24-7 Prayer Malaysia

24-7 Prayer Malaysia

24-7 Prayer Malaysia Page has been created to mobilise Christians to pray for the nation 24-7-365!! Subscribe to newsletter at http://eepurl.com/bEwPkj

Please sign-up for regular prayer letters using the online form below:


Our boiler room location are as follows:
PJ: GPS Coordinates | 3.1120426, 101.6516326
Kuching: GPS Coordinates | 1.5348887, 110.3471167

Do contact +601132110010 for further information/bookings!

25 Years of Non-Stop Prayer | 24-7 Prayer 05/09/2024

Today we celebrate 24-7 Prayer's 25th Anniversary!!

5 September 2024 marks 25 years since the beginning of the first 24-7 Prayer room, and the start of a chain of unbroken prayer that has continued for a quarter of a century.

For 25 years, our vision has been Jesus. Today we are still committed to reviving the Church and rewiring the culture through non-stop prayer, mission and justice.

25 Years of Non-Stop Prayer | 24-7 Prayer 5 September 2024 marks 25 years since the beginning of the first 24-7 Prayer room, and the start of a chain of unbroken prayer that has continued for a quart...


🙏✨ Join us for the 24-7 Prayer Asia Gathering 2024! 🌏
📅 13-16 November 2024
📍Wisma Anglican, Jalan Pudu Lama, Kuala Lumpur

As we celebrate 25 years of unceasing prayer with the global 24-7 Prayer family, we invite you to be part of this historic moment. Together, we'll reflect on our incredible journey and envision the future God is weaving for us across Asia and beyond.

Experience praise and worship, inspiring speakers, and life-changing encounters as we unite in prayer and purpose.

Don't miss this chance to connect with fellow followers of Christ from across the globe!

Register now and be part of God's grand tapestry of love. Link in bio.

Facebook Register here: https://www.24-7prayer.com/event/asia24/


🔥🙏⚡ Workshop #2 : PLANNING TO RUN *THE PRAYER COURSE?* ⚡🙏🔥

Want to run *The Prayer Course* with your small group or in a community context? Join us online as we take you through a *practical overview* of what the course involves:

Title of Workshop 2: How To Run 'The Prayer Course'
Time: 8pm - 9pm
Date: 31 May 2024, Friday

⚡Take you deeper into 'The Prayer Course' sessions, and the Leaders' Guide
⚡ Learn how to run the course and host the sessions
⚡ Experience a sample session
⚡ Access promotional materials to spread the word

Join our free online workshop to equip yourself to help you, your small group and your church grow and deepen in your prayer life. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the power of prayer that will transform your church and community! And it is available to you for *FREE*!

Click the link to register for our free online workshop now. https://forms.gle/xo4iuwz2c5abm1nj7



Come and join our free online workshop to learn about the prayer courses available to help your small group and church grow and deepen in your prayer life.

Title of Workshop: *Introduction to 24-7 Prayer Courses*
Time: *8pm - 9pm (Kuala Lumpur time)*
Date: *Wednesday, 29 May 2024*

In this online workshop, you will:

✨ Discover the many transformative prayer courses available to you;
✨ Get a glimpse into the course sessions available for your *FREE* download;
✨ Learn how to host the course in your small group or community;
✨ Access free promotional materials to spread the word.

Whether you're a seasoned intercessor or just starting your journey, these courses will deepen and transform your prayer life. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the power of prayer for your church and community!

Click the link to register for our free online workshop now https://forms.gle/xo4iuwz2c5abm1nj7


✨Day 4 A Call to the Secret Place - A Prayer Testimony✨

Thank you to Pastor Reuben for sharing a photo of his prayer space with us today. He says, "Our secret place is the foundational altar that all other altars, such as the family altar, church altar, and city altar, are built upon."

"Seeking God in secret demonstrates our dependence upon the Lord and not our own strength and experience. It is the place where we listen for ourselves and not just for the sake of others."

He adds, "Our secret place is where the Word of God within us is allowed to marinate, leading to renewed minds and transformed hearts. It is where the battle for the prosperity of our souls is won in the presence of God, before circumstances change and regardless of whether they ultimately change or not."

He shares that God's presence is what empowers us: "Our secret place empowers us to be the salt and light, shining in the darkness as living epistles. It enables us to pray and live not in reaction to the darkness around us, but in response to the goodness of God."

Finally, he encourages us that our secret place prepares us to be good stewards of the open reward that comes from our Heavenly Father.

