Hi, I am Kelvin Yam. I help sellers review their Shopee Ads and CPAS.










当我决定认真的做Shopee直播,我便告示自己我要做的跟别人不一样。我可以抄 Top Affiliates 的场景,我可以学 Top Sellers 的话术,但是我一定要用不一样的策略,不一样的方法,在最短的时间内聚集一群粉丝。

















三个小时的Shopee直播在我派完最后一轮10金币后匆匆的结束。我看一看墙上的时钟,一点正。这一次可不好了,我心想。我匆忙的带上钥匙,把门锁好,便出门去女儿的学校,载她放学。这几年,由于我的时间比较 flexible, 这已经变成我每一个工作天的工作。
我和女儿到学校附近的美食中心用餐。这家 food court 上个月换了老板。经过一番装修后,焕然一新。大部分的小贩都是之前在这里营业的。由于装修后的感觉比较 atas, 所以食物好像比较好吃。很明显,价格也涨了不少。一杯奶茶从RM3变成RM4.30。一碟炒粿条从RM8变成RM9.50。
我跟在角落的Uncle点了一碟我再熟悉也不过的炒粿条。Uncle今年65岁了。早已经过了退休年龄。他一个星期只工作五天,星期六日休息。Uncle偶尔在周末会去他儿子家住一晚,跟孙子们玩,享受天伦之乐。Uncle 继续经营他的炒粿条只不过是消磨时间。毕竟Uncle的只做午市,一天只卖30碟,卖完就回家了。Uncle过着让我羡慕的 work life balance 的生活。
我问Uncle 怎么价钱起了这么多。他说租金起了,以前的价钱没有办法回本。我点头以示了解,再跟Uncle问好后便选个地方坐下,等待我的午餐。等待的时候,我发现炒粿条的并不是Uncle,而是个外劳。我看见有点失望。不过粿条在短短的两分钟内便拿来了,那速度快得让我有点吃惊。粿条的味道跟过去并没有分别,还是有那个“锅气”。
吃饱后人潮随着午餐时段的过去而逐渐减少。我带着充满疑问的心情过去找Uncle聊天。那个外劳依然以惊人的快速炒了一碟又一碟的粿条。像个机器人一般。Uncle 除了跟顾客写单,基本上就坐在旁边的椅子上刷手机。
“哇Uncle,这个外劳你请的啊,geng woh,像个 robot 酱。”







“是哦。现在我给他的外劳做,每一碟给RM1,然后现在也不用去巴杀买粿条 siham,全部由老板负责。我已经把供应商都给老板知道了。我的 recipe 也交给外劳了,还教他怎样炒到好吃。刚才你吃的还可以吧?”

“可以,可以。” 我吃惊的说到。
我难以置信的离开 food court 。我很想问Uncle那个老板是否会把他的粿条档口吞掉,但是我没有说出口。
接着一个星期的学校假期,我并没有回到那个 food court 。当我再一次回去时,已经是两个星期后了。这一次我并没有看见Uncle,我以为他不舒服还是什么的。我便过去问那个外劳。
“Bai, itu Uncle mana pergi?” 我好奇的问道。

“Itu Uncle sudah tak kerja.”

“Tak kerja?”

“Boss cakap sudah tak mao sewa sama dia. Dia panggil saya jaga. Mao makan apa? Kuew tiao? Siham mao?” 那个外劳用流利的马来文跟我交谈。

