

Making education doable for both parents and their children


Have empathy for your teenagers because you never know what they are going through.
P/s: PM us to get free trial of VSchool Trend, an online education platform.


Parenting teenagers can be challenging, but with the right support and strategies, you can help them navigate their way through the ups and downs of adolescence. Here are some common issues and suggestions for dealing with them:

1. : Encourage open and honest communication, listen actively, and avoid judgment.

2. : Set clear boundaries and responsibilities, provide opportunities for independence and decision making.

3. : Educate your teen about the dangers, monitor their behavior, and seek help from a professional if needed.

4. : Encourage your teen to seek help, support them in seeking professional treatment, and educate yourself about mental health resources.

5. : Use positive reinforcement, be a good role model, and maintain open communication.

6. : Provide a safe and supportive environment, encourage positive self-talk, and help your teen identify and develop their strengths.

7. : Set limits on technology use, encourage face-to-face communication, and educate your teen about online safety.

8. : Encourage and support good study habits, communicate with teachers and educators, and seek additional resources like tutoring if needed.

9. : Educate your teen about making safe and responsible choices, encourage them to stand up for themselves and their values, and provide positive role models.

10. : Provide support, help your teen develop coping strategies, and encourage them to reach out to trusted friends and family members.

Remember, every teenager is unique and may require a different approach.


I’m a VSchool Trend licensed distributor and I am also a guitar teacher.

When I teach guitar, I expect my student to practice daily for 10mins. If they missed a day, we will discuss the what and how so that he/she is back to daily practice routine. There will be some reality check as well.

My guitar course takes 3 months which enough time for student to learn their fav song. So if I expect them to practice at least 10mins daily, in 3 month, the total practice is 30x3x10, that would be about 900mins. That also will depend on the difficulty level of the song they are learning. Some song, 10mins a day might not enough. This process might not comfortable but it is necessary. Of course, I’ll share mechanisms that support the learning in the process.

So my guitar lesson is not just about teaching guitar but also character building esp in young teen. In 3 months, they will experience what is commitment, discipline, consistency, honesty and how is it like giving their best. I believe these values/habits that they are going to be experiencing, it going to be helpful in their study, sport or in whatever they are pursuing in life.

If you are a parent and you believe this values are good for your teens and at the same time, they like to play guitar, then maybe my guitar lesson is the right one for you.

My mission is to empower teen in Malaysia. I will teach them the skill of playing the guitar and I provide them way to study easily, anytime, anywhere by using VSchool online platform..

Parents, if your teen is learning guitar from me, you are entitled to get a very good discount of VSchool Trend from me.

Contact me via WhatsApp today at


I teach guitar online. People often ask, is it possible? Definitely, yes. How to know if the students get what I'm teaching is by asking questions. It's only that so much they can do during the 30mins lesson because the real work is when they are on their own doing their homework daily. There will be many reasons not to practice but if they are able breakthrough this, not only they get better in their guitar playing, I certainly believe they will carry this habit into their life too be it as student or working adult.

If you are parents and your teenager is learning guitar from me, you are entitled to get a very good discount of Vschool Trend online platform from me. There are so many benefits you and your teens will get when using this online learning platform. When you google about it, you will know what I'm talking about. 😃

I still true to my mission to empower teens in school to get better in their study by using Vschool and at the same time, they can also develop their characters through learning the guitar from me.

If you believe in this and want this for your teens or someone you know need this, share this with them and contact me for further info. 😊


This made me cry 😭😭

When you first have children they talk about the challenges of parenting...

the struggles of a baby waking in the night,

the toddler who won’t stay in their bed, the cost of childcare, injuries from sports...

Having to take off work to pick them up from school when they don’t feel well, helping them with homework, a messy house, the never ending laundry, the cost to buy school clothes, packing their lunches...

You watch their eyes light up on Christmas morning... and try to soak in the magic of those moments.

You coach them in sports, rushing to practices and ballgames...

and tote them all over the country to let them play the game they love...

no matter how exhausting or expensive it becomes.

Life is just so busy that you rarely even stop to think what the end of those days look like.

In fact, it’s not really even something you can wrap your mind around.

You go into it thinking that 18-20 years sounds like a long time...

Then suddenly hours turn into days...

days into months...

and months into years.

