M&T Comics and Cards

M&T Comics and Cards

We are an online retailer of comics specializing in hard to find items. Are you looking for a hard-to-find title? Let us know! We'll find it for you!

We have one of the most diverse inventories of anthropomorphic (furry) material available online. Would you like to receive a free copy of Diamond Previews every month? How about free shipping, discounts, and other cool goodies? We offer a fantastic subscription service to our monthly customers!


Hello Everyone,
I got all the B & D Pleasures books updated today as well as listing a nice selection of holiday magazines and art books. I already had items like devil engine, masquerade, bloodlust, and Spellbound from SQP as well as other from Eros and NBM, but today I listed some old issues of Eerie, the original Vampirella from Warren Publications and a very nice copy of Vampire Christmas from Image. Just in time for Halloween I plan to have issues of Ferals listed too. This is by far the most intense werewolf story ever put together. If you're a fan of the movie series The Howling, you won't put these books down. I also have a nice selection of EC reprints that will also be listed. Some oversized hardcover editions, some soft cover and some comic size. Many of these, like most items in my non-adult inventory are 1 or 2 copies only so don't wait too long to make your purchases. Take care and be safe. Mike


Hello Everyone,
Lia and I had a great Labor Day weekend. We spent Saturday going out and about taking care of a bunch of personal things. Then, one of the things Lia has been complaining about for the last 2 years we have lived in Maine is that fact that we have not seen any moose. So we went on a 400 mile roadtrip from Lewiston up to Waterville then on to Moosehead lake, the largest lake in Maine. We drove around the lake and up to Moose Mountain before taking the long winding road through tiny towns, past open farms, fields, and woods. I can honestly tell you that there are no such things as moose in Maine. I truly believe that any stuffed moose you do see in Maine were brought in from Canada. We did have a nice ride and did see some beautiful things. Maine is a wonder to behold and I am so glad that we were able to move here. We noted that in some places the leaves are beginning to change and the in just a few more weeks the place will be crawling with leaf peepers. Hope you all enjoyed the end of the 100 days of summer and that you made it through safe and sound. Take care. Mike


Hello Everyone,
I got a bit bogged down today. I got most of the Nuance done, but the problem with the way I allowed myself to become disorganized and now working to get back on track is that I found another box that had more books from Catalan Communications, Nuance, and B & D Pleasures, and also a few more Usagi TPs to add to what is already listed. So on Monday I will attempt to fully get these finally in place before moving on to the furry adult books.
Hope you all have a fun weekend to end the summer. Be safe. Mike

HipComic 29/08/2024

Hello Everyone,
I managed to get all of the NBM, SQP, and Catalan publishers finished today. If you go to the store on hipcomic.com you will see all the additional titles previously not listed now there. I will continue to push my reorganization and plan to hit the B&D Pleasures and Nuance boxes tomorrow. Once they are complete I will have just 1 more box of assorted odd publishers left. My next job will be the furry boxes, those on the adult side first then the furry general audience and after that my biggest genre which is the adult only comics. I'm saving that for last as it covers approximately 8 - 9 long boxes. As always, if you are looking for something special and don't see it listed in the store, just ask. I am finding and buying all the time. So it's possible that I have what you want, but just haven't gotten to it yet.
The weather here in Maine has been just spectacular the last couple of days. If it holds I just might work outside under the gazebo tomorrow. A clear sky and cool breeze can be much nicer than working in a stuffy basement. Besides I'll be in that basement from November to end of March. Be safe. Mike

HipComic Buy and Sell Collectible Comic Books Online.

HipComic 29/08/2024

Hello Everyone,
Well, I spent a good part of today focusing on the reorganization of the magazine size pin-up books and graphic novels from publishers Eros and SQP. Once I have packed the orders that came in today my plan for tomorrow will be to work on the same type of books from NBM, which are the books from Amerotica and Eurotica, as well as the books from Catalan Communications, Nuance, and B&D Pleasures. So please keep watching the hipcomic store.
www.hipcomic.com/stores/m-t-comics-and-cards. Be safe. Mike

HipComic Buy and Sell Collectible Comic Books Online.


