Alkauthar eduqids penang, Penang Island Videos

Videos by Alkauthar eduqids penang in Penang Island. The best English Islamic Montessori kindergarten, playschool & nursery near you in PENANG. Cater for

Throwback to some memorable snap of our lil preschool and playschool students enjoying their AKE Farm experience πŸ€©πŸ’šπŸ’“

#fyp #akepenang #tadika #taska

Other Alkauthar eduqids penang videos

Throwback to some memorable snap of our lil preschool and playschool students enjoying their AKE Farm experience πŸ€©πŸ’šπŸ’“ #fyp #akepenang #tadika #taska

Throwback to some memorable snap of our lil preschool and playschool students enjoying their AKE Farm experience πŸ€©πŸ’šπŸ’“ #fyp #akepenang #tadika #taska

Final preparation for AKE BERTAM. U are most welcome to contact us at 019 346 1807 to book a slot. We are have an open day this coming sunday, 8 sept 2024. So far 25 parents have confirm their slot. What are u waiting for?

Final work for bertam. U are most welcome to contact us to book a slot for a visit. We are having open day this sunday, 8 sept 2024.

"Celebrating Independence Day with our AKE little star who’s ready to shine bright and dream big! πŸ˜†β€ Happy Independence day πŸ₯³β€ #IndependenceDay #merdeka2024 #AlKautharEduqids #akepenang #kindergarten

AKE BERTAM's progress

πŸ©·πŸ’š We clean after we eat! πŸ’šπŸ©· . It is one of our routine to clean up by ourselves, after having meal. . After we eat, we will wash our own plate with dish soap. We also make sure they are squeaky clean and so are our hands. . Then we place the plate on the dish rack. . Alhamdulillah 🩷🀲 #alkauthareduqids #akebehindthescene #akeawesome #akegelugor #akepenang

πŸ’šπŸ©· Let's make a shirt origami! πŸ’šπŸ©· . Today, our teacher will show us how to make a shirt origami. . 1) Fold the paper in half both ways and unfold it each time. Then, Fold both sides in to the centre. . 2) Fold the top layers of paper out along the dotted lines. And then, Fold the paper in half bringing the bottom up and and behind. . 3) Lastly, fold the tops of the sleeves behind along the dotted lines. And our shirt origami is done. Then, we will decorate the shirt origami that have been done by using our own creativity. . we are definitely having fun doing this activity with teachers and friends! . #akepenang #akegelugor #akeclassroom #alkauthareduqids

πŸ’šπŸ©· Roleplay - Doctor! πŸ’šπŸ©· . Today, our teacher will let us play a roleplay doctor together with friends. . Before we start, teacher will introduce to us the things that doctor use to treat a patient. Then, teacher will devide students to a group that contain 2 students per group. . Teacher give students the roleplay doctor toys to students and students need to act like a doctor and the other one will act like a patient who needs treatment from the doctor. . we are definitely having fun doing this activity with teachers and friends! . #akepenang #akegelugor #akeclassroom #alkauthareduqids

πŸ’šπŸ©·Testimoni Ibu Bapa di Al Kauthar Eduqids. πŸ’šπŸ©· . " Dari awal dia cuma kenal huruf sahaja, tak tahu membaca tapi alhamdulillah sekarang dia dah boleh membaca dengan lancar dan banyak surah-surah yang dia dah hafal... ~" Ibu" . Kami telah mendapat banyak maklum balas yang positif tentang perkembangan anak-anak mereka setelah menyertai program pembelajaran di Al Kauthar Eduqids (AKE). Dan inilah objektif utama kami untuk membentuk anak-anak dengan ilmu pengetahuan dan kerohanian dalam membantu semua ibubapa membesarkan anak-anak. . Worry no more! AKE menyediakan yang terbaik untuk anak-anak anda. . Pendaftaran bagi sesi 2025 kini dibuka! . Hubungi kami sekarang! +60199887416 atau; Klik link di sekarang!! . Slot adalah terhad, 1st come 1st serve basis! . #akepenang #Alkauthareduqids #funlearning #akegelugor #akeawesome

