Resistance Bands by FS Peachy Lifestyle Videos

Videos by Resistance Bands by FS Peachy Lifestyle. Resistance bands workouts

Other Resistance Bands by FS Peachy Lifestyle videos

The Squat isn’t just powerlifting The Squat isn’t just weightlifting The Squat isn’t just crossfit The Squat isn’t just bodybuilding The Squat isn’t just for sport The SQUAT is LIFE Kalau u tak boleh squat dgn form yg btl dan baik walaupun TANPA WEIGHT, means u have a weak lower body strength. Kalau body u ada strengh yg cukup baru la body u tak weak.

@peachy_lifestyle tgh buat harga WOW “RAMADHAN SEIKHLAS HATI”. Mmg btl2 wow sgt. Korg tgk story diaorg skrg. Rajin tak rajin kita sembang belakang. Preparekan dulu bands u di rumah. Nk workout lps raya ke, tahun dpn ke lg 2 tahun ke, u decide. Jimat sampai RM40 tak nak? Tekan link dkt bio I pun boleh.

👆🏻 nama exercise ni good morning, dia target hamstring u. Utk build glute yg cantik, dtg nya juga dari hamstring yg cantik. So hamstring kena train sama. Yg tak ada weight dkt rumah guna je long band ke, glute band ke sebagai pengganti, so fungsi both band ni utk create tension & resistanc3z Ini contoh mudah yg senang korg nk faham & tgk for those yg di rumah especially mommies yg tak pergi gym. Now u know la atleast kan.

Resistance band ni just another equipment kalau u tak ada weight di rumah. Kan senang. Jgn bazir2 beli equipment yg bombastic dulu. Sabar2 take it easy. Sediakan dumbbell, yoga mat & resistance band @peachy_lifestyle je dulu cukup.

Resistance band ni just another equipment kalau u tak ada weight di rumah. Kan senang. Jgn bazir2 beli equipment yg bombastic dulu. Sabar2 take it easy. Sediakan dumbbell, yoga mat & resistance band @peachy_lifestyle je dulu cukup.

I nak share dkt korg, mcm mana korg nk buat HIP ABDUCTION exercise di rumah menggunakan GLUTE BAND. Yg nk peha slim, ni la makanan korg dkt gym 😂 machine HIP ABDUCTION nama dia. Tgk dkt machine tu muscle yg highlight warna merah. So dkt rumah guna glute band mcm ni je. Bkn susah punnnnnnnnnn. So skrg faham kenapa resistance band ni dia mcm ala2 replica kepada machine. And another tool exercise yg MUDAH especially kpd yg umur dah meningkat, mommies2 preggy yg takut nk lift heavy, perempuan2 yg mmg tak suka lift weight di gym & seumpama dengan nya, daripada tak bergerak better bersenam ringan2 dgn resistance band. Siapa ada masalah sakit lutut? Cuba try squat dgn glute band. Insyaallah glute band boleh support lutut u. Cuba dulu k. I suruh cuba sahaja dulu. I tak overclaimed apa2 I nk korg just give it a try. If it’s work on u then good. Boleh dm I utk bg feedback okies. Ada soalan boleh tanya di ruangan comment 👇🏻