Safe Space Covid-19-Malaysia

Safe Space Covid-19-Malaysia

A psychosocial program to build community resilience for the hospital-bound individuals during Covid 19 pandemic.

Malaysia trials digital community to protect mental health during COVID-19 05/07/2022

This story was originally posted on

Malaysia trials digital community to protect mental health during COVID-19 “Before COVID, we would go on picnics, and organize sports activities or singing competitions with the village heads and all the other village members. I used to join activities such as prayer recitals, cooking and visiting house-to-house if there were any sick people and so on. But when COVID cam...


Safespace wishes every one a safe and peaceful new year ❤️🎉


Bravo to Histeam, our NGO partner in playing a key role at the flood relief.
Agreed that need assessment should come before actions. Empathy is more important than heroism from the volunteers. Disaster relief is not a chance for personal branding nor tourism. It's about meeting the needs of the community and empowering than.
Hope everyone stay safe and alert.


Safespace wishes everyone another great year to thrive!

Photos from Safe Space Covid-19-Malaysia's post 26/12/2021

Disaster response is a long term process that needs to go through many phases (rescue->relief->rehabilitation->recovery), and there will be emotional tolls on both the survivors and first responders/frontliners due to the high engagement.
Safespace is partnering with Histeam HISTEAM today in providing psychological debriefing to the volunteers in Taman Sri Muda.
There are more works to be done in the rehabilitation phase, and salute to the community first responders for their giving hearts.
# theaftermath


We are deeply grieved by the recent disasters causes by floods and landslides in Malaysia. Safespace will continue to serve our Frontliners and families who suffer loss through online platform. If you know of anyone who needs some listening ears and emotional support as the recent disaster victims or frontliners, you could let them know of our Whatsapp number or ask them to join our group.


-quarantine center stories


Safespace had partnered with CREST Malaysia (a disaster relief NGO), in providing holistic care to covid-19 patients during their 10 day stay at PKRCS-Travelodge (a quarantine center for low income families in KL). A special task group from Safespace volunteers was formed, consisting of 12 members who specialize in palliative care, grief and trauma therapy, clinical psychology, counselling, and pastoral care, with the goals to provide psychosocial support to the frontliners and patients, through tele-counselling and online group support.

As the quarantine center is closing today (Nov 7, 2021) after the number of COVID-19 patients has gone down in KL area, we are also ending our service for this PKRCS operation. Thanks everyone who have walked with Safespace through this memorable journey. Special Thanks to CREST Malaysia for creating this amazing platform and provide a safe haven for the B40 communities. We sincerely appreciated 粉红鞋The Pink Shoes on their sponsorship of the DIY stationery and toys to the children, and de-stressing activities for the adults. In addition, they have led the closing activities with the frontliners during our last day there (see Video below).

Lastly, thanks to our Safespace professional volunteers in taking the risk to travel to and fro the quarantine center, being swabbed every week, spending their precious weekend in providing pro bono services through creative ways. Many are holding a full-time job as clinicians or counsellors, yet still dedicating themselves to serve the under-priviledged populations during this time. Below are some graphics and videos that summarize our service outputs, as well as our last day of closure activity at the center.

Easing quarantine for B40 group 22/10/2021

Safespace is honored that, our NGO partner CREST is recognised as one of the 10 winners of Star Golden Hearts Award 2021, an annual award that celebrates everyday Malaysian unsung heroes, including our volunteers.

Easing quarantine for B40 group PETALING JAYA: Not every Covid-19 patient has suitable accommodation to self-isolate, especially those from the B40 community who more often than not are living in cramped conditions in homes shared with many others.

Photos from Yayasan Hasanah's post 11/10/2021

Glad that Safespace is included as an advocate for post pandemic mental health in this forum.


Though there is more freedom of mobility in Malaysia with 90% adult vaccination rate, our OA populations is still at a higher risk of Covid 19 infection due to 55% vaccination rate. More campaigns need to be run to protect our OA community to decrease fear and myth.


Over these 18 months, it is our pleasure to serve the community with our profession and passionate. Special thanks to all the volunteers who contribute their time to grow this platform together.

