Premium MCT Oil Healthy Life

不怕你不行 只怕你不要!乖~ 来试试?

MCT Oil中链三酸甘油

1. 容易被消化和吸收,所以身体会把它们作为燃料而不是脂肪储存起来,并产生“酮”将顽固脂肪转换能量达到瘦身。

2. 刺激饱足感荷尔蒙 :Peptine YY & leptin。有助于提高思维清晰度,减少饥饿感。高抗氧化,能够改善敏感皮肤及滋润皮肤。

3. 促进头脑发展,对自闭儿,癫痫及老年痴呆症很有帮助。

4. 可成为病人食品,降低胆固醇,血压及血糖,防止脂肪囤积。可用于治疗前列腺增生、消散胆石,防治心肌血管疾病等。

5. 促进肠道益菌生长,增加维生素与矿物质的吸收。也帮助排便防止便秘。

Photos from Premium MCT Oil Healthy Life's post 25/05/2022

减脂小知识 8️⃣个减脂小技巧 🛎


1.补充蛋白质 🥚


2.进行一个月低碳饮食 🤏🍚🍞


3.拒绝饮料咖啡茶 🧋


4.无氧练肌 🏋️‍♀️

这是一个比较容易混淆的观点,通常人们会将注意力放在减脂上,进行几个月之后,可能体重上有些变化,但整体体型依旧如此, 所以锻炼肌肉,不仅让你体形更紧致,同时也能让你减脂事半功倍,尝试在未来每周进行3次力量训练,3次间歇有氧训练,持续两到三个月,将会让你提醒发生巨大变化。

5.进行间歇性有氧运动 🚵

并不是说有氧运动无效,只是效率较低而已,十分钟的间歇有氧,和艰难的力量训练一样有挑战,如果你没有太多时间,又要保证力量又要有氧的话。 建议:你安排十到二十分钟的间歇有氧,每周三次,一分钟冲刺一分钟走路,重复进行,这就是这么简单暴利有效。

6.每周一次cheating day 🍔

可以将自己喜欢的食物放在欺骗日吃,如果你在进行低碳饮食,那么这一天安排一些高碳水饮食把, 稍稍让身体放纵一下,这会让你更加容易进行下去,当然,欺骗日不等于彻底放纵,你一让可以参加聚会,但也要避免垃圾食品。

7.不要过度有氧 🏸

我认为每周进行总时长为三到四的有氧运动足以,有氧运动可不像努力工作赚钱一样,你不努力就没钱赚,但是如果你能过保证以上说的那些, 你将实现被动消耗,即使你在睡眠状态,也依然会有大量的金钱进账,过度的有氧实际上对你的代谢率有负面影响,并释放荷尔蒙帮助储存脂肪。

8.不要纠结食物卡路里 🍕🍟

在低碳水饮食期间你完全无需计算卡路里,也完全无需挨饿,但你依旧能减少脂肪, 因为你使用以上的方法,这已经让你的新陈代谢大大提高,并让你身体处于最佳的脂肪燃烧状态, 你只需要做到对食物质量严格把关自然的、无精细化加工的、无添加剂的食物。

Photos from Premium MCT Oil Healthy Life's post 25/05/2022

培养自律的 5️⃣个步骤❗❗❗

自律就像肌肉一样,透过训练,我们就能好好掌握它。你可以将自律想像成一种习惯,而且是好的习惯。透过以下 5 个步骤,就能帮你慢慢建立与培养属于你自己的好习惯,掌握你的自律人生。

