Jean Voon Certified Wildfit Coach

Jean Voon Certified Wildfit Coach

I'm a certified coach for Wildfit, a revolutionary food psychology and nutrition program. I work wit

Wildfit is unlike other typical "diets" because it is all about creating food freedom for YOU. Food freedom is when you're no longer controlled by your cravings. Food freedom is when you're no longer eating for emotional reasons - eating when you're bored, eating when you're sad, eating when you're lonely. Food freedom is when you no longer have feelings of deprivation, lack and FOMO around food.


There’s a saying that goes “You’ll get out of it, what you put into it” and your health is no exception.

A lot of times it’s common to see people try to justify their unhealthy habits by saying “Healthy food is too expensive”, “making homemade meals is too time-consuming”, or “I don’t have time to get out and move my body today”.

But on the flip side of that, being sick is expensive, or paying the bills for the doctor/ medication is expensive.💰️

You have to make the choice to take care of yourself so that your body will take care of you. 💚


New Wildfit 90 Day Challenge intake for 15th May - in 3 days time! Special rates for graduates.


Hello, it's Coach Jean here, your Certified WILDFIT Coach!

Feeling heavy, bloated and lethargic after Christmas/New Year/Chinese New Year celebrations?

"Just one more pineapple tart...the last one!"

"I'll start eating healthy tomorrow."

"It's ok to indulge, just once a year..."

But one last pineapple tart is never the last, tomorrow never comes, and maybe Chinese New Year is only once a year but after that we have birthdays, Raya, Deepavali, Gawai, work never ends.

Are you stuck on this cycle of overeating foods that don't serve you?

Want to find out how break that cycle to regain your energy and vitality, and feel light and free again?

Join me for a free WILDFIT discovery call and Q&A on Zoom and hear more about how we can create real results for you, together.

Session 1: Thursday 23rd February, 7pm-8pm Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) time

Session 2: Friday 24th February, 7pm-8pm Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) time

Sign up for your spot here:

Pick a New Year’s nudge word instead of a resolution 02/01/2023

My word for 2023 is thrive.

The year has ended with some major challenges for our family, and I've been in survival mode since November.

2023 is going to be the transition from survive to thrive!

I imagine a strong, resilient w**d, growing lush out of a barren crack in the soil, against all odds.

What will your word for 2023 be?

Pick a New Year’s nudge word instead of a resolution This annual word of the year exercise can help you reflect on your values, intentions and hopes for the new year.


Today’s bouquet from the garden


Wildfit graduates!

Do you miss that amazing Spring feeling - the mental clarity, lightness/weight release, lack of cravings, high energy, clear skin and deep sleep - but struggle to get back to Spring on your own?

I'm super happy to announce that I'm now certified to coach the 5 week Back to Spring program from Eric!

This program is an official program from Eric and Wildfit HQ, and will be delivered in the same tried and true way as the 90 Day Challenge, with videos from Eric himself and recordings of live coaching sessions with Eric.

It will also include:

Weekly live group Zoom coaching sessions with me, Coach Jean
Whatsapp support group (24/7 access)
and more bonus content!

Additionally you'll have the option of upgrading to:

Hunter Spring - the deepest Spring yet for maximum release, and for inflammation reduction from plant anti-nutrients

Gatherer Spring - tailored for vegetarians and vegans

Registrations are now open for 2 intakes starting:

7th November 2022
14th November 2022

Comment below if you want to find out more!


“no one tells you how much of life takes practice. not just writing, painting, running, singing, etc, but practicing how to make friends. how to make the right ones. getting practiced at how to be a good friend, a good sibling, a good person. practice identifying when people haven’t earned that. learning to recognize your right to rage and, eventually, how to offer mercy. so much of life is muscle memory, and i’ve begun to realize there are so many more parts of ourselves to flex and stretch and strengthen than those we’re taught in anatomy lessons.” —

artwork by

Timeline photos 15/06/2022

Struggling along your health journey?

Find a buddy or buddies who are not only looking to achieve the same goals but crucially, have similar values as you do.

If you are looking to achieve optimal health through eating whole, real food - it doesn't make sense to team up with someone who wants to shortcut with supplements, shakes and pills.

If you're looking to achieve a long term, sustainable lifestyle - it doesn't make sense to team up with someone who is a diet yoyo - constantly going from one extreme to another with diet fads.

