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Here are 10 brutal truths that everyone needs to hear.

1. You're going to die and you have no idea when.

Stop pretending that you're invincible. Acknowledge the fact of your own mortality, and then start structuring your life in a more meaningful way.

2. Your material wealth won't make you a better or happier person.

Even if you're one of the lucky ones who achieves his or her materialistic dreams, money only amplifies that which was already present.

3. Your obsession with finding happiness is what prevents its attainment.

Happiness is always present in your life--it's just a matter of connecting to it and allowing it to flow through you that's challenging.

4. Donating money does less than donating time.

Giving your time is a way to change your perception and create a memory for yourself and others that will last forever.

5. You can't make everyone happy, and if you try, you'll lose yourself.

Stop trying to please, and start respecting your values, principles, and autonomy.

6. Your achievements and successes won't matter on your deathbed.

When your time has come to transition from this reality, you won't be thinking about that raise; you'll be thinking about the relationships you've made--so start acting accordingly.

7. Your talent means nothing without consistent effort and practice.

Some of the most talented people in the world never move out from their parent's basement.

8. Nobody cares how difficult your life is, and you are the author of your life's story.

Stop looking for people to give you sympathy and start creating the life story you want to read.

9. Investing in yourself isn't selfish. It's the most worthwhile thing you can do.

You have to put on your own gas mask to save the person sitting right next to you.

10. Time is your most valuable asset--you need to prioritize how you spend it.

You have the power and responsibility to decide what you do with the time you have, so choose wisely...




1. Don’t lend money to your family. Give it.

2. Never shake a hand while sitting down.

3. Stop telling people more than they need to know.

4. Never eat the last piece of something you didn't buy.

5. Don't throw your friend under the bus to impress someone.

6. Never insult the cooking when you are the guest.

7. Don't use the urinal next to an occupied one.

8. Don't take out your phone during a conversation.

9. Never take credit for work you didn't do.

10. Listen, nod, and most of all make eye contact.

11. Don't make fun of your friend in front of his kids.

12. Never let emotions overpower you.

13. Never beg for a relationship.

14. Dress well no matter what the occasion.

15. Never kick a man when he is already down.

Thank you for reading


I know it hurts.

It’s a very strange feeling how someone can be in your life for months or even years and then one day ... all of a sudden not be there anymore.

Maybe the relationship ended on good terms.... or maybe it was completely catastrophic.

Either way .... it’s so bizarre how relationships can change so vast and rapidly.

And you know what .... you may not be at peace with what happened between the two of you ... and thats perfectly fine.

Sometimes the end of a relationship can literally be one of the hardest things we go through in life.

I want you to know it’s okay that your heart still hurts because of what happened.

You have made alot of memories with this person.

And these memories that you have made is something you can’t erase no matter how hard you try.

Whether you like it or not, they are a part of your story.

I know looking on these memories can be hard, and you may wish you could forget them.

But instead of forgetting, maybe we should try to focus on what came from the relationship.

You two joined paths for a particular reason.

Maybe you walked through some of the hardest times together.

Maybe you understood each other in a way no one else ever did.

Maybe you encouraged one another to be strong or to embrace who you genuinely were as a person.

Or maybe your relationship with them opened your eyes to what you truly needed in your life.

Regardless of what the reasoning was, it’s okay to acknowledge that .... that person meant a lot to you.

And it's okay if they still do.

It’s also okay that they aren’t in your life anymore.

What alot of people dont understand is, not every relationship we encounter will last a lifetime.

You shouldn't be lingering in the past questioning why everything happened the way it did.

What you need to do .... is to take what you've learned from that relationship and move forward in your life.

Knowing there are other relationships that will give you exactly what you've always dreamed of and mo


Hairdresser and nail technician needed to work in a salon at osh*tenda (Ombili). She should preferably be from the surrounding areas and ready to start ASAP.
Contact: 0816292996


I Hope It Lighting Your Day?

(A poem for all those going through difficult times)

Mama said a man must grow
through what he goes through,
though the journey looks farther
and dreams are deferred,
a man must never lose sight of his dreams,
nor be swayed by ephemeral circumstances.

when your clan swells with wealth,
and your gutters flush with plenty,
mammoth and butterflies
will perch at every flower in your garden
but none will help clean the mess
when the flood ebbs



















You never really know the true impact you have on those around you.

