆产品,节食,代餐还是廋不下来】

Nah nah nah 你的身边有没有这样的朋友叻,无论他们如何吃就是不 pang,依然保持苗条的好身 cai,而你就算少吃体 zhong 一样往上涨。

其实这主要的原因是基础代谢所造成的,代谢水平较低者就容易出现热量剩余,从而形成脂坊囤积在体内,而代谢水平“旺盛”者就算多摄入些热量,也能在第一时间内消耗掉,没有脂坊的囤积体 zhong 自然就不会 pang。

#这时候正是需要 MCT OIL 的加持
MCT Oil 中链脂肪酸是纯 C8 与 C10 零残渣,身体可以马上吸收并产生大量的"酮"。

酮就是全世界想要减顽固脂坊的人梦寐以求的东西,它可以帮助身体快速进入燃脂模式,增强产热,增加代谢率,让身体代谢的更快。 所以就可以减少脂坊囤积,达到 du 腩,手臂,大腿,全身廋身‼️

OIL 有哪些好处呢❓
✅ 促进了脂坊作为能量来源的使用,从而加速我们的代谢
✅ 增加饱腹感,控制食欲,减 zhong,简直就是贪吃人的福音
✅ 消化快,快速吸收并作为能量被身体利用来燃烧内脏脂坊
✅ 提升睡眠质量,让你更容易入眠
✅ 促进肠道益菌生长,改善便秘问题
✅ 柔润肌肤,让你变得更美,更有自信 😏

我们的 MCT 可是拥有💯的安全品质保证,🈚副作用,没有添加任何药物💊成分,绝对可以安心服用
🔎 美国 FDA 认证
🔎 HALAL 清真食品认证
🔎 GMP 保健食品生产质量认证
🔎 WHO 世界卫生组织认证
🔎 TGA 澳洲治疗用品管理认证
🔎 PIC/S 国际药品稽查协约组织认证


🈶 全马免邮送到你家
🈶 提供货到付款
🈶 限时优惠,先到先得


心动不如行动,别再羡慕你的朋友了,赶快【Whatsapp】我们的营养师 JK 领取专属你的廋身方案和优惠价吧!😍

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Photos from MCT Oil We Share Enjoy Slim's post 11/08/2022










































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Photos from MCT Oil We Share Enjoy Slim's post 09/08/2022













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Photos from MCT Oil We Share Enjoy Slim's post 05/08/2022
Photos from MCT Oil We Share Enjoy Slim's post 03/08/2022



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Photos from MCT Oil We Share Enjoy Slim's post 01/08/2022

1. 控制饮食?
2. 多做运动?
3. 多吃蔬果?


那你找对了 MCT OIL 绝对是你的救星,它既可以让你不用实现以上的动作,却可让你达到理想的身cai!这是为什么呢? 这是因为它可以帮你减脂,不减肌,燃烧脂fang,降低胆固醇!它不含防腐剂,全天然!所以你可以三餐照吃,不需要节食。这样一来,健康和shou身都可以达到!

你以为 MCT OIL 只能达到SHOU身效果?
No, No, No. 那你就大错特错了!为什么呢?
MCT OIL 还可以。。。
● 让你减少饥饿感,不会一直肚子饿,乱想吃东西
● 改善皮肤,让你变得更美,更有自信
● 让你轻松排便,一天跑两次厕所都不是问题
● 跟三高 say bye bye,高胆固醇,高血糖,高血压都会远离你

所以身为懒惰的我都开始服用这个 MCT OIL,你还在等什么呢?还不快私聊我们的营养师了解更多,还有一堆优惠等着你喔!时间不等人,宁可试过,不可错过,赶紧现在就下单吧!!!😍

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Photos from MCT Oil We Share Enjoy Slim's post 01/08/2022

2022 女生标准体重表来了




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Photos from MCT Oil We Share Enjoy Slim's post 31/07/2022

