Vita is about living a contented & meaningful life. We spend our time researching, and sharing our journey with you.

We aim to build our future with people live in harmony with love.


Anti-inflammatory is the property of a treatment that reduces inflammation or swelling. We can consume natural fruits and food for anti-inflammatory as below chart 💜


Be Happy Every day 💜


How to make perfect salad 💜


Good Carbs vs Bad Carbs ❤️


Best Food for your Body ❤️


8 ways to find inner peace and calm ❤️


The years 2020 & 2021 can be very stressful due to the world pandemic, everyone in the world has been suffering financially, mentally, and physically.

Inner Peace begins the moment you choose not to allow anything outside of you to control your emotions. Regardless, we still have to stay safe, stay strong to fight this pandemic together, with the foods to help contribute in good mood.

Stay Safe, Stay Strong 💪


"You Cannot Control the Length of Your Life, But You Can Control Its Width and Depth."

We have the choice to make a balance for our daily life, If you are a Foodie person, maybe you can make a balanced intake of healthy and unhealthy food.

Here are some sharing about healthy diets and unhealthy diets.


Stay at home and don't forget to maintain healthy lifestyle ❤️


MCO3.0 - The cycles of MCO fighting covid, however, Covid-19 seems to be getting more serious in our country.

The ICU bed is running out, and the medical front liners are too exhausted. Besides staying at home and cutting down all outdoor activities, parties, crowded areas, closed and confined areas as our responsibility, we have to be careful with our daily nutrients intake to fight Covid.

Here is some food reference for your daily intake to boost up immune systems.


6 Foods to avoid before bedtime ❤️

Timeline photos 31/03/2021

Drem Big,
Start Small,
But most of all, Start.

Dream Big,
Start Small,
But most of all, Start.

Like & Share James Wong if you agree this ❤️


Not Drinking enough water?

Credits to:- mysuperbodytransformation


5 ways to improve yourself ❤️


好啦 🥺
从新开始,出发,加油,过好每一天,期待下一个年 🤣


Video credit: 小红书


Clean Eating Grocery List

A great sharing that i came across from somewhere, it definitely helped my groceries shopping and wanted to share this with you.

Hope this will help you a little bit for your groceries shopping too 🥰

Photocredit: Healthy and lovin’it


曾几何时我们大马也有非常好,让人羡慕的成绩,控制的很在国际水平上,但...但...花无百日红还是自作孽? 我真的无言, 大家自求多福吧! 新年也不用回家过年了,恭喜发财 🙄

Photos from's post 21/01/2021

新冠肺炎疫情升温, 大马经济承受得了吗?

疫情升温,MCO2.0, 无可避免影响国家经济,马来西亚人力资源部透露,马来西亚的失业人数已突破100万人,其中主要原因是受到防疫行动管制令影响而被裁员。


疫情的确给人们带来的伤害有点大了,但尽管如此,我们的日子还是要过的,那我们就一起从自己的财务管理方面开始,好好地处理,以免把自己困进了财务问题, 自求多福咯 💪💪



📣📣It is MCO 2.0!
And the whole nation is under the state of EMERGENCY!

I can't believe that I'm gonna start my 2021 with MCO 2.0, with the increasing numbers day by day, with the cases spread globally and locally, I guess many will have developed a fear and anxiety for the virus, and if we are not alert enough, we may even start to develop nosophobia.

And what is Nosophobia per se, Nosophobia is the irrational fear of contracting a disease, a type of specific phobia. Primary fears of this kind are the fear of contracting COVID-19, HIV, cancer, and some other diseases.

It is inevitable that people will have fear and anxiety, especially those with poor mental health or those who already suffer from mental health problems.

According to Sunway Medical Centre’s Consultant Psychiatrist, Dr. Phang stressed that COVID-19 is not just a physical illness, it also comes with various psychosocial complications like excessive stress, anxiety, depression, burnout, loneliness, frustration, domestic violence, substance abuse, and even su***de. But does COVID-19 and the MCO increase the risk of nosophobia? Dr. Phang said there is no absolute yes or no answer, but that both are possible.

Whatever researches it is, we have to stay focus, stay fit mentally and physically with some help of exercises at home. It’s no secret that movement makes you feel better.

Find out the 5 Reasons Why Exercise helps Depression.

Like and Share if you think this is helpful information.
Tag anyone that needs to see this ❤️


Photos from's post 05/01/2021


想要减肥,变美, 除了要严控饮食、运动外最重要的就是排毒!我们体内累计了多少的毒素吗?所谓的人体毒素是指体内多余的垃圾,主要的来源自食物消化后的所产生的废物滞留,以及在环境中所得在体内沉积的“垃圾”。这些就是体内毒素造成肌肤粗糙、暗沉或是容易长胖、长痘等的因素!

排毒方法其实有很多种,像是排便、放屁或是排汗等,除此之外我们在日常生活当中也可以靠食物来排出体内的毒素,虽然有很多的食物是大家都非常抗拒不敢吃的食物,不过它营养价值高,又对排毒有效,多吃绝对是有利无害地~ 🤘🤘



Photos from's post 21/12/2020

This will make you to recycle more effectively at home:-

🔔 All sorts of cardboard can be recycled, even toilet and paper towel tubes.
🔔 Flatten all the cardboard boxes so that you can fit more recyclables into your bin.
🔔 All plastic bottles can be recycled, from water bottles to salad dressing, so put all of them in your recycling container.
🔔 It is not just newspapers that you can recycle at home. Also, recycle wrapping paper, envelopes, birthday cards, and unused catalog, phone books.
🔔 Most metallic items in the home can be recycled, such as empty spray cans and tin foil, and of course, all empty soda, fruit, vegetable, and other food cans.
🔔 When going out, stop at your local recycling center and drop off anything that was not picked up by your curbside service.
🔔 Glass can be recycled endlessly; it does not wear out after several recyclings, so be sure to always recycle your glass bottles and containers.
🔔 To help your recycling center and to keep down foul odors, make sure you wash food waste off of any plastic or glass food containers before putting them in the recycle bin.

