Hashtag Real Estate - HRE, Johor Bahru Videos

Videos by Hashtag Real Estate - HRE in Johor Bahru. Hashtag Real Estate provides a full suite of real estate services ranging from project consultancy, project marketing, international projects marketing, sale & leasing of residential, commercial, industrial, auction and is registered with BOVAEA.

Brand new 2 storey terrace houses, only 10 Minutes from Second Link! 💯🏡

Have you ever imagined having a spacious backyard garden, allowing you to spend quality time with your family while strolling through a community filled with lush greenery? Here is where you can fulfil your dream!

Choose from Three Types of Freehold Units:
🏠 20X70 Double-Storey Terrace
🏠 22X80 Double-Storey Terrace
🏠 22X90 Triple-Storey Terrace

Why You Shouldn’t Miss This:
🌳 Spacious backyard garden
🧑‍💼 Reputable Australian developer with a natural landscape neighbourhood
🏬 Comprehensive community amenities available for residents

Interested? Act fast, schedule a visit, and experience this ideal living environment to start your beautiful life!

Contact Us Now for More Information!
📞 Hashtag Real Estate | ‪+60 11‑1141 2886‬
💬 Whatsapp: https://wa.link/hpgrdf

#RealEstate #SecondLink #DoubleStorey #NewProject #JBHome

Other Hashtag Real Estate - HRE videos

Brand new 2 storey terrace houses, only 10 Minutes from Second Link! 💯🏡 Have you ever imagined having a spacious backyard garden, allowing you to spend quality time with your family while strolling through a community filled with lush greenery? Here is where you can fulfil your dream! Choose from Three Types of Freehold Units: 🏠 20X70 Double-Storey Terrace 🏠 22X80 Double-Storey Terrace 🏠 22X90 Triple-Storey Terrace Why You Shouldn’t Miss This: 🌳 Spacious backyard garden 🧑‍💼 Reputable Australian developer with a natural landscape neighbourhood 🏬 Comprehensive community amenities available for residents Interested? Act fast, schedule a visit, and experience this ideal living environment to start your beautiful life! Contact Us Now for More Information! 📞 Hashtag Real Estate | ‪+60 11‑1141 2886‬ 💬 Whatsapp: https://wa.link/hpgrdf #RealEstate #SecondLink #DoubleStorey #NewProject #JBHome

全新高尚住宅区,距离Second Link只需10分钟! 适合新马两地往返第二通道以及准备预购新屋的买家们 🏡 🏡 🏡 有没有想象过拥有一个宽敞的后花园,往返新马还能有时间陪伴家人,一起漫步在充满绿色植物的社区?我们的全新高尚住宅区不仅能满足你的需求,还能让你享受舒适与便利的顶级生活!🎊 三种永久地契户型任你选择: 🏠 20X70 双层排楼 🏠 22X80 双层排楼 🏠 22X90 三层排楼 这些特点还能让你不来看看❓: ⛲️ 宽敞的后花园 🧑‍💼 顶级澳洲开发商 🏬 丰富的社区配套 有兴趣的朋友赶快行动起来,预约参观,体验这个理想的居住环境,开启你的美好生活! 马上联系我们,获取更多资讯! 📞 Hashtag Real Estate | ‪+60 11‑1141 2886‬ 💬 Whatsapp: https://wa.link/hpgrdf #RealEstate #SecondLink #DoubleStorey #NewProject #JBHome