"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." - Matthew 6:6



🙏🇲🇾 A Day of Prayer for National Reconciliation in Malaysia

"All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us." - 2 Corinthians 5:18-20

As followers of Christ, we have been entrusted with the ministry and message of reconciliation.

The racial riots of May 13, 1969 left deep scars on our nation. Lives were tragically lost, trust was broken, and divisions were sown. Yet the way of Christ calls us to a higher path - one of compassion, kindness, humility and forgiveness. As God's beloved children, we are called to extend the same merciful forgiveness that we have received.

1. Healing of Past Wounds - Ask God for healing of the deep hurt, anger and mistrust resulting from past conflicts like the May 13 riots. Bind up the brokenness and pain.

2. Repentance and Forgiveness - We repent for the sins of racism, prejudice and violence committed. We choose to forgive those who have wronged us, as You have forgiven us in Christ.

3. Unity and Understanding - Tear down the walls that divide us along racial, religious and cultural lines. Build bridges of empathy, respect and care for one another.

4. Courageous Leadership - Raise up leaders who model reconciliation, pursue unity and justice, and reject policies/rhetoric that polarise or discriminate.

5. The Church - Revive & empower us as ambassadors of reconciliation. May we become leaders in racial unity, peacemaking and tearing down barriers between groups.

6. Lasting Peace - We cry out for true and lasting peace to reign in our nation. Establish order, security and harmony among all the peoples of Malaysia.

Heavenly Father, bind us together across our differences as one Malaysian family. Replace resentment with forgiveness, prejudice with understanding and conflict with peace. By the power of Your Spirit, make us a light of hope to the nation & the world. In the name of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, AMEN.


Here's hoping that this Mother's Day poem captures the essence of spiritual motherhood and honours all you remarkable women and girls. Thank you for the opportunity to craft something meaningful that can be shared to celebrate and appreciate all that spiritual mothers do, whether married or single. May your nurturing guidance and godly example leave an indelible impact on so many lives.

*Mother's Embrace, Divine and True*

In a world that's often cold,
Your heart shines warm, your love untold.
A spiritual mother, heaven-sent,
Nurturing souls wherever you went.

Single or married, it matters not,
For in your arms, peace is sought.
A shelter from the storms of life,
Guiding us through turmoil and strife.

Your prayers rise like incense sweet,
Seeking blessings at the mercy seat.
Wisdom imparted, gentle, yet strong,
Teaching us to right the wrong.

You walk the path of faith sublime,
An example rare in this modern time.
A living epistle of Christ's own grace,
Leaving impressions time can't erase.

So on this day, we honour you,
Spiritual mother, steadfast and true.
May heaven's blessings on you descend,
Our dearest mother, mentor, and friend.

"Her children rise up and call her blessed." (Proverbs 31:28)

Happy Mother's Day!


✨ Day 3: The Call to the Secret Place ✨

I'm being inspired by Jesus' words in Matthew 6:6 to intentionally carve out a secret place to pray and commune with my Heavenly Father:

"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." - Matthew 6:6

Jesus directly instructs us to have a private prayer room or closet set apart to meet with God. Jesus promises that when we seek the Lord in this secret place, our Father will see our hearts and reward us.

It's an encouragement that our private prayer and devotional times are precious to God. Even if no one else witnesses our time in the secret place, the Father takes delight when we come to Him in solitude and intimacy. And that's enough for me!



✨ Day 3: The Call to the Secret Place - A Prayer Testimony✨

"The Lord seems to be calling His people to the secret place TODAY!" - Bishop Dr. Hwa Yung

Yesterday, I shared about creating my own secret prayer space. Little did I know, Bishop Hwa Yung set up his own secret space in his home two months ago!

His powerful words affirm that God is stirring the hearts of His children to draw near to Him in intimate, hidden places.

In this noisy world, it's so easy to get distracted and lose that precious connection with our Maker. But the secret place - that solitary spot set apart just for you and the Lord - becomes a sacred harbour for our souls. 💕

It may be a quiet corner of your bedroom, a prayer closet under the stairs, or even your kitchen! Wherever it is, purposefully create that space to meet with God daily. Light a candle, play soaking worship music, and linger in His presence through Scripture reading, journaling, and prayer.

What an amazing journey! Things look a little different when you're experiencing the reality of Psalm 91:1 - "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty."