“Tak mau lah. Lain kali.”
本故事纯属虚构 如有雷同纯属不幸

Photos from CS TEACH's post 21/08/2024

谢谢我的好朋友 Bob 的细心安排。
谢谢我的好朋友 Edward 帮我争取 Gold Class。


Photos from CS TEACH's post 21/08/2024

"Kelvin, I wan to sponsor RM150 to buy some stationery from your shop. Can you help to send to orphanage? You help me to choose."
"Yes. send me the address and I'll arrange. And also the phone number."
"Pls check….transfer done. Tq"
"Got it. Do you have anything in mind? You can pick something up to RM300. I'll contribute some."
"Just anything will do….normal stationery for students use….i got no idea. Tq for your contribution ya."
"Primary school or secondary school?"
"Both also can…..u decide."
"Ok. Get me the address and phone number."
"I am not staying in KL, so u just send to the nearest orphanage will do….. tqvm"
"You don't have any orphanage that you wanted to donate to?"
"Then send to the below la…😄
Rumah Hope
No.45, Jalan 20/2,
Paramount Garden,
46300 PJ
Tel : 03-7954 5523"
"I had emailed Rumah Hope and asked what they needed. Will keep you posted."
"Ok tqvm Kelvin"


星期三的晚上,女儿在赛场的宿舍传来短讯。15岁的她代表Hulu Langat,正在Serendah参加西洋棋比赛。明天是四天赛事的最后一天。全校也只有她一个人晋级,其他的队友在Hulu Langat县内的校际比赛都被淘汰了。
“来不及了,必须在八点前把包好的包裹拿去drop point,他们要关门了。”
晚上十点,终于把所有的包裹处理好了。但是那30个包裹来不及scan,只好等明天。当然,这也意味着那30个包裹将会被归类为late delivery 。
9% of your orders last week were not fulfilled on time. If you reach 15% this week, you will receive up to 2 penalty points. Arrange shipment for your orders before their Ship By Date to avoid getting penalty points.


Shopee Live; Shopee “Life”
星期天,傍晚5点,我心不在焉的用过晚餐。敏感的老婆看见我的焦虑。聪明的她并没有说什么。她心里明白,Family Time 的时间已经结束了。孩子们各自把用过的碗碟清洗干净,再回到他们的电脑前。读大学的儿子由于学校假期,允许自己在剩下的几天假期中沉迷于他的电玩。刚刚代表学校参加西洋棋比赛女儿,由于没有获得任何个人奖牌,也回到她的线上西洋棋网站,跟地球另一端的陌生人,锻炼自己的棋艺。老婆把一天的垃圾拿去屋外,我开始准备我的第二份工作:Shopee Live主播。
我已经在这个星期开播了25个小时,离开Shopee给我的target还有5个小时。如果没有达到30个小时的目标,那么这个星期在直播上所花的时间都是没有意义的。只有达到目标, 才能得到Shopee的福利。虽然不多,但是在目前的情况,面对着那日渐下滑的销量,就算是那么微不足道的福利,也是有帮助的。
不知不觉,Shopee Live 已经成为我的Shopee “Life”。


我算不上是直播新手。前前后后用不同形式在虾皮直播已经超过2年了。可是真正的直播带货,也就是做 affiliate,这个5月才开始。到今天为止也不超过3个月。在虾皮直播带货有很多高手,这里就不好把人家的名字放出来了。他们都有几个共同点,包括很亮的灯光,近距离镜头,整齐好看的样貌,和亲切的笑容。总之就是很 likeable 的样子。他们摆在前面的产品也不是随便摆的。颜色的配搭,高矮有循序的摆设。然后背景产品的摆设也是有讲究的。看起来好像是随便放,如果细心的看,其实并不是那么的随便。当我决定做 affiliate 前,我就把他们的直播看一遍。我在想, 要学直播带货,就学他们吧。
记得小时候在电视看港剧,一旦播广告,我们就会抓紧机会上厕所,或者迅速把晚餐的碟子拿去厨房洗。又或者抓紧时间把厨房的垃圾拿去家外面丢。我们唯一不做的是留在电视机前看广告。今天的直播带货,不断地价绍产品,推产品,卖产品,那么这跟以前的电视广告又有什么分别呢?所以我的虾皮直播虽然有挂产品,但是我不推产品,也不积极卖产品。如果有观众问我有关产品的问题,我还是会细心的解答。我学习产品摆设,我学习背景设计,我也学习亲切的笑容。我唯一没有学的是 hard sell 产品。
我有个观众开玩笑的说,我的直播,只有10%讲解产品,其余的都是在吹水。由于我没有积极的推产品,所以时常都会中虾皮的violation。虾皮对 affiliate 的直播是非常严格的。最近的一场直播,我甚至一边做直播,一边看 Olympic 羽球,一边跟我的观众分享我当时的心情。400人在我的直播间跟我一起为我们的男双打气。最后,我们的男双赢了铜牌!而我也由于 IP Infringement 被虾皮 banned 了三天不能做直播😅。
我的观众喜欢听我吹水,喜欢听我分享。我们分享哪里的 banana leaf 好吃。我们讨论80年代有什么我们大家都怀念的歌手。堅持做自己,世上就會只有一個我。接下去我依然会用我喜欢的方法做直播。因为我与其他的 affiliate live host不一样😊。