【5大FEI的原因 你知道吗❓】






来,趁早发现,餐前2颗,让你摆脱脂FANG 😎

MCT Oil 中链脂肪酸是纯 C8 与 C10 零残渣,身体可以马上吸收并产生大量的"酮"。


OIL 还可以。。。
✅ 提高睡眠质量,再也不会失眠,让你有个好梦 😴
✅ 改善荷尔蒙失调,提高新陈代谢
✅ 让你轻松排便,一天跑两次厕所都不是问题
✅ 让你减少饥饿感,不会一直肚子饿,乱想吃东西
✅ 促进脑部发展🧠,对自闭儿、癫痫及老年痴呆症有帮助
✅ 让你跟三高say bye bye,高胆固醇,高血糖,高血压都会远离你
✅ 改善皮肤,让你变得更美,更有自信 😏
✅ 让你不会复PANG,不会反弹

是不是觉得哇,真的吗❓ 的确是的,MCT Oil 拥有超过90%顾客的5⭐点评和回购率,退货率几乎是0‼

还有我们的 MCT 可是拥有💯的安全品质保证,🈚副作用,没有添加任何药物💊成分,绝对可以安心服用

🔎 美国 FDA 认证
🔎 HALAL 清真食品认证
🔎 GMP 保健食品生产质量认证
🔎 WHO 世界卫生组织认证
🔎 TGA 澳洲治疗用品管理认证
🔎 PIC/S 国际药品稽查协约组织认证

🈶 全马免邮送到你家 🏡
🈶 提供货到付款 🏦
🈶 限时优惠,先到先得 ‼


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Photos from MCT Oil We Share Enjoy Slim's post 24/07/2022

Premium MCT Oil 的5大好处!

1. 容易被消化 - 身体会把它们作为燃料而不是脂肪储存起来,并产生“酮”将顽固脂肪转换能量达到瘦身

2. 刺激饱足感荷尔蒙 - Peptine YY & leptin。有助于提高思维清晰度,减少饥饿感。高抗氧化,能够改善敏感皮肤及滋润皮肤

3. 促进头脑发展 - 对自闭和老人痴呆很有帮助

4. 病人食品 - 降低胆固醇,血压及血糖,防止脂肪囤积。可用于治疗前列腺增生、消散胆石,防治心肌血管疾病等

5. 促进肠道益菌生长 - 增加维生素与矿物质的吸收。也帮助排便防止便秘

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No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin again. - Jack Kornfield


He has an ulcer under the tongue and it was inflamed and painful. He immediately took a capsule of MCT Oil and applied it directly to the ulcer. One capsule per day. After 4 days, the ulcer has recovered a lot.


The idea is not to live forever, but to create something that will. - Andy Warhol


Congratulations to the customer for successfully burning stubborn fat after taking MCT oil👍


Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside of you that is greater than any obstacle. - Christian D. Larson


How can MCT Oil improves our lifestyle?
1. Promotes Weight Loss
2. Instant Source of Energy That Can Also Be Used to Fuel Your Brain
3. May Reduce Lactate Buildup in Athletes and Help Use Fat for Energy
4. Could Help Manage Epilepsy, Alzheimer’s Disease and Autism
5. Contains Powerful Fatty Acids That Fight Yeast and Bacterial Growth
6. May Reduce Risk Factors for Heart Disease, Such as Weight and Cholesterol
7. May Help Control Blood Sugar Levels and Support Diabetes Management


7 Healthy Habits for Weight Loss
1. Always think positive
2. Don't skip breakfast
3. Drink water when you wake up
4. Make lunch your biggest meal
5. Don't eat too close to bedtime
6. Move everyday
7. Prioritise good sleep


Our customer has taken doctor's hormone medicine, while taken the 3rd bottle of MCT Oil, body has become smaller. Pants size from L to M. 🥰


A checklist for healthy morning
1. Wake up at a time that works for you
2. Establish a tech-free zone
3. Get some natural light right away
4. Eat a nutritious breakfast
5. Move your body in all directions


Love is how you stay alive,
even after you are gone. - Mitch Albom


Successfully help customer lose fat without losing muscle😘

Photos from MCT Oil We Share Enjoy Slim's post 20/11/2021

5 Benefits of Medium Chain Triglycerides

1. They are easily digested and absorbed, so the body will store them as fuel instead of fat, produce "ketones" to convert stubborn fat into energy to achieve weight loss.

2. Stimulate satiety hormones: Peptine YY & leptin. Helps improve brain function and reduce hunger. High antioxidant, can improve sensitive skin and moisturize skin.

