DQuality Furniture

DQuality Furniture

Venda de Mobiliário Diverso e Artigos de Decoração por Encomenda. Para aceder ao grupo do WhatsApp


“The best rooms also have something to say about the people who live in them.” - David Hicks

Preço: 56,380.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- A mesa de centro
- Rack


“Your home should be the antidote to stress, not the cause of it.” - Peter Walsh

Preço: 109,960.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- Conjunto de cadeiras (6)
- Mesa

Preço: 48,380.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- Espelho
- Aparador

Preço: 51,380.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- A mesa de centro
- Rack

Preço: 48,380.00Mts
O preço é somente para a cristaleira.


“Decorating golden rule: Live with what you love.”

Preço: 51,000.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- Espelho
- Aparador


“Take your time in making your home your haven. Your soul deserves it.”

Preço: 69,750.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- A mesa de centro
- Rack


“Home is the starting place of love, hope and dreams.”

Preço: 103,000.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- A mesa
- Cadeiras (6)

Photos from DQuality Furniture's post 17/06/2021

“We shape our homes and then our homes shape us.”

Preço: 36,625.00Mts
O preço inclui somente um sofá.


“The space you live in, and the things surround yourself with directly, influence your life.”

Preço: 88,750.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- A mesa
- As cadeiras (6)


“Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.”

Preço: 66,750.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- A mesa de centro
- Rack


“A house is made of walls and dreams; A home is built with love and dreams.”

Preço: 50,380.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- O espelho
- O aparador


“Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to.”

Preço: 109,960.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- A mesa
- Cadeiras (6)


“Home is the nicest word there is.”

Preço: 51,380Mts
O preço inclui:
- A mesa de centro
- Rack


“Your home is living space, not storage space.”

Preço: 48,750.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- A mesa
- Poltronas (3)


“Every space should feel like an oasis.”

Preço: 48,750.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- A mesa
- Poltronas (3)


“Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.”

Preço: 48,750.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- A mesa
- Poltronas (3)


“The home should be the treasure chest of living.”

Preço: 109,960.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- A mesa
- Cadeiras (6)


“The moment you enter your home, you should feel safe. If you don’t, it is time to change it up.”

Preço: 142,000.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- A base da cama
- Mesa de cabeceira (2)
- Espelho
- Cómoda
- Guarda-roupa


“Decoration is really about creating a quality of life, and a beauty in that life that nourishes the soul, that make life beautiful.”
-Albert Hadley

Preço: 33,960.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- O conjunto de três mesinhas


“Home is the starting place of love, hope and dreams.”

Preço: 53,380Mts
O preço inclui:
- A mesa de centro
- Rack

Photos from DQuality Furniture's post 02/06/2021

“How wonderful it is to take the time to create a safe heaven for your home. Where your mind, body and soul can rest.”

Preço: 153,640.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- A base da cama
- Mesa de cabeceira (2)
- Espelho
- Cómoda
- Guarda-roupa


“Home is not a place… It’s a feeling.”

Preço: 109,960.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- A mesa
- As cadeiras (6)


“Give love vibes to your home.”

Preço: 48,000.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- Espelho
- Aparador


“Children are not a distraction from important work. They are the important work.”

Preço: 79,250.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- A base da cama
- Mesa de cabeceira (2)
- Guarda-roupa
- A estante escrivaninha e a cadeira

Photos from DQuality Furniture's post 31/05/2021

“Bring an element in your home that radiants inspiration.”

Preço: 29,750.00Mts
O preço inclui somente uma poltrona.


“Your home should tell the story of who you are and be a collection of what you love.” - Nate Berkus

Preço: 55,380.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- O espelho
- O aparador


“Children are the world’s most valuable resource and it’s best hope for the future.”

Preço: 79,250.00Mts
O preço inclui:
- A base da cama
- Mesa de cabeceira (2)
- Guarda-roupa
- A estante escrivaninha e a cadeira


Para aceder ao grupo do WhatsApp da loja:

Photos from DQuality Furniture's post 26/05/2021

“If you buy stuff you love, regardless of era or price, your home will be a true reflection of you. “

Preço: 176,168.00Mts

O preço inclui:
- A base da cama
- Mesa de cabeceira (2)
- Espelho
- Cómoda
- Guarda-roupa


“You deserve a beautiful space to live in.”

Preço: 51,380Mts
O preço inclui:
- A mesa de centro
- Rack


“Your home is a reflection of who you are. Let it shine just like you.”

Preço: 31,440Mts
O preço inclui:
- O conjunto de três mesinhas