不管你是 seller 还是 affiliate host,平台会要你花你全部的时间为平台做直播。平台会给你 seller coin,ads credit,voucher,shocking sales 的 slot 来“鼓励“你。平台会要你做直播做到凌晨2点。平台会要你在 sales day 做最少12小时的直播。
我有个朋友常对我说,只有小孩才需要选择,成年人可以全部都要。工作与生活,真的可以达到平衡吗?“Work“ ”Life“ 真的可以 balance 吗?


很喜欢 Mark Twain 的一句话:Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life。 找一份你很享受的工作,从此以后你再也不需要工作。

2018年开始在Shopee做网卖。2019年抄了老板鱿鱼专心为自己的生意打拼。很享受在Shopee卖东西的自由。不需要每天工作,星期六可以去露营,三天连假可以去Cuti-Cuti Malaysia,订单还是会进来。只要广告没有翻车,全部需要跑的 marketing tools 都正常的运作着,基本上Shopee的经营就几乎进了auto pilot自动驾驶模式。


1. 退出Preferred Seller。Preferred Seller 允许顾客用金币抵消部分付款。除了这一个好处,基本上优先卖家并不会为我的店带来更高的销量或转化率。毕竟金币除了用在抵消购买Shopee商品的部分付款,金币还可以用来抵消第三方高达50%的付款,这包括Petronas的Setel。只要我的价钱具备竞争力,失去Preferred Seller并没有什么分别。反而最大的好处,我不需要在星期六工作。

2. Drop off 包裹。目前SPX每一天都会来取包裹。可是他们一天只来一次,在大概两点到四点。那么这意味着没来得及处理的订单,我必须去附近的MBE drop off 这一些包裹。MBE 六点半关门,超过六点十五分他们就不扫描包裹了。那么离我远一点的还有一家 Post Store 开到八点。那边是我的后备。

3. 允许不超过10%的NFR。偶尔会因为某些原因不能在指定的时间内把包裹寄出去。迟寄的包裹会被算进NFR 也就是订单未完成率。只要NFR在10%内,这对我是没有影响的。

认识我的朋友都知道我非常主张 work life balance。虽然这不是一件容易达到的目标,但是我认为不能够因为难,而不去为这一个目标而努力。我此终认为星期六不应该是工作天。


Shopee Live – 5 Coins, 10 Coins or 50 Coins

When you've decided to give out coins during your Shopee Live, you'll need to figure out how many coins to give away.
Giving Shopee Coins is equivalent to giving angpao at a wedding dinner. You need to understand the market rate. If you give too little, no one will come to your Shopee Live and stay for 5 minutes to collect your meagre coins. If you give too much, audiences will love you, praise you, send you their best wishes, and wish you business success. The only thing they don't do is purchase from you.

5 Coins
This is the standard rate used by most sellers. When you spend enough time on Shopee Live, you will most likely see a lot of "5 Coins". Since "5 coins" is too common, no audience will care to watch your Shopee Live if all you have to offer is coins, especially in the morning. Each audience may collect up to 30 times. Their 30 slots are valuable. They will save their slot for the "big coins". However, when it is late in the day, "5 Coins" will generate more views. Those audiences with a large number of open slots may have to accommodate "5 Coins". Sometimes the "coin market" is bad, with few "big coins" available. The audience will have no choice but to lower their expectations.

