Hajgirn Consults LTD

About HAJGIRN Consults Limited

HAJGIRN Consults is a performance improvement Consultancy outfit and



How to become a better person working on your goals and living a fulfilled life.

Becoming a better person and living a fulfilled life is a continuous process of growth and self-improvement. Here are some tips that can help you in becoming a better person, achieving success and living your dream life:

Identify what you want to achieve and create a plan to reach your goals. Your *GOALS* should be *SMART*
When you have these in mind when setting your goals, it's attainment becomes easier. But if you fail to plan you have planned to fail.

Continuously work on improving yourself by learning new skills, expanding your knowledge, and building better habits. Invest in yourself consciously and be intentional about it.

3. *PRACTICE GRATITUDE:* Take time to reflect on and appreciate the good things in your life, and be thankful for what you have. Also be thankful for what you don't have and you hope to achieve. Learn to appreciate what people do for you no matter how little it is. A grateful heart will always receive more.

Seek out relationships with people who inspire and support you, and limit your exposure to negative influences and negative energies. Avoid the unhappy and bitter people, avoid the jealous and envious people.

5. *CULTIVATE MINDFULNESS:* Practice mindfulness and self-awareness to better understand your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and to improve your emotional well-being.

Invest time and energy in building strong, healthy relationships with the people in your life.

Find ways to give back to your community and make a positive impact in the lives of others.

Adopt healthy habits, such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep, to support your physical and mental well-being.

Remember, becoming a better person and living a fulfilled life is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the process and enjoy the journey! Success is not final and failure is not fatal.

Kind regards,

Dr. Nweli Ifeanyichukwu Hilary
Your Favourite Coach/Teacher



Generating new business and growing your brand by growing your customer base is important to your business success. However, it can sometimes be very challenging. Alot is involved in growing your business and the Business Structuring. Brand awareness as important as the brand it'sself. Alot of people buy not because they like you but because of the brand you sale. How you represent it and how it appeals to their desires and wants.

Here are some practical tips and steps to help you grow your customer base and increase your brand awareness.

1. Get to know your customers
Understand your customer's needs and develop products and services that meet those needs. You can gain insight into your customers by personalising your services and encouraging them to provide you with feedback. Adopt a Feedback mechanism that works for you and like I said yesterday utilize the relationships you have with your customers very well.

2. Offer great customer service
Ensure your customer service is exceptional and go the extra mile when you can. Your customers will not only remember great services you render and offer but they will also be more likely to refer other people to you. Stand out in your Customer Service Relation. Cut attention by all means and keep to it. Maintain a healthy Customer Service Culture. Be polite and Empathic. Respect your Customers wishes and privacy. Be highly professional.

3. Nurture existing customers and look for new opportunities.
Have strategies in place to nurture existing customers, such as staying in contact with them via an e-newsletter or letting them know about promotional events ahead of time.

At the same time, look for opportunities to get more work and build your customer base. Make sure you find the right balance between nurturing customers and finding new ones.

If you own or operate an Aboriginal business you can also promote your business by taking advantage of a free listing on the Aboriginal Business Directory Western Australia (ABDWA). An increasing number of State Government and private organisations are looking to work with Aboriginal businesses and use the directory to search for relevant suppliers.

4. Use social media
Social media is a powerful tool to promote your business to potential customers and gain valuable insight through ‘social listening’. Through social listening you can find out what customers are saying about you, gain insight into their behaviour, identify keywords and trends that appeal to your target market and so improve your customer service. Social media can help you to build your business profile and attract new customers.

5. Attend networking events
Invest time to build your networks – it’s not what you know but who you know.

Networking allows you to build relationships with other people and encourage them to refer customers to you through word of mouth.

6. Host events
Hosting your own event can be a great way to get to know your customers and build relationships. Invite some of your best existing customers and encourage them to bring their friends.

7. Give back to your community
Building brand awareness in your local community is a great way to attract new business. Consider sponsorship or participating in a community event to raise your business profile just like we have being doing for a couple of weeks now. The Business updates we do daily is to help neww businesses find lasting solutions to their struggles.

8. Measure what works and refine your approach as you go
You should monitor where your customers are coming from in order to measure whether your marketing activities are successful or not. Don’t be afraid to experiment. Refine your approach if something is not working and focus more time on the activities that achieve the best results for you and your brand.

We are Enonyi Business School and H and J Group, we are registered and can help you achieve success and find fulfilment in your Business, Career and job.