自律人生第 1️⃣ 步:设定目标,对自己负责

自律人生第 2️⃣ 步:拥有健康的身体

自律人生第 3️⃣ 步:不要跟着感觉,要跟着计划走

自律人生第 4️⃣ 步:尽可能消除干扰

自律人生第 5️⃣ 步:坚持你的新习惯


【每当想开始减fei的时候总是困难重重,轻易放弃,想着明天再开始减,但又会懊恼这样没有毅力的自己 😣 |||】
没关系!有了 Premium MCT Oil, 让你轻松减重不是梦!
😉 100%纯中链脂肪酸,不含杂油真空低温植物胶囊,方便带出门和容易控制服用量。味道绝对地清爽,无怪味,非常适合不喜欢味道重的朋友。
😉 不含防腐剂,没有化学成分,无其它副作用。
😉 不止能够帮助减脂不减肌,还能改善便秘问题哦。
😉 无论男或女,老或少,都适合服用SUNPEACE PREMIUM MCT。
这个放100个心啦,绝对无副作用的哦~并且我们的MCT Oil已经得到超过90%顾客的5星好评,0%的退货率呢!除此之外,我们除了有政府8大认证的产品,还有其它的安全品质保障呢!98%客户用后30天都说直接看到明显的瘦身效果喔!
Premium MCT Oil 还获得了各种国际认证:
✅ TGA澳洲治疗用品管理认证
✅ WHO世界卫生组织认证
✅ Halal清真食品认证
✅ GMP保健食品生产质量认证
✅ PIC/S国际药品稽查协约组织认证
心动不如行动, 你还在等待犹豫, 别人都已经减了5kg了咯 😍
赶快按【Send Message】找我下单!我还会给你优惠 promotion😜
或立刻 whatapps 了解更多 📱

Photos from Premium MCT Oil Healthy Life's post 21/05/2022

中链脂肪酸(MCT)有 6-12 个碳原子,同样可以为人体供应能量,但相较于长链脂肪酸复杂的代谢途径,碳链较短、分子较小直接从肠道吸收后,就在肝脏快速消化转换成为能量,身体轻松无负担。这个过程只需要30分钟。

SUNPEACE MCT中链脂肪酸是纯素产品,来自椰子果核肉初榨冷压萃取分离MCT中链脂肪酸 (C8辛酸: 60%, C10癸酸: 40%)。PIC/S制药保证精纯,不含杂油真空低温素植物软胶囊,不氧化、不含防腐剂最安全最高等级。SUNPEACE MCT中链脂肪酸软胶囊便于携带和食用。

想要知道更多关于MCT 欢迎咨询我们 😍

Photos from Premium MCT Oil Healthy Life's post 21/05/2022


1.控制分量 ☑️

2.注意留心 ☑️

3.运动 ☑️

4.称体重 ☑️

5.养成吃早餐的习惯 ☑️

6.监控摄入 ☑️


MCT除了解决健康瘦身问题还有许多好处,你想了解MCT 如何燃烧脂肪瘦身消除赘肉吗?😍


Photos from Premium MCT Oil Healthy Life's post 21/05/2022


【Sunpeace Premium MCT油】
全马唯一纯中链脂肪酸胶囊,1个月多让你健康爆廋起来 😍
😇10倍快速分解内脂肪, 达到减脂不减肌效果!而且不会反弹!
😇预防脂防肝,糖尿和 脏病,改善3高问题

✅真空低温植物胶囊,方便大家带出门和容易控制服用量!味道香甜,完全不會有难闻的味道,適合不喜歡味道很重的朋友 吃下去就好像吃椰水的味道而已!
✅不含防腐剂,没有化学成分,天然,安全,高等级!绝对可以配合其他保健产品一起吃,保证不会 跳加速和其他副作用!

【SUNPEACE MCT Oil】政府8大认证的安全健康产品(无副作用!无约性),100% 安全品质保证!😇
🏆HALAL 清真食品认证
🏆GMP 保健食品生产质量认证
🏆WHO 世界卫生组织认证
🏆TGA 澳洲治疗用品管理认证

心动不如行动,立即点击【Send Message】了解更多!

Photos from Premium MCT Oil Healthy Life's post 21/05/2022

一天一个🍎身体健康无病 吃苹果有这些好处~~








Start today, not tomorrow. Don't wait for the world to change.

Photos from Premium MCT Oil Healthy Life's post 21/05/2022


想要知道更多关于MCT 欢迎咨询我们 😍

Photos from Premium MCT Oil Healthy Life's post 21/05/2022

中链甘油三酯(MCT)通常可作为手术后、感染和皮肤烧伤病人的专用食品,还可用于那些患有脂肪吸收不良,艾滋病人和癌症病人、糖尿病人的食品,可用于治疗前列腺增生、消散胆石、降低胆固醇、防治高血脂症等。 此外还可以帮助减肥,实践证明,食用中链脂肪酸酯MCT对人体的体重、腹部脂肪面积的减少、腰围的减少,均有明显的效果🥰

想要知道更多关于MCT 欢迎咨询我们 😍


Life Isn't About Finding Yourself. Life Is About Creating Yourself.


