阿梁芽菜雞 Ah Leong Tau Geh Kei

阿梁芽菜雞 Ah Leong Tau Geh Kei
Contact/WhatsApp : 0164378847/0162119039
Venue : Bayan Baru Food Court
Open Hour : Mon-Fri, 11am - 7pm
Closed on : Sat & Sun



Hello Ah Leong Fans!
We will be closed next week as we are upgrading our store!

We will be back on the 10th and serve you the chicken rice/noodle as usual.

由于装修缘故 我们将休息一个星期


We will be closing tomorrow!
Hope you have a nice weekend ahead!



Opps, I've got Covid-19 😷

We will be away for a week to recover from the illness, we will see you next week! Sorry for any inconvenience 😕

我中头奖了 😷
我们将休息一个星期 下个星期再为大家送上热腾腾的芽菜鸡 如有不便 敬请原谅




Dear customer,
Due to the long holiday and shortage of ingredients, we are closing for a week. We will be back next Monday.

Sorry for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

Stay safe and have a good holiday.
由于公共假期和原料短缺 啊梁将休息一个星期

如有不便 敬请原谅



Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri to all muslim friend!



1 May Labour Day!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the hard work, building the community to a better future.

Let us celebrate your achievements from the past year and look forward with excitement to the future!

过去一段时间幸苦大家了 趁这个假期大家好好休息 回家的旅途切记小心



Dear customer,

We are closed from 06/02/22 to 09/02/22 due to the appointment of Covid-19 vaccination! We will be back on Thursday 10/02/22

We looking forward to serving you as always!

乡亲父老们 我又回来了!
因打疫苗缘故 啊梁将在06/02/22 - 09/02/22休假 啊梁会在星期4和大家见面



🎉Happy Chinese New Year🎉

Ah Leong wishes everyone money money come, "HENG ONG HUAT", health and happiness in the Year of Tiger!

虎年行大运 虎虎生威 虎年更猛



Dear customer,

We are closed from 27/01/22 to 06/02/22 due to the celebration of Chinese New Year! We will be back on 07/02/22!

We looking forward to serving you as always!

乡亲父老们 我又回来了!
为了庆祝农历新年 啊梁将在27/02/22 至 06/02/22休息 2月7号会继续营业!


Photos from 阿梁芽菜雞 Ah Leong Tau Geh Kei's post 19/12/2021

Dear customers,
We are closed for a week due to the passing of our beloved grandfather.

Looking forward to come back and serve you the good chicken rice.

Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding.

The Late Mr. Khoo Khay Tat, 87 years, passed away peacefully on Saturday , 18th Dec 2021.

Wake will be held at from 18th Dec at ROOM A , Leong San Tong Khoo Kongsi Funeral Parlour.

Address: 2003, Lebuhraya Thean Teik, Bandar Baru air Itam, 11500 Ayer Itam, Pulau Pinang.

Funeral Procession
Date : 22nd Dec 221, Wednesday at 11:00 AM
Cortege will leave for cremation at Batu Gantong Crematorium.


由于家里有丧事 啊梁将休息一个星期

如造成不便, 敬请原谅


我們最敬愛的邱府繼達老先生至親,慟於 18th Dec 2021 (農歷辛丑年十一月十五日)上午11时45分, 舆世長辭, 往生淨土, 年壽87歲。茲訂於 22ng Dec 2021 (星期三)11:00 AM 舉殯,奉移至檳城峇都眼東福建聯合公塜火葬场火化。

治喪處 : 檳城發林邱公司 ROOM A, 安葬在檳城發林邱公司
治喪期 : 18th Dec 2021 - 22nd Dec 2021


📢Good News!!📢
We are here to spread good news! 🥳
Thank you so much for your patience and sorry for making you wait...
In regards to the government's new policy, we are FINALLY ALLOWED to OPEN for DINE IN!

However, it only applies for those who are FULLY VACCINATED+ 2 WEEKS! 💉💉 (Sorry for those who are still waiting for your vaccination, it will be your turn soon!)

See you on Monday!

📢好消息 好消息📢
对不起 让大家久等了 我们终于终于可以开放给大家堂食了 不需要在偷偷摸摸了 (错误行为 ❌ 请勿模仿) 但是这只开放给打了2支疫苗的朋友 + 2个星期
如果你还没完成你的疫苗 不好意思 你只能暂时打包 但是很快就轮到你了!