【绿色RE:房子也能绿起来!🌿】 哟!各位兄弟姐妹!听说了吗,买房不仅关注地点、价钱和交通方便,现在还得看有没有 绿色RE认证!有了这个,你的房子可不得了啦!未来还能翻倍增值哟! 别急,先别转走!这个 绿色RE认证 可不是普通的玩意。它是我们大马的绿色建筑认证之一,专门奖励那些对环境友好、利用资源得当的建筑。它不光为了地球,更为了你的钱包着想!买房还能享受更低的贷款利率哦!这可是未来房地产的大势所趋! 嘿!来个大新闻!为了给大家引荐这个超棒的项目🔥,我们不顾形象,拍了个超级搞笑😆的视频!赶紧点赞支持一下,谢谢啦! 【鸡啄地!新山 Austin Minori 日系高级公寓🌸】 地理位置杠杠滴!𝐓𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐀不到1个月就全卖光啦!现在 𝐓𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 C 隆重登场,月供RM1,500起!嗨,瞧这儿!这个项目的位置简直不要太棒!四通八达,Highway直通EDL和CIQ!还有免费穿梭巴士,省下Grab费用!周边商圈丰富,生活购物两不误! 来点重点! 💡自住?还是投资?两不误! ⭐️永久地契 Freehold! ⭐️价格白菜,仅RM290k起! 🌟还有早鸟优惠等你来捡! 🌟零头期,律师费印花税全包! 还有:- 🌟性价比超高,回报率高达7%! 🌟25种高级娱乐设施,够你玩个够! 🌟风水宝地,能量满满! 🌟绿色环保,独享GreenRE认证! ⭐️EV Charging,超低甲醛油漆! 🌟永久地契 Freehold! 你可能不知道:- 各种户型: 👉A款 570 sqft| 1Bed 1Bath,RM330K起,1车位 👉B款 670 sqft |1+1Bed 1Bath,RM360K起,1车位 👉C款 730 sqft| 2Bed 2Bath,RM400K起,1车位 👉D款 880 sqft| 3Bed 2Bath,RM460K起,有庭院和2车位 快来动动手指,这样的好房子还等什么呢! 🚀 【Green RE: Houses Going Green! 🌿】 Hey

JB火爆新项目🔥 双层排屋热卖中🏠
正在寻找你的梦想家园吗????? 双层排屋让你看一次心动一次😎 JB火爆新项目🔥 双层排屋热卖中🏠 高山区双层排屋风景如画😎😎😎 ✅ 4房 ➕ 4厕 ✅ 永久地契 ✅ 低密度社区 ✅ 保安社区 (Guarded Neighbourhood) ✅ 优越地点:临近 Mount Austin ✅ 知名发展商 ✅ 重金打造湖景公园 ✅ 超值月供 RM3,### 起 🔥 机会难得,别错过🔥 买房子最重要的是【增值空间】 Landed House 在Johor Bahru 绝对【只升不跌】现在马上联系我们看房吧!!! - Looking for your dream house at a strategic location? 🔥 What about a brand new double storey terrace at Austin area? 😎😎😎 ✅ 4 bedrooms + 4 bathrooms ✅ Freehold ✅ Low Density ✅ Guarded Neighbourhood ✅ Prime Location, nearby Mount Austin ✅ Renowned Developer ✅ Lakeside Living ✅ Monthly Instalment only from RM3,###! Don’t miss out this one in a lifetime opportunity! High ROI potential that can only happen on a landed house! Contact us to schedule for a viewing today! 了解更多详情,请联系: Hashtag Real Estate Mable Ong (Miss MO) REN 10034 H/Phone : 011-3993 0011 📲 Whatsapp: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=601139930011 #HREHashtagRealEstate #HREShortVideoCompetition2024

「老板!货不见了!」 各位老板是不是很怕听到你的员工一大清早和你说这些?! #SA88全新士乃工业园区,为您的商业版图打下重要基础!只需从RM2million ++起,现在还有限时 #早鸟优惠,走过路过不要错过! 💠Freehold 永久地契 💠Prime Location 工业凝聚区 💠24/7 Gated Guarded 24小时保安管制 💠Dormitory 员工住宿 双层田字厂 2 Storey Cluster Factory 🌟Land Size 土地面积 : From 60‘ x 130' 🌟BU area 建筑面积:From 6,089 sq.ft 双层半独立厂 2 Storey Semi-Detached Factory 🌟Land Size 土地面积 : From 70‘ x 147’ 🌟BU area 建筑面积:From 7,146 sq.ft 即刻联系我们看看您未来的梦工厂! 📞Hashtag Real Estate | 012-775 2975 💬Whatsapp: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=60127752975 #hashtagrealestate #newproject #IndustrialPark #Senai

From us to you, wishing everyone Happy Chinese New Year! May all of you have a prosperous dragon year ahead! HRE全體人員祝大家新年快樂,恭喜發財,龍年行大運! #HRE #HappyChineseNewYear #DragonYear