DREAM that never be planned and executed is just a day dream!
Write down your dream today, plan it, do it and ACHIEVE IT !


How can MCT Oil improves our lifestyle?

1. Promotes Weight Loss
2. Instant Source of Energy That Can Also Be Used to Fuel Your Brain
3. May Reduce Lactate Buildup in Athletes and Help Use Fat for Energy
4. Could Help Manage Epilepsy, Alzheimer’s Disease and Autism
5. Contains Powerful Fatty Acids That Fight Yeast and Bacterial Growth
6. May Reduce Risk Factors for Heart Disease, Such as Weight and Cholesterol
7. May Help Control Blood Sugar Levels and Support Diabetes Management


5 Healthy Habits For Weight Lose

1)Always Think Positive

Positive thinking plays a significant role in your weight loss efforts. Perpetual negative thoughts can lead to self-defeating behaviors such as going off your diet, overeating and skipping your exercise routine. Positive thoughts, on the other hand, can increase your motivation and energy level.

2)Make Lunch Your Biggest Meal

With a light breakfast & dinner in mind, lunch be the largest meal of the day, since that is the time your digestion is working at its maximum potency, when the sun is highest in the sky.

3)Don't Eat Too Close To Bedtime

As a general rule of thumb, nutritionists will tell you to wait about three hours between your last meal and bedtime. 1 This allows digestion to occur and the contents of your stomach to move into your small intestine. This may prevent problems like heartburn at night and even insomnia.

4)Drink Water When You Wake Up

Just by drinking water on an empty stomach, you can increase your metabolic rater by 24%! By increasing your metabolic rate, you are digesting faster and therefore improving your digestive system. The water also purifies your colon, letting the organ absorb nutrients faster naturally.

5)Prioritise Good Sleep

In the study, dieters were put on different sleep schedules. When their bodies received adequate rest, half of the weight they lost was from fat. However, when they cut back on sleep, the amount of fat lost was cut in half—even though they were on the same diet. What's more, they felt significantly hungrier, were less satisfied after meals, and lacked the energy to exercise. Overall, those on a sleep-deprived diet experienced a 55 percent reduction in fat loss compared to their well-rested counterparts.


Lose 1 inches in 3 weeks 🤗
Lose weight without losing muscle 💪
The beginning of a new revolution🔥
Let's lose the stubborn body fat together🤘


Benefits of Yoga

• Improves posture
Working for long hours on a desk could not only hurt your spine but also make you feel tired at the end of the day. Practicing certain yoga asana could help you in improving your posture and also prevent pain in your neck and lower back.

• Increases flexibility
When was the last time you wished you could easily touch your toes which bending forward? Well, practicing yoga could help you in that. Yoga can not only help you in increasing your flexibility but also let you perform complex asana.

• Builds muscle strength
Yoga could help in strengthening weak muscles of the body. It helps in toning which prevents frequent straining of the muscles.

• Boosts metabolism
Yoga helps in retaining the vitality in your body along with keeping it fit. It motivates you towards healthy eating and improves the metabolic system of the body.


Those Who Move Forward With A Happy Spirit Will Find That Things Will Always Work Out 💪


Thanks to customer feedback🥰
Hurry up, PM us you are the next👇


Benefits of Medium Chain Triglycerides

1. They are easily digested and absorbed, so the body will store them as fuel instead of fat, and produce "ketones" to convert stubborn fat into energy to achieve weight loss.

2. Hormones that stimulate satiety: Peptine YY & leptin. Helps improve thinking clarity and reduce hunger. High antioxidant, can improve sensitive skin and moisturize skin.

3. Promote brain development, which is very helpful for autistic children, epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease.

4. It can be used as food for patients, lowering cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar, and preventing fat accumulation. It can be used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia, dispel gallstones, and prevent and treat myocardial vascular diseases.

5. Promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines and increase the absorption of vitamins and minerals. It also helps defecation and prevents constipation.
Hurry up PM us, a healthy life starts now 👇


An update on the situation in Malaysia and current vaccination rates (Nov 17).


Benefits of Avocado

1. Avocado Is Incredibly Nutritious

Avocado is a green, pear-shaped fruit often called an “alligator pear.” It is loaded with healthy fats, fibre and various important nutrients..