10 Coins
Most audiences, particularly coin hunters, consider this to be "big coins". 10 coins equals RM0.10, and it can quickly deplete your budget if you don't manage your coin distribution carefully. Getting the audience into your Shopee Live is simple with 10 coins. However, getting them to return again and again requires more effort and strategy. Keeping them in your Shopee Live after your coins have been claimed is even more difficult.

50 Coins
This is considered a jackpot by all audiences. You are the ultimate target of all Coin Hunters. They adore you and want to know when you do Shopee Live every day. Some will also inquire as to when you plan to end your Shopee Live. Not because they care about your well-being, but because it benefits them. However, they do not buy the product you are selling.

2 Coins


Shopee Live – To Coin or not to Coin

Giving coins to viewers to increase traffic to your Shopee Live is a common practice among most sellers. However, many have reported coins being "sapu" by Coin Hunters as soon as they were released, and viewer traffic dropped to a single digit once all coins were claimed. You suddenly felt like you'd been robbed.

Some sellers chose not to distribute any coins during their Shopee Live. The number of viewers is so low, usually in the single digits, that they are thinking about discontinuing Shopee Live. After all, talking to the camera while no one listens seems insane. No viewers equals no engagement. No engagement equals no sales.

Shopee Live is no different than television advertisements. In the 1980s, what did you do when an advertisement appeared in the middle of your favourite drama? Some of us would rush to the toilet to relieve ourselves of the urine we had been holding for the previous 30 minutes. We would go to the kitchen and quickly wash the dishes. We went to the balcony to bring in the clothes that had been out since the morning. None of us will sit in front of the television and enjoy watching advertisements one after another. Why would you expect viewers to enjoy watching your Shopee Live and listening to your sales pitch, which you repeat every 5 minutes?

It is critical to provide value to your audience when doing Shopee Live. The simplest way to accomplish this is to distribute coins. Shopee Coins have intangible value, after all. Shopee Coins can be replaced with other valuable items if you have them. For example, you could entertain your audience by singing. I am not joking. I saw a live host sing Lagenda (Sheila Majid) on Shopee Live after a certain number of likes were achieved.

Consider the value you can offer before starting your next Shopee Live. Repeating your sales pitch every 5 minutes and encouraging viewers to buy buy buy will not work. Without coins, no one will watch your live. When you decide to distribute coins, viewers will enter your Shopee Live with their phones muted because they are uninterested in your sales pitch. They will collect any coins you are giving away and leave. You'll feel like you're being robbed again.


Stop doing this if you don't want to receive violation ticket for your Affiliate Live Stream.

I joined the Affiliate Live Stream bandwagon last month, and my violation count has been increasing exponentially. Shopee doesn't go into much detail about each violation, but after some trial and error, I figured out some "don'ts."

1. Don't hide your face. It may be acceptable if you are conducting a live stream for your own product. If you have affiliate products in your bag, you must show your face.

2. Never stop talking for more than a few minutes. You don't have to talk constantly, but talking to your viewers reduces the likelihood of receiving a violation significantly.

3. Do not discuss topics unrelated to the product you are promoting. I believed it would be okay to talk about a side topic for a minute or two. However, extensive discussion about topics unrelated to the product will result in a violation ticket.

4. Don't hide your affiliate products. Shopee requires that at least three affiliate products be visible on screen. The more products you can show on your screen, the better.

5. Do not engage in any activities that are not related to product promotion. For example, eat your dinner in front of your audience. Unless it is relevant to the products you are promoting, you risk receiving a violation ticket.

Any live stream that has received a violation ticket may not be included in the monthly Stream-a-Thon. For confirmation, please contact your account manager or RM.

Hope this helps.


What one abandoned feature in Shopee that you missed most and think your sales will improve if that feature is restored?


