WAN’s gym karat

WAN’s gym karat

Fitness workout


Nak uncle lanjer skitt last bidoe 🤣🤣💪🏼..jgn manja sgt

Photos from WAN’s gym karat's post 26/08/2023

The journey never ends…but it just begin


Still steady

Greetings from IFBB President Dr Rafael Santonja! Let's stay active, embrace the season, and inspire each other to achieve our best selves. 🚴‍♂️💪☀️


Be careful, one wrong set and you can really hurt yourself



Gangster 😆

Kalau nak cari gaduh try tukarlah channel lain.


Photos from WAN’s gym karat's post 16/07/2023

The best medicine 💊…get yr real food


U choose



Nice 👍

I cannot stress enough about how easy it is to injure your shoulders.
Next to that it is one of the most "hard to fix" joints.


Suck up



5 Tips Nie Bagus Untuk Golongan Skinny Bagi Cepat Grow Muscle

Kalau rasa dah bosan otot tak naik-naik, Cuba buat 5 Tips nie bagi cepat sikit grow otot tu

1. Makan Lebih : Makan lebih bukan beerti main makan je semua benda sampai tak fikir Kolestrol, gula tinggi dalam badan tu. Boleh pengsan bro kalai main hentam je. Maksud makanan makanan yang bagus seperti makanan banyak protein supaya otot cepat membesar dan lebihkan sumber karbohidrate yang mana penting untuk tenaga semasa anda workout. Jangan kurang Karbohidrate takut badan akan ambil sumber protein dan Otot di bakar jadi tenaga. Sia-Sia je workout kalau kurang karbohidrat. Makanan terbaik untuk membesar contoh Ayam, Daging, kekacang, Nasi , Pasta, oat, susu, telur dan ikan. Makan nie lebih dan kurangkan lemak gula.

2. Makan setiap 3 jam : Setiap 3 jam makan...makan tu tak payahlah banyak sangat makan sikit-sikit je dahlah. Contoh sarapan pagi jam 8am makan roti sandwich, lepas tu jam 11am makan Roti lagi , jam 2pm makan lagi Nasi, Jam 5pm makan lagi snack sihat, Jam 8pm makan lagi nasi, 11pm makan lagi dada ayam ke... janji makan selalu jangan malas makan nanti otot merajuk nak membesar.

3. Rehat, Rehat, Rehat : Otot yang kirang training cam nak pengsan tu tak besar nya time workout. Perasan tk lepas sejam workout dia kecut balik...hahaha. Korang perasan dia besar esok pagi atau hqri kedua sebab otot perlukan 48jam untuk recovery. Jadi lepas workout tu jangan lupa makan dan lepas makan rest jangan duk melepak sampai pagi buta. Lepak dgn nyah plak mmg jahanam otot...geli lah.

4. Main compound Exercise Lebih Sikit : tahu tak apa tu compound exercise ? Cnfrm tak tahu punya hahaha.... compound tu jenis exercise yang libatkan banyk penggunaan otot bukan focus satu otot je terutama Part otot besar. Contoh compound exercise main bench press, otot terlibat Chest, shoulder, Tricep. Nie lah korang kene focus lebih jangan masuk gym main six-pack...aduh gelilah tu nyah sukalah pack-pack tu. Contoh lagi: Deadlift, Squats, Barbell row, Pull up, Bench press, shoulder press...

5. Upgrade and setting Goal : Bukan suruh kau main game bola buat goal... memang kene ketuk kepalalah kau buat camtu. Bengap tu bro namanya. Goal tu maksud target korang, Kalau hari nie 1hbln bench press 20kg je, targetlah hujung tahun nie 100kg. Ha... barulah otot tu grow kembang besar cam Arnold susah nak eja nama dia tu. Nie Awal tahun 20kg, Hujung tahun 22kg... g main guli lagi bagus bro buat sakit hati je kalau coach korang tahu. Mental tu kuat sikit jangan cepat koyak, Kalau membe Kutuk ejek kau main bench press 20kg kau jgn down malah kau ejek balik membe kau tu...kata kat dia ketiak dia busuk. Mesti dia tak ejek kau dah.

Siap S**a Baca Info-Info Macam Nie Follow Channel Kami : https://t.me/DeeGymSupplement


Slowly but surely


Increase Muscle Size With Food 💪🏼🍖🍗🥩🥚🍳🥗

Muscle size growth is connected to many factors in Bodybuilding World.

Today we will talk about Food. Food has Always very deep affect on our Body And when it is About Increasing Muscle Size. Food Is Essential.

The More Protein Base Food You Consume The More Muscular You Become.

Thankyou 🙂


Eggs are a protein and nutrient powerhouse.

They can be added to many dishes and prepared in numerous ways.

One way to enjoy eggs is to hard-boil them. Hard-boiled eggs make great salad toppings and can be eaten alone with a sprinkle of salt and pepper.


Triceps muscle


Managing your weight is a life-long commitment – not just following a diet for a few weeks to drop kilograms.

Remember, if the strategies you’re putting into place to lose weight are not strategies that you’ll be able to follow for the rest of your life, chances are you’ll regain any weight you lose.

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Nak uncle lanjer skitt last bidoe 🤣🤣💪🏼..jgn manja sgt
#THKDFatlossChallenge #ThomsonHospitalKD #THKD
#THKDFatlossChallenge #ThomsonHospitalKD #THKD
#THKDFatlossChallenge #THKD #ThomsonHospitalKD
#THKDFatlossChallenge #ThomsonHospitalKD#THKD
Suck up
Slowly but surely
Pump dlu
Clean meal