That little person that used to crawl up next to you in bed and cuddle up to watch cartoons...

suddenly becomes this young adult who hugs you in the hallway as they come and go.

And the chaos and laughter that used to echo throughout your home...

gets filled with silence and solitude.

You’ve learned how to parent a child who needs you to care for and protect them...

but have no clue how the whole “letting go” thing is supposed to work.

So you hold on as tight as you can...

wondering how time passed so quickly...

feeling guilty that you missed something...

Because even though you had 20 years...

it just somehow doesn’t seem like it was enough.

You ask yourself so many questions...

Did you teach them the right lessons?

Did you read them enough books as a child?

Spend enough time playing with them?

How many school parties did you have to miss?

Do they really know how much you love them?

What could I have done better as a parent?
...When it’s time for them to go, it all hits you like a ton of bricks.

And all you can do is pray...


and trust that God will protect them as they start to make their way into the world alone.

Parenting is by far the most amazing experience of your life...

that at times leaves you exhilarated...

while others leave you heartbroken.

But one thing is certain...

it’s never enough time...💕

So for all the parents with young children...

whose days are spent trying to figure out how to make it through the madness...

Exhausted day in and day out...

Soak. It. All. In.

Because one day...

all those crazy days full of cartoons, snuggles, sleep overs, Christmas morning magic, ballgames, practices and late night dinners...

All come to an end.

And you’re left hoping that you did enough right, so that when they spread their wings...

They’ll fly...💕💕💕

Credit to the Amazing Author:



One of the morning routines I get my children to do before they get their games and YouTube time is to practice their learning using Vschool Trend.

My wife and I have to intentionally make a prior agreement with them before this session can happen. Otherwise, they will suka2 take their iPad / laptop and start having their games and YouTube time.


Leave a comment and you are entitled to get RM50 discount personally from me on your Vschool Trend subscription. T&C applied.


You and your teen

Photos from Eduablemy's post 05/04/2022

Over the last weekend, my family had a great time camping with a bunch of friends. Wow! It’s been many years never been camping. If not mistaken it’s has been more than 15 years since I was still single.

We had a blast. Very good exposure for the children especially to experience the 3D2N camping.

My son tried fishing for the first time and he got better at it. He managed to catch the biggest fish from about 10 fish we had caught. It’s the size of an adult palm. All are tilapia fish.

He was so happy but too bad that he doesn’t eat fish. We were so excited and I didn’t manage to take a photo of him catching the fish but I got a photo of the fish after being fried.

We went to the stream and the water is so refreshing. It’s mountain water they called it and it’s very cold. The children enjoyed it very much there playing with sand, stones and the big round float from a tyre.

This place is called the SIR camping site which is located in Janda Baik. I’m looking forward to the next one. My family sign-up one camping package way before the 1st MCO and we have yet to utilize it. It has been a great experience for me and my family.

Do you like camping too? Where did you go? Share with us here.

Top 20 skills you need to develop your career 15/03/2022

Just sharing this article from The Star which I think might be good to read.

Top 20 skills you need to develop your career Paper qualifications can only take you so far; after that you need soft skills to get you up the career ladder!


I dedicate this short song I composed to all of you who follow my page.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend so far.


New syllabus for pre-school age 5.


There are many advantages to using VSchool Trend.

Below are two different advantages for students and parents.

For student:
* Constant updates (daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly)
* Colorful and interactive notes
* Audio and visual learning
* Over 500,000 exercises (yes, that’s half a million or more)
* Fully online and easy to access
* Compatible on mobile, desktop, and laptop
* Reliable exercises and training
* No need to travel (save time)

For parents:
* Constant updates (daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly)
* Easy to access
* Compatible on mobile, desktop, and laptop
* Fully online
* Full parental control
* Automated monitoring (report card)
* Reliable exercises and training
* No need to travel (save petrol)
* Affordable plans

Contact me at

Introduction to VSchool Trend – EduableMY 09/03/2022

10 Ways to Be a Better Parent
(For parents with younger children)

Being a parent can be complicated, and every child has different needs, but following these ten tips might help make the most important job in the world just a tiny bit easier.

1. Be the person you want your child to be
Your children will watch and learn from everything you do. You are their number one link to the world and how you react and respond to different situations can influence how your children react to their own situations. Try to lead by example and show your children the same positive behavior and attitude you want to see in them.