So open the door to your secret place today and abide in the shadow of the Almighty. He's calling you to draw near! ✨



✨ Day 2: Creating a Secret Prayer Space ✨

Today, I took up the challenge to build a secret space in my home dedicated to prayer🙏🏻

To kick things off, I drew 7 "starfishes" and lifted up 7 specific people, praying that they would experience the love and salvation of Christ in a powerful way. 💫 The starfishes will serve as a visual reminder to keep interceding for their lives.

But that's not all! I'm also committed to read through the 4 Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and the book of Acts within this 10-day period, immersing myself in the accounts of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection as well as the birth of the early Church to deepen my love for my Lord.

I'm excited for how God will meet me in this secret place of prayer and in the study of His Word over the next 10 days. Who's ready to join me on this journey of drawing nearer to the Father's heart? Drop a ✨ if you'll be creating your own prayer space too!


Day 1 - Ascension Day
We're so grateful to Raji for sharing this inspiring experience from the 10 Day Prayer Challenge. She wrote:

'I took the challenge today. On my way to the hospital this morning, I did a prayer drive and prayed over houses, schools, nursing homes and restaurants. I prayed over drivers of cars on the road, hospital staff and patients for healing of souls. It felt so good and exciting, especially for this 10 day program!'

What a beautiful way to bring prayer into daily life! Raji's prayerful journey reminds us that we can turn any moment into an opportunity to lift up our communities and those around us.

Let's keep sharing how we're living out the 10 Day Prayer Challenge using . Your stories are sparking inspiration!

Photos from 24-7 Prayer Malaysia's post 08/05/2024

"And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes, and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.”"

- Acts 1:10-11 ESV

Photos from 24-7 Prayer Malaysia's post 08/05/2024

Are you ready to experience the power of united prayer? From May 9 to 19, 2024 (Ascension to Pentecost), join us for a 10-Day Prayer Challenge!
During this special season, we will gather in one accord, just as the disciples did in the Upper Room, to seek the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Let us focus on specific prayer intentions, such as:
✨ Renewal of faith and commitment
✨ Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
✨ Unity among believers
✨ Spread of the Gospel
✨ Peace and healing for the world
Let's prepare our hearts and minds for this incredible journey of prayer. Go to the link in the bio to download prayer guides in English, Chinese, Malay and Iban languages.

"They all joined together constantly in prayer." (Acts 1:14)
Tag your friends and family to join this powerful movement of prayer! 📲

Photos from 24-7 Prayer Malaysia's post 25/04/2024

DEDICATION OF THE MELAKA BOILER ROOM. On Tuesday we had the privilege of retired Methodist Bishop Ong Hwai Teik dedicating and consecrating the Melaka Boiler Room. More than 40 guests - ministers, pastors and intercessors - came to celebrate with us. We had the opportunity to introduce 24-7 Prayer and the task ahead for 24-7 Prayer Malaysia and 24-7 Prayer Asia. Our guests were treated to a guided tour of the prayer room, and a fabulous luncheon by Melissa and Jenn from Donald & Lily's . Each guest was given The Vision Poem and a tent peg door gift with a blessing to go and enlarge their tents, and strengthen their stakes. Isaiah 54:2-3

We are excited to create "thin spaces" and bring night and day prayer across the cities! What an exciting time to dig up all these ancient wells of revival and ask for the nations!

Photos from 24-7 Prayer Malaysia's post 25/04/2024

We conducted prayer training over the weekend at JB Wesley. What a wonderful and amazing time. The presence of God is so real. Met two wonderful teenagers who registered for the training themselves. Amazing. We are in awe and very excited as to what God is doing, and will be doing in Johor Bahru.


April 9 - Remembering Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He died on this day.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a pastor, theologian, and anti-Nazi dissident living in Germany at the time of the Second World War. As Hi**er rose to power in Europe, Bonhoeffer loudly and defiantly spoke out against him. As a result, Bonhoeffer was forbidden to teach. At 39 years old, he was executed, just one month before the war ended. Some of his parting words were: *‘This is the end—for me the beginning of life.’* Let his life challenge us to care and to act.

Lord, grant me boldness and strength, and teach me how I might establish Your justice and righteousness today. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Today on Lectio 365 - https://lectio365.24-7prayer.com/share/devotionals/2024-04-09/day?locale=en

Lectio 365 - 24-7 Prayer International 28/03/2024

Here's a good devotional led by Pete Greig as we prepare our hearts in prayer on this Good Friday.

Today on Lectio 365 -

Lectio 365 - 24-7 Prayer International The Lectio 365 app is a free daily devotional resource that helps you pray the Bible every day.