You never know how much someone needed that smile you gave them.
You never know how much your kindness turned someone's life around
You never know how much someone needed that long hug or deep talk

So don't wait to be kind
Don't wait for someone else to be kind first
Don't wait for circumstances, or for someone to change

Just be kind, because you never know how much someone needs it

Please don't forget to f pa English Co


9 Truths About Love

1. Many people mistake attention, se*xual attraction, physical attraction, and infatuation as love. Real love goes far deeper than these, and can exist without any of these too.

2. Being in love is quite similar to being on dr*ugs — similar to becoming addicted to them, and similar to having withdrawal symptoms should one suddenly come off it.

3. Falling in love is real. So is falling out of love, but this term is not yet defined. The nearest term is ‘break up’ which is not the same as falling out of love.

4. Falling out of love is not easy to handle. However, living without your loved one can be actually physically painful in the same way, like getting bruised, or any other physical injury that causes pain. People suffering from this love-pain find it so hard to handle, and they sometimes decide that never being in love is better than having it, and lost it.

5. Love is the second most sought after thing in the world after money, and assumes synonymity with happiness which is why there will rarely be any happiness without love.

Because of this, most crimes are committed because of ‘love angle.’ Most inspiration and true stories of courage and achievement, or hatred and revenge also have a ‘love angle’ hidden in them. Yup, sometimes you “h@te someone because you loved them so much, and they hurt or betrayed you.

6. Love is the most beautiful, and the happiest feeling in life. When sour, it can become the ugliest, nastiest, or one of the most tragic experience too.

7. Depending on how we look at it and use it, love can act like a medicine, a drug, a weapon, a manipulation tool, an inspiration, a guide, a compass, a motivation, a miracle, a treasure, a currency, a wound, God, an angel, Satan, prize or Nirvana.

8. If you haven’t loved, you haven’t experienced one of the most beautiful emotions, and one of the most beautiful times in your life. But nobody can guarantee what happens after that.

9. Love doesn’t start, stop, or stt s*x.


22 Rules of Life✔

1. Your control of your s*xual urges will be the reason you are either successful or a failure.

2. P**n and ma********on is the greatest killer of success. It stunt and destroy your brain.

3. Avoid drinking alcohol like a camel drinking water. Nothing worse than losing your senses and acting a fool.

4. Keep your standards high and don't settle for something because it's available.

5. If you find someone smarter than you, work with them, don't compete.

6. No one is coming to save your problems. Your life's 100% is your responsibility.

7. You shouldn't take advice from everyone. And you should not judge too quickly.

8. Find new ways to make money. Make money and ignore the jokers who mocks and make fun of you.

9. You don't need 100 self-help books, all you need is action and self discipline. Be disciplined!

10. Avoid drugs. Avoid w**d.

11. Learn skills on YouTube not wasting your time consuming sh*tty content on Netflix.

12. No one cares about you. So stop being shy, go out and create your chances.

13. Comfort is the worst addiction and cheap ticket to depression.

14. Prioritize your family. Defend them even if they stink, even if they are idiots. Cover their nakedness.

15. Find new opportunities and learn from people ahead of you.

16. Trust no one. Not a single person no matter how tempted. Believe in yourself.

17. Don't wait for miracles make them happen. Yes you can't always do it alone but don't listen to the opinion of people.

18. Hardwork and determination can make you achieve anything.
Humbling yourself only takes you higher.

19. Stop waiting to discover yourself. Create YOU instead.

20. The world won't slow down for you.

21. No one owes you anything.

22. Life is a single-player game. You’re born alone. You’re going to die alone. All of your interpretations are alone. You’re gone in three generations and nobody cares. Before you showed up, nobody cared. It’s all single-player.



1. Being in hurry. To find the right person, the right career, the right job. When you are young, you want it all to happen all at once, before you even have a chance to figure yourself out. Take your time.

2. Thinking that love is a feeling. Love is a choice, and a commitment. It's something you do, not something you feel. Trust those who act like they love you, not just those who say that they do.

3. Drugs and alcohol can be addictive, which means that they will make you do things you normally wouldn't do. Pay attention and be cautious with them.(Drink but dont be drunk, too much of everything is bad)

4. Living to work, instead of working to live. Never pass up a good thing.

5. Cynicism. If you think you can't make a difference, you probably won't. There is no margin in being a cynic.

6. Thinking that your parents aren't as human as you are. And taking them for granted: they won't be around forever.

May God's wisdom and grace locate you today🙏



You work 6 days to enjoy 1.
You work 8 hours to eat in 15 minutes.
You work 8 hours to sleep 5.
You work all year just to take a week or two vacation.

You work all your life to retire in old age,
And contemplate only your last breaths.
Eventually you realize that life is nothing but a parody of yourself practicing for your own oblivion.

