JKL Heathy - 你的保健专家
分享更多保健和养生的知识。 帮助更多人的提高自我免疫力~
Skin care
Banyak orang tahu bahwa kekurangan air pada kulit akan membuat kulit mengeluarkan lebih banyak minyak, menyebabkan pori-pori tersumbat, sensitif, radang, gatal ...
Jika Anda mencari satu set produk perawatan kulit alami yang dapat melembabkan kulit Anda dan memperbaiki kondisi kulit Anda, Anda bisa mencoba seri perawatan kulit kami.
Rangkaian produk perawatan kulit mengandung γ-poliglutamat unik, yang 100 kali lebih efektif daripada asam (HA)
juga terdapat Collagen 😲 yang dapat memperkuat kelembapan kulit dan melindungi dari kerusakan akibat sinar UV.
Untuk penggunaan internal dan eksternal, Cantik luar dan dalam! 😍.
Jackie 01111173320
Yuk, Pm saya sekarang ❤❤
#15年 的 Eczema 皮肤问题,
服用了 #12天 的
+ 得到改善😱
因为皮肤问题,Mr. Wee看过无数次的医生,也吃过无数的药物,不管西医还是中医,他都尝试过,但是皮肤问题始终没有得到改善,很多时候还会痒到无法入睡....
但是8/1/22 开始服用 Shiruto + Maqnifiq 短短的12 天,一天是一包Shiruto + 一包 Maqnifiq ,今天 19/1/22痒的部位不再痒,皮肤也明显不会有两个颜色🤩
Jackie 01111173320
Disclaimer: This post is based on individual result and not show to prove it can cure/treat diseases. Consult your doctor to cure/ treat diseases.
Jackie 01111173320
Jackie 01111173320
Thanks for sharing 🙏
Siapa ada mslh spt ini boleh la ikhtiar dgn Aulora pants. Kesihatan kita sgt penting jd jgn ragu utk mlabur demi ksihatan yg lbih baik.
Sebelum ini dia ini ada masalah perut kembung dan ada masalah Senggugut yg teruk dan haid yg banyak!
Tapi setelah memakai Aulora Pants, dia tidak payah lagi memakai Pad yg besar, tiada lagi Senggugut dan tiada masalah perut kembung.
Malah boleh sudah dia memakai skirt dia sudah disimpan d almari selama 2 tahun! 😱 Wah sangat hebat! 😍
Jackie 01111173320
Wow! This is so powerful 🔥
He is busy.. Not much time..
Is impossible if the slimming programme needs time to prepare.. to cook special dishes..
He actually no time to exercise as well..
So, how can he slim down & getting fitter & healthier?
The answer is:
“The Hassle Free Programme & ” 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻🔥🔥🔥
He able to keep himself so fit now 😱
‼️He slimmed down 😱
‼️Fats reduced 😱
‼️Getting healthier 😱
‼️Become even more energetic 😱
‼️Looks Younger as well 😱
Really crazy testimony 😱😱😱
Thanks Thomas Tong for sharing his testimony
Really Amazing 😱😱😱😱😱😱
Jackie 01111173320
减脂容易, 保持不复胖才是最难☺️
保持168轻断食& 5:2轻断食
Jackie 01111173320
💕Thanks for sharing!!!!!💕
My testimony is here!
The fat in the belly finally say to me byebye!
After losing 3KG in weight, the belly has changed from three layers to one layer!
I started eating from 11-3-2021, and I haven't had such a result in a month!
I ate three meals as usual before, with plenty of warm water.
Later, because I wanted to try eat clean, but I only had dinner and it was a way to eat and drink enough, in eat clean🤣🤣🤣
Jackie 01111173320
need to divide the meal one hour before or one hour after the meal
a full pack
day two packs return your slim figure
Aulora kodenshi pants👖👖
Thank you for sharing,
Testimoni Hebat Aulora Pants Dari tidak percaya sampai percaya Keajaiban ini dimana makcik dapat berjongkok selepas memakai Aulora Pants kurang dari 1 Jam. Hebatnya Aulora pants.