2. Contain More Potassium Than Bananas

Avocados are very high in potassium. A 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving packs 14% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA), compared to 10% in bananas, which are a typical high-potassium food (5).

3. Avocados Are Loaded With Fiber

Avocados tend to be rich in fiber — about 7% by weight, which is very high compared to most other foods. Fiber may have important benefits for weight loss and metabolic health.

4. Eating Avocados Can Lower Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels

Numerous studies have shown that eating avocado can improve heart disease risk factors like total, “bad” LDL and “good” HDL cholesterol, as well as blood triglycerides.

5. Avocado May Help Prevent Cancer

Some test-tube studies have shown that nutrients in avocados may have benefits in preventing prostate cancer and lowering side effects of chemotherapy. However, human-based research is lacking.


Anything Is Possible When You Have Inner Peace.


Benefits of Banana🍌

1. Protect your heart

Eating bananas every day could help prevent heart attacks and strokes, new research reveals. High in potassium, foods like bananas can stop fatal blockages from occurring and inhibit the hardening and narrowing of arteries. Researchers at the University of Alabama discovered the effects after analyzing mice who were at risk of heart disease.

2. Strengthen bones

For strong bones, it is important to have good amounts of certain minerals in the body. Nutrients which are important for bone health are B vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Bananas contain many of these nutrients such as Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and potassium. Also they contain very high amounts of fructooligosaccharide (FOS). Fructooligosaccharide is prebiotic compound that helps probiotic bacteria to produce digestive enzymes and vitamins. These vitamins and digestive enzymes promote body’s ability absorb nutrients including calcium. Because of the fact that calcium is very important for bone health, better calcium absorption makes the bones that much more healthy. In this way fructooligosaccharide in bananas provides important bone health benefits.

3. Control blood pressure

According to various researches, consuming potassium-rich foods help in lowering blood pressure. Bananas are extremely rich in potassium and low in sodium. According to the FDA, diets rich in potassium and low in sodium may reduce the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. Excess sodium in the body puts burden on blood vessels and also disrupts the water balance. Consuming a food loaded with potassium reduce pressure on kidneys and also helps in getting rid of excess sodium in the body by flushing extra sodium out of your system through urine. Potassium also helps in maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in the body, which helps control blood pressure.

4. Relieve diarrhea

Banana is a rich source of potassium. This mineral helps to replace electrolytes lost due to frequent loose. If you consume bananas, you do not have to take oral rehydration solutions. This yellow fruit is also rich in fiber, which helps to bulk up the stool and improve the bowel movement. The pectin content absorbs excess liquid in the intestines, making the stool firmer and reducing the amount and duration of diarrhea. Bananas are also a low residue food that helps deal with the weakness and dehydration. You can either have it as a fruit or add it to your yoghurt or smoothie. Add 1-2 bananas for 2 times a day to ease the stomach issue.


Do you know about Orange?🍊

Oranges are among the world’s most popular fruits. Also called sweet oranges, they grow on orange trees and belong to a large group of fruits known as citrus fruits. Their true origin is a mystery, but the cultivation of oranges is thought to have started in eastern Asia thousands of years ago. Today, they are grown in most warm regions of the world and consumed either fresh or as juice.
Oranges are a healthy source of fiber, vitamin C, thiamine, folate, and antioxidants. They have multiple health benefits.

1) Kidney stone prevention
Oranges are a good source of citric acid and citrates, which are believed to help prevent kidney stone formation. Potassium citrate is often prescribed to patients with kidney stones. Citrates in oranges seem to have similar effects.

2) Anemia prevention
Anemia is a condition characterized by low levels of red blood cells or hemoglobin, decreasing its ability to carry oxygen. It is often caused by iron deficiency. Although oranges are not a good source of iron, they are an excellent source of organic acids, such as vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and citric acid. Both vitamin C and citric acid can increase your body’s absorption of iron from the digestive tract.


6 Tips for Healthy Eating🥣

1. Eats lots of fruit and vegetables🍎
It's recommended that you eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and veg every day. They can be fresh, frozen, canned, dried or juiced. A portion of fresh, canned or frozen fruit and vegetables is 80g. A portion of dried fruit (which should be kept to mealtimes) is 30g. A 150ml glass of fruit juice, vegetable juice or smoothie also counts as 1 portion, but limit the amount you have to no more than 1 glass a day as these drinks are sugary and can damage your teeth.