We have become so accustomed to material and social slavery that we no longer see the chains.

Life is a short journey, live it! Collect memories, not material things!




Always remember these

1) The past can't be changed.

There are many people in the world who are suffering from their own past. They can't manage to escape from their past experiences and losses. All the time when we try to do something great, our past failures come in our mind and we think that again this time I will face failure, so this fear of failure doesn't allow us to move toward success. If you don't leave your past in the past, it will destroy your future. Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away. So, keep in mind "Your past was never a mistake, If you learned from it" always try to learn great lessons from your past.

2) Opinions don't define your reality.

We are human and we all live in this world with many other people. We all depend upon others directly or indirectly. It means we are social animals. We can't live separately from this world and in our lives we hear many people's opinions about ourselves. These people may be our family members, maybe our friends, maybe our teachers and maybe common people that are living around us. Many times their opinions hurt us badly. The result of all this comes in this sense, we stop doing what we were doing or we stop doing what we like and start doing what we don't like and indefinitely this leads us to our own destruction. So the matter is that, our life, our life, how someone else can mold our life. Don't let someone else's opinion of you become your reality. You're the one who has to choose what you're going to do and what is better for you because people don't matter at all.

3) Everyone's destination is different.

I still remember when my thinking was totally the same as other common people. I used to say, why many of my friends succeeded in their life and I am still getting education, but after some time I realized that "Everyone's destination is different". In this world, time for succession is different for everyone, not all people get the same thing at the same time. Th


44 ideas for better communication today , The Communication Book

44 Tips for you to become a good communicator

1. Listen actively and attentively to others.
2. Maintain eye contact during conversations.
3. Use open body language to appear approachable.
4. Practice empathy to understand others’ perspectives.
5. Avoid interrupting when someone else is speaking.
6. Be clear and concise in your verbal communication.
7. Use “I” statements to express your feelings and thoughts.
8. Avoid blaming or criticizing others during discussions.
9. Give constructive feedback rather than negative criticism.
10. Be patient and allow others time to express themselves.
11. Stay calm and composed, especially during disagreements.
12. Avoid multitasking when engaged in important conversations.
13. Practice active listening by paraphrasing and summarizing others’ points.
14. Be mindful of cultural differences and communication styles.
15. Speak at an appropriate volume and pace for better understanding.
16. Practice self-awareness to recognize your communication habits.
17. Use humor appropriately to create a relaxed atmosphere.
18. Avoid making assumptions; instead, seek clarification.
19. Respect personal boundaries during conversations.
20. Be open to feedback and willing to learn from others.
21. Use positive body language to convey confidence and interest.
22. Avoid dominating conversations; give others a chance to speak.
23. Use appropriate gestures to emphasize key points.
24. Be aware of nonverbal cues and respond accordingly.
25. Be honest and sincere in your communication.
26. Use active voice to make your message more engaging.
27. Avoid using jargon or technical terms when speaking with non-experts.
28. Practice mindfulness to stay present during conversations.
29. Use mirroring techniques to build rapport with others.
30. Choose the right medium for communication (in-person, email, phone, etc.).
31. Seek feedback on your communication skills t


The Things you Might Learn too Late in Life.

1. Physical appearance, height, and complexion matter only 1% for success. The rest of 99% is your hard work.

2. The more you try to impress someone, the less they will like you.

3. Don't hold onto material things, they become irrelevant over time. Hold onto experiences instead.

4. The more you learn, the less you know.

5. Time is a great healer and a great k!ller. You will suffer a lot if you waste time.

6. The more you admit your faults and shortcomings, the more people will like you and the less they will hold ground to attack or accuse you.

7. Following the rules and principles that followed by the 99% of the people is a huge blunder. You will get the same results as they do.

8. The more choices you have, the less satisfied you are with any particular one. You will always think the one you did not select would have been better.

9. Not working have and not taking calculated risk at early ages of your life make your life miserable.

10. The joints you damage today will get their revenge later. Even if you think they have recovered completely.

11. People will always remember how you made them feel.

12. Never work for money, work for your passion and the passion will bring the money.

13. Don't take things personally.

14. Complaining about everything will not solve your problem, you must take initiatives to solve the problem.

15. The only thing that is constant is change.

Thanks so much for your continued support, and I can't wait to connect with you all on my new account!😊❤️



1. It's not about how comfortable your clothes are, it's about how comfortable you are in your own skin.

2. It's not about how pretty you look, it's about how big your heart is.

3. It's not about how luxurious your house is, it's about how loving your family is.

4. It's not about how much money you have, it's about how much you enjoy doing what you are doing.

5. It's not about how many friends you have, it's about how many friends will be there for you when you actually need them.

