Keeping Life Simple

Keeping Life Simple

Lorraine offers support to help dive into the core of what's impacting your life so you can transform life challenges towards living a happier, healthy life.

Sessions are available via Zoom or telephone. When we begin to take responsibility for who we are and be aware of our thoughts, feelings and actions and trust our heart and not our thoughts about who we are, life begins to change. We begin to discover the peace that is already here and we stop living our life in conflict when we make a conscious decision not to let our thoughts rule our life. Ask


When we focus our attention on gratitude instead of what's missing, our body begins to relax. Try it for yourself: think of one thing you're grateful for today and let that feeling fill your heart.❤️


Wise words from Papaji. 🙏❤️🙏


Wise words!


What are you choosing to let go of today that isn't serving you anymore?


This is such a great message. We are not broken just because we are sad.

“If You Are Feeling Sad...”

If you are feeling sad, you are not in a 'low vibration'.

You are not sick or broken or unenlightened or far from healing.

You are not 'trapped in your ego' or stuck in the 'separate self'.

You are not being negative, and you don't need to be fixed, and sadness is not a mistake, because it's life moving in you, and life can't be a mistake, ever.

You are just feeling sad, that's all.

It's a feeling state playing out on the vibrantly alive movie screen of presence, that's all.

It's not a problem that requires a solution or a band-aid. It's a sacred and precious part of you longing for love, acceptance, embrace, rest.

You've been blessed by sadness today; you've been chosen as her home; don't run away from such a truly precious visitor.

- Jeff Foster


A few tips to keep life simple during challenging times. 🙏


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00