2. Praise your child, not just the action
When your child does something that makes you proud, don’t just celebrate the action, celebrate your child. For example, if you see your child help someone, say “Great job! You are a good helper,” rather than “Great job helping!” This slight change in praise will teach your child that the good deed is part of his or her identity.

3. Let your child make mistakes
No child is perfect and part of growing up is making mistakes. Letting your child make mistakes is a great way to teach them that actions have consequences and the event gives a great point of reference for future lessons.

4. Teach values, not rules
Think beyond the “This is my house, and these are my rules!” mentality and try to teach your kids the basic life principles you believe in. It is a whole lot easier to hold children accountable when they understand why the rule you set must be followed.

5. Don’t just discipline bad behavior, explain why it’s bad
When you are giving a time-out, make sure your child knows how their bad behavior directly impacted the people around them. Having empathy for others is one of the strongest ways to teach morals in children. When they know that one of their actions caused pain or harm to someone they care about, the less likely they’ll do the same action again.

6. Encourage creativity
Instead of, “great painting!,” try, “tell me about this painting.” Your genuine interest versus just automatic praise will build confidence in their abilities and set a solid foundation for good communication skills when they are older.

7. Don’t be ashamed to ask for and accept help
Sometimes being a parent can be a frustrating, thankless job, and we can all feel like we need a break. Don’t be afraid to ask your parents or friends for help or advice. Another perspective on a tough situation can be a lifesaver, and when others offer a moment of rest or relaxation from the day-to-day grind of parenting, don’t feel bad in accepting their help.

8. Forgive yourself when you make mistakes
All parents are human which means a few mistakes are going to happen along the way. The best way to overcome the most difficult challenges is to remind ourselves that we are doing the best we can with what we got. Sometimes mistakes happen. Don’t be too hard on yourself when they do. Just like with your children, mistakes are temporary but your identity is that you are a good parent.

9. Trust your instincts
Remember to do what’s best for your own family and try to avoid living up to anyone’s expectations. You will hear plenty of parenting advice from so many different sources, just be sure you trust yourself to make the right decision when the time comes. Have confidence in who you are and your parenting abilities.

10. Show your love every chance you get
Spend time with your children and show them how much you love them in as many ways as possible. Whether it is through a well-timed hug, reading a good story, or a delicious home-cooked meal, your child will have the confidence to face any challenge in life if they know someone out there in the world unconditionally loves them and cares about their well-being.

Hope this article has been helpful. If you want to read the full article, go to

For your info, VSchool Trend has a syllabus that starts from preschool, all the way to form 5. Check this link to find out more:

Introduction to VSchool Trend – EduableMY Home2021November12Introduction to VSchool Trend Introduction to VSchool Trendvschool / By Roger Spread the loveYou heard about VSchool Trend on social media and newsletter coverage (featured in the Star newspaper). You might even hear about VSchool Trend on Astro. As we are moving towards technology...


How do teenagers get empowered by learning the guitar? What else do they learn in the process?


16 ways to calm yourself when life is getting tough…

1. Walk: Walking helps clear your mind. It offers you a different perspective.

2. Indulge: Take a day off to spend a whole day doing exactly what you want.

3. Be generous: Give something to a total stranger. Acts of giving make us fell warm and fuzzy inside.

4. Sit in a coffee shop or a busy street and soak up your surroundings. You don’t have to talk to people.

5. Educate yourself: Research what it is you are experiencing. Arm yourself with knowledge and the resources to tackle the problems head-on.

6. Preparation: Write the day’s to-do-list the evening before.

7. Strength: Write down a list of 20 of your strength.

8. Keep going forward: Keep taking small steps, no matter what. Being stagnant doesn’t serve you.

9. Re-visit and old habit: If you don’t have one, create one.

10. Prioritize: Decide what’s important right now. Say ‘No’ to extra obligation.

11. Sleep: Get enough rest. Sleep 7-9 hours each night.

12. Be silly: Do something that you did as a child. Don’t take life too seriously.

13. Cry: Release all that emotion. You will feel better.

14. Check your self-talk. Negative self-talk does not serve you.

15. Journal: Develop a habit of journaling. This will help free your mind.

16. Remind yourself that life is a journey. Remember that what you are going through is temporary, it will pass.



This applies to humans too. If the reward they are going to receive is worth their effort, they will willingly do what we ask them to do.