Dr. Nweli Ifeanyichukwu Hilary FCAI, FIMC, CMC, FISEN, FAIPA
Principal Partner H and J Group Limited
Lead Faculty Ebonyi Business School



The only thing that is bigger and more than just money is success. This mean a lot of things and different things to different people. It is important and necessary we identify what success truly is and what it is not. We have to know what success we're truly aiming for, and where we should be putting our efforts in finding them. We have to know what it truly means to be rich and where it is that successful people make their money and what truly makes them rich.

The big question?
Does being rich and successful means having more money than your friends, colleagues or family? Does it mean being able to compare yourself with world richest men or women or does it mean never having to worry about money again?
It is very regrettable to note that everyone you meet or come across wants to be rich and successful in the monetary sense. Nearly everyone in life wants to make more money. The bitter truth however is, that being rich and successful in life is not just about having more money. Many people are paying the price for believing this wrong myth and idealogy. Get me right. IAM not saying having money is wrong or bad. NO, not at all. The Bible said that money is the ransom to a man's life and that money answereth all things. This means the subject money is very important in all we do. The importance cannot be overemphasized. I am one of the advocates of the principle that in all thy getting in life, get money. For with it you can do so many things and reach out to alot of people and impact so many lives.

But the Idea of money and success should not be misconceived. Money should be seen as it is- just a tool for getting things done. Money is a means to an end and not the end itself. It's a notorious fact that the more money you have, the more things you can get done. Being truly rich and successful in life means having a fulfilled career, fulfilled relationship, good friends and quality network, a happy family and enjoyment life to the fullest. It means being fulfilled physically, spiritually, mentally, financially and emotionally. Money makes life easier, more comfortable, more secure but may not give you fulfilment. Money can open up different doors of opportunities, allow you meet new friends but it can never buy you happiness. True success gives happiness.

It is our duty as Ebonyi Business School to help you find true fulfillment in your job, business, career and relationship. Let us help you grow and become that dream you. We have what it takes to help you find fulfilment. Let us be your Success plug. We wi.take you by hand and show you how to truly be successful.

Your Business Coach,

Dr. Nweli Ifranyichukwu Hilary FCAI, FIMC, CMC, FISEN, FAIPA
Principal Partner HAJGIRN Consults Limited
Lead Faculty Ebonyi Business School


The uniqueness of what you do is very important

Mediocre, part of the crowd, anonymous, average. This is the result of not being unique or, even worse not recognising your uniqueness.
We are all unique and special in some many ways, but most of us have been taught, pushed and punished into conformity. We are told not to stick our necks too far and not to make too much noise in case we are noticed. In our culture and tradition, it is a crime to dream big and be ambitious. It is such that people will chop your head off if you grow too big. But the most beautiful thing is that our society at the long run rewards uniqueness in skills and talents, business, leadership and politics. But it makes sense when you realise that being unique means making the conscious and definite choice to go against the grain and risk sticking your neck out. People who succeed have to be resilient and courageous to go against the grain, to be nonconformist and to be brave to face the peer pressure. In my quest to succeed and make difference, I've been called names, bullied, vilified, insulted and meted all manner of injustice. It's important you are committed to succeed and succeed. Failure is not fatal and success is not final but it's very important you succeed.

Your Business Coach,

Dr. Nweli ifeanyichukwu Hilary FCAI, FIMC, CMC, FISEN, FAIPA
Principal Partner HAJGIRN Consults Limited
Lead Faculty/Executive Director Ebonyi Business School


We are back and better. We provide you business solutions and investment opportunities that are trusted and reliable


Don't Miss out in this New Month free training session offered by Ebonyi Business School on the 12th of April...

Don't miss out

Greetings, Ebonyi Business School says Happy New Month full of excellence.

Ebonyi Business School in celebration of the New month, Ebonyi Business School invites you on a Free Wealth Creation session:

Photos from Ebonyi Business School's post 20/03/2022

Thank you Ebonyi Business School for equipping the youths across Ebonyi State.

We believe in Nation Building, we believe in Nigeria.

As we look forward to Sponsorships from
MTN Nigeria Junior Achievement Africa so as to impact more young Nigerians and equipping them with capacity to contribute positively to Nation building.


Your business can never grow above the knowledge you have.
Come increase it and increase your business with HAJGIRN consults


Let's Be Your Branding Plug.
Here at Hajgirn Consults LTD , Business Branding is our Hobby!!!

Hajgirn Consults LTD 22/09/2021


Proverbs 21:5 "The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty."

Financial management refers to the strategic planning, organising, directing, and controlling of financial undertakings in a family. It also includes applying management principles to the financial assets and liability of a family.

Financial management starts with diversity of streams of income, and then with budgeting of where every kobo of your money goes into.
Decide with your partner the assets and liabilities every money of the family must satisfy in order of their importance.