I have 4 bins at home to separate all my recyclable items accordingly before throwing to trash room

Let's start small and recycle together ❤️
Leave the comments below on how you recycle your waste at home.


很多人都在关心什么时候才可以不用戴口罩, 但这段时间的你习惯戴口罩了吗?

现在口罩已经成为了必需品,不戴/忘记戴,就等吃 RM1000 肉干呗



Photos from's post 01/12/2020

The year of Wawasan 2020 has left only one month ahead!

In 2020, Covid-19 has become the world pandemic, the new norm all over the world and everyone has been living and fighting with it since Nov 2019 in China, Wuhan.
Research of immunity, Vaccine, & etc is still ongoing into how strong that protection is and how long it lasts.

According to WHO, the pandemic has "slowed down" the past weeks although the death rates continue to rise in London.
Whereas, the cases in Malaysia has been inconsistently rising day by day.

Therefore, we have to do our role/part to protect ourselves, our family and our nation, to continue fighting against Covid-19. 💪💪

and Today, everyone knows Mask, be it surgical mask, medical mask, fabric mask, fashion mask, etc has become a prominent part of everyday life. I would rather say Mask has become one of the fashion today😂😂

So, today let me introduce you, one of the mask that:-
✔️ Breathable - For all day comfort
✔️ Filtration - Filters out of 81% of 0.1 micron-sized particles
✔️ Baclock System - Inhibits bacteria growth
✔️ Wash & Reuse - Save money and save the earth
✔️ Ideal for acne-prone skin

Want to know more about Norwex Mask?
Come and chat with me 🥰
And be a Mask fashionable icon today 🤣🤣


Cleaning duo - Stain free detergent and UPP detergent ✌️

When you’re ready to tackle all the laundry in your home, make sure you’ve got the cleaning duo that will get it done! Whether you’re washing clothes or curtains, our UPP and Stain Remover will get them clean and stain-free!


Wash your fruits and veggie carefully 😎

The month of November marks the beginning of World Vegan Month. Throughout the month, we celebrate the benefits of veganism for humans and the natural environment 💛

At Norwex, we believe in producing products that are safe for the environment and your wellbeing without causing any harm to animals. Cleaning should be a process of getting rid of toxins without using toxins.

Incorporate our Fresh Produce Wash into your food preparation! This plant-based concentrate helps to clean fruits and vegetables naturally. No need to worry about nasty chemical residues in your produce anymore. Plus, it helps to extend the shelf life of your fruits and vegetables! Say goodbye to not only chemicals but wastage too ✨



Things pileup faster than we think. Don't they? Laundry, stack of papers—been there, done that! But when it comes to our plastic problem...well...that's piling up at a faster rate than many of us realize! Through years of research, the industrial ecologist featured on our blog discovered the sobering fact that humans have created 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic since the 1950s. Check out this great infographic that illustrates what this means and what we should do 💡👉


Microfiber bedsheets

For most, cotton is the go to material when it comes to buying bed sheets. However, Microfiber is now giving it some serious competition. Norwex Sheets (with Baclock!) will be the cleanest, coziest sheets you'll ever own


I fall in love with the color 🥰

Here's two of our favourite Norwex kitchen essentials to keep every kitchen clean and dry ✨ What are your must-haves for a spotless kitchen? Share with us in the comment section below.


Extra soft series for babies 👶

Babies have extra-soft and supple skin that deserves extra loving care. Made from super-absorbent and extra-gentle Norwex Microfiber, our Baby Hooded Towel set are perfect for the tender skin of babies and children!. They're soft, warm and snuggly, and your little bundles will love them. Send us photos of your littles ones with their favourite Norwex product 📸

Photos from James Wong's post 22/10/2020


一个人患上了严重疾病后,还能买保险吗 ?

答案是 :可以 !

现在每个人都可以买保险,哪怕以前曾经得了癌症,中风,糖尿病,或其他严重疾病,都可以买保险. 👍🏻👍🏻


🌟 Great News🌟

Can a person buy insurance after being diagnosed with serious illness ?

The answer is : Yes !

Now everyone can buy insurance even he/she had cancer, stroke, diabetes, or other serious illnesses before. 👍🏻👍🏻

Please DM James Wong to find out more.

Videos (show all)

5 ways to improve yourself ❤️#Dailyselfimprovement#iforcetoimprovemyselfeveryday#itiswhatitis#lifeisgreat
好啦 🥺年也过完了,假期也没了,钱包也薄了,吃多又胖了,是时候的了,从新开始,出发,加油,过好每一天,期待下一个年 🤣#我怎么不自爱肥了#2021好多事情期待#天啊赐我更多的机会和未来Video credit: 小红书
Use it dry for dusting, and the static electricity lifts the smallest particles of dust and dirt up into the cloth and p...
Norwex Body Cloth
Who says #Norwexbabycloth is only designed for babies, my furkid also enjoy it every night before bed 🤠 With #Norwexbaby...