In this video, we will share our journey over these 18 months, through a summary of engagements on our public page and 4 closed groups.

Thanks so much for your support.

【爱长在】PKRCS第一篇:为B40低收入群而设的低风险免费私立隔离中心,珍惜每一条生命! 01/10/2021

Our partnering taskforce at Travelodge

【爱长在】PKRCS第一篇:为B40低收入群而设的低风险免费私立隔离中心,珍惜每一条生命! 入住隔离中心的每一位确诊者只需要在入住办手续时,先缴交100令吉抵押金,10天隔离结束后就可以取回抵押金。至于隔离中心如何可以顺利操作营运?隔离中心总指挥张志健表示,他们所属的非政府组织其实并没有什么钱,幸....


Specifically for our OA populations.


Guest Speakers: Helen Ooi & Kelvin Liaw
Moderator: Dr. Rachel Ting
Special Guest: Grace Wang

Photos from Safe Space Covid-19-Malaysia's post 26/09/2021



《我们“冠”心你》FB LIVE 第十集

确诊隔离,不知所措?种种疑惑,求助无门?今天最后一集的节目,有 #陈沱良医生副教授 为你解答!

1. 丘淑霖
2. 问一问 Dr Seb - tanyajerdrseb
3. 东方日报
4. Academy for Silent Mentor
5. Malaysian Sepsis Alliance
6. MyMedia Cares
7. Safe Space Covid-19 Malaysia


《我们“冠”心你》FB LIVE 第十集

确诊隔离,不知所措?种种疑惑,求助无门?今天最后一集的节目,有 #陈沱良医生副教授 为你解答!

1. Shuleen 丘淑霖
2. 问一问 Dr Seb - tanyajerdrseb
3. 馬來西亞東方日報 Oriental Daily News Malaysia
4. Academy For Silent Mentor 無語良師學院
5. Malaysian Sepsis Alliance
6. MyMedia Cares
7. Safe Space Covid-19-Malaysia



Wishing everyone a very Happy Malaysia Day! Selamat Hari Malaysia 2021 🇲🇾 🌺 May you have a great day ahead and stay safe! 😊

Photos from Safe Space Covid-19-Malaysia's post 16/09/2021


地点:Safe space 面子书


A Covid-19 survivor is anyone who has had their life turned on its head because of this pandemic. We are honor to have Helen Ooi and Kelvin Liaw to share with us their experience to overcome this challenge together.

Date: 26/9/2021
Time: 8pm
Venue: Safe Space Facebook

Speaker : Helen Ooi & Kelvin Liaw
Special Guest: Grace Wang
Moderator: Dr. Rachel Ting


For children

Photos from CREST Malaysia's post 14/09/2021

主持:Shuleen 丘淑霖

⚠️ 确诊了,可以不去隔离中心或医院吗?
⚠️ 租借氧气设备需要注意什么事项?
⚠️ 施打第三剂疫苗才能免于病毒的侵害?

任何关于Covid的疑问,都可以直接在线上询问。9月14日(星期二)晚上8点 #颜柏维医生 和 #林建斌药剂师 为你解答!



主持:Shuleen 丘淑霖

⚠️ 确诊进ICU,还有得救吗?
⚠️ 可以不可以选择不插管治疗?
⚠️ 连第二、第三期也不能在家隔离了?

任何关于Covid的疑问,都可以直接在线上询问。9月11日(星期六)晚上8点,Dr. jackytein #邓富文医生 和 #丘开名药剂师 为你解答!

Have doubts about Covid-19? Ask our experts tonight 8pm via FB LIVE!







  9月10日也是“世界预防自杀日”(World Su***de Prevention Day),是由创建于奥地利的国际预防自杀协会和世界卫生组织从2003年开始设立的。国际预防自杀协会是由奥地利心理学家Ringel于1960年在维也纳成立的,1996年后总部改为轮流制,现总部在法国。

Where it begins

The Safe Space Project, launched by a group of passionate mental health professionals. Founded in March 2020, after the first su***de of a PUI (person under investigation) of COVID-19, we realized that a more proactive efforts need to be invested for crisis management and capacity building for the hospital-bound individuals during the pandemic. The objectives of this project are to bridge the current gaps of services and reduce the risk of mental illnesses among high-risk individuals through psychosocial supportive aids and communal intervention. A 3-month holistic mental health services, that adopts the bio-psycho-social-spiritual framework aims to increase resilience among key populations (healthcare workers, patients, patients-under-investigation (PUI), and families of the PUI/patients), empower the hospital resources, and indirectly aid in the management of COVID-19 crisis.