Don't spend all your money. Don't feed only your presence. Be more loyal to your future by investing today's money for tomorrow.

Another important point in financial management is understanding the difference between asset and liability.
An asset is anything that puts money in your pocket. A liability is anything that takes money from your pocket.
Wisdom is;


Investing your money while your family is still young so that the fruit of your investment can carter for your family's liabilities at later days is the best, timeless financial management system you can think of.

You know as you grow older, your ability to make money reduces. Therefore, bear the yoke in your youth.
The holy scripture in Lamentations 3:27 says,
_"It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth."_

It is good for a man to bear in his youth the yoke of _self-restraint._ We all have appetite for things, perhaps, the successful (of the future) are men and women of self-restraint. Acquire only what's necessary for your family today. Teach your family the difference between needs and wants and enforce the consciousness appropriately.

*Saving Your Money in The Bank Is NOT A Financial Management Plan*

It's impossible to save your way to wealth. Don't teach your kids that. Savings was created by the rich to get the poor to fund their wealth.
Banks give you paltry interest rates and make fortunes investing your saved money.
If you must save your money in the bank, do for a capital target and pull it into the target once that target is reached.

What sowing is to a seed is investment to your money. Like a seed, The most you can get if you don't invest your money is its current value. And, the least you can get if you sow (invest) your money is multiplicity of fruits.

Please pay attention.

You don't have any business with financial management if you wouldn't invest a fraction of your monies against all odds. Take aside and invest every money in your hands. Invest in the personal development of your family too. The return of investment in your family's personal development cannot be overemphasized.

Financial management is investing more on assets than you spend on liabilities.
It's beyond living below your means to expanding your means to accommodate your untold quality of life.
I hope this makes sense to you.

Hajgirn Consults LTD About HAJGIRN Consults Limited

HAJGIRN Consults is a performance improvement Consultancy outfit and


A sick patient needs a Doctor
A Student needs a teacher
A Harrased man needs a lawyer
A Business needs a developer.
We are Experts in Business Development
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Get a certified Business Expert to develop your business for you!
We are one; reach out to us today



If you plan to launch your own small business, then you need to create a business plan. We’ve put together a detailed framework to help you communicate the purpose and goals of your business, and your strategies for reaching the milestones you identify.

Arguably one of the most critical sections of a business plan is the executive summary—and it’s also one of the most difficult to write. The executive summary is the first clause that someone will read, and getting investors to read the full content of your business plan hinges on a concise, decisive and compelling summary.

But here’s the catch: 55% of people spend less than 15 seconds actively reading content, based on data published in Time Magazine. This means the limited window of time you have to convince someone that your business plan is worth their focus depends on a strong executive summary. For that reason, it’s important to know the objective of this section, what it needs to contain, and how to draft a summary that makes an impact.

The purpose of an executive summary
The executive summary component of your business plan exists to give readers an overview of the entire document, allowing them to understand what they can expect to learn. “Investors will read the executive summary to decide if they will even bother reading the rest of the business plan. It’s rare for an investor or lender to read an entire business plan, at least in the initial stages of analysis and consideration for funding,” says Eric Markowitz, Inc.com Staff Writer.

For all intents and purposes, this is your long-winded elevator pitch.

Relevant information to include in your executive summary
Despite being the first page of your business plan, it’s wise to write this section last. This tactic allows you to formulate a clear picture of what specific material from the overall document you would need to be introduced in the executive summary.

Since the goal of a business plan is to persuade the reader to invest in your business, the executive summary needs to demonstrate why this investment would be a smart financial decision. The kicker is: you need to do all of this in just one page.

To get started, The Balance Small Business suggests including the following details:

Business Opportunity: What demand or need is there for your business and how will you meet this demand?

Target Market: What demographic do you intend to reach as your customer base?

Business Model: What products or services will your business offer and what makes them desirable to consumers?

Marketing/Sales Strategy: What will your methods be to create brand recognition for these products or services?

Competition: What businesses will you compete with for market share, and what do you offer that your competitors do not?

Financial Analysis: What is your plan to manage finances and what is your projected revenue in the first three years?

Owners/Staff: Who are the owners and lead staff members and what important skills or credentials do they bring?

Implementation Plan: What is your framework and timeline to move from a concept to launching an actual business?

To think about it differently, you might consider grouping the above details into a few specific categories:

Mission Statement: What are the core values and central purpose of your business?

Company Information: What products or services do you offer, how long have you been in operation, who are the owners and lead staff members, and how many business locations do you manage?

Business Highlights: What has your evolution consisted of, and how has the market share, revenue and customer base increased?

