Kiddobiz Hub
Growing Perilla Journey!
Today is our 3rd day practical after PDPR. Our task is to do labeling and packaging on dried products. As a senior, I was play a role to guide and monitor junior. It was fun because with the SOP provided by Ms. Brenda Ritchal of Lumamus Herbs Senctuary, we are able to complete task as per SOP. Noah is getting expert and our new comer Noah brother, Carl 6, is doing lighter job like cleaning, making sure all herbs tools are clean and kept in apropriate place.
Thank you Ms.Brenda, for guiding us. Noah and Carl supposed to be given RM5 for half a day but due to panelty for in appropriate work ethic , they have been panelise and potong gaji.
After so long we have not been active on our social media update . Here we go, today, we were given opporrunity by Lumamus Herbs Sanctuary to get an experience to learn on the drying process of oregano. Me and my cousin Noah were given task to segregate the oregano leaves before put them into the drying machine with the specific temperature required by the SOP.
Planting SEED OF HOPE today!
Home Garden!
Seedlings Anyone!
Murmur saja...RM10
Pm lajuuu it's a HOT Stuff!
Nice Taste of Salad!
Adakah kamu Tahu? Aaaha
Sirih Cina (Sireh Cina) mempunyai khasiat yang tinggi dan mudah untuk ditanam di ruang kebun anda. Ia turut dikenali dengan nama ketumpang air atau Peperomia Pellucida.
Ramai yang menyangkakan tanaman herba sangat sukar untuk ditanam dan memerlukan penjagaan yang rapi. Namun, lain caranya dengan tanaman yang akan kami kongsikan kali ini iaitu Sirih Cina atau ketumpang air atau nama saintifiknya Peperomia Pellucida.
Dengan sifatnya yang sangat mudah tumbuh dan membiak, tidak hairanlah sekiranya ia tumbuh di sekitar tumbuhan lain di dalam pasu. Jadi tidak hairanlah jika ramai yang menyangka Sirih Cina ini hanya sekadar tumbuhan liar tanpa sebarang khasiat atau kelebihan. Malah, harga Sirih Cina ini boleh mencecah sehingga RM10 bagi 100gram bagi daun sirih yang sudah dikeringkan dan dijual di Kedai Ubat Tradisional Cina.
Start something Today!
Our Journey Growing Perilla!
We were happy that we are able coated this Pn.Dusia Basket beautifully. Mission accomplished now, we are responsible to sale this basket to the market.
Intrested on coated basket? Would you like to support our movement? My sister and I dream to see more kids are indipendant at young age so the solutions is starting today and enjoy the process.
Bridget Maelody
Founding Member,
Today we had the opportunity learning the rattan finishing basket.
We were informed these basket crafted by Puan.Dusia from Kota Belud and transported to Donggongon Penampang by En.Asari my daddy friend.
To enhanced this basket up to customer expectation, we volunteer ourselves taking part to butify these basket and gain some experience from it!
Children Learn What They Live
by Dorothy Law Nolte
If children live with criticism,
They learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility,
They learn to fight.
If children live with ridicule,
They learn to be shy.
If children live with shame,
They learn to feel guilty.
If children live with encouragement,
They learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance,
They learn to be patient.
If children live with praise,
They learn to appreciate.
If children live with acceptance,
They learn to love.
If children live with approval,
They learn to like themselves.
If children live with honesty,
They learn truthfulness.
If children live with security,
They learn to have faith in themselves and others.
If children live with friendliness,
They learn the world is a nice place in which to live.
(Copyright © 1972/1975 by Dorothy Law Nolte)
KiddoBiz HUB is a place for children to share information about the upbringing process through self-development journey whether in terms of technical skills at the preliminary level, entrepreneurship and core values.
Kiddobiz HuB is also one of the initiatives created to strengthen the network in building positive movement, friendship and further strengthen to the bonding between parents and children.