Hello Everyone,
If you've looked at the most recent listings on the hipcomic store, you will see that the Usagi TPs have been listed with a few being signed by Stan Sakai. I am going to start reorganizing the adult magazines next and hope to have most of that finished by the weekend. Remember anytime you have a question just ask. I have the largest selection of furry comics and graphic novels in the world as well as one of the largest selections of adult only comics. If you don't see what you want just ask. Mike


Hello Everyone,
Well I got all my orders in the mail today and another came in for shipping on Monday. More tomorrow possibly. While doing more reorganizing I came across another box that has not been opened for awhile. This box contained several copies of Softpaw 1, 2 and Finding Avalon. Since these books have been banned from most furry cons I will only be able to sell these direct to customers who specifically ask for them. The cost is $25.00 each with free shipping in the US. Shipping to other countries will be determined by the country destination. I can be contacted for this sale through email at [email protected]. This is a private sale from me to you.
Be safe. Mike


Hello Everyone,
Well, no rest for the wicked as they say. In this case though, it's more like no rest for those who don't veg in front of the tv. Today is an absolutely beautiful day in Maine. A picture perfect day that begs to go out and get the yard cleaned up, tree branches pruned, grass cut, and whatever else needs doing before the rain hits again. Maybe, with some luck we will be able to have hot tub movie night tonight. It's a great way to end a tiring day, sit in the tub, under a clear starry sky, stream a good movie on the flatscreen, and have a couple of cold ones. I knew I busted my ass for 50 years working for something good.
On a different note, I have been reorganizing the basement and making the inventory more easily accessible for knowing what to list and where to find it when it sells. In so doing, I have found lost books that I knew I had but couldn't locate. One sushi box was filled with Usagi TPs from the old days when Fantagraphics and then Dark Horse started reprinting the early Usagi comics that were then and still now impossible to find or afford. I will begin listing these books on Monday. Most issues are 1 each so if you are looking for a particular book to close holes in your own set don't wait too long. That's it for now, the grass is calling my name. Be safe. Mike


Hello Everyone,
Hope all is well with you. I've recently picked up a nice selection of English translated manga, Bo***ge Fairies and other titles from Eros Comix, as well as other publishers and titles with a manga flare like Bootleg from White Lightning and other titles from Venus Comics. I started listing some of these yesterday and already have gotten some orders and will continue today and tomorrow until all are in the hipcomic store. Keep watching if you are looking for something specific but don't wait too long. As I said, I am already making sales on what was listed yesterday. Be safe.


Hello Everyone,
I finally got all caught up on processing, packing, and shipping all the orders that came in while I was away last weekend at Furrydelphia. Being a 1 man operation can be a bit daunting sometimes, but it keeps me busy. I picked up a nice restock of books from RUKIS, more copies of Dog Days of Summer, Heat, and Genus. Something else I've noticed in recent months is that other titles from Radio Comix's Sin Factory such as Anubis, Green Ginger, Amy's Adventures are getting more and more difficult to find in prime condition. I still have a contact to get books from Mu Press, bit there in no more supply from Shanda Fantasy Arts either. The older publishers are going by the wayside. I am still carrying the best selection of vintage furry comics in the world and will continue to as long as I'm able.
Have a great day everyone. Be safe. Mike

HipComic 13/08/2024

Hello Everyone,
Well its been an exciting few days. We went to Furrydelphia this past weekend and had a wonderful time, tiring but wonderful. For those of you who have been wondering why I haven't said anything until now, no isual posts and pictures of the con. On Friday morning just before the dealer room opened my phone was stolen. Yep that's right STOLEN. With no phone I was unable to post or even take credit cards at the con. I know I lost some big sales from people who asked me to hold stuff for them when they went to the ATM but never came back. So, now I am home and will be adjusting my hipcomic.com store to reflect sales of items no longer available and the addition of new items that I picked up at the show that were out of stock. Be safe all and keep your phones super glued to your hand. Mike

HipComic Buy and Sell Collectible Comic Books Online.