Photos from 阿梁芽菜雞 Ah Leong Tau Geh Kei's post 14/06/2021

Hello family and friends,
do you miss us?
Due to FMCO restriction, we are changing our business hours temporarily:
Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm

However, we have some good news to tell you! 🎉🎉

We are now providing delivery service 🚗 restricted only to MUKIM 12 (BAYAN BARU AREA).

To place your order, kindly contact ☎️
0164378847 (Alan)
0162119039 (Stewart)

We hope you understand the restriction and we are looking forward to expand our delivery service to different area.

各位乡亲父老 想我们吗
因FMCO缘故, 我们将暂时更改营业时间:
星期一至星期五 10am - 4pm

我们即将开始自己运送食物到你家, 只限MUKIM 12 (BAYAN BARU AREA)

0164378847 (Alan)
0162119039 (Stewart)

希望大家明白我们的处境, 我们也希望日后可以运送到其他地区!


MCO来得太快就像龙卷风 说来就来 一个措手不及 吓到老板手滑把鸡肉弄丢了 为了安抚老板受伤的心灵 啊梁只好休假一个星期 你们没得吃饭真可怜 (我们跑去老板家找他要饭 好吗)

认命吧 乖乖在家 不要乱乱跑 讲都讲累了 你们知道怎么做了

No one can tell how much MCO loves us (crying inside-out), It's MCO 3.0! We are back to zero, stay at home, wear a mask and practice social distance. Haih, my boss got scared, you know!? Such a bad news as Ah Leong will take an a-week long break to catch up on daily life and most importantly stay safe at home. You guys gonna miss the chicken rice so badly. (Do you want to join me to sneak in the boss' house to beg for some chicken rice?)


📢 Due to some unforseen circumstances, Ah Leong is having a break tomorrow. We will see you on Friday!
Sorry for any inconvenience.

For Pre-order, kindly contact
0164378847 (Alan)
0162119039 (Stewart)
📢 各位乡亲父老 啊梁明天将休息一天 照成不便 请见谅 我们星期五见!

0164378847 (Alan)
0162119039 (Stewart)


📢 好消息 好消息 🎉🎉
啊梁正式拥有IG page了
别忘了追踪我们 记得分享给你的兄弟姐妹 三姑六婆!

📢Good News!Good News!🎉🎉
Ah Leong finally owns an IG page!
Don't forget to follow us and share it with your friend!


寂寞吗?小编jio你去找小哥哥 别说bojio! 来找小哥哥 小哥哥个下面给你吃! 我是说亲自下面给你吃 要饭要面你随意 重要的是你满意!🥰👅🥰

0164378847 (Alan)
0162119039 (Stewart)
你也可以到GrabFood/ Foodpanda下单把美味的芽菜鸡送到你家!

Are you lonely? Come and find us for some c*ck. Lengzai boss can make you happy, can do whatever you request! What are you even thinking? I meant chicken rice! Ah Leong can serve you the bean sprout chicken with rice/ kuey teow....depends on what you like! 🥰👅🥰

What are you waiting for? Come and find us now!
Orders can be done by phone call/WhatsApp: 0164378847 (Alan)
0162119039 (Stewart)
Delivery orders can be done via Grabfood/ Food Panda.


啊梁的小编在这里先和大家道歉 最近有点忙 常常忘了更新 陪啊梁的乡亲父老们聊天

这里有一个小小通知 ⚠️⚠️⚠️
啊梁芽菜鸡将在明天(8/4)和后天 (9/4)休息
不要忘了我们哦 我们星期一见!

Announcement!!!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Ah Leong is going to have a break on Thursday (8/4) & Friday (9/4)
We will be back on Monday!

兄弟继承父亲经营了三十年阿梁芽菜鸡 Two Brothers Succeeded Steamed Chicken with Beansprouts Business 17/03/2021

谢谢 "让味道说话" 到此一游 记录啊梁芽菜鸡的故事
大家记得到一下网址去了解阿梁的故事 他们和小编一样喜欢吃豆芽呢!还不快来找啊梁吃芽菜鸡!