3. Promote the development of the brain, very helpful for autistic children, epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease.

4. It can be used to treat prostate hyperplasia, dispel gallstones, cardiovascular disease, etc.

5. Promote the growth of intestinal probiotics and increase the absorption of vitamins and minerals. It also helps defecation and prevents constipation.


How to lose weight on a vegan diet ?
1. Weigh calories versus nutrient density
Weight loss and nutrition are all about return on investment. You want to aim for foods that are low in calories but high in nutrients. Stick with these, and not only will you feel energized and satiated throughout the day, but you also won’t have to bother with calorie counting. Typically, vegetables have the least amount of calories while providing a robust profile of nutrients—followed by fruit, starchy produce (squash, potatoes, corn, and oats), whole grains, and beans and legumes. Focus on these foods to make up the bulk of your meals, and consume higher-calorie plant foods such as nuts, seeds, and avocados sparingly.

2. Focus on fiber
Constant hunger is one of the main reasons why diets fail. When you focus on high-fiber foods, you’ll feel fuller for longer, as this essential (but highly underrated) nutrient is slow to digest. Most Americans are fiber-deficient and don’t even come close to the American Heart Association’s recommendation of 25 grams per day. High-fiber foods include leafy greens, fruit, legumes (includes beans, lentils, and peas), and oats.

3. Limit processed foods
Sure, those vegan crackers might contain some fiber, but they probably also contain calorically dense oils and other ingredients that could lead to weight gain. It’s a wonderful thing to live in a world where vegan options abound, but just because it exists doesn’t mean we should help ourselves to non-dairy ice cream or vegan grilled cheeses every day. Focus on plants, and enjoy these vegan treats only on occasion.

4. Train your taste buds
We’re just going to say it—cravings suck. Along with hunger, those incessant neurological signals are another culprit of weight-loss failure. There is no magic pill to stop the cravings, but over time, you can at least bend them to your will. Your taste buds and gut microbiome can adapt to what you feed them. Over time (give it six weeks or so), your body will start to crave the healthier food you give it. We know that this is a major trust exercise, but we promise it works. For example, there is probably a vegan product or vegetable you didn’t like before you went vegan. Not a fan the first time you tried vegan cheese, but now you always keep it stocked? Freaked out by Brussels sprouts, but now you crave them every winter season? See? Trust the process.

5. Put food in your fridge
Don’t leave your meals to spur-of-the-moment decisions. You don’t have to write out a plan or spend hours on a Sunday meal-prepping, but you should keep healthy food on hand so you don’t end up getting vegan pizza delivered. Convenient foods to keep on hand include frozen veggies, quick-cooking grains, pre-chopped vegetables and lettuce, canned beans, oil-free hummus, and sauces (try Roots), and fruit galore (if you’ve never tried cotton candy grapes, you need to). For especially busy lifestyles, a digital meal planner is a great place to start (we created this one curated just for plant-based eating). With a well-stocked kitchen, there’s no excuse to not eat incredibly delicious, plant-based meals.

6. Spring clean your Instagram feed
Just as you would unfollow a person who was giving off negative vibes, it helps to unfollow any accounts that trigger cravings or undermine your self-esteem. If you know that you act on impulse whenever your local vegan bakery posts a two-for-one deal, it might be time to take a break from that account (you can always re-follow them after you hit your weight-loss goal). Also, get rid of any accounts that make you feel guilty or like you’re not good enough. Images of ripped vegan bodybuilders or lean plant-based yogis can be aspirational and motivating to some, but if they make you feel down on yourself or trigger thoughts of hopelessness, these accounts aren’t helping. During the first few weeks of your weight-loss journey, you may even want to delete the app from your phone. Focus on you; because you’re worth it, and you’re going to be successful.


Sinovac, AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccines given conditional approval for use as boosters

PETALING JAYA: The Drug Control Authority (DCA) has given conditional approval to the Covid-19 vaccines from Sinovac and AstraZeneca as booster shots, says the Health Ministry.

In a statement on Wednesday (Nov 17), Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said approval had been given for the two vaccines to be used as booster doses for individuals aged 18 years and above who had received vaccines of the same type (homologous).