I've had 5 violation counts from 4 Shopee Live sessions in the last 42. There are numerous reasons why someone would receive a violation. Shopee does not state clearly the reason for each violation, but as a Shopee Live host and seller, I finally understand and will share it with you.

It is not easy to set up a system that allows a live host to stream in high definition on a mobile phone while thousands watch at the same time. I don't need to be in the industry to understand the scope and complexity of this process. When something is complicated or difficult, it is usually expensive. Extremely expensive.

Shopee wanted to ensure that each live stream could turn their expenses into sales and profits. This is why Shopee discourages live hosts and sellers who are not doing everything they can to increase sales. Shopee recently posted a large banner warning sellers against using OBS to play recorded videos as live stream content. The reason is simple: such replayed content does not convert and wastes Shopee's resources. I'd done it before and was familiar with the results.

It is not true that Shopee will issue you a violation count if you take a minute off camera to use the lavatory. However, if you are gone for an extended period of time, such as 5 minutes or more, Shopee considers you to be wasting its resources because you are not in front of the camera to convert visits to sales. That merits a penalty.

I spoke with the person in charge of Shopee Live, and I was informed that Shopee does not use AI to detect patterns of violations. Such detections are still heavily reliant on humans. This means that Shopee has a team of employees who are constantly moving from live to live to see if any live hosts or sellers are wasting the company's resources. So, if you think you can fool Shopee's detection system by placing an electrical lazy-susan with your product on it over night while you sleep in your bedroom, think again. Your live will be terminated, and you will receive a violation ticket.

Some sellers got creative and used Shopee Live to broadcast themselves eating a meal or walking through the park. Such live streaming may result in a large number of "likes" and "shares". However, Shopee does not want a live stream that does not convert visits into sales. You will be charged with a minor violation.

I checked some of the boxes above before determining the reasons for the violation tickets. There may be many more serious reasons that could get you banned from Shopee Live; for example, adding other seller's products using a link sent by your viewers so they can use a Shopee Live voucher to purchase the said product. This applies to Affiliate Host.

The bottom line is that Shopee offers a feature called Shopee Live that allows us to make sales. Any activity that does not advance this goal is a violation. I hope this helps, and let's do more Shopee Live to increase sales!


I always believe that different people have different strengths, and we should not focus on things we are not good at. One good example is being a Live Host. I'm not very good at doing Live. I don't have the look or voice that people want to see when they watch me live. Paying a bunch of coins in exchange for views is a joke. So I ask others to do it for me. However, hiring someone or purchasing a service from an agency is costly. A 2-hour live session can cost approximately RM200. The cheapest way to do it is through AMS. I launched an AMS campaign and offered a generous 12% commission on all of my products.

Soon after the campaign went live, I noticed that Shopee Affiliate Live Host tagged my products in their Orange Bag when they did Shopee Live. Although I do not make many sales through AMS, the free exposure and impressions are well worth it. Furthermore, I do not have to pay any commissions when there are no sales.

Since Shopee revised the AMS commission structure, sellers are no longer required to pay commissions on "indirect sales". This makes AMS a no-brainer to join. If you haven't already joined AMS, I highly recommend it.


April was a challenging month, with a 17% drop in sales and a 22% drop in orders compared to the previous month. The main reason for the drop in sales was the Raya holiday, and the products we sell are unrelated to the festive season. Buyers' priorities had shifted during Raya, and the products we sell were not on their shopping list, unfortunately.

1. Check historical data. Raya took place in April of last year (2023), and we saw the same thing. Sales in April 2023 dropped 18% compared to the previous month. This reinforced our hypothesis. It is critical that we listen to the data and avoid jumping to conclusions too quickly.

2. Verify your store on other marketplaces. If you sell on other marketplaces, you will notice the same data pattern. Otherwise, the above hypothesis may not be correct.

3. Traffic vs. Conversion Rate. In April 2024, traffic (visitors) dropped by 14%. This demonstrates that audiences were not looking for the products we offer. There was no change in the conversion rate. This told us that we could still convert the same number of people who clicked on our listings.