🏡🐉 Unlock the doors to prosperity and step into the Year of the Dragon with the keys to your dream property. Wishing you a home filled with joy, laughter, and the warmth of lunar blessings! 新春佳节之际,HRE衷心祝您与家人在幸福小屋享受龙年的好运和吉祥,生活更美好!🏡🌸 #RealEstate #ConnectwithHRE #HappyChineseNewYear #ChineceNewYear2024

很多人都不喜欢住公寓因为觉得有很多坏处,但其实住公寓也存在了很多好处!跟着我们一起来看看,分析所有好与坏! 「5⃣️个住公寓的坏处」: 1)上下电梯🛗很麻烦 2)怕管理层不好 3)小小间又很贵 4)管理费很贵 5)停车🅿️很麻烦 「🔟个住公寓的好处」: 1)三层保安,自己也住得安心❤️ 2)风景及视野的享受 (可以看着夜景🌃发呆) 3)新年,跨年,各大节日的免费看百家齐放的烟花秀🎆 (这个住公寓的人一定懂) 4)小巧又容易打理(想到洗车房我就头痛,浪费水又费腰力) 5)Guard house abang 会帮忙接收包裹📦,又不怕包裹被乱丢还是淋雨 6)简单装修又不费钱💰 7)停车位有CCTV关照,不怕安全问题 8)想游泳,健身走几步🚶就可以了,又不用会员费又不用开车 9)办生日会还有大礼堂可以用,来个泳池旁BBQ 🍖 也很棒 10)不用去烦屋顶防水问题,屋顶有没有长树,屋顶有没有水管阻塞;公寓就管好自己单位以内的事就好。 为什么2023年新山还是推出了那么多新公寓?不是说公寓过剩了吗? 因为新加坡租金飙升,新山的租金也一起上升。也有退休人士越来越喜欢公寓的方便及安全性,他们选择卖掉有地房产购买公寓。也有很多首购租的年轻人喜欢公寓的价格及便利。 以前别人总说公寓不值得,问题很多。我觉得每个人生阶段,有适合自己的家和需求。没有对或错,只有自己最了解在什么阶段,什么房地产最适合自己。 为什么【M-Minori 】值得我们推荐呢?⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1)有信誉及有长远发展的发展商 2)M 系列的公寓在马来西亚中部获得很大的成功,以更可负担的价格去创造环保生活方式 3)地点的便利 (走路就可以买东西吃东西) 4)跟上时代需求的

🗣 Jadilah Yang Terawal! 🔥𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐢 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲-𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐝* & 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐈𝐧 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐈𝐧𝐢 𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢 𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐚!🔥 Dan nikmati serendah 𝟎% 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 ! 𝟎% 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 ! 𝟎% 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 !, khas untuk Penjawat Awam di Johor. 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐮 di kawasan Tebrau ini dijual dengan harga bermula 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐑𝐌 𝟐𝟖𝟖𝐊 𝐬𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐣𝐚. Menariknya, ianya mengetengahkan konsep Japanese Minimalist dan Sustainable Living! ✅Freehold ✅Lokasi strategik ✅Ansuran bulanan dari RM 1,300++ ✅Pilihan jenis rumah dari 1- 3 bilik ✅24hrs kawalan keselamatan ✅Fasiliti lengkap merangkumi 2.8 ekar luas ✅Diiktiraf GreenRE Certification ✅Stesen pengecas kereta EV ✅Free shuttle bas ke CIQ ✅Sistem pelupusan sampah automatik Dan banyak lagi kemudahan lain disediakan! (*Tertakluk kepada Terma & Syarat) 📢 Rebut peluang ini untuk anda memiliki rumah yang diidamkan disini. Hubungi kami segera untuk maklumat lanjut! 👉🏼HRE Hashtag Real Estate | +6019-506 9000 💬Whatsapp: https://wa.link/eke7xk #HRE #ConnectwithHRE #ServiceApartment #SeriAustin #OpenforRegistration #RumahUntukDiJual #JBApartment #EarlyBirdPromotion