"The booster vaccine for AstraZeneca will be administered six months from when the second dose was given, whilst for CoronaVac, the booster dose will be administered three to six months after the second dose," Dr Noor Hisham added.

The administration of the booster doses for both varieties of vaccine to targeted groups will be outlined by the Covid-19 Immunisation Booster Task Force (CITF-B) and announced from time to time.

He said the Health Ministry would like to emphasise that the conditional registration approval required information on quality, safety and efficacy of the vaccines to be monitored and evaluated, in accordance with the latest data.

"This is to ensure the comparison of benefits over risk of the vaccines remain positive," said Dr Noor Hisham.

He added the ministry was committed in upgrading the access of Covid-19 vaccine products in the country.

Meanwhile a tweet on Wednesday, Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin said this would allow the Vaccination Technical Working Group to make recommendations on who could receive the shot under the heterologous booster programme.

"Sinovac and AZ boosters have gotten regulatory approval today which paves way for the Vaccination Technical Working Group to make recommendations on who qualifies to receive & the vaccines’ inclusion for the heterologous booster programme.
— Khairy Jamaluddin


Congratulations to the customer for successfully losing 1 inch in only 3 weeks😍



- Sleep is an exercise to strengthen neural connections which form our memories. In our brain, the hippocampus is the part where memories are stored. During sleep, the hippocampus is restored which helps you memorize things faster and easier. Another factor that enhances and consolidate memory is Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep phases during a sound sleep.

-Sleeping also helps in increasing our alertness, problem-solving, reasoning and concentration. It helps a student focus better in the classroom and an adult deliver better performance in the workplace.

- Sleeping helps us freshen up our mind and channel our thoughts. It leads to a better output and better creativity.

- On a physical level, our body is a machine, and like, every other machine, it needs some time to relax and prepare itself for the next set of activities.It boots our immunity. During sleep, our tissues and muscles revitalize and repair and help us function better when we wake up. It lowers our chances of heart diseases by reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

- Adequate sleeping also helps to reduce depression as when we sleep, our brain releases some hormones which act as antidepressants. Thus a proper sleep makes you calm and balances your emotional well being when stressed or tired.

- In small children, a sound night sleep helps them to fit better among peers and social circles subsequently help in good overall growth and development.

- Getting enough sleep helps you to have a better digestive system. It aids in weight loss and a healthier physique and better appearance.


5 Reasons Why Time Management is Important
If you aren’t fully clear on why time management is important, you probably won’t have the motivation that is needed to change your ways. Here are 5 reasons why it’s important and beneficial to learn how to manage your time well.

1. Time Management Increases Your Productivity and Efficiency
Think about everything that you somehow get accomplished when a deadline is nearing. Now think about how much higher the quality of your work could be if you weren’t pushed to cut corners with a looming deadline. If you plan your time wisely, you won’t be rushing through it, but with smaller deadlines, you will still feel the motivation to make progress. This pressing motivation coupled with the allowance of a reasonable pace will help you create impressive work.

2. You Gain a Sense of Fulfillment
Once your time management efforts start to pay off in the form of accomplishments, you will feel more fulfilled by your performance. Effective time management skills will also help you lead a more fulfilling life, as you will have more time to explore various opportunities that you let pass you by in the past.

If you’re constantly rushing from one project to the next, you never get the chance to do the things that you may find to be truly rewarding outside of work, such as volunteering or helping someone in need. These tasks are innately fulfilling and can add enrichment to your life. Whatever you do that you enjoy and believe is important is time well spent.

3. You Relieve Stress
Managing your time can have a direct impact on your stress level. You will face fewer surprises, reduce your tight deadlines, and eliminate your frequent rushing from one task to the next.

If you feel like you’re constantly busy but get little accomplished, or you’re never able to complete your work, you’re probably experiencing stress. Time management skills can help you gain a sense of control over your time, which will help reduce this pressure. As you improve your ability to meet your deadlines, you will be better equipped to stay calm while you’re working. When you can manage your time well, you gain some peace of mind.

4. It Improves Self-Discipline
If you are good at managing your time, you’re probably also very self-disciplined and tend to stay on track with your deadlines and goals. Having this sense of self-discipline benefits you in every area of your life, from your health to your relationships to your career. The more you practice time management, the better your sense of self-discipline will become, which will increase your success at attaining goals in any area of your life.