Do you guys agree with this?


Dear parents!

Are you concerned with your teen spending TOO MUCH time on their mobile phone?

Are you worried about their academic performance and well-being?

I’m afraid your teen might be having issues with mobile phone addiction.

A 2014 study found a significant connection between high social media usage and depression and anxiety.

Mobile phone addiction can disrupt your teen’s sleep, which can have a serious impact on their overall mental health.

It can affect one’s memory, the ability to think clearly and reduce cognitive and learning skills thus leading to poor academic performance.

But do not fret yet… there’s still hope…

There are meaningful hobbies that can help in diverting your teen’s attention from unnecessary use of the mobile phone.

What if I told you, there’s a way to help your teen to study easily and engage in a meaningful hobby.

Would you like to find out?

There’s a study method that enables your teen to study anytime, anywhere, and access online textbooks.

There are a lot of drill exercises available in various formats to strengthen students’ learning.

You too can get benefit from the parenting tips and you are given a tool to keep track of your teen’s learning progress.

On top of that, your teen can engage with a meaningful hobby that promotes a healthy mood and cultivate discipline.

Introducing you VSCHOOL TREND, an e-learning program that helps the student to study easily.

Hi, I’m Roger. I help secondary school students to study easily and get good grades using VSCHOOL TREND.

When you subscribe VSCHOOL TREND from me, your teen will get a FREE online guitar lesson.

Do you know, learning and playing guitar can cultivate discipline and promotes a healthy mood?

Good discipline and a healthy mood can help them do well in their academics.

Send me WhatsApp TODAY with this link here:

I look forward to hearing from you soon.


... If children continue to have stress for too long, this can affect their emotional being and eventually affect their academic performance.

We all want to see our children do well in their school, but at the same time, we also have stress to handle.

So how do we approach this, parents? ...


Click this link to send me WhatsApp -->


To parents who have a teen in secondary school, I have an offer for you. Please watch this video.



Thank you for being here. I created this website so that it helps me as an education consultant to bring awareness and reach out to more people, especially parents who are looking for a fun and easy study method for their children.

My name is Roger and I’m a licensed distributor of VSCHOOL TREND which is an e-learning program that enables students to study anytime, anywhere.

This is important, especially now that we are still in the pandemic period where we have to accept the new normal of life and we don’t want our children’s education to get interrupted just because there is another lockdown or being home quarantined due to Covid19 infection or close contact.

You might already read or watched the news that this virus pandemic is not the first time happened in history. There were already cases of virus outbreaks that happened in many different countries many years ago.

Take the Covid19 virus for example, up until today there are already many variants that came out due to the mutation of the original virus. We cannot wait for the time to be back like normal again because most probably it will not come so soon.

Even though the vaccine has already been developed... Read more


All the best to all spm candidates! Stay calm and believe you can! Give your best shot!

To parents, give all your best to support them.


This is very true happen in a relationship be it with our colleagues, friends or our family members.


I'm quite fascinated with science-based learning and I’ve been reading books, listening to audiobooks, and also watching a lot of videos from YouTube.

This is because I wonder why some people learn fast and some take some time to get it. As I grow up, no one taught me or ever came across any books about this.

As I learn the guitar and teach others how to play, I also apply what I learned about science-based learning, and true enough it does help to speed up learning.

As I teach the youngster (senior alike) how to play the guitar, I also like to share with them this knowledge of science-based learning that they too can use to learn the guitar, and importantly they also can apply it to their study.

My 3-month lesson is training my students to use this learning method and to nurture their self-discipline too.

Just like in this video, it is the same thing I repeat over and over. Initially, I started with a slower beat and until I get comfortable with it, I speed up a little bit.

P/s: Do you know the song Mmmbop by Hanson? They said the lyric was quite meaningful.


12 tips to prepare for the SPM exam

1. Allocate enough time for revision.
There are so many things you want to do in a day. You want to read your Manga series, watch Netflix, play computer games or mobile games, and so on. It is very important for you to intentionally allocate time for revision and put them in your schedule because if not, you don’t know how your day has gone wasted without planning. In your study plan, don’t put difficult subjects next to each other on the same day and don’t have more than 3-4 subjects every day. When you plan your daily schedule, it prevents you from NOT studying at the very last minute and cramming everything in your schedule.