πŸ©·πŸ’šCiri-ciri autisme kesukaran bersosial πŸ©·πŸ’š . Autism adalah keadaan di mana interaksi sosial seseorang terganggu akibat masalah kemahiran berkomunikasi, tingkah laku tidak wajar yang berulangan, pemencilan diri serta mempunyai keinginan terhad terhadap sesuatu benda. Berikut adalah ciri-ciri autisme yang ada pada seorang anak : . 1) Tidak tertarik dengan perkara di sekeliling. . 2)Kelihatan tidak memberikan perhatian apabila orang lain bercakap. . 3) Mempunyai masalah memahami perasaan atau bercakap tentangnya. . 4) Tidak suka disentuh, dipegang, atau dipeluk. . 5) Tidak tahu bagaimana untuk berhubung serta bermain dengan orang lain atau berkawan. . 6) Tidak berkongsi minat atau pencapaian dengan orang lain. . Credit : . #akesharing #alkauthareduqids #akeawesome

πŸ’šπŸ©·Behind the scene - Log BookπŸ©·πŸ’š . In Alkauthar eduqids, our EIP and playschool teachers are required to keep student's individual record in a log book. . A log book is a way to record and keep track of events in the classroom. . Log books can be regarded as a diary of school life with the teacher writing up almost everything that happens in the classroom. . At the end of the day, parents can also view the log book to see their kids activity progress πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯° . #Alkauthareduqids #akepenang #akeawesome #akegelugor

πŸ©·πŸ’šLet's Make Little Froggy!πŸ©·πŸ’š . First, teacher will show the little froggy craft that has been prepared by teacher to the students. Then, teacher introduces the material used to make frog crafts to the students. . Teacher give the materials to all students and ask students to make frog crafts using their own creativity. . We are done doing our little froggy. We are definitely having fun doing this activity with teachers and friends!πŸ₯° . #akepenang #akegelugorpenang #akeclassroom #alkauthareduqids

πŸ©·πŸ’šLet's create a building!πŸ©·πŸ’š . Today, we will create a building together using our own creativity. . First, teacher will devide students into two group. Then, teacher will give things to make a building to each groups. . Teacher show how to create a building using a paper cups and a rainbow ice cream stick to all students. . Teacher let them create their own building together. This will make students think how to build a building in a creative way using the materials given and learn to work together in groups. . We are done doing create our building. We are definitely having fun doing this activity with teachers and friends!πŸ₯° . #akepenang #akegelugorpenang #akeclassroom #alkauthareduqids

πŸ©·πŸ’šCara Mengatasi Anak Tantrum πŸ©·πŸ’š . Anak tantrum, buat perangai, merengek, meragam, tidak mendengar kata, bahkan mengamuk boleh dikatakan perkara biasa untuk terjadi. Berikut adalah beberapa cara untuk mengatasi anak tantrum : . 1) Berikan mereka kasih sayang secara fizikal dan emosi. . 2)Biarkan anak bebas beraktiviti tetapi masih tetapkan had untuk mereka ikuti. . 3)Kurangkan menjerit sebagai cara mengatasi anak tantrum . 4)Hadkan pemberian ganjaran sebagai balasan untuk kelakuan baik mereka. Berikan lebih pujian untuk tingkah laku positif dan baik. . 5)Wujudkan batasan tetapi bukan mengawal. Ia mengajar anak untuk menguruskan kehidupan berdasarkan peraturan di sekeliling mereka. . #akesharing #alkauthareduqids #akeawesome

πŸ’šπŸ©· Let's freshen up! πŸ©·πŸ’š . After we take a nap, we surely look a bit messy. . Therefore, it's our teacher's duty, to help us look neat and cute before going home. . So, the teachers will do our hair and help us dressed properly. . We definitely look good and ready to go home to our parents! πŸ’šπŸ©· . #akepenang #akegelugor #akeclassroom #alkauthareduqids