🔥Early Bird Package with Move in Bonus! 🔥 Service Apartment baharu dengan harga bermula dari RM 2xxK sahaja, Untuk Dijual! Promosi Pakej Belian Terawal Juga Menanti!🔥 ✅Ansuran bulanan dari RM 1,500++ ✅Freehold ✅Pilihan dari 1- 3 bilik ✅24hrs kawalan keselamatan ✅Fasiliti berkualiti tinggi ✅Diiktiraf GreenRE Certification ✅Pengecas kereta EV ✅Sistem pelupusan sampah automatik Dan banyak lagi kemudahan lain disediakan! 📢Jangan lepaskan peluang khas ini untuk anda memiliki rumah yang diidamkan disini. Hubungi kami segera untuk maklumat lanjut! 👉🏼HRE Hashtag Real Estate | +6019-506 9000 💬Whatsapp: https://wa.link/eke7xk #HRE #ConnectwithHRE #ServiceApartment #SeriAustin #OpenforRegistration #RumahUntukDiJual #JBApartment #EarlyBirdPromotion

全新双层排楼 @ Dato Onn / Setia Indah 现开放注册!超佳地点,要定就是趁现在! 🔥 只有200多间单位 🔥 Limited Units available! 🔥 绝佳地点, 就靠近 Dato Onn / Seri Austin! 🔥 Prime Location, Near to Dato Onn / Seri Austin! 手快有!手慢无!马上联络免费注册: 🤜🏿 Nicole Ong | +6012-773 7705 💬 Whatsapp: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=60127737705 ✅ 4 房 ➕ 4 厕 | 4 Bedrooms + 4 Bathrooms ✅ Land Size: 20’ x 70’ ✅ 永久地契 | Freehold ✅ 个人地契 | Individual Title ✅ 低密度发展 | Low Density ✅ 宽敞空间 | Spacious Layout 优越地点 | Prime Location 💯 1KM to Starbucks Seri Austin 💯 1KM to AEON Bandar Dato’ Onn 💯 1KM to McDonald’s Seri Austin 💯 3KM to Fairview International School 💯 3.8KM to KPJ Specialist Hospital #HRE #ConnectwithHRE #DoubleStoreyTerrace #DatoOnn #SeriAustin #OpenforRegistration

🎥Group 4 视频🎥 我们 @HREHashtagRealEstate 不仅仅是一家普通的房地产经纪公司!我们积极地为各个项目提供推广和营销服务,同时近期我们也开始进军短视频领域啦! 所以我们的团队举办了一场短视频比赛,每一个在HRE的成员们都必须参加!大家就一起来看看并选择出你最喜欢的作品,依据自己的喜好点赞+分享你喜欢的短视频👍🏻 你们的按赞与分享将决定了谁是这次比赛的赢家哦!比赛将在 5 月 1 日截止,感谢你们的支持!👍👨‍💼 🎥Group 4 Videos🎥 At @HREHashtagRealEstate, we are more than just a regular real estate brokerage! We actively provide marketing and promotional services for various projects, and we have also recently ventured into the world of short videos! That's why our team has organized a short video competition. We would appreciate it if1 you could help us to pick out the winner by liking and sharing your favorite videos based on your personal preferences👍🏻 Our competition will end on May 1st, and we thank you for your support!👍👨‍💼 #HREShortVideoCompetition2023 #RealEstate #ConnectwithHRE #JohorBahru

🎥Group 3 视频🎥 我们 @HREHashtagRealEstate 不仅仅是一家普通的房地产经纪公司!我们积极地为各个项目提供推广和营销服务,同时近期我们也开始进军短视频领域啦! 所以我们的团队举办了一场短视频比赛,每一个在HRE的成员们都必须参加!大家就一起来看看并选择出你最喜欢的作品,依据自己的喜好点赞+分享你喜欢的短视频👍🏻 你们的按赞与分享将决定了谁是这次比赛的赢家哦!比赛将在 5 月 1 日截止,感谢你们的支持!👍👨‍💼 🎥Group 3 Videos🎥 At @HREHashtagRealEstate, we are more than just a regular real estate brokerage! We actively provide marketing and promotional services for various projects, and we have also recently ventured into the world of short videos! That's why our team has organized a short video competition. We would appreciate it if you could help us to pick out the winner by liking and sharing your favorite videos based on your personal preferences👍🏻 Our competition will end on May 1st, and we thank you for your support!👍👨‍💼 #HREShortVideoCompetition2023 #RealEstate #ConnectwithHRE #JohorBahru