Traffic is everything!

1. Shopee Ads. We made a mistake by not doing enough to increase Shopee Ads impressions. We could have started running boost ads across multiple key listings. Boost ads bid as high as necessary to receive impressions based on the Shopee algorithm. It will be expensive, but it is doable if we do not lose money.

2. Shopee Live. One of the most powerful tools is available for free. We recently pointed the camera at a packer who fills orders and streams for hours. As he packs orders, the packer answers questions and displays the products. If there were no viewers or questions, he would simply pack the orders without feeling awkward. Shopee continues to distribute live-only vouchers generously. If we had started this in April, the results would have been better.

3. Facebook ads. We stopped the Top-of-Funnel campaign in April because we had spent too much money on Facebook ads in previous months. We expected a low conversion rate in April, and running an expensive TOF campaign would not yield the desired results. We're now looking at an unchanged conversion rate. We could have kept the TOF campaign running to generate more traffic.

After years of selling on Shopee. We often believed we knew everything. When we fail to meet our sales goals, we blame external factors. Shopee offers a variety of marketing tools, and we may be familiar with how they work. However, there are still many tests to run if we want to maximise its performance. If you are facing the same challenge as we are, I hope this article will stimulate your thinking and help you overcome the obstacles.


A friend once told me that using "combo" as one of the variations in a listing on Shopee is an effective way to increase basket size. Customers frequently become perplexed when attempting to select accessories for the main product they wish to purchase. My friend likes to add accessories to the main product and charge a higher price than the total price of everything if purchased separately. He repeatedly told me that customers are lazy, and many of them are not good at maths. 😅


What do you do when sales is slow? I stop checking on sales number and starts looking for waterfall and nice trail for trekking 😅


There were times when we noticed a drop in sales on our Shopee stores. We began to wonder what had gone wrong. We have made no changes to our marketing tool settings. Shopee ads are still running, albeit with lower impressions.

Low Conversion or Low Traffic.

It's critical to determine which metric contributed to the low sales. Different causes necessitate different treatments.

If your weekly traffic has dropped by more than 10%. It could be caused by a shift in consumer behaviour. For example, during Bulan Ramadan, some non-season goods may be in lower demand than season goods. Because of the change in the distribution of consumers' budgets, they may decide to spend more on items necessary for the holiday season. However, this must be verified by comparing the current visitor count to last year's visitor count for the same period. Last year, Ramadan began on March 22nd.

There are many ways to increase traffic. You can, for example, increase your spending on Shopee Ads by increasing bid prices for keywords that have been shown to convert. The goal is to improve your listing's ranking when potential customers search for specific keywords. Increased impressions are usually followed by more clicks and, hopefully, conversion. If you have hundreds of listings and tens of keywords per listing, the simplest approach is to begin Boost Ads for your top-selling listings. The disadvantage of Boost Ads is that it may generate low-quality traffic. Furthermore, it is expensive.

If you haven't been using Shopee Live. Perhaps it is time to get started. Doing a quality Shopee Live session is not an easy task. It's even more difficult to maintain consistency when there's no viewer, let alone conversion. Unlike Shopee Ads, Shopee Live is free and allows you to try it again and again with no monetary investment. You simply need to invest a significant amount of time.

Affiliate marketing solution. The recent changes to AMS's commission structure have prompted me to restart AMS for my Shopee store. Offering a generous commission in exchange for exposure is the key to effectively launching your AMS. You can later identify the affiliate marketer who diligently promotes your product and offers a higher commission in exchange for more "airtime" or posts/videos about your products.

Lower Conversion.
If your conversion rate has dropped week after week, the first thing to check is whether your Discount Promotion is still active. Many sellers, including myself, set up long-term discount promotions on listings. Usually, we set it for three months or more. We often forgot about it, and the discount promotion expired.