0164378847 (Alan)
0162119039 (Stewart)
你也可以到GrabFood/ Foodpanda下单把美味的芽菜鸡送到你家!

Thank you Hock Chai's Flavours Talks Hock Chai’s【让味道说话】Flavours Talk for featuring us.

Watch "Two Brothers Succeeded Steamed Chicken with Beansprouts Business":https://www.youtube.com/watch?fbclid=IwAR2xzR20wJfUJIk2rqHYTgVnMTy_8D6CFni9LuCeQU_3XZ5BwkQNkWVfgwU&v=dh1AVnN4S04&feature=youtu.be
Don't forget to subscribe to their youtube channel!

What are you waiting for? Come and find us now!
Orders can be done by phone call/WhatsApp: 0164378847 (Alan)
0162119039 (Stewart)

Delivery order can be done via Grabfood/ Food Panda.

兄弟继承父亲经营了三十年阿梁芽菜鸡 Two Brothers Succeeded Steamed Chicken with Beansprouts Business 兄弟继承父亲经营了三十年阿梁芽菜鸡 Two Brothers Succeeded Steamed Chicken with Beansprouts BusinessYouTube Video https://youtu.be/dh1AVnN4S04阿梁芽菜鸡Ah Leong Steamed Chicken Ri...


每天对着鸡饭除了鸡饭还是鸡饭 快闷死了!
在啊梁这里除了香喷喷的鸡饭 你还可以选择干/汤粿条 滑溜溜的粿条 一溜就溜进你心里 💘

配上芝麻香的豆芽 还有老板用鸡骨熬出的鱼丸汤 嫩嫩的鱼丸一口下去 🤤🤤 哇! 简直就是顶级套餐!

小编不说咯 要跟老板下单了!

𝟎𝟏𝟔𝟒𝟑𝟕𝟖𝟖𝟒𝟕 (𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐧)
𝟎𝟏𝟔𝟐𝟏𝟏𝟗𝟎𝟑𝟗 (𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭)
你也可以到GrabFood/ Foodpanda下单把美味的芽菜鸡送到你家!

Are you bored with chicken rice? Besides chicken rice, we serve dry/soup kuey teow. Served with fragrant sesame beansprout and soup that's been boiled in bone broth for hours...it can only get better. Lastly, we top it off with soft and tasty fishballs swimming inside the soup. A meal fit for royalty.🤤

What are you waiting for? Make your order now!

Orders can be done by phone call/WhatsApp:
𝟎𝟏𝟔𝟒𝟑𝟕𝟖𝟖𝟒𝟕 (𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐧)
𝟎𝟏𝟔𝟐𝟏𝟏𝟗𝟎𝟑𝟗 (𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭)

Delivery orders can be done via Grabfood/ Food Panda.


没错 啊梁在星期一 (22/2/2021)营业 大家一起来找小老板吃芽菜鸡!

0164378847 (Alan)
0162119039 (Stewart)

你也可以到GrabFood/ Foodpanda下单 把美味的芽菜鸡送到你家!

🥳🥳Ah Leong Tau Geh Kei is open tomorrow🥳🥳
We are open tomorrow(22/2/2021)! Dine-in option is now available!

Orders can be done by phone call/WhatsApp:
0164378847 (Alan)
0162119039 (Stewart)

Delivery orders can be done via Grabfood/ Food Panda.

See you tomorrow!



Wishing you a Happy Chinese Niu Year. May you achieve success, happiness and prosperity.


农历新年要到了🎉 大家都要大吃大喝拿红包 🧧(现在不能出门拜年 所以乖乖在家等bank transfer) 我们家老板也要偷懒去休息

所以阿梁芽菜鸡会在以下日期休息 𝟏𝟎/𝟐/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏- 𝟐𝟐/𝟐/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏

想在新年前再吃芽菜鸡一波的 来 走起! 快快吃! 放心 老板不会吃了你 (听说老板人不错看 而且还单身) 你们难道不想边吃芽菜鸡边看帅哥吗?

想要打包芽菜鸡可以联络 𝟎𝟏𝟔𝟒𝟑𝟕𝟖𝟖𝟒𝟕 (𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐧)/ 𝟎𝟏𝟔𝟐𝟏𝟏𝟗𝟎𝟑𝟗 (𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭) 也可以到 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐝/𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚 点餐噢!