Hello Everyone,
Well the car is all packed and we are almost ready to hit the road tomorrow morning for Philadelphia. We will be vending this weekend at Furrydelphia hosted by the Sheraton Hotel. I hope to see many of you there. I will have the usual assortment of comics and graphic novels dating from the beginning of the fandom to present along with a nice selection of very early fanzines, Pentmouse, Play Bunny, Bunny Pages, and more along with portfolios of early art work from artists like Michelle Light and Brian O'Connell. To top off my usual inventory I will be bringing a long box of Sonic the Hedgehog which will include most issues from the new IDE run as well as the vintage Archie line of Sonic and Knuckles books. There will also be a box of Japanese he**ai comics I personally bought over there earlier this year while there on vacation and a few boxes of Japanese Pokemon cards. I will be showcasing the brand new MTG card packs with furry art and characters never before seen in MTG. These cards are in short supply, I could only get 3 booster boxes so I don't expect them to last long. Going beyond the usual vintage comics I have CGC graded copies of Albedo #0, 1, 3, and 4 as well as Genus #1 and 2. So stop by my table early. Many of the items I have are only 1 copy or 1 box each. We will be accepting credit cards and cash as usual. The other interesting thing we will have is the new hardcover printings of Lackadaisy Vol.1 and Vol.2. These books have taken the original books to a whole new level. Something a fan of the story will not want to do without. There will also be some fun surprises at the table that will be seen by those who attend and stop at the table early.
Be safe, hope to see you there. My table is designated H7, in the back corner on the right side of the room. Mike


Hello Everyone,
I apologize for not being around. We just had a whirlwind month of July. First we had a visit at the beginning of July from Lia's daughter and son-in-law to celebrate all 3 of their birthdays
Lia and went to NH for a long weekend away just the 2 of us. Then my son Joshua his girlfriend and their 2 boys. William is 8 and from her previous marriage and Thorins is theirs and he is 10 months. We will be taking a short week trip to LA in September to celebrate both of their birthdays. They all left a couple of days ago and the house sounds remarkably quiet.
I haven't been doing much buying except for when we went to NH. Next week I will be vending at Furrydelphia, a furry con in Philadelphia. So if any of you will be in the neighborhood stop by. I'm going to be planning my next hipcomic store sale over Labor Day weekend so if you're on a tight budget that would be next, if the books you want are still available.
Take care and be safe. Mike

HipComic 08/07/2024

Hello Everyone,
Hope you all had a fantastic holiday weekend. Unfortunately the powers that be at AnthroCon decided that my participation this year was not necessary. Even though I am the only dealer left in the country that sells comics and graphic novels from all publishers going back to the beginning of the fandom to present day. They decided that they needed space for more aspiring artists doing con badges. So if you want to visit my table, I will be attending Furrydelphia the second weekend in August. Hopefully any of you looking for that special vintage comic or the newest issue of Sonic will stop by my table at that con. I will be at a few more before the end of the year and hopefully Midwest Fur Fest. Dealer reg has not opened yet for MFF.
So, speaking of the weekend. I took some time away from visiting relatives and jumped the border to a little shop north of Concord, NH and bought about 300 very nice adult comics, a few rare underground comics and some especially nice furry comics. I spent the better part of today, after processing and mailing this weekend's orders, scanning and organizing those books. I will start listing tomorrow and hopefully most will be in the store before Friday. Remember the store on hipcomic.com is always open and you can text me a question on 609-214-2314 (no calls just text) or email me at [email protected]. Be safe. Mike

HipComic Buy and Sell Collectible Comic Books Online.

HipComic 03/07/2024

Hello Everyone,
Here's hoping you all have a fun filled and safe holiday weekend. We will be hosting my wife Lia's daughter and son-in-law for the weekend to celebrate both mom and daughter birthdays as well as the nation's. There will be fireworks at Veterans Park in Lewiston on the 4th and I will be manning the grill for dinner. Please be careful while out driving the drunks and potheads won't be.
To make things even better the M & T Comics and Cards store on hipcomic.com will be running a sale on all listings for the short period of July 4th and 5th. So take some time when you can and get a break on those items you've been watching. The link to M & T store is: www.hipcomic.com/store/m-t-comics-and-cards. Take care. Mike

HipComic Buy and Sell Collectible Comic Books Online.


Hello Everyone,
I just finished listing a group of comics that came in the other day from Karno, the MASTER of macro. I got most of the issues of Big Healthy Girls, all the issues of Big Wi***es, and most of Karno's Monthly. So if you are in the mood for some truly gigantic fun have a look, these boys and girls will curl your toenails. Be safe. Mike


Hello Everyone,
Just got some restock from Sofawolf Press. Unfortunately none of the issues of Heat were available yet. I did get 10 copies of Dog Days of Summer and don't expect them to last very long. All 10 copies are listed on M & T Comics and Cards hipcomic.com store. As soon as the copies of Heat come available they will be mentioned here just before being listed on the store. Be safe. Mike

HipComic 14/06/2024

Hello Everyone,
Just a quick one. For all who have not been to the online store on hipcomic.com. I am running a sale this weekend only. So take a look when you have a little time and pickup that something special you've been going back and forth on. Be safe. Mike

HipComic Buy and Sell Collectible Comic Books Online.