Customers require encouragement to buy. They do not feel encouraged when the budget is tight, even if you are selling necessities. The simplest thing you can do is to reduce prices in the short term. When customers see that the products in their carts have been discounted, they will feel compelled to check out. The more discounts you provide, the more customers are encouraged to complete their purchase.

The shipping fee. This month, Shopee reduced its shipping fee subsidy from RM5 to RM3. Customers are discouraged from checking out their purchases because they know they used to receive 100% free shipping. The RM2 difference may be insignificant, but it undoubtedly caused a mental blockage. Some may even look to other platforms for completely free shipping. If you sell medium to high-ticket items, consider running your own free shipping promotion to encourage customers to convert from add-to-cart to purchase. Shopee Business Insight offers add-to-cart and purchase data. Instead of referring to the graph, which does not have the same Y-axis, you can download the data and plot it on a spreadsheet. Look at the trend and see if the difference between the two lines is consistent.


Vouchers are my Shopee Store's most expensive marketing tool. Shopee Ads came next, followed by Facebook Ads. Vouchers can be a very effective tool. However, if not monitored, it can silently reduce your margins or even cause you to lose money.

Home > Business Insights > Marketing > Voucher

The tabs above allow you to access voucher performance information. In my opinion, the most important factor is the sales generated by vouchers, followed by the voucher-cost-of-sales percentage. This can be calculated simply by dividing voucher cost by voucher sales.

Shopee recently began offering co-fund vouchers, which I found to be very effective. Most of these vouchers are about 30% off, and Shopee will split the voucher cost with sellers 50/50. If your margin allows for such generous discounts, I strongly recommend that you take advantage of these offers.


Shopee’s Return/Refund Process - What You Need to Know

Recently, there have been numerous cases of refund WITHOUT return, which has caused dissatisfaction among sellers. Some are low-value items, costing less than RM10. Some items cost more than RM100.

It is critical for every seller to understand what qualifies for a return and refund, as well as the circumstances under which only a refund is available without a return.

The attached table shows various situations that require a return before a refund. If you want to learn more about how Shopee Agents decide when a product should be returned for a refund or not, please click the link at the end of this post.

If you are having difficulty getting your product returned to you and meet the requirements outlined in the guideline for a return and refund, I encourage you to dispute with a screenshot of this table, which I have attached as dispute evidence.


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Jie Sann, 潘清霞, Hao Chew, David YK Wong


Refund without returning the item? Watch the video to know how to make sure your item is returned to you.

Photos from CS TEACH's post 07/03/2024

2024 is a busy year for Shopee. There will be a change of Shopee Ads system coming 19th March (subject to official announcement). This has not been officially announced but a presentation deck: Shopee Ads Change Guide has been circulating among non-official groups.

Here's what you need to know. Click images attached.

Photos from CS TEACH's post 06/03/2024

Economy Delivery (Mail Drop)

Shopee had quietly worked out a deal with Pos Malaysia and this service was announced in January. This shipping option was automatically turned for most sellers prior to 3.3.

What's Economy Delivery (Mail Drop)? Here I quote:

"Economy Delivery is a new channel under Shopee Supported Logistics, in partnership with POS Malaysia to deliver parcels that weigh a maximum of 2kg direct at/in letterbox. With this, sellers will be able to enjoy fast, smooth, and reliable logistics services to deliver products to their buyers at a cheaper rate."

The cheaper rate means RM3.60 instead of the usual RM4.90 for Standard Delivery. If you walk into Pos Malaysia, you will be charged RM5.50 for the same service.

I have had two orders with Economy Delivery (Mail Drop). I processed the orders as usual and drop it off at a Pos Malaysia office near me. There was no waiting time. I'll have to monitor how soon this get delivered. I won't be surprise if it's faster than SPX. 🤭

Source: https://seller.shopee.com.my/edu/article/20022

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Refund without returning the item? Watch the video to know how to make sure your item is returned to you.
Flash Express? Seriously 😑?
95% off capped at RM100,000😱



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