We are closing from 𝟏𝟎/𝟐/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏- 𝟐𝟐/𝟐/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏 for Chinese New Year. We will see you soon!

To make your order , kindly contact 𝟎𝟏𝟔𝟒𝟑𝟕𝟖𝟖𝟒𝟕 (𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐧)/ 𝟎𝟏𝟔𝟐𝟏𝟏𝟗𝟎𝟑𝟗 (𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭) You can make you delivery order via 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐝/𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚 too!


我就知道我说什么你们都不会相信 来让我给你们看证据吧 来看看我们的客人的打卡!😍

听老板说如果你们打卡越多 (小编就可以赚越多钱) 你们还可以跟老板讨免费的鱼丸

记得把你拍下的艺术品芽菜鸡post到Facebook/IG 🍴📸
记得Tag上帅气的老板 Alan Khoo Stewart Khoo Theng Guan

If seeing is believing, then surely our customer's testimonies will convince you! 😍😍

What are you waiting for? Visit us now and post your photos on social media and tag our boss Alan Khoo Stewart Khoo Theng Guan 🍴📸
Don't forget to put on the hashtag


谁说吃鸡只能配饭 在阿梁这里不止能配饭 还能配汤/干粿条?

小编本身不喜欢吃饭 现在就可以快快乐乐的吃芽菜鸡配粿条! 我的最爱啊!😍🤤

小编嘴巴挑不吃油腻的食物 阿梁这里做的食物刚好入味 不会油腻

兴奋起来我都忘了说还有鱼丸汤! 让你吃了一口又一口 惨了...老板可以再来一盘吗? 恐怕这次又吃胖了! 😭

We only think of rice when it comes to chicken, but have you ever thought to eat it with Kuey Teow? Ah Leong serves his Tau Geh Kei (Beansprout Chicken) not only restricted to rice, but with the options of dry/soup kuey teow!

Speaking of which, Ah Leong serves fish ball soup as a side too!

YUM, DE---LI--CIOUS...LIP SMACKING! 😍😍What are you waiting for? I'm getting another one right now!



我们什么都不怕 就怕你不知道我们没开店!
MCO一直延长 疫情越来越严重
我们一样为你服务 把传承下来的家乡味 芽菜鸡送到你口里!

不想出门但也想要吃好吃的芽菜鸡 可以到Grabfood 和Food Panda找我们!

We are proud to serve you the traditional home taste of Tau Geh Kei (The Bean Sprout Chicken Rice). We are still open despite the MCO extension.

You can find us on Grabfood/ Food Panda too!

Photos from 阿梁芽菜雞 Ah Leong Tau Geh Kei's post 12/01/2021

Help us Share & Like yoooo 💯
Thanks for the support guys ‼️‼️

Photos from 阿梁芽菜雞 Ah Leong Tau Geh Kei's post 12/01/2021

Help us Like & Share yoooo 💯
Thanks for the support guys ‼️‼️


看到這隻熊貓嗎?沒錯❗我們終於有 Food Panda啦 🐼 没交通?没时间?沒問題‼️一切都包在他們手中 他們都會幫你們解決 🛵 ,借用你們寶貴的幾秒中鐘 來幫我們 Like & Share哦 😍 萬分感激 🙏🏻


來來來 Endaoba&Lengluii們 看這裡 這裡有好康頭 ‼️ 忘記帶錢出門的或者帶不夠的朋友們,別怕 因為我們還有 Touch'nGo ‼️,不止這些 還有的Cashback Rm3 哦 ‼️ 時間有限 七月July- 八月August罷了 🤔 所以時間不等人 趕快來享受 熱烈歡迎 謝謝各位大大支持 然後記得Like & Share哦‼️❤️ 🐔

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我就知道我说什么你们都不会相信 来让我给你们看证据吧 来看看我们的客人的打卡!😍你还不来打卡吗?听老板说如果你们打卡越多 (小编就可以赚越多钱) 你们还可以跟老板讨免费的鱼丸记得把你拍下的艺术品芽菜鸡post到Facebook/IG 🍴📸记...




Lintang Mayang Pasir 4, Bandar Bayan Baru
Penang Island

Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 19:00
Thursday 11:00 - 19:00
Friday 11:00 - 19:00

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