2. Eat more fish🐟
Fish is a good source of protein and contains many vitamins and minerals. Aim to eat at least 2 portions of fish a week, including at least 1 portion of oily fish. Oily fish are high in omega-3 fats, which may help prevent heart disease. Oily fish include salmon、trout、
herring、sardines、pilchards、mackerel. You can choose from fresh, frozen and canned, but remember that canned and smoked fish can be high in salt. Most people should be eating more fish, but there are recommended limits for some types of fish.

3. Cut down saturated fat
You need some fat in your diet, but it's important to pay attention to the amount and type of fat you're eating. There are 2 main types of fat: saturated and unsaturated. Too much saturated fat can increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which increases your risk of developing heart disease. On average, men should have no more than 30g of saturated fat a day. On average, women should have no more than 20g of saturated fat a day.

4. Do not skip breakfast🍳🥛
Some people skip breakfast because they think it'll help them lose weight. But a healthy breakfast high in fiber and low in fat, sugar and salt can form part of a balanced diet, and can help you get the nutrients you need for good health. A wholegrain lower sugar cereal with semi-skimmed milk and fruit sliced over the top is a tasty and healthier breakfast.

5. Do not get thirsty🥃
You need to drink plenty of fluids to stop you getting dehydrated. The government recommends drinking 6 to 8 glasses every day. This is in addition to the fluid you get from the food you eat.
All non-alcoholic drinks count, but water, lower fat milk and lower sugar drinks, including tea and coffee, are healthier choices.
Try to avoid sugary soft and fizzy drinks, as they're high in calories. They're also bad for your teeth. Your combined total of drinks from fruit juice, vegetable juice and smoothies should not be more than 150ml a day, which is a small glass.
Remember to drink more fluids during hot weather or while exercising.

6. Eat less salt
Eating too much salt can raise your blood pressure. People with high blood pressure are more likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke. Even if you do not add salt to your food, you may still be eating too much. About three-quarters of the salt you eat is already in the food when you buy it, such as breakfast cereals, soups, breads and sauces. Use food labels to help you cut down. More than 1.5g of salt per 100g means the food is high in salt.
Adults and children aged 11 and over should eat no more than 6g of salt (about a teaspoonful) a day. Younger children should have even less.


[It is good to lose too much visceral fat and gradually improve your body]

Nowadays, we have a rich diet. Although we can feast on it, it will cause us to suffer from obesity, especially when there is too much fat in the internal organs. It can seriously affect our health. When we lose too much visceral fat, our body can return to health. So what are the benefits of losing too much visceral fat? May wish to learn more.

1. Make hormones in the body function normally
Excessive visceral fat can disrupt the normal functioning of hormones. Visceral fat has the function of secreting hormones. The various hormones it secretes were originally used to maintain the functioning of body functions. However, obesity causes visceral fat to become larger or increase in quantity, which can turn it into bad fat, reduce the secretion of beneficial hormones, and cause harm to health. So when we lose too much visceral fat, the hormones in the body gradually return to normal.

2. Eliminate health risks
Visceral fat is also one of the causes of chronic diseases, such as diabetes. Our body secretes a hormone called "adiponectin", which is responsible for repairing damaged blood vessels and helps insulin function and control blood sugar. However, once visceral fat increases, cells will reduce the secretion of adiponectin, which reduces the effect and effect of insulin. However, how much adiponectin adipocytes can secrete depends not only on the accumulation of visceral fat, but also on genetic factors.
Visceral fat is not only closely related to diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, etc., but also indirectly related to arteriosclerosis. It may also cause cerebral infarction, heart disease and other diseases. Therefore, eliminating excessive visceral fat also eliminates health risks.

3. Can prevent cancer
This is also related to adiponectin. In fact, adiponectin can also inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells. Take liver cancer as an example,
When the liver is in a state of inflammation due to viral infection or excessive drinking, we call it "hepatitis". If the hepatitis continues to worsen, cirrhosis of the liver will occur and cancer will occur.
Adiponectin helps remove growing cancer cells, but if visceral fat becomes more, the secretion of adiponectin will decrease. When cancer cells cannot be eliminated, the risk of cancer will naturally increase, so avoiding excessive visceral fat can prevent cancer.