Hello Everyone,
Today is the first day of Lia's hand rehab. I brought her over and expected it to be about 40 minutes or less because initially the doctor said it would be a slow process. But she has been in there now for 2 hours. I've been sitting in the waiting room playing a game on my phone but that is starting to get boring. Some of you know me well enough to know that I am a little disorganized with some things. This can be good and bad. The bad is when I misplace a box of inventory and just can't find it when I want a particular item. I search and search, checking dozens of boxes but come up empty. Then one day when I'm looking for something completely different I stubble across the missing box in a place I never thought it would be. The good is when I stubble across a box of missing inventory I had thought lost or sold and forgot about. That is the case this weekend. I was rummaging through a corner of the garage and came across a box I had forgotten about and just finished re-cataloging it. Once I get my lawn cut tomorrow I will begin listing the comics in this box. Most of the items in this box are mainstream Marvel, DC, and independents, including a very nice selection of Dell/Gold Key comics featuring photo covers of 1950's TV westerns.
Now that the crisis with Lia's hand is on track to recovery she and I will be traveling to Rhode Island this coming weekend with a short stop in Massachusetts to purchase the collection I was supposed to get last Friday. I am looking to see quite a selection of adult manga/doujinshi. Some for a straight audience and some y**i. When I get home on Monday I will begin processing it and hopefully will begin listing it by Wednesday. That's it for now. Be safe and have fun this summer. Mike


Hello Everyone,
Have any of you heard the phrase "Play stupid games, Win stupid prizes"? That's what my brother in law tells his 5 yr old grandson all the time. Well, Lia tested the theory the other day by using a rotary fabric cutter to try and cut a piece of plastic. She failed to cut the plastic and instead cut two of the tendons in the pinky of her left hand. She has very white bones. Today I am sitting in the waiting room at the orthopedic hand surgery while the Dr does his thing. However, she cut 2 of the tendons but the Dr thinks he will only be able to repair 1. So, her pinky will be partially disabled from now on. Maybe. The other thing is that the physical therapy that follows will be very slow, at least 3 months. This is due to the delicate nature of the surgery and healing. If she tries to rush things or over-extend herself she could pop the repair and have to start all over again. We had planned a 2 day visit in Massachusetts this Thursday and Friday to see some local National Park places on our way to R.I. to see my mom over the weekend. That's delayed a week and if all goes well today we will go next weekend. The trip was something she has wanted to do for some time now and I will make a pitstop to see a man about an adult comic collection he wants to sell. Again, something for next weekend.
Things for M & T Comics and Cards have been going well. Sales are up and I have recently purchased 2 small collections with the one previously mentioned as #3. I attended a local show at the Auburn Mall last weekend. Not great for sales but hopefully made a couple of interesting contacts for a couple more collections to buy. The next thing will not affect too many of you. This is going to be a blow to some of my overseas customers and my termination of their business purchases. As many in the US are already aware the US postal service is raising their rates yet again in the middle of July. They have raised postal costs every 6 months over the last 4 years. I have been offsetting postage costs to some overseas customers up to now but will no longer be able to maintain it. When it costs $60.00 to mail 1 $10.00 comic to Australia neither myself nor the customer will want to cover that in the future. I will continue to offer to sent products worldwide but customers will have to understand that I will not be able to cover the additional costs any longer. Those of you with US addresses might see a small raise in rates as well, we will see when the new rates become public knowledge. Right now all I can find out is that a 1st class stamp will be about 65 cents. Soon if you are like me and send Christmas cards to friends and family, buy the stamps today and forget about whether the stamp has a religious icon on it or a bird on the endangered species list. It will still get to the receiver.
Someone please invent the Star Trek transporter soon.
Be safe everyone and enjoy your summer. Oh don't forget to skip the stupid games.

P.S. I added a button with my phone number, please do not call, I don't answer unknown numbers. Text me for a response.

