LORI SEWA, Kajang Videos


Is this young man trying to take r.e.v.e.n.g.e on the judge and those involved for his girlfriend's d.e.a.t.h?

Is this young man trying to take r.e.v.e.n.g.e on the judge and those involved for his girlfriend's d.e.a.t.h?

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Is this young man trying to take r.e.v.e.n.g.e on the judge and those involved for his girlfriend's d.e.a.t.h?
Is this young man trying to take r.e.v.e.n.g.e on the judge and those involved for his girlfriend's d.e.a.t.h?

Is it true that this guy thought the policemen were equally responsible for his daughter's dis.appe.ara.nce?
Is it true that this guy thought the policemen were equally responsible for his daughter's dis.appe.ara.nce?

This man happened to find the girl holding the baby in a serious co.nd.it.ion and could hardly believe that the three children were ki.l.l.ed by his own father.
This man happened to find the girl holding the baby in a serious co.nd.it.ion and could hardly believe that the three children were ki.l.l.ed by his own father.

Did these cr.im.in.als have a perfect escape plan, then r.o.b money from the bank to cross the border?
Did these cr.im.in.als have a perfect escape plan, then r.o.b money from the bank to cross the border?

Why would this girl k.i.l.l her friend just because she's prettier?
Will the FBI agents find out why she did this?

This man was arr.est.ed for sp.yi.ng for China then he tried to poi.so.n an FBI agent's coffee cup to escape.
This man was arr.est.ed for sp.yi.ng for China then he tried to poi.so.n an FBI agent's coffee cup to escape.

Just because she wants to hold the ultimate power, this woman instigated g.ang w.a.r.s
Just because she wants to hold the ultimate power, this woman instigated g.ang w.a.r.s

The guy at.ta.cks the girls mo.rb.idly. Will the FBI agents find this guy before he commits more c.ri.mes?
The guy at.ta.cks the girls mo.rb.idly. Will the FBI agents find this guy before he commits more c.ri.mes?

Can the FBI find out what caused this guy to become so out of control?
Can the FBI find out what caused this guy to become so out of control?

Can the FBI find the two who are trying to carry out this grand plan?
Can the FBI find the two who are trying to carry out this grand plan?

Is this woman me.nt.ally ill after receiving two huge sh.oc.ks that turned her into a serial ki.l.l.er and the truth was hidden by the mayor?
Is this woman me.nt.ally ill after receiving two huge sh.oc.ks that turned her into a serial ki.l.l.er and the truth was hidden by the mayor?

Did this woman become out of control when she had to watch her son spend 20 years in pr.i.s.on for ro.bb.ery?
Did this woman become out of control when she had to watch her son spend 20 years in pr.i.s.on for ro.bb.ery?