MyStudy, Kuala Lumpur Videos

Videos by MyStudy in Kuala Lumpur. Mystudy is an advisory unit dedicated to provide neutral information and guidance on affordable tertiary studies abroad to students and parents.

🌍✈️ Our first batch of brave adventurers is on their way to Dublin! 🎒✨

To our students: May your days be full of learning, laughter, and just enough rain to make you appreciate the sunshine. 🌦️ Here’s to acing those exams and not getting lost (too often) in the city’s many charming pubs! 🍻📚

Remember, if you can survive Irish weather, you can survive anything! Good luck, and don’t forget to send us a postcard—or at least some selfies! ☘️😊

#studyinireland #ireland #mystudy

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🌍✈️ Our first batch of brave adventurers is on their way to Dublin! 🎒✨ To our students: May your days be full of learning, laughter, and just enough rain to make you appreciate the sunshine. 🌦️ Here’s to acing those exams and not getting lost (too often) in the city’s many charming pubs! 🍻📚 Remember, if you can survive Irish weather, you can survive anything! Good luck, and don’t forget to send us a postcard—or at least some selfies! ☘️😊 #studyinireland #ireland #mystudy



Here's to a season of love, laughter, and unforgettable moments. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!🎄🎊



Ireland Pre-Departure Briefing 2023
#TBT to the Ireland Pre-Departure Briefing 2023 and it was a BLAST! 🎉 Here’s everything that happened on that day in a nutshell🎞📹 This annual event would not be possible without the volunteers, helpers, alumni, parents, and Team Ireland. We are immensely grateful for your efforts and contributions☺ Wishes you stay determined and stay successful! ☘ Looking forward to the departure of students at KLIA next …..😉👋🏻 #MyStudy #PreDepartureBriefing #StudyIreland #EducationIreland #GoodandFairEducation #gatewaytoeurope

正月十五明月圆🌕 🈴家团圆幸福多,日子幸福比蜜甜,健康快乐身体好! 😃 万事如意随❤️愿;㊗️元宵节快乐!🧧

Happy Chinese New Year!Wishing you excess and surplus every year🎉🎊 Mystudy恭祝大家新年快乐! 虎躍前程去,兔攜好運來🧨🎆🐰 · 🪧另外,Mystudy office将在今天2023/01/20(星期五)下午1点后休息至2023/01/27(星期五),但大家依然可以透过Whatsapp线上咨询联络我们哦👍🏻👋🏻 · ☎️Whatsapp:+6017-889-7743 📕小红书:Mystudy #Mystudyirl #studyabroad #mystudy

Gen Zs have always aspired to make a great difference to their future, pursuing their dreams. On 14th August 2022, a special and unforgettable long awaited physical Networking Event had eventually happened after two years of the pandemic, at the Artisan Playground by Cookhouse in Rivercity, Jalan Ipoh. . . It's truly honoured to have all of the students, representatives from different associations and departments came all the way to gather up together, also not to forget our impeccable MyStudy's team who have put in their due diligence to made this extraordinary meet-up event a successful one. Indeed, faithful thanks to the support offered by the most enthusiastic special guest from the Irish Chamber of Commerce Malaysia, Donal, Malaysian Student Association of Ireland, MYSAI, Artisan Playground by Cookhouse. Thanks to all parents and students who have been trusted us along the way in pursuing tertiary studies in Ireland! Sincerely hope everyone enjoyed the arrangement of our sharing sessions as well as the light refreshments prepared! Break a leg! ✨💚.#networkingevent #MyStudyeducation #education #overseaseducation #educationconsultant #furthereducation #GenZs #uncleckleadsyoutoyourdream #studyinireland #Mysai #MyStudy

身为女生的Janet, 选择到爱尔兰就读机械工程系,一个充满男生氛围的科系是什么让她想要就读该科系? 并且还当了爱尔兰的马来西亚留学生学会会长 她对于该科系的看法、想法与亲生体验能启发你多少呢? 她的留学体验能感染你多少呢? 留守今晚间9时,Janet的分享等你来听~

小学的教育责任是什么?就是启蒙。对孩子和家长们是一个非常重要的人生阶段。 六年级的UPSR考试废除了!小学阶段和以往不一样了。不再注重成绩,而是培养品德修养、学习基础知识与独立思考! 家长们应该摆脱传统的教育制度;这个改变才足以让孩子们发挥他们的天赋、培养良好习惯以及人文学,以成为未来的世界公民! 疫情持续起伏不定;学生是否该回校?这些不定的变数与彷徨,身为父母该如何配合与确保小学生的学习进度? 我们来临星期六的 [你的分享我来听]与身为小学教师的董百勤为大家分享在过去十年至今即欣慰又挑战的经历。我们将一起探讨教育初心。对于现今小学教育有任何看法…… 董老师常在報章投稿,在报纸上有着自己的教育专栏,而且最近也推出需多教育直播节目供父母与学生观看。 星期六晚上九点,餐后见咯~