Yuk, yg berminat silahkan inbox saya
Jackie 01111173320
Thanks for sharing
wowed Nora Sahari & her husband.
What happened?
Jackie 01111173320
Wow! 😍Wow! 😘💕💕
谢谢Li Ting 亲身的分享❤️
我来分享我这几个月吃 SlendGlow 的心得🥰
瘦身减肥对我来说好难好难😅,一至以来我都是属于那种肉肉型的🦭.好多漂亮的衣服👗都穿不上, 就算勉强穿上也像包粽子那样😔. 老实说爱美是人的天性,我也试过好多瘦身方式和产品,但都失败...人也变的有点自卑.
直到今年三月遇到了SLENDGLOW 后让我有效的瘦身,从笨重的身材变到能跑🏃🏻♀️能跳💃🏻人也变得更自信😀
我本身最巅峰的时候是80公斤(左图)现在是 61公斤左右(右图)
由于减肥的道路上太长,我又是一個吃货所以没任何的戒口,基本什么都吃,都说三分练,七分吃,我恰恰相反,主要是改不掉吃货的习惯,所以我都是靠運動和最大的幫手 ❗️Slendglow❗️來減脂🏃🏻♀️有和我一样困扰的朋友们可以来了解了解,希望也能帮你.
在此我要感谢BEInternational有这么好的产品改善了我的健康, 有效瘦身.
借此我还要感谢我亲爱的家人一至陪伴我,及我的Leader, Crystal Ng 给我不断的鼓励. 感恩💕
Jackie 01111173320
Terima kasih kepada Constance Chia telah berbagi😍
Bagikan manfaat penurunan berat badan pascapersalinan👈
Anda dapat dengan mudah menurunkan berat badan hanya dengan sepasang celana.
Saya seorang ibu dari dua anak,
panggul saya melebar setelah operasi caesar.
Setelah pakai Aulora pants Tanpa saya menyadarinya, saya 13kg
Dari 56kg-sekarang 43kg
Dari 96cm-sekarang 88cm
Tidak disangka bahwa celana Aulora adalah yang terbaik untuk dipakai sebagai celana kesehatan pembentuk tubuh yang paling nyaman, dapat membantu kita membentuk lekuk tubuh, mengangkat bokong, menenangkan perut, mendorong lemak kembali ke tempatnya,mengencangkan panggul , dan juga membantu kita memiliki sirkulasi darah yang baik.
Sirkulasi darah yang baik secara alami dapat membantu menghilangkan pembengkakan dan meningkatkan konsumsi kalori. Saya menyukainya.
Aulorapants Produk perbaikan pascapersalinan, produk bagus yang memungkinkan Anda mendapatkan hasil dua kali lipat dengan setengah usaha😍
Jackie 01111173320
A lot of customers asked,
「 KODENSHI®︎ 」 is used what kind of substance?
• What is KODENSHI®︎ ?
• Far Infrared Rays, will it be constituted a Harm, is it harmful to the human body ?
Let me explain it to everyone.
What is Far Infrared HEAT ?
All creatures need sunlight to survive for two reasons - "far infrared" and "vitamin D".
Far-infrared light waves, composed of invisible radiation, can be composed from the inside to the outside, gently warming your body and reaching the cellular level. The best thing about far infrared is that you can get in touch with the far infrared heat for a few hours, and your body and skin will not be harmed at all.
This technology is absolutely safe, and the hospital uses it to keep the temperature of newborn babies!
Over the past 25 years, extensive research has been carried out around the world, involving infrared hyperthermia, and numerous medical and health benefits.
Far-infrared heat is one of the most effective and safe ways to remove countless toxins from the body. The micro-waves of far-infrared rays are effective in removing toxins in various diseases, and the body's toxins are the cause of many health problems.
Far infrared heat, can pe*****te into the bottom layer of the skin,
Warms muscles, joint tissues and organs, activates cells and promotes metabolism.
As the metabolism increases, it effectively reduces fat and cellulites.
Many studies have shown that far infrared ray therapy,
• can improve vascular function
• increase blood circulation
• significantly lower cholesterol
• blood pressure and blood sugar
All of this helps to lose weight.