We hope you will join us in this journey of mutual support and grow together.

Invited by Safe Space Core Members:
Dr. Rachel Ting Sing Kiat (Clinical Psychologist)
Dr. Nicole Chen (Registered Counsellor) Low Yaw D**g (Clinical Psychologist)
Dr. Ng Woon Fang (Palliative Care Doctor) Liang Yaw Wen (Clinical Psychologist)
Dr. Philip George (Psychiatrist) Andrew Wong Eng Tek (Social Worker)
Dr. Rasyid Sulaiman (Psychiatrist) Leong Jie Zhi (Social Worker)
Alwin Mah Siew Chung (Clinical Psychologist) Dr. Tan Min Min (Public Health Researcher)


您好,这是一项由一群热忱的心理卫生团队所组成的安全地带。自从第一宗疑似案例在医院自杀的消息传出后,我们的团队紧急成立于2020年3月,主要希望能在新冠肺炎大流行期间,协助医护人员和患者管理危机与提升他/她们的因应能力。该计划希望透过提供社会心理支持与社区介入来填补现有服务与需求间的差距,同时希望降低高风险群体的精神疾患风险。此精神健康服务计划共为期3个月,涵盖生理-心理-社会-心灵层面,旨在提高目标服务族群,即医疗工作者、患者、疑似患者(PUI)和 PUI /患者家属的韧性,增强医院资源,间接的协助处理此次新冠肺炎之危机。


陈心洁临博士 (临床心理师)
郑丽萍博士 (注册辅导师) 梁耀文 (临床心理师)
吴汶芳医生 (安宁疗护医生) 刘耀东 (临床心理师)
Dr. Phillip George (精神科医生) 黄恩德 (社工师)
Dr.Rasyid Sulaiman (精神科医生) 梁洁芝 (社工师)
马兆忠 (临床心理师) 陈敏敏博士 (公共卫生学者)  敬邀。

NGO合作伙伴: 全人关怀团队,THE PINK SHOES,信望爱安宁疗护,CREST,文桥辅导室

Salam sejahtera. Diasaskan pada Mac 2020, ini adalah satu usaha untuk pengurusan krisis dan pembinaan kapasiti pada masa pandemik COVID-19 ini. Objektif projek ini adalah untuk merapatkan jurang perkhidmatan yang sedia ada dan mengurangkan risiko penyakit mental di kalangan individu yang berisiko tinggi, melalui bantuan sokongan psikososial dan intervensi komunal. Perkhidmatan kesihatan mental secara holistik 3 bulan ini adalah berdasarkan model bio-psiko-sosial-rohani untuk meningkatkan daya tahan di kalangan populasi utama (pekerja penjagaan kesihatan, pesakit, pesakit-di-siasatan (PUI), dan keluarga PUI / pesakit), memperkasakan sumber hospital, dan membantu dalam pengurusan krisis COVID-19 secara tidak langsung.

Kami berharap anda akan menyertai kami di dalam perjalanan sokongan bersama ini dan kita boleh maju bersama-sama.

Videos (show all)

Stories from quarantine center: Debriefing session with SafeSpace Travelodge taskgroup
Over these 18 months, it is our pleasure to serve the community with our profession and passionate. Special thanks to al...
Love Prevails: A Couple's Recovery Journey From Covid-19 (疫起走过的日子)
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💡 Tips to Feel Calm in Pandemic - 2nd Series : Social Connection ➡️ Episode 3 : Recognising Verbal AbuseHello, everyone!...
💡 Tips to Feel Calm in Pandemic - 2nd Series : Social Connection ➡️ Episode 2 : Improving Communication Skills Hello, ev...