If you don't like deprivation and starvation, and you enjoy your food - it doesn't make sense to team up with someone who is obsessed with counting calories and eats nothing but 2 slices of cucumber and one cup of coffee a day.

Build your tribe, surround yourself with people who will support you and walk the journey with you, in a really healthy way - physically, emotionally, mentally.

If that sounds like something you would be into, but don't know how to go about - reach out to me!

Wildfit is all that and more, based on whole real foods, sustainable and enjoyable.

As your coach, I will be your no. 1 fan and cheerleader, guiding you on your 90 Day Challenge journey, with support from your very own tribe too.

I have a new intake for the Wildfit 90 Day Challenge on 27th June 2022, registration is open now.

Send me a message via messenger today or via whatsapp on +60 16-255 3083.

Friend power is so much more powerful than willpower. ⁣

Don’t underestimate the ability of a group of people or even one person to support you. Find people who want to get healthy or who have achieved what you want to achieve. ⁣

If your family and friends are not on board, tell them that you need this time to take care of your health, and that you hope they will support your decision. ⁣
And you don’t have to go at it alone. Enlist the help of at least one friend. Every body needs a buddy. ⁣


Struggling along your health journey?

Find a buddy or buddies who are not only looking to achieve the same goals but crucially, have similar values as you do.

If you are looking to achieve optimal health through eating whole, real food - it doesn't make sense to team up with someone who wants to shortcut with supplements, shakes and pills.

If you're looking to achieve a long term, sustainable lifestyle - it doesn't make sense to team up with someone who is a diet yoyo - constantly going from one extreme to another with diet fads.

If you don't like deprivation and starvation, and you enjoy your food - it doesn't make sense to team up with someone who is obsessed with counting calories and eats nothing but 2 slices of cucumber and one cup of coffee a day.

Build your tribe, surround yourself with people who will support you and walk the journey with you, in a really healthy way - physically, emotionally, mentally.

If that sounds like something you would be into, but don't know how to go about - reach out to me!

Wildfit is all that and more, based on whole real foods, sustainable and enjoyable!

As your coach, I will be your no. 1 fan and cheerleader, guiding you on your 90 Day Challenge journey, with support from your very own tribe too.

I have a new intake for the Wildfit 90 Day Challenge on 27th June 2022, registration is open now.

Send me a message via messenger today or via whatsapp on +60 16-255 3083.

Photos from Jean Voon Certified Wildfit Coach's post 27/04/2022

REGISTER here now for this free sharing session:

"At 67 years of age, my sleep, my weight and my energy is better now even compared to my life, 10 - 15 years back."
- Marian Chin, WILDFIT graduate

Hi! I'm Coach Jean, a Certified WILDFIT Coach.

WILDFIT is a revolutionary food psychology and nutrition program that has transformed my health and the health of my clients.

There's no exercise, calorie counting, starving, supplements/shakes/products involved!

We eat delicious, real, whole foods as nature intended, and have a lot of fun along the way, learning about ourselves, our relationship with food and how to eat to truly nourish our bodies.

Curious to find out more?

You're specially invited to this free sharing session on zoom with myself, and my recent graduate Marian Chin:

7.30-8.30pm, Wednesday
9th March 2022 on Zoom

Just register here to receive the zoom link and more details!

Photos from Jean Voon Certified Wildfit Coach's post 07/03/2022

Is WILDFIT the same as the keto diet? No, it is not.

Though there are a couple processes that happen in the same way, WILDFIT is as far from a typical keto diet as a nourishing green smoothie made from fresh, whole, real fruit and vegetables as from a keto shake packed with unrecognisable ingredients and “calorie-free” artificial sweeteners.

Many of my clients come having done intermittent fasting and the keto diet first, including my client Marian.

Here’s her story:

It took me a long time to realize that my body was not in shape. I was suffering from acute insomnia, digestive problems and lethargy. Doctors said it had to do with age. I felt it didn’t seem right to just accept that as a reason.

Coach Jean had already spoken to me about WF but since I had already done a Keto diet for over a year and intermittent diet for a similar duration, even both at one point, I felt I was not going to tackle another ‘diet’. I was through with that. With Keto and intermittent diets I had lost weight, but I still had my 3 major problems. The removal of my gall bladder threw me another curve ball and all hell broke loose.

I went straight for the 3 month WF health program because I had finally admitted to myself that I was not well.

The journey was smooth and scary at the same time. It was a mental workout, a physical challenge and most of all an emotional roller coaster.