In fact, Japanese people use this method to treat sunburn and promote skin health.
Therefore, for most living things, it is absolutely safe and healthy.
Our AULORA Pants with KODENSHI®︎, are deep infrared rays that pe*****te deep into the bottom of the skin tissue.
Vibrate and drain the body, remove the toxins from the fat cells, and excrete them, so your rash will push out.
Jackie 01111173320
常常有人问 :
👉🏻Aulora Pant 好穿吗?
👉🏻Aulora Pant 会热吗?
👉🏻Aulora Pant 是给年轻的人穿而已是吗?
👉🏻Aulora Pant 这样穿出去,pai seh 叻😅
PM 我❤
Jackie 01111173320
Jackie 01111173320
感谢 Richard Tan分享
太感谢我们 International的 了啊!
这是我本人Richard Tan的见证。我一从手术室出来就不停每天服用Shiruto 4-5包。每个星期的复珍医生也说伤口复原得很好,还记得前两星期的伤口照片是医生帮我拍的。到了第四个星期医生说怎么好得这么快呢!说恭喜你不必再贴上胶布了啊!
感恩公司和三位Founders 引进了这么棒的产品和帮忙更多有困难的人。非常感谢BE International
Thanks Richard Tan for sharing
Thank you so much International for !
As soon as I came out of the operating room, I kept taking Shiruto 4-5 sachets every day. Every week, Dr. Fu Zhen also said that the wound is recovering very well. I still remember that the photos of the wound from the last two weeks, taken by the doctor for me. In the fourth week, the doctor said how good it was as the recovering was so fast!
Doctor says "Congratulations, you don’t have to stick the tape anymore!"
Thank you BE International and Founders for introducing such a great product and helping more and more people. Thank you very much BE International
Jackie 01111173320
After Shiruto + Maqnifiq for 5 days
😱😱一天2包 shiruto and Maqnifiq 5 天
Unexpected results😍😍
The 24-year-old young lady has tried many ways to improve her skin problems
I delivered to her on Monday. Received this result on Saturday. That's great, so happy ❤️❤
After Shiruto + Maqnifiq for 5 days
😱😱 2 sachets a day shiruto and Maqnifiq 5 days
Jackie 01111173320
感谢伙伴分享 👍 👍 👍 一點都不像50歲的大媽!
我要活出精彩不要变老! 我不要变大妈!我要健康🤩
真的很开心遇到好的产品SlendGlow 再配合穿Aulora Pants 帮助血液循环把营养输送带全身燃烧脂肪尤其是我的大肚腩。一个大妈的大肚腩不见了👏🏻👏🏻
这是没有运动的情况下6个月时间 1天2包配合 #SlendezMeal 1天代餐1次没有节食还能吃1-2餐喜欢的。卡路里控制1天1000左右 。很轻松简单👍🏻 健康瘦身过程没有不舒服但是必须要喝大量的水。
谢谢BE International让我蜕变成自己喜欢的样子❤️
Jackie 01111173320
💕Thanks for Sharing 💕
Sejak ada rotation WIO dan WFH ni, every week dapat jumpa my parents.. dalam setiap kes**aran ada nikmat yang Allah nak berikan ❤️
Happy sangat bila balik tengok my dad semakin sihat dan beliau sangat istiqomah memakai satu set sebab rasa sihat sangat2 sejak memakai since beberapa bulan yang lepas.. ditambah p**a dengan pengambilan setiap hari.. ayah saya ada sakit jantung, menjalani CAPD di rumah dan sering mengidap gout… tapi dah beberapa bulan tak sakit gout yang mmg sangat menyiksakan sebab kaki bengkak dan sakit sampai tak boleh disentuh…
Sejak guna dan mengambil , bila pergi check up jantung di IJN dan kidney di HTJS, Dr inform keadaan abah sangat bagus dan bacaan darah pun sangat2 baik😍
Sementara ada ibu & ayah ni, berbakti la sebaik mungkin dan jangan berkira untuk melabur demi kesihatan mereka.. mereka sihat, kita pun rasa happy kan?❤️
Jackie 01111173320
BEfil 见证
Jackie 01111173320
Terima kasih telah berbagi kesaksian👍 👍 👍
Sama sekali tidak seperti berusia 50 tahun!