6. It's not about how many hours of meditation you do, it's about how peaceful your mind is.

7. It's not about how much time you save, it's about what you do in those hours.

8. It's not about how many countries you have visited, it's about making the best of where you are.

9. It's not about your height, it's about how you remain in height.

10. It's not about whether you are an introvert/extrovert, it's about knowing how to leverage who you are.

11. It's not about the materialistic possessions you have, it's about how many smiles you saved.

12. It's not about how many hours you spend "hustling", it's about how much work you can get done at the end of the day.

13. It's not about how many books you read, it's about how much you learned from them.

14. It's not about the destination, it's about how fulfilling your journey is.

15. It's not about how many hours you sleep, it's about how fresh and energized you are when you wake up.

16. It's not about the knowledge you possess, it's about how you put that knowledge into meaningful action.

17. It's not about how many times you fall down, it's about how many times you can get back up and keep moving.

18. It's not about what has already happened, it's about what you can do about it.

19. It's not about how talented you are, it's about how hungry and perseverant you are.

20. It's not about how much you have, it's about how much you can give away.
English Conversation


How to protect your inner peace.

1. Cut off toxic people in your life. Although it is not easy to do it, for you to have peace of mind, you have to.

2. Distance yourself from people who only give out negative thoughts and energy. They will never help you grow.

3. Choose your battles wisely. Not everything requires your energy and reaction.

4. Be careful in letting people be a part of your life. Not everyone is a friend.

5. Unwind. When everything starts to feel tiring, go on a vacation. You deserve it.

6. Learn when to walk away. If it is no longer giving you peace of mind, it is not worth it.

7. Always make time for yourself. Being alone feels therapeutic at times.

8. Have less time for social media and more of starting a new hobby. Be productive with your time.

9. Be adaptable to change. Always brace yourself for endless possibilities.

10. Knowing your triggers is your responsibility. Not all the time people will adjust for you.

I want you to share your thoughts and ideas here our facebook group to &mibextid=NSMWBT



1.We live in times where we see many humans, but not humanity.

2.We live in times where the rich has more rooms than children and the poor has more children than rooms.

3.We live in times where smart phones bring you closer to those who are far, but distance you from those who are closer.

4.We live in times where we open Facebook, more than The Holy Book;

5.We live in times where a single mother can look after 10 children, but 10 children can't look after a single mother;

6.We live in times where the rich walk miles to digest food, while the poor walk miles to search for food;

7.We live in times where women are paid to be naked, while others have no clothes to cover their nakedness.

8. We live in times where our contact lists are huge, but our relationships are poor.

9. We live in times where our possessions are more, but our appreciation is less;

10. We live in times where we know how to earn a good living, but somehow forget how to live a good life;

11.We live in times where many know the price of everything, but not the value of anything.
Indeed, we live in a strange world. May God help and Guide Us

can't ll on my new account!😊❤️



1. Seeks to understand you, where you come from, how you grew up

2. Pays attention to what you're passionate about, your vision and cheers you on

3. Loves to spend time with you. It is mutual, you both value each other and initiate conversations

4. Acknowledges that you have a life to live and a purpose to fulfil and so doesn't get upset when you sometimes get busy or are unavailable

5. Even when you two go for days without talking, when you reconnect, you pick up from where you two left off easily

6. Confronts you when you do wrong. Doesn't let you walk into fire

7. Doesn't gossip about you or turn you into a gossiper

8. Is happy for you when you find true love

9. Walks with you when your love life is in trouble

10. There for you even when you mess up and picks you up without telling you "I told you so"

11. Doesn't look for you only when in need of money or favours. Doesn't use you

12. Prays for you

13. Doesn't come to ruin your personal faith in God

14. Advices you even without you asking but doesn't get offended or leave you when you don't follow the advice

15. Anticipates and meets your needs even without you requesting

16. Reconciles with you quickly when you have a misunderstanding

17. Doesn't compete with your other friends but looks out for you against those who are not genuine

18. Doesn't get jealous when your breakthrough comes before his/hers. You two are not in competition

19. Gives you an environment where you can freely talk and open up and not feel alone

20. Trusts you enough with their secrets and vice versa. Guards your secrets

21. There for you when in need, morning, noon or night

22. Even if he/she can't be there for you financially, he/she gives you emotional support

23. Is free with you to allow you to be a friend in return

Do you have true friends?



