Videos by Ryan's Special Needs Care Centre in Putrajaya. 1st LICENSED SPECIAL NEEDS DEVELOPMENT, EDUCATION & CARE CENTRE in the heart of Putrajaya. Co-founded & owned by person on the Spectrum & qualified hands-on experienced people. We truly understand! Come visit us, meet our team & our facilities!
Thank you parent for trusting our teacher to teach and serve your child with us🌹 Your trust is paid off🤩 He improved a lots in reading, writing and maths🩵 #SLDProgram #OneToOneSession #internationalstudent
*We appreciate your effort and support💜.Keep continuing to encourage your child to achieve the next IEP Goal.Thank you so much for today👍* #specialeducationcentre #iepreview #parentsteachermeeting
It’s a wrap, School Holiday Program 2024.Well done everyone💜
Its a wrap, School Holiday Program Camping 2024😍💜
One of our aim in Ryan’s Centre is to encourage the students to complete their living skills on being independent.
Today they proved it‼️
Congratulation to all parents, therapist, teachers, assistant teachers, staffs, caregiver and the community for their incredible effort & continuous support, making this a successful event! Well done everyone💜
Ryan’s camping is the best😍👍😘, well done everyone, you all did it💜#promoteindependentlivingskills#specialeducationcentre#positiveenviroment#studentsoutcome
We are very proud of you Daniela👍😍, she able to led the zumba session during the school holiday camping program with confidence. Keep it up dear. #studentsoutcome #positiveprogress #specialeducationcentre #schoolholidaycampingprogram
One of our aim in Ryan’s Centre is to encourage the students to complete their living skills on being independent.Today they proved it‼️Congratulation to all parents, therapist, teachers, assistant teachers, staffs, caregiver and the community for their incredible effort & continuous support, making this a successful event! Well done everyone💜#specialeducationcentre#schoolholidayprogram#camping#promoteindependentlivingskills
well done Eilhan!, You did a very good performance, keep it up💪 . Thank you teachers for your amazing effort👍, keep focus the students progress and outcome😍 #rsnccputrajaya #specialeducationcentre #bestperformance #studentsoutcome #studentstalent #selfconfidence #parentssupport #fullsupport #amazingtalent
Improve communication skills (labelling, requesting) by using AAC High tech -Let Me Talk #speechtherapy #speechandlanguage #nonverbalcommunication #speechdelay #complexcommunicationskills #selectivemutism #speechandlanguagetherapist #speechtherapist
Thank you teachers, we love you all💜
A million thanks to all parents for your support and love, we all really appreciate it💜 #specialeducationcentreputrajaya #rsnccputrajaya #wecarewelove
She is able to tracing by following the line very well, compare to the previous she just hold and grip the pencil. She now able to understand the instruction and her alertness of serrounding is improved. She show a lit of improvement day by day.Thank you parents for yor support and trust- Tc Ricca & Tc Ain🩵🌹 #EIProgram #rsnccputrajaya #specialeducationcentreputrajaya