From the 1st month into the program, I had already found sleep, felt rejuvenated, and found the program strangely amusing. What on earth would my memories from when I was 6 years old have to do with my addiction to fruits at all hours of the day? Why did I love ‘bubbles’ and cocktails so much. Because of the beauty of the glasses and admiration for the art of glass blowing? Seriously?

The 2nd month found me almost in shock as I had to ‘take a break’ from oh so many things and these were found in oh so many everyday products. It was especially difficult when one’s life partner is not on the same program. I was extremely lucky because he would say “is this allowed this week” pointing to capsicum or a ready-made salad dressing. Today, he is constantly checking out labels. But the task of avoiding the preservatives, the added so called ‘goodness’, the colouring, the fake and real sugar and the unspecified ‘seasonings’ made me feel that this was an impossible task.

I think the paradigm shift happened when I understood that this was more than my body, my health and food. This was not going to be easy, but I was feeling so good. I lost weight, sleep like a baby, have for the first time in years, a normal digestion with absolutely zero bloating and my bowel movements became regular.

Coach Jean more than walked the tribe through every difficulty. I think that was essential for me. I felt like a school kid doing the best I could and following the instructions as well as suggested. The discipline without a coach would not have worked for me. I needed to be guided and looked forward to every Eric video and Coach Jean sessions.

My friends and family started noticing the change in me. It wasn’t just the weight, it was my complexion, my mood, my energy. At first, there were the usual remarks, ‘oh no, you’re on another diet? But you’re not overweight!..I thought Keto and intermittent worked for you..? are you sure this Eric guy is not a guru?”

Indeed Keto and the intermittent diets had worked for me, but I still had insomnia, a bloated stomach, and just low in energy.

Finally, it is with a sense of indignation to realize that commercially, so many of the products marketed to us have preservatives and artificial additives added for so called taste and shelf life. The irony is that these long shelf life of the products actually equates to a shorter lifespan of health for us human beings. In the end, we are not given FOOD but FEED.

At 67 years of age, my sleep, my weight and my energy is better now even compared to my life, 10 - 15 years back. Now that’s a feat. A wildFEAT!


What’s your favourite form of movement and play for your physical and mental health?

I’m hoping to go paddle boarding again tomorrow - here’s me falling off from last time.

Getting vitamin D AND some nice salts and minerals (yup, drank some seawater) at the same time 🤣 - no pills required.


Exercise and movement is critical for our health. It helps us maintain/improve strength, flexibility, balance, bone health, cardiovascular health and often times benefits our mental and social health too.

It should not a punishment for overindulging or “food sins”.

Treat exercise and movement as a separate health activity that you do for its own sake.

And when you do decide to eat something less functional, enjoy it fully without guilt or shame - and continue to eat food that are delicious, nutritious and functional most of the times.


A couple of days ago, my WILDFIT client Yitping Tay posted her experience on her facebook and it generated a lot of queries, so I've decided to host a sharing session together with Ping.

Sharing Session with Wildfit graduate Yit Ping & Coach Jean
8.30-9.30pm Friday, 11th February on zoom.

It's free and you can register here:

Ping has a family history of diabetes and cancer, and she had been having headaches, body aches, and getting sick frequently. She went for a checkup and the doctor wanted to start her on high blood pressure medication.

90 days later, graduating this week from the program, she hasn't been sick at all the last 3 months, headaches gone, blood pressure all normal, 12kgs released, waking up with energy and ready to tackle the day.

Her sleep problems also vanished, and that alone, in her words, is better than winning the lottery!

You can check out her original post (in Chinese here):[0]=AZVIqhZs2M_K5NGC-p6549GPDe0tAr3uDYBTWhJhTL-SiVUZuj5A_RyE1RbP0eHEqPEQk-MBavjVZ3q6WRoZdosODbBAd8wwImFgjvUZWZCqPVPDaz6T9r92-9ObT_awmGEwEpSWMiqDXyE5G1l6vzto&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

Videos (show all)

Exercise and movement is critical for our health. It helps us maintain/improve strength, flexibility, balance, bone heal...
My client Rac Wong - with her beautifully glowing, dewy skin after the WILDFIT 90 Day Challenge.Read her story here!http...
Happy Friday everyone! My client sent me this video of her now too-big jeans. She didn't exercise at all - just ate real...
Client testimonial for Jean Voon Wildfit Coaching: Michele's results