In life, some people will make you angry; but don't let them get under your skin. Keep calm, don't lose your temper, maintain your peace.

In life, trials and challenges will come, not because God has abandoned you, but because trials and challenges will lead to your growth. You are being moulded for greatness and so you must be pushed beyond your comfort.

In life, some friends will disappoint you and maybe even leave you. Don't let this make you second guess yourself or make you feel like a reject, some people were never meant to stay. Love on people but don't let them define you.

In life, your own inner voice will fight you, sometimes you will think negative thoughts and in fear tell yourself "It's too late", "You are too old", "You don't have the papers to succeed", "You keep making mistakes". Learn to shut up that negative voice.

In life, temptations will come, you will be tempted to go back to your old habits, tempted to go back to the ex you know you should keep off, tempted to go back to your old lifestyle, to act like you have not outgrown some things. Don't! If you keep giving into temptation, you will never make progress; but the more you learn to say no, the stronger you will become.

In life, shortcuts will be presented to you. Cons and corrupt people will come your way to lure you with get rich quick strategies, some might offer you success in exchange for s*xual favours. Don't take this route, it leads to ruin after the short lived gratification.

In life, you will find reasons to complain, especially when things don't go your way; but instead of complaining, be thankful and learn. The right attitude will save relationships, help you find solutions, make you more attractive and less stressed.

In life, many people will ask for your audience and demand things from you, some will want to use you, others to waste time with you in unconstructive dates and meetings, others because they are lost will want you to to get lost to



It is a mistake to think time is going..

Time is not going.

Time is here until the world ends. It is you that is going.

You don’t waste time. Time is infinite.

You waste yourself.

You are finite. It is you that grows old and die.

Time doesn’t.

So make better use of yourself before you expire.

And one of the worst things to do with time is comparing yourself to others.

A cow eats grass and gets fat but if dog eats grass, it will die.

Never compare yourself with others.

Run your race!

What works for one person may be that which will kill you.

Focus on the gifts and talents God gave you and don’t be envious of the blessings He gave another.

You have a unique potential, build on it.

Both Lion and Shark are professional hunters, BUT:

A Lion cannot hunt in the Ocean and a Shark cannot hunt in the jungle.

That a Lion cannot hunt in the ocean doesn't make him useless and that a Shark cannot hunt in the jungle doesn't also make him useless both have their own territory where they can do well.

If a rose smells better than tomatoes, It doesn't mean the rose can make a better stew.

Don't try to compare yourself to others!

You also have your own strength, look for it and build on it.

All animals that exist, were in Noah's ark.

A snail is one of those animals.

If God could wait long enough for snails to enter Noah's ark; His door of Grace won't close till you reach your expected position in life.

Never look down on yourself, keep looking up!

Remember that Broken crayons still colour.

Keep on pushing, you never can tell how close you are to your goal...!

God bless you!.



There was a time I would have set myself on fire, to keep others warm.
There was a time I would have crossed oceans to reach people who wouldn’t cross a stream for me.
There was a time I would try, too hard, to be seen by those, who would simply never see me.
There was a time I felt myself unworthy of a person, who could actually never be worthy of me.
But not anymore.
You see my friend, there are many ways to spend your time on this earth
but wasting it on those who are not appreciative of your attention, is a crying shame.
Use your time wisely.
Save your best efforts for those who care.
For those who would return the favour or at least appreciate your attention.
Those who truly value you.
And the rest?
If they do not see you now, they never will.
And they are missing out.
Make this the time that you realise your time is precious and should only be bestowed on those who bring you comfort, positivity, support, love or joy.
Or all of the above.
Remember, you are the main act, not a warm up,
and this, my friend, is no dress rehearsal.
This is it.
The curtain is well and truly up.
Shine on.

Thank yo Pius.


You may not believe in this but the advice is great! Read all the way down, you might learn something!!

1. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

2. Marry a man or woman you love to talk to.
As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.

3. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.

4. When you say, "I love you", mean it.

5. When you say, "I'm sorry", look the person in the eye.

6. Be engaged at least two months before you get married.

7. Believe in love at first sight.

8. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much.

9. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.

10. In disagreements, fight fairly. Please No name calling.

11. Don't judge people by their relatives.

12. Talk slowly but think quickly.

13. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?"

14. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

15. Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.

16. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

17. Remember the three R's: a) Respect for self;

b) Respect for others;
c) Responsibility for all your actions.

18. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

19. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

20. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.

21. Spend some time alone.

22. All these principles will be ours, when we put them to practice.




Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday 09:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00