5. Improves Your Ability to Make Decisions
Having good time management skills helps reduce stress and allows you to set aside enough time each night to get a proper amount of sleep. Getting ample rest has a strong impact on the quality of your decisions and can impact almost every area of your life, both personal and professional. By having effective time management skills, you can refrain from making the poor decisions that you could make during periods of stress, pressure, and fatigue.

Having sufficient time to make decisions will also allow you to be more organized and experience fewer mistakes. The more you forget details or do things incorrectly, the more work you’re creating for yourself. When you’re able to make good decisions in the first place, you can eliminate the need to do a task more than once.


5 simple things you can do NOW to prevent obesity
These are simple, non-drastic steps that you can take to ensure that you continue to live a healthy life. More importantly, these are things that you can start NOW rather than later.

1. Avoid processed foods
Consumption of processed foods is linked to a higher risk of obesity. Foods that are high in fat, salt, and sugar are not only unhealthy but it also encourages overeating. So lay off the chips and start substituting water for soda for starters then start tweaking your diet to ensure that you integrate more whole foods and fresh fruits and vegetables to your meals and snacks.

2. Increase your physical activity
Healthy diet and physical activity always go hand-in-hand in decreasing the risk of obesity and even in combating it if you already are obese or overweight.

Exercise, even in moderate amounts, can go a long way in helping you keep the weight off. Aerobic activities like walking, hiking and dancing or more vigorous ones like running, swimming and cycling will increase your energy expenditure therefore helping you burn fat and increase your muscle weight.

3. Ensure that you’re getting enough sleep
Sleeplessness can lead to obesity in many different ways. According to Harvard University’s School of Public Health, people who lack enough sleep become too tired to exercise, decreasing the “calories burned” side of the weight-change equation. Sleep-deprived individuals may take in more calories, simply because they are awake longer and have more opportunities to eat. Moreover, sleeplessness also disrupts the balance of key hormones that control appetite, so people who lack sleep may be hungrier than usual.

4. Cut down on your screen time
Nowadays, almost everyone is guilty of spending too much time with their screens whether you’re playing mobile games or binge-watching your favorite shows on YouTube or Netflix. But the more time you spend in front of your phone, computer or television, the less opportunity you have to become physically active. Adding to that is the fact that your screen time can also affect the amount of sleep you get, depriving you of your much needed rest.

5. Visit your doctor’s office
Most people do not realize this, but a visit to your physician should be made out of habit and not out of need. If you’re concerned about weight-related health problems and you feel like you’re at risk of being obese, pay your doctor a visit and ask him or her about obesity management. You and your doctor can evaluate your current health condition, discuss health risks and look at your weight-loss options.


One of the most common benefits of exercise is that it helps you control and manage your weight. Exercise burns calories, which results in shedding pounds. Although rigorous exercise will burn more calories, even simple exercises such as a brisk walk can have a positive impact on weight loss.

Exercise doesn’t just keep you trim—it helps you stay healthy. Regular exercise increases your overall level of fitness, which in turn boosts your immune system and makes you more resilient to illnesses like the common cold. Combined with your regular vaccinations, physical exercise might just be your ticket to getting through flu season in one piece.

One of the reasons to exercise regularly is that it gives you energy. Rather than going for that second cup of coffee, a workout can help oxygen flow more freely throughout the body and give you a much-needed burst of energy to get you through the day. It also increases your overall stamina, which can help you stay energized for longer, to begin with.

Exercise has been proven to provide a mood booster, as it releases chemicals into your brain that help you feel happier and can ease the effects of depression, ADHD, and anxiety. It can also allow you to sleep better at night, which is important to maintaining an overall good mood.

In addition to all of the immediate benefits of regular exercise, it can help you stave off health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes in the long term. Working out increases your “good” cholesterol and decreases your risk of serious medical issues, especially those pertaining to the heart.

Exercise can help with a myriad of health issues and it’s as easy as taking a simple walk. Try to work physical activity into your daily routine one step at a time!

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No. 20, 1st Floor, Persiaran Permatang Rawa, Bukit Mertajam Wellesley
Bukit Mertajam

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