Photos from M&T Comics and Cards's post 29/05/2024

Hello Everyone,
The weather has been so good this week that I just can't seem to stay inside. All I want to do is sit in my backyard and watch the birds and feed the squirrels and chipmunks peanuts. I did get about 10 orders packed and in the mail today and when I got back there were more. Those will wait for tomorrow. I'll be firing up the grill tonight for hamburgers while Lia makes some homemade fries. Then I'm hoping for a hot tub movie night. Only it will be more like a cool tub. We can adjust the temperature from 103 degrees down to 89. It's very relaxing to sit in the swirling water and watch one of the Star Wars movies under the stars.
This coming Saturday is a comic and card show at the Auburn Mall in Auburn, Maine. I'll have some Gold, Silver, and Bronze comics, Pokemon and Magic cards, pops, and for the more specific collector there will be art books from R. Crumb, Frank Frazetta, and Milo Manara. I also have Omnibus editions of the Collected works of Fritz the Cat, and Cherry Pop tart and a signed and numbered Ltd.Edition lithograph from Neal Adams.
So if you have nothing better to do and need a trip to Maine stop in. You could stay over and visit Bar Harbor, Portland, or the beaches at Scarborough on Sunday before heading home.
Be safe and have lots of fun this summer. Mike

Photos from M&T Comics and Cards's post 17/05/2024

Hello Everyone,
It's been a busy week and not letting up. I am pleased to see the interest and purchases so far of the Bo***ge Fairies and other titles from the box I bought last weekend. I have many orders to fill today for drop off at the post office and am also pleased to say that I picked another overseas customer. Not just a new customer but from a country that I have not yet had any customers. Hopefully he will tell his friends about M & T Comics and sales will increase even more. I also wanted you to know that I just got a new package of Cherry from artist Larry Welz. Included in the package was a copy of the Cherry Omnibus ( 400+ pages ) from not only Cherry's own comic but pinups and stories from underground comics before she got her own. There were also several copies of the new Cherry Delight comic and regular and virgin cvrs of the new reprints of #2 and 3. I was also running out of Cherry #23, so got restock there as well. All these books will be listed on the M & T Comics and Cards store at hipcomic.com later today. One other thing, I only have 1 copy of the Omnibus due to cost, $140.00 plus postage, but can get more when demand requires.
Be safe. Mike



Photos from M&T Comics and Cards's post 14/05/2024

Hello Everyone,
Sorry I've been away. Lia and I took a round about road journey from Maine through New Hampshire, VT., and western Mass. to visit my mom for Mother's Day weekend. It was a nice ride and I discovered a comic shop that had some very cool adult comics to add to the store listings on hipcomic.com. just a few of these gems are shown here, but let me tell you that there are about 150 more. Some of these books I have not had in my inventory for over 10 years and others I have never had. They were a bit on the, more than I wanted to pay side, but I wanted to be able to offer them. I'm still busy cleaning up around the house and in the basement and garage, but managed to get them all processed into the inventory. Since it's raining today and I'm unable to cut my grass I will begin getting them listed today. Something specific I wanted to mention about this group of listings is that there is a tremendous amount of Bo***ge Fairies issues as well as a short stack of bo***ge graphic novels from the defunct publisher B & D Pleasures who published many bo***ge books about 30+ years ago. Hopefully you will find something to upgrade your collection or even add to it.
Things are going well here in Maine. The weather is a bit soggy right now but my new interior french drain and sump pump in the basement is keeping things dry again. I also have new metro shelving around the basement to keep everything up off the floor from now on.
Be well and keep safe. Mike

HipComic 05/05/2024

Hello Everyone,
We have been busy trying to catch up ever since we got back from Japan. Books to list on the hipcomic.com store, evaluate a couple of collections that unfortunately the sellers want too much money for, as well as visiting my mom in RI. Lia, has been working hard at work to help with ongoing projects and she wants to rearrange her yarn, fabric and other knitting and craft supplies. I decided since I'm not going to as many long distance shows this year that I wanted to cleanout the grade and shed by attending a local flea market. So Friday night I loaded the car and Saturday morning headed out for 6am set-up. I took a variety of things, $1 comics, Pokemon cards, pops, coins, DVDs, CDs, and other misc. collectibles. I found out what did sell and what didn't. I have decided that it went well enough for me to continue through the summer and fall as weather permits on Saturdays.
Since I mentioned earlier that recent collections that have come my way were a bit on the expensive side, I have decided to contact Karno, and Sofawolf Press to make a couple of direct wholesale purchases. So if you enjoy Karno macro n**e furries or more down to earth gay furry stories from Sofawolf, keep your eyes on the store. Adult material is getting harder to find with fewer publishers cranking it out, but I'm always looking. I gotta say though that I was very disappointed not finding any adult comics in any stores I visited while in Las Vegas last September.
That's all for now. Be safe. Mike