2. Regularly tidy up your study space
This is also important because it is a place where you going to focus your energy to do study and revision. The tidiness of your study space can make you feel calmer and less distracted when you do revision on a space that is well organized.

3. Use flow chart, table, mind-map, and diagram
I’m sure you received a lot of these from your teachers and maybe you have created some for yourself. Now, it is time to gather all of them and make them easily accessible in a pocket-sized note. You can always refer to them while waiting for something or during time gaps.

4. Practice past year exam paper.
This method is one of the most effective ones to get better in your exam preparation. Just make sure the exam paper format is the latest one. By doing this, it helps you to expect what questions will come up and also train yourself to manage your time as in the actual exam. In Vschool Trend elearning program, we have exam model question papers that are built-in with the timing just like in an actual exam.

5. Join a study group
It can be with your classmate or other students that going to sit in the exam. From this study group, you all can help each other by asking and answering each other questions. You can get benefit from the interactions as you might discover something new from the discussion that strengthens your learning and this helps you in exam preparation. Make sure the group focuses on the purpose and is not easily distracted.

6. Try to teach someone a topic or concept
When you do this, you are trying to use your own sentences to explain to the other person and this helps you to understand deeper and strengthen your memory on the subject or concept you are trying to teach.

7. Take short breaks in between
This is because your brain needs it to regain focus. Studying long hours without breaks is not a good strategy as it doesn’t help your brain to retain information. Experts say the best students study around 50-60 hours per week — that’s like 7-9 hours per day. Hence, it is essential for you to include breaks in your study planner. When you take a break, your stress level will go down, and when you back, your brain is ready to absorb more information.

8. Eat healthy food (try to avoid the unhealthy ones).
This is because you need your body and brain to be in a good shape. If you are someone who likes snacking during your revision, replace your snack with a healthy one. Very important, don’t forget to have breaks for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

9. Drink plenty of water
When you have enough water in your body, it will help to regulate your mood which means reducing anxiety and you feel calmer and relaxed. Your brain absorbs information better when you are in a relaxed state of mind.

10. Have a good sleep
Many students like to stay late at night to catch up on the activities they love since they felt that they already spent the entire day for classes and revisions. When the exam date is getting nearer, it is important for your body and mind to be in tip-top condition by having it well rested at night. You can also try to take a nap during the daytime if that works for you.

11. Know your exam schedule
Stay updated with your exam schedules and know the date and time of each subject. This is to help your mind to prepare for what is coming. By doing this, you will know when are the time gaps that you can use to do a quick revision. Check all the rules and requirements for the exam and plan your travel. You do not want to arrive late and have to deal with anxiety.

12. Stay calm and focus
Sometimes, it doesn’t matter how much time, focus, and energy you put into your preparation, things can go wrong, especially now that we are still in a pandemic period. You need to stay calm and don’t get panic. Always focus on finding the best solution. This is the reason is very important to be healthy so that your mind and body are able to handle unforeseen situations. Spending time to nurture your spiritual side can also help you stay calm and focused too.

I hope these tips have been helpful and if you are sitting for the SPM exam this year, I wish you all the best.



According to researchers, they have identified four types of parenting styles.

For many of us, we have a mixture of these. The question is which style you practice the most in many situations.

Authoritarian Parenting
* You believe kids should be seen and not heard.
* When it comes to rules, you believe it's "my way or the highway."
* You don't take your child's feelings into consideration.

Authoritative Parenting
* You put a lot of effort into creating and maintaining a positive relationship with your child.
* You explain the reasons behind your rules.
* You enforce rules and give consequences, but take your child's feelings into consideration.

Permissive Parenting
* You set rules but rarely enforce them.
* You don't give out consequences very often.
* You think your child will learn best with little interference from you.

Uninvolved Parenting
* You don't ask your child about school or homework.
* You rarely know where your child is or who she is with.
* You don't spend much time with your child.

If you want to read more on these parenting styles, please visit


For your knowledge

Videos (show all)

How do teenagers get empowered by learning the guitar? What else do they learn in the process?
VSchool Trend offer by EduableMy
My VSchool Offer
This really makes sense to me.
My recorded sharing
My mission this year to help many schooling teenagers in Malaysia public school to learn easily using top #1 e-learning ...
VSchool + bonuses offer



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