Pads and Paws

Pads and Paws

Thank you all, Pads and Paws greatly appreciate your donation and your sacrifice. Your support helps

Timeline photos 05/04/2021
Timeline photos 05/04/2021

Sincerely thanks to those who have made donation for Pads n Paws - Penang Hope of Strays💙

真诚的感谢那些有捐款给Pads and Paws和Penang Hope of Strays的善心人士💙

Timeline photos 04/04/2021

筹款结束🔚 谢谢大家给予的❤️
Fundraising officially🔚 Thanks all of your❤️

Timeline photos 04/04/2021

Thank you all for the donation☺️
🐱 < We appreciate your little act of kindness > 🐶


"Animals are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life.”
Humanity is rare but not humans. Please keep it by saving animals🙆‍♀️


“When I look into the eyes of an animal, I do not see an animal. I see a living being. I see a friend. I feel a soul.”
Prevent more animals injuered, lets us protect them together.🐶😺

Timeline photos 18/03/2021

Dogs and cats are alive. So why do they have to be killed just because the shelters are too full and there aren't enough adoptive families😨? Obviously,we should give more love and help so that they can have a happy life🏡
Our little donation can help them a lot☺️

Timeline photos 18/03/2021

Everyone must have the consciousness of caring for animals and not mistreat them just because they are not your pets.❗️ Even though they are our pets, our responsibility is taking good care about them since we decided to adopt them🙆🏻‍♀️

Timeline photos 16/03/2021

It can be seen that many animals enter into the animal shelter every year. There are many reasons such as being abandoned, lost or so on.Whether they are sick or for whatever reason, we should not abandon them, and they also stay with us when we are emotional wreck.


地球没有了动物,就如蓝天没有了白云。爱护动物,人人有责 😺
The earth without animals is like the blue sky without white clouds. It is everyone's responsibility to love animals 💙


Every life is worthy of respect, please love animals. We are a family on the same planet, and our lives should be equal 💙


Cats are part of your life. And you are its lifetime 💙

Timeline photos 04/03/2021

💙You may not have the responsibility to feed them, but at least do not hurt them, please💙


Timeline photos 04/03/2021

💙Small pity cat need your help🐱
You guys can make donation by accessing the website below ⬇️ or as at bio


Timeline photos 01/03/2021

筹款对象 Fundraising for Penang Hope Of Strays💙

You guys can make your donation through the website below⬇️ or dm me for more details



希望大家可以一人出一份小小心意,积少成多,Penang Hope of Strays需要你们的小小帮忙💙

Timeline photos 28/02/2021

💙 请给予动物们平等的对待
All of them should have equal treatment 💙



Giving is not about making a donation, it's about making a difcerence. Everyone help to improve their life.



Stray animals are also creatures, please ptrotecy them and love them!!!


不要让一切成为记忆, 保护生命, 与自然和谐

Dont let evrything become a memory, protect animals and be in harmony with nature.



Everyone is responsible for protecting stray animals.


毛小孩不只是宠物 也是我们的家人

Cats are not just pets, they are also our family.



Caring for stray cats, we will pass on