4. Can prevent dementia
Too much visceral fat can cause great harm to our healthy life span, and losing excess fat can prevent dementia. Studies have pointed out that dementia is also closely related to visceral fat. At present, actual data have shown that more than 60% of patients with Alzheimer's disease have more visceral fat in their bodies than the standard value. In the results of the U.S. survey report, it was pointed out that the proportion of middle-aged obese people suffering from dementia is three times higher than that of the average person.


Disadvantages of visceral fat

When visceral fat enters the digestive system, it can cause damage to the liver and other organs, cause fatty liver, disrupt metabolism, and cause type 2 diabetes and infertility.

Not only that, visceral fat can also increase the chance of cardiovascular disease, cause inflammation of arteries, and even lead to depression.

Visceral fat can also cause cancer. According to estimates by Cancer Research UK, the incidence of colon cancer in overweight men is 25% higher than that of ordinary people, while the incidence of obesity in male patients is 50% higher than that of ordinary people.


How to wear a medical mask safely? 😷


Why do some people “don't look fat”, but their visceral fat exceeds the standard?

When it comes to the issue of excess fat, many people will have a fat body and a round waist in their minds. But by our side, there are still some enviable and jealous people who “don't look fat” or even “don't get fat no matter how they eat.”

In fact, although some people are “not fat”, they are told that they have “excessive visceral fat” after a physical examination. So, what is visceral fat?

Visceral fat is a kind of human body fat, which surrounds the liver, pancreas, kidneys and other organs. It is mainly present in the abdominal cavity, but it cannot be seen directly with the naked eye. While the human body stores subcutaneous fat, it also stores visceral fat at the same time.

Everyone has some visceral fat more or less. A certain amount of visceral fat is actually necessary for the human body. They are like clothes that are “worn” outside the organs, which support, stabilize and protect the internal organs.

However, when there is excess nutrition in the body, fat will continue to accumulate in the internal organs. When there is too much nutrition, it will cause excess fat, which will enter the blood and cause hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, heart disease and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and metabolic syndromes, thereby increasing the risk of acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events such as stroke and myocardial infarction.

In addition, excess adipose tissue in the body needs to consume more oxygen, which means that the heart must work harder to pump blood in order to provide more blood oxygen to the adipose tissue. In the long run, it will naturally increase the pressure on the heart. The more fat accumulates in the arteries, the worse the function of the arteries. The thickening of the blood vessel walls and reduced blood flow will not only increase the burden on the heart, but also increase the risk of blood clots and deterioration of blood circulation throughout the body.

Excessive accumulation of visceral fat directly affects our health. In life, insufficient exercise, satiety and other reasons can cause fat accumulation around the abdominal organs, forming visceral fatty obesity. Clinically speaking, people with visceral obesity mainly include the following categories.

First, the diet is uneven. I rarely eat breakfast, but lunch and dinner are very rich, I often eat late-night snacks, and the diet structure is greasy or sweet; second, I exercise too little, work sedentary, and like to travel by car; third, I drink too little water, but I like to eat high-calorie afternoon tea.

So, how do we initially judge whether our visceral fat exceeds the standard? Visceral fat is mainly distributed in the abdominal cavity. A larger waist circumference often means more visceral fat. Waist circumference is the primary criterion for judging excessive visceral fat. If the waist circumference of a male is ≥90 cm or that of a female is ≥80 cm, there is a possibility of excessive visceral fat.

If you find that your "visceral fat exceeds the standard”, you should actively eliminate the accumulated visceral fat through lifestyle changes.

You can do more aerobic exercise, practice abdominal breathing, etc. For example, take a supine position. When inhaling, expand your abdomen outward as much as possible and keep your chest still. When exhaling, shrink your abdomen inward as much as possible and keep your chest still. In terms of diet, consume more cellulose and eat less carbohydrates (staple foods such as rice and bread).

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No. 20, 1st Floor, Persiaran Permatang Rawa, Bukit Mertajam Wellesley
Bukit Mertajam

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 00:30
Tuesday 08:00 - 00:30
Wednesday 08:00 - 00:30
Thursday 08:00 - 00:30
Friday 08:00 - 00:30
Saturday 08:00 - 00:30
Sunday 08:00 - 00:30

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