挑战自己:到冷门的国家留学与就业!🇪🇺 🇪🇸
大多数学生与家长都会选择熟悉与热门留学的国家。除了中国、台湾、英国、美国、澳洲;少数学生会想到欧洲留学。或许是文化的差异,语言的不通和资讯的不足而不在考虑范围之内…… 在欧洲国家可以完成大学课程之后还留在当地工作肯定是面对很多的挑战。马来西亚学生在当地又有什么优势呢? Sze Wee 当初选择到西班牙的其中一个理由是因为他热衷于骑脚车。而EU Business School 所提供的奖学金给于他机会去探索欧洲!🇪🇺 今晚的FB Live来听听他历年来的体验与挑战! 坐标于瑞士的Kenneth Quah 特别嘉宾也会分享遍布欧洲的EU Business School 如何圆了学生留学欧洲的梦想… 晚餐后,九点见!

Teaser clip of Sze Wee, before you get to hear from him this FRIDAY, 9pm on our Facebook live stream! Through this 1min clip, you could understand why he decided to go for EUROPE, and how his problem was solved after consulting MyStudy's CK, making his dreams come true. Tune in tomorrow 9pm and get to know more about the study life in Europe with EU business school, the opportunities, challenges and more personal stories from him 🤭

现实生活中有多少人能把兴趣当成工作呢? 于薪酬为首要考虑因素的年轻人,如何让兴趣爱好作为择业的主要考虑,并成功做到职业与兴趣爱好相统一! 现今社会职业的种类的确比以前丰富得多,年轻人也有更多选择以兴趣为导向的工作的机会。 不管是90后、00后,还是70后、80后,在择业时最理想的状态都是兴趣和工作结合。全球化趋势与互联网发展带来更多形态的灵活就业机会。也使许多斜杠青年,理想与现实完美平衡! 中学时期就热爱于钓鱼的Eason Mun 是如何申请到马来西亚登嘉楼大学读渔业科学?之后到中国的一家超过百年企业公司上班。 期待他分享当初是如何选择了自己的兴趣申请到国立大学的唯一科系! 是许多斜杠青年,理想与现实完美平衡! 留守星期六晚间9时的 “你的分享,我们来听”

Festival of Light 2021
May this festival of light brings you happiness. Wishes all Happy Deepavali from the buddies in MyStudy. May we continuously guide you through your education journey and brings you happiness too <3

教育孩子! 几时放手?👐🏻
父母往往过于关心孩子,而不知该如何放手? 孩子们从小的一切由父母安排与常常捧在手心,可是这样的举动对孩子的成长是什么影响? 想要孩子能独立自我担当而且少依赖父母,应该在什么时候、什么事情放手方呢? 父母应该如何鼓励孩子才能更鼓吹孩子的正面发展呢? Christina妈妈是如何教育她的3个男孩👦🏻,让他们在年纪轻轻就独立了呢? Think Edu创办人兼资深韩国留学顾问的Christina拥有赫特福德大学学士学位, 博特拉大学工商管理硕士。 从事升学咨询行业多年,踏实认真带领每一位学生找到自己最佳的定位,挖掘自己的潜力,愿每一位学生走向自己的梦想! 今晚9点,晚歺后见!

国外的月亮比较圆吗? 还是四方形?
国际学生毕业之后留下来在该国发展往往会面对种种的挑战。 能在国外生活是一件好的体验&机会,可是你回头望时会不会觉得自己国家的月亮会更圆呢?在离乡背井与文化差异的不同国土应该如何看待呢? 所谓的”四方形”是少了父母的庇护,入境随俗,而且不被欺负的情况下大展拳脚更是一大磨炼! 晚餐后9时见咯!🤗

出国留学本身足以让学生和父母担心了,一年半的疫情影响还有可能到国外留学吗?疫情无期限的延长是否应该改变计划呢?到国外也是上网课吗? 黄国明为何能不惧疫情的影响,决定不要延迟自己千载难逢的留学机会继续前往爱尔兰?这样的一个决定,是鲁莽吗?“你的分享我来听”让他为大家分享他那时的想法,有什么注意事项?当初是如何A-Z的安排?国外的大学如何在不被疫情影响的情况下安排课程? 晚餐后见!

你的分享我们来听#4 : 申请入国立大学难吗?
华裔子弟对于进入本地国立大学存在着各式各样的刻板印象.... 完成SPM之后,该如何规划升学?选择不上中六考STPM的原因是什么呢?STPM的优势了解多少呢? STPM科目很挑战!之后只能申请进入国立大学吗?国立大学的课程与教学方式的看法呢? 郑咏欣同学将`分享她的STPM经验,申请国立大学的过程和她对于国立大学的教育观点。 晚餐后,9点见!