🎥Group 2 视频🎥 我们 @HREHashtagRealEstate 不仅仅是一家普通的房地产经纪公司!我们积极地为各个项目提供推广和营销服务,同时近期我们也开始进军短视频领域啦! 所以我们的团队举办了一场短视频比赛,每一个在HRE的成员们都必须参加!大家就一起来看看并选择出你最喜欢的作品,依据自己的喜好点赞+分享你喜欢的短视频👍🏻 你们的按赞与分享将决定了谁是这次比赛的赢家哦!比赛将在 5 月 1 日截止,感谢你们的支持!👍👨‍💼 🎥Group 2 Videos🎥 At @HREHashtagRealEstate, we are more than just a regular real estate brokerage! We actively provide marketing and promotional services for various projects, and we have also recently ventured into the world of short videos! That's why our team has organized a short video competition. We would appreciate it if you could help us to pick out the winner by liking and sharing your favorite videos based on your personal preferences👍🏻 Our competition will end on May 1st, and we thank you for your support!👍👨‍💼 #HREShortVideoCompetition2023 #RealEstate #ConnectwithHRE #JohorBahru

🎥Group 1 视频🎥 我们 @HREHashtagRealEstate 不仅仅是一家普通的房地产经纪公司!我们积极地为各个项目提供推广和营销服务,同时近期我们也开始进军短视频领域啦! 所以我们的团队举办了一场短视频比赛,每一个在HRE的成员们都必须参加!大家就一起来看看并选择出你最喜欢的作品,依据自己的喜好点赞+分享你喜欢的短视频👍🏻 你们的按赞与分享将决定了谁是这次比赛的赢家哦!比赛将在 5 月 1 日截止,感谢你们的支持!👍👨‍💼 🎥Group 1 Videos🎥 At @HREHashtagRealEstate, we are more than just a regular real estate brokerage! We actively provide marketing and promotional services for various projects, and we have also recently ventured into the world of short videos! That's why our team has organized a short video competition. We would appreciate it if you could help us to pick out the winner by liking and sharing your favorite videos based on your personal preferences👍🏻 Our competition will end on May 1st, and we thank you for your support!👍👨‍💼 #HREShortVideoCompetition2023 #RealEstate #ConnectwithHRE #JohorBahru

你知道全新山最值得投资第的公寓是哪一栋吗?今天我们就带你去看看!😎 𝗦𝗽𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝗰𝘆 (Johor Bahru) 2023年你不能不知道房产投资项目 🏠 📍 地点位于“KSL MALL”正对面 🤩 永久地契, 只需RM5xxK起! 🏢 未来最具地标性的高级公寓 📦 全马第一家台湾纸箱王国主题乐园 🏨 4星级国际酒店 - NOVOTEL 🥂 60楼高空中 酒吧餐厅 ✅ 外国人可以购买 一共有三种房型任你选择!单位有限! 🔸 1+1房 | 645 sqft 🔸 2 房 | 745 sqft 🔸 3 房双钥匙房款 | 880 sqft THE MOST DESIRABLE CONDO IN JB! Follow us, let us show you!😎 𝗦𝗽𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝗰𝘆 (Johor Bahru) 2023, the hottest property in town!🏠 📍 Located just opposite KSL Mall 🤩 Freehold, only from RM5xxK! 🏢 The most iconic luxury apartment in JB 📦 First Taiwan Carton King Theme Park in Malaysia 🏨 4-star international hotel - NOVOTEL 🥂 60th floor high-altitude bar and restaurant ✅ Foreigners are eligible to buy Limited Units Available! Three different unit types: 🔸 1+1 bedroom | 645 sqft 🔸 2 bedrooms | 745 sqft 🔸 3 bedrooms with dual key configuration | 880 sqft 📣 马上联络我们看房! | Wait no more, Contact us to view now! 📣 Hashtag Real Estate | 019-506 9000 📣 Whatsapp: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=60195069000 #RealEstate #ConnectwithHRE #JohorBahru #SPACERESIDENCY #NEWPROJECT #新山房地产 #新山公寓

