Videos by 20dB Hearing in Miri. 20dB Hearing Sdn Bhd 201301036742(1066571-D)
Wishing every day of the new year to be filled with success, happiness, and prosperity for you.
Happy New Year! 🎆🎇🎆
Wishing every day of the new year to be filled with success, happiness, and prosperity for you. Happy New Year! 🎆🎇🎆
There are a few options to address unilateral hearing loss: 1. Traditional approach - Fit conventional hearing aid on the affected ear. However, this approach is dependent on the residual hearing ability on the affected ear. 2. Fit CROS Hearing Aid. CROS Hearing Aid is specially designed for individuals with severe to profound unilateral hearing loss. CROS stands for Contralateral Routing of Signal, which reroute the signal from the affected ear to the contralateral normal hearing ear. CROS hearing aid is worn on both ears. On the affected ear, a transmitter is worn to pick up and transmit the sound to the receiver worn on the better ear. By using CROS technology, wearer can still hear the sound coming from the better ear naturally, and will not miss out the sound coming from the affected ear. Contact us for hearing test and hearing aid trial: ☎️: 085-424019 📱: 016-8862031 #hearingaids #hearingaid #hearingaidaccessories #hearingaidsspecialist #healthaccessories #healthcare #staysafe #kitajagakita #covid19 #hearingsolutions #malaysia #unitron #nationwidesupport #20dbhearing #miri #unilateralhearingloss #singlesidedhearingloss #deaf #cros #thelargesthearingaidcentreinmalaysia #iso90012015certified #audiologists #20dbpakarpendengarananda #pakarpendengarananda
老年性听力退化是导致听力损失最常见的原因之一。这是因为我们的听觉器官—耳蜗及听觉中枢退化而导致的改变。 由于老年性听力损失会首先影响我们听到高音的能力,所以大多数人一开始并不会注意到自己的听力变化。通常只会觉得很难听到一些比较细小或高音频的声音,例如电话铃声、门铃声或鸟鸣声。 随着听力逐年退化,我们才会逐渐感觉到别人说话声量变小或时常听不清楚别人所讲的内容,尤其是在嘈杂的环境中更明显。因此,患有老年性听力损失的人容易被误以为是反应迟钝或孤僻。 老年人听力下降导致不能有效交流,其实他们自身是十分痛苦的。他们可能因无法得到别人的理解而脾气暴躁,容易产生孤独感,进一步影响身心健康。另外,听力问题导致他们的听觉中枢长期不接受声音刺激,这将造成他们对声音信息的处理能力减退,加重耳聋的程度。人与人之间交流减少,也会加速一个人的精神衰老。 每年一次的听力检查对60岁以上的长辈其实是非常重要的。通过听力检查可以及时发现听力状况,并针对听力问题的具体原因采取行动。 ☎️: 085-424019 Whatsapp: 016-8862031 #hearingaids #hearingaid #hearingaidaccessories #hearingaidsspecialist #healthaccessories #healthcare #staysafe #kitajagakita #covid19 #hearingsolutions #malaysia #unitron #nationwidesupport #thelargesthearingaidcentreinmalaysia #iso90012015certified #audiologists #20dbpakarpendengarananda #20dbpakarpendengaran #pakarpendengarananda #20db #miri #听力问题 #听力退化 #耳聋 #耳机 #助听器 #蓝牙助听器 #听力专科 #听力学家 #20db听觉专科 #美里
Age-related hearing loss is one of the most common reasons for gradual loss of hearing. This progressive changes in hearing is commonly due to wear and tear of the tiny sensory hair cells in our hearing organ- cochlea. It usually takes a few years to become noticeable. Most people are not aware of the changes in the initial stage as age-related hearing loss often affect the ability to hear high-pitched sound first. It usually starts with difficulties to hear some soft or sharp sounds such as phone ringing, door bell or bird chirping. As the hearing sensitivity progressively decline by years, people may find it difficult to understand speech, especially in noisy environment. Hence, people with age-related hearing loss are sometimes mistakenly thought to be confused, unresponsive, or uncooperative. An important part of monitoring our hearing health is through annual hearing assessment, especially for elderly who is 50 and above. It allow us to track the changes in hearing so that we can take early action when a hearing loss is identified. If left untreated, hearing loss can worsen and causes negative impacts on health, emotions, social participation and daily activities. If you would like to schedule a hearing assessment for yourself or your loved ones, please contact us: ☎️: 085-424019 📱: 016-8862031 #hearingaids #hearingaid #hearingaidaccessories #hearingaidsspecialist #healthaccessories #healthcare #staysafe #kitajagakita #covid19 #hearingsolutions #malaysia #unitron #nationwidesupport #20dbhearing #thelargesthearingaidcentreinmalaysia #iso90012015certified #audiologists #20dbpakarpendengarananda #pakarpendengarananda