HipComic Buy and Sell Collectible Comic Books Online.


Hello Everyone,
I'm visiting Mom this weekend. After being away for 5 weeks what with vacation to Japan, which was absolutely incredible, and some time to readjust to the time change and jetlag I wanted to see her and share some of our experiences. We bought a DVD of Mt Fugi and some souvenir books from some of the places we went to, in English. That way she can see some of what we saw. It is definitely a trip I recommend and not very expensive. The transportation was the most expensive part not the being there part. Food, gifts, lodging , and transportation are all super cheap especially since the rate of exchange used to be 1 yen to 1 penny and now it's 1 yen to 2/3 of a penny. An average subway ride in Tokyo is about 300 yen, about $2.00.
I've finished processing all the Pokemon cards and doujinshi comics and have listed them on the hipcomic store. The furry doujinshi will start getting listed when I get home tomorrow night. I have 3 varieties of furry doujinshi, there are guy/guy, girl/girl, and guy/girl. I will try to identify them as they are listed so you know ahead which type you would be interested in.
Be safe and have fun. Mike


Hello Everyone,
I've got all the Japanese material scanned and processed in and the Pokemon cards have been listed. I did those first because there were not that many. People say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but this dog learned something very interesting. I found that Google translate app can not only translate text and voice, but I can scan over text with the camera phone and it will translate the text from Japanese to English. Hence, I can now list Japanese comics as well as the cards with proper titles. It's interesting to note that the Japanese characters have different meanings, so I have to scan a couple of times to figure out what a title might actually be. Also, their grammar follows different structure rules, but once you get used to it, it's getting easier to figure out. Please bear with me if I still don't get it all right. The comics will start getting listed soon with the regular doujinshi comics first and the furry doujinshi next week. Don't forget these are mostly all 1 copy each so don't wait to buy. If you have any questions you can get back to me here or on the hipcomic store site. Be safe all. Mile


Hello Everyone,
Almost home, it is 6:32am east coast time and we are at Newark, NJ airport waiting for our connection to Portland where a friend will meet us with our car so we can drive ourselves home. I will get the suitcases in the house, take a shower and then hit the coma button. We got unpacking, laundry, gift sorting, and checking the house for damage from the winter storm that hit while we were gone. Saturday I drop in at the furry con and talk to staff about when registration will open for next year and I also need to see about registration for MFF. So busy weekend ahead. I will update one more time once I'm home and about to hit that coma button. Be safe. Mike

Photos from M&T Comics and Cards's post 10/04/2024

Hello Everyone,
Well vacation is over. We got on the bus this morning about 9am Japan time, did a bus tour of Tokyo, stopping for short visits to some small parks as we worked our way to the airport. We boarded our Delta flight and just arrived in Seattle a couple of hours ago. We have about a 5 hour layover before our next flight to San Francisco, then a red eye flight to Newark, NJ, where we change planes 1 more time to Portland, Maine. It's a long arduous way to get home but saves lots of money by using miles, points, and the red eye is cheap. We can collapse when we get home. I hope you like the books and Pokemon cards I brought back. Please remember that most of the items are only 1 each. The Pokemon cards will have some separate lots, ie I got 2 unopened boxes of 1 series. I will be opening those boxes and selling them in lots of 5 packs for $25.00. If you want more than 5 packs you can buy additional lots. There are also 2 large boxes with a special foil card and additional goodies in the box that will not be broken up so they will be 1 each. When they are gone, they are gone. I will not be returning to Japan again until next year. So don't hesitate when the listings start. Be prepared to buy early. I will be visiting Furlandia in Portland, Maine this weekend but not vending. If you are local or within a few hours drive come to Portland and join in. Be safe. Mike

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