手上有一笔CASH放定期利息少的可怜,投资股票又怕怕勒!🥲 Bro,我有好康嘿嘿!😌你可以拿来投资 又美,又便宜,又大的。。。 Woi想到哪里去!介绍给你古来唯一24小时围篱监控的全新排厂!又美又便宜又大还是全新的!😱只需从 RM6xxK起, 你也可以成为 #厂主 ! 估计租金收益率为每年4%,要自用/租都可以!用来投资真的再好不过了咯。还等什么哦,快点去下定金了啦! 😍 #古来, 超 #成熟发展区域! 🔥古来最新发展, 全新排厂, 正式开卖! 🔥价钱超级合理, 只需 RM6xxK 马上买得到! ✅ 永久地契, 四周围都是成熟发展区! ✅ 3种类型, 任你选择! ✅ 智能保安系统, 比安全更安全! 3种类型: ➡️ 单层排厂 | Single Storey Terrace Retail Factory ➡️ Lot Size: 24’ x 80’ | 24’ x 97’ ➡️ Built-Up: 1,853 - 2,270 sqft 🔑 一层半排厂 | 1 1/2 Storey Terrace Factory 🔑 Lot Size: 30’ x 100’ 🔑 Built-Up: 3,509 sqft 📣 早鸟优惠, 先到先得!马上联络我们! 📣 Hashtag Real Estate | 012-7090950 📣 Whatsapp: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=60127090950 Derek Siow Chua Yek Shin Jensen Siow #Landsco #EmpireParkKulai #RealEstate #ConnectwithHRE #JohorBahru #factory #kulai #terracefactory

Only from RM6xxK for a terrace factory in Kulai!
你知道吗? 现在真的很HOT 买厂!💥💥 古来唯一24小时围篱监控的排厂, 错过就没有了! 😱 投资店铺不如投资工厂?自己做厂主,之后要用/ 要租,赢家都是你! 😱 只需从 RM6xxK起, 你也可以成为 #厂主 ! 😍 地点在 #古来, 超 #成熟发展区域! 😍 估计租金收益率为每年4% 😱Spend RM6xxK, you can be the next factory owner! 😱The one & only #gatedguarded terrace factory in Kulai! 🔥Located at Kulai's mature township! 🔥Estimated rental yield at 4% per annum ✅ 永久地契 | Freehold ✅ 3种类型, 任你选择!| Three different types for you to choose from! ✅ 智能保安系统| Intelligent security system 3种类型| Three types: ➡️ 单层排厂 | Single Storey Terrace Retail Factory ➡️ Lot Size: 24’ x 80’ | 24’ x 97’ ➡️ Built-Up: 1,853 - 2,270 sqft 🔑 一层半排厂 | 1 1/2 Storey Terrace Factory 🔑 Lot Size: 30’ x 100’ 🔑 Built-Up: 3,509 sqft 📣 马上联络我们看厂! | Contact us to view now! 📣 Hashtag Real Estate | 011-1168-5018 📣 Whatsapp: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=601111685018 #RealEstate #ConnectwithHRE #JohorBahru #factory #kulai #terracefactory

祝大家虎年行大運, 新年快樂, Huat啊🧨🧨🧨 From us to you, wishing all of our partners, members, friends and families, Happy Chinese New Year! May you all have a prosperous Tiger year ahead! Heng, Ong, Huat! #RealEstate #ConnectwithHRE #HappyChineseNewYear #CNY2022 #tigeryear2022

🏡 振林山的全新双层排楼! 🏡 永久地契,低头期! 🏡 现代化设计搭配宁静的居住环境! 🏡 24小时保安监管社区,安全至上! . . . 除此之外,这里也还附有2.5英亩的休闲公园,让你想跑步散步,想打球运动全部都近在咫尺。不止这样,房子建在高局地势上,漂亮的风景尽收眼帘。风景美环境佳,如此好的项目实在不可多得🤩 ✅ Type A: 22’ X 70’ | 2,062 - 2,142 sqft ✅ Type B: 22’ X 75’ | 2,183 - 2,269 sqft ✅ 现代化设计,高局地势! ✅ 4房三厕,格局宽敞! 振林山地区华人居多而且交通也十分便利!你以为他距离市中心很远但其实都只是一趟车的距离,轻轻松松可以抵达新山市中心 / 第二关卡/ PTP / Iskandar Puteri! 想知道更多详情?或想参观示范屋?赶快联络我们吧! Hashtag Real Estate - HRE | +6019-506-9000 (E2026) Whatsapp: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=60195069000 https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=60195069000 https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=60195069000 #RE #RealEstate #ConnectwithHRE