Saya sangat senang bertemu dengan produk SlendGlow yang bagus dan memakai Aulora Pants untuk membantu melancarkan peredaran darah dan membawa nutrisi untuk membakar lemak di seluruh tubuh, terutama perut buncit saya.
Perut buncit telah hilang
Ini 6 bulan tanpa olahraga, minum 1 hari 2 bungkus
Dan 1 kali sehari,
bisa makan 1-2 kali , sebagai meal replacement utk Kontrol kalori sekitar 1000 per hari.
Mudah dan simple👍🏻 Tidak ada ketidaknyamanan dalam proses penurunan berat badan yang sehat, tetapi Anda harus minum banyak air.
Terima kasih BE International karena telah menjadikan saya apa yang saya s**a ❤️
Jackie 01111173320
Tq perkongsian😍
10 nov pakai Aulora Pants.
26 nov mak kata lututnya tidak sakit macam dulu dan tidak bertongkat juga boleh jalan perlahan.
28 nov, mak saya tidak bertongkat dan mula jalan-jalan ke carpark.
Dia jarang keluar akibat aakit lutut. Saya terperanjat sebab dia hanya pakai 17 hari Aulora Pants.
Mak i umur 88tahun, kami rasa banyak gembira😍😍
老妈从23/5/2021起每天穿Aulora衣和袜子。1O/11/2021开始穿AULORA PANTS。
26/11/2021 她对我说膝盖没那么痛了,不用拐杖也能慢慢行走,膝盖也没发出咔咔的声。
*放两段小视频老妈如何从房间走出来。对一个 88岁的老人来说身体刚康复,能慢慢行走是多么不容易。钦佩我老妈的坚强和毅力。
Jackie 01111173320
Thanks Eva for sharing💛🧡🙏🏻
From Size 2XL to Size L, I insisted on wearing two sizes smaller …😱
When we were young, we all heard grown-ups who said, "Be careful"…
At school the teacher said, "Learn with your heart"
On the court, the coach said, "Practice with heart"
In the workplace, the boss says "Do it wholeheartedly!"
"Heart" ❤️ will change everything
Money 💰 can solve a lot of things
Often when you look at "money" 💵, you lose your original intention 🤦🏻♂️…
Many problems require "wholehearted commitment" to get effective results.
Made up my mind this time… To be determined!
on better together
Follow your Heart ❤️ , Change your Mind 🧠…. then you can Open your Eyes 👀, Change your Life! 🔥
Jackie 01111173320
Shiruto 见证
Jackie 01111173320
Slend Glow testimoni
Terima kasih telah Berbagi kesaksian,
Berapa kali Anda membuat kemajuan BESAR dengan sangat cepat, hanya untuk menemukan diri Anda kembali ke titik awal?
Dalam 7 bulan saya bersama Slendglow, saya telah turun 8kg, menjadi bugar dan masih menikmati makanan saya tanpa sepenuhnya membatasi diet saya.
Jangan ragu untuk DM saya, dan saya akan menjelaskan kepada Anda cara kerjanya!
Jackie 01111173320
Maqnifiq 见证
Jackie 01111173320
Thank you for sharing! 🙏🏻😇
✅diagnosed with arthritis. The joints were swollen and harden.
✅started to consume Shiruto from April. (Morning 2 sachets & 2 sachets at night)
✅After 4 months, joints are soften and no longer swollen
✅四月接触 Shiruto(每天早 2 包, 晚 2 包)
Jackie 01111173320
Zencoso Ball 见证
Jackie 01111173320
Terima kasih sudah berbagi,
Ayah teman saya pulih dari luka dengan bantuan Shiruto selama 1 bulan !!!
Saksi super! !! !! Terima kasih produk-produk BE Internasional ♥ 🙏❤
Berbagi adalah Berbagi Peduli untuk membantu lebih banyak orang yang membutuhkan 🙏❤
Yg ingin tanya2 silahkan inbox ❤❤
Jackie 01111173320
Aulora Pants 见证
Jackie 01111173320