πŸ’šπŸ©· Let's make a chocolate bread! πŸ¦‹ πŸ©·πŸ’š . Today, we will making a chocolate bread together with our teacher. . First, teacher will prepare ingredients to make a chocolate bread to students. The things we need to make a chocolate breads is a batch of bread, a chocolate spread, a spoon, and a plate. . Teacher give the ingredients to all students and asks students to make a chocolate bread. Students will take a piece of bread and spread the chocolate on the bread using their on creativity. . Then, students will eat the chocolate bread that they have made. . We are definitely having fun doing this activity with teachers and friends! . #akepenang #akegelugorpenang #akeclassroom #AlKautharEduqids

πŸ’šπŸ©· Tree dot activity! πŸ¦‹ πŸ©·πŸ’š . Today, we are making a tree dot together. . First, teacher will give a paper that have a tree drawing with a dots on the tree and a sticker to all students. . Teacher shows to students how to fill in the dot on the tree using a sticker. . Teacher asks students to make it by themself. Students can also count the dot while fill in the sticker to the tree. Students also can counting while doing this activity. . Teacher will guide students who can't do it by themself. . We are definitely having fun doing this activity with teachers and friends! . #akepenang #akegelugorpenang #akeclassroom #AlKautharEduqids

πŸ’šπŸ©·Testimoni Ibu Bapa di Al Kauthar Eduqids. πŸ’šπŸ©· . " Alhamdulillah, saya hantar dia dari umur 3 tahun lagi and saya dapat tengok banyak improvement dekat dia daripada segi pelajaran, attitude dia dan berpuas hati lah. Saya nampaklah perbezaan tu ada dekat dia...~ayah . Kami telah mendapat banyak maklum balas yang positif tentang perkembangan anak-anak mereka setelah menyertai program pembelajaran di Al Kauthar Eduqids (AKE). Dan inilah objektif utama kami untuk membentuk anak-anak dengan ilmu pengetahuan dan kerohanian dalam membantu semua ibubapa membesarkan anak-anak. . Worry no more! AKE menyediakan yang terbaik untuk anak-anak anda. . Pendaftaran bagi sesi 2025 kini dibuka! . Hubungi kami sekarang! +60199887416 atau; Klik link di sekarang!! . Slot adalah terhad, 1st come 1st serve basis! . #akepenang #Alkauthareduqids #funlearning #akegelugor #akeawesome

πŸ©·πŸ’šPerkembangan anak dia usia 2 tahunπŸ©·πŸ’š . Berikut adalah antara perkembangan anak 2 tahun yang boleh anda perhatikan: . 1) Belajar Berjalan Kebanyakan bayi mula berjalan semasa berumur antara 9 ke 17 bulan. Mereka boleh melakukannya selangkah pada satu-satu masa dan tidak memerlukan bantuan dari ibubapa mereka. . 2) Mula berlari Selepas 6 bulan berjalan, bayi anda kini boleh berlari serba sedikit. Mereka akan selalu berlari ke sana sini. . 3) Memanjat Sebaik sahaja mereka telah mahir berjalan dan berlari di atas tanah, mereka akan mula β€œnaik” ke atas. β€œNaik” bermaksud memanjat keluar dari buaian, di atas perabot dan tangga. . 4) Lahirnya Seorang Pemain Bola Sepak Ini adalah tahap di mana anak anda belajar mengenali dunia. Mereka mungkin mula menyepak objek seperti bola. Belajar menyepak adalah satu langkah yang besar di dalam perkembangan seorang bayi. . 5) Menconteng Dan Makan Sendiri Semasa tahun kedua, anak anda akan lebih mahir dalam mengawal tangan dan jari mereka. Mereka boleh mengambil krayon, melukis garisan atau memegang sudu untuk makan. . Credit : Hello doktor . #akesharing #alkauthareduqids #AKEAwesome