As we reflect on Jesus' upside-down kingdom this Palm Sunday, we are invited to examine our own hearts and lives in light of His example. Do we embrace the values of His kingdom, prioritising love, compassion, and justice in all that we do? Or do we cling to the world's standards of success, seeking power and recognition at the expense of others?

As we journey through Holy Week, may we be inspired by Jesus' example of humility and servanthood, and may we strive to embody the values of His upside-down kingdom in our lives. Let us welcome him as our humble King, acknowledging His lordship over all, and let us commit ourselves to advancing His kingdom of love, justice, and peace in the world. Amen.


Thoughts on fasting during this Lent season ~

"Behold, you fast only to quarrel and to fight
and to hit with a wicked fist.
Fasting like yours this day
will not make your voice to be heard on high.
Is such the fast that I choose,
a day for a person to humble himself?"
- Isaiah 58:4-5 ESV


We're looking forward to our favourite once-in-4-years fellowship that's happening tonight!!


"The ancient Celts used the phrase ‘thin places’ to describe where the veil between heaven and earth becomes so thin that prayer flows easily and the still, small voice of God is heard clearly."

Hey there! 24-7 Prayer Malaysia's Boiler Room in Melaka is now open for prayer and worship. Strategically located at the gateway to Melaka city, we welcome you to spend time in this sanctuary to seek Him.

To make a booking of the space, scan the QR code or go to this link https://booking.appointy.com/boilerroommelaka

For enquiry: +6012-362 8274

A breathtaking trek to Mudung Sio, Sarawak’s ‘Holy Mountain’ 25/10/2023

Edwin Kee shares of his breathtaking pilgrimage to Mudung Sio, or ‘Holy Mountain’ in Kenyah language, one of several ‘prayer mountains’ situated in Lio Mato, Ulu Baram, Sarawak. Just like the more famous Gunung Murud, this prayer mountain also attracts Christian pilgrims annually.

A breathtaking trek to Mudung Sio, Sarawak’s ‘Holy Mountain’ One of several ‘prayer mountains’ in the state, this site in Lio Mato, Ulu Baram attracts Christian pilgrims who annually make the arduous journey to the peak.


‭"[6] Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! “May they be secure who love you! [7] Peace be within your walls and security within your towers!” [8] For my brothers and companions’ sake I will say, “Peace be within you!” [9] For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your good.

Psalm 122:6 ESV


‭"[6] Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! “May they be secure who love you! [7] Peace be within your walls and security within your towers!” [8] For my brothers and companions’ sake I will say, “Peace be within you!” [9] For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your good.

Psalm 122:6 ESV


24-7 Prayer Malaysia led worship and intercession which was streamed live from our Putrajaya Boiler Room on September 16 for the Malaysia Day of Prayer 2023 livestream during sunset. Thank you Patrick Leong for leading this segment.

Check out the National Prayer of Blessing in this video. https://youtu.be/-sNTAEzeIcs


24-7 Prayer Malaysia led worship and intercession during sunset from our Putrajaya Boiler Room. Glad to have Patrick Leong taking the session.

The 24-7 Prayer Malaysia worship and prayer segment during the Malaysia Day of Prayer 2023 livestream from 6pm to 7:30pm now available for viewing. Thank you to Patrick Leong for leading this segment.

Check out the National Prayer of Blessing in this video. https://youtu.be/-sNTAEzeIcs


Penang did the closing for MDOP 2023 this year.

MDOP 2023 PU Penang Segment The finale of MDOP 2023 led by the team from Prayer United Penang.


Malaysia Day of Prayer 2023 video recording of the first 12 hours available now for viewing.

MALAYSIA DAY OF PRAYER 2023 (MDOP 2023) LIVE STREAM Welcome everyone to the Malaysia Day of Prayer 2023! Thank you for joining us today from 7am to 9pm to come together to worship the Lord with one voice and b...


Some of the Bishops, Christian leaders and their representatives of the Council of Churches of Malaysia came together to lead intercession for the nation.

Bishops, Church leaders and their representatives from the Council of Churches of Malaysia led intercession for the nation.

Videos (show all)

Today we celebrate 24-7 Prayer's 25th Birthday!! On this day, the first prayer room was built! @247prayer #247prayer #25...
📣 Women's Prayer Gathering 2024 - Introducing the Speakers and Team! 📣 Watch our latest video to meet our inspiring spea...
24-7 Prayer Malaysia Annual Gathering 2023