Financial Summary: What are the current and projected state of your finances and do you need an investor to help you expand?

Future Goals: What objectives or projects will this financial investment be used for?
Practising executive summary writing
Putting all the pieces together can be challenging.



Starting a business is a serious project that often requires huge investments of our time, effort and money. If you want to reduce the chances of failure and improve the odds of success, planning is a must!

If nine out of ten new businesses fail within their first two years, don’t you think good planning can make you ‘lucky’?

Studies show that new businesses that have a plan double their chances of success and are more likely to raise more capital than businesses without a plan. So, why is it that very few entrepreneurs ever take the time to write a plan for their brilliant business idea?

Well, half of us don’t really know what a business plan is and the other half needs help to write one.

This article introduces you to the world of business plans; what they are and why they’re important. We also reveal three quick and easy ways to write your own business plan without any experience whatsoever.

3 Reasons why you need a business plan
You can think of a business plan as a roadmap that shows the direction from where you are (idea stage) to where you want to be (successful and profitable business).

A business plan is not the long, complex and scary document many people think it is. In fact, a great business plan can be as simple as a one-page document and could also be a long 100-page presentation. It all depends on its purpose and target audience.

Here are some of the most important reasons why you must have your own business plan…

#1 – You need it

The most important benefit of a business plan is that it helps you to put all those beautiful dreams and ideas you have for your business on paper.

Contrary to what you may think; the business plans you have in your head and on paper are not the same. Taking the time to write down a plan for your business forces you to organize and refine your thoughts.

For the very first time, you will be able to see how everything is connected, and some important things you never really thought about will start to stand out.

On a mental level, writing a business plan will make you take yourself more seriously. Investing time, energy and focus to prepare a plan on paper feels like signing a contract with yourself. It increases the confidence and belief you have in your business idea and focuses your mind on those critical things that are obviously missing.

Before you have a plan on paper, all the ideas and plans you have for your business live inside your head. The problem is that they keep swirling around in a random and disorganized fashion. But when you have finished preparing your business plan, it feels like you have a map to your ‘promised land’ with a clear direction and a laser focus.

A business Plan helps you find the gaps in your idea and focus on the things that are really important. (photo credit: boscoanthony.com)

When you interact with an entrepreneur who has taken the time to prepare a business plan, you will know. She is usually more articulate, confident and knows the business like the back of her hand because she can visualize the roadmap in her head. This is what you get when you go through the rigour of preparing a proper business plan.

#2 – Banks and investors will want to see it

In our article: ’10 guaranteed ways to raise the capital you need for your small business’, we explored several ways to raise money from both formal and informal investors like your friends, members of your family, angel investors, potential customers and partners.

Depending on the amount of capital you’re asking for, most investors (including your mom) may want to see a plan that proves to them you know what you’re talking about.

Banks and formal investors (like angels and venture capitalists) want to know if your business can make enough profits to pay back a loan (with interest) and provide a good return on an investor’s investment.

Banks and investors would want to see your marketing plan. They want to see the profiles of the people who will run and manage the company. They want to see a cashflow forecast and your projected profits for the next 3 to 5 years. They want to see that you’ve analysed your competition and have a plan for your products and services.

Banks and investors will want to see all these things (and more) to convince themselves that your business deserves a loan or is worth investing in.

Above all, having a well-prepared business plan is often a sign that you are a serious, organised and disciplined person. This is usually the kind of person investors and banks will want to give their money to.

Relevant article: How to apply for a small business loan from your bank and get it approved!

#3 – You can make money with it

You would be amazed at the number of business plan competitions that are available every year for African entrepreneurs and small business startups. Many of us don’t even know about them.

Business Plan competitions are usually sponsored by all kinds of local and international organisations to encourage small businesses and entrepreneurs with brilliant ideas.

Kenya’s Lorno Rutto is just one of many African entrepreneurs who raised startup capital by winning a business plan competition / entrepreneurship contest. In 2011, she won prize money in the Cartier’s Women Initiative award (Sub-Saharan Africa category).

This prize money provided the capital she needed to expand her recycling business which converts plastic waste from the streets of Kenya’s capital (Nairobi) into fencing posts. Today, her business (Ecopost) has created over 7,000 fencing posts, 500 new jobs, generated more than $ 150,000 in yearly revenues, saved over 250 acres of forests that would have been cut down.

There are hundreds of business plan competitions to choose from. A good place to start would be HERE.

To enter for these competitions is easy. First, you need to make sure you read the rules guiding the competition to confirm that you are eligible to enter the contest. Above all, your business plan must present your brilliant business idea in a simple, interesting and convincing format. We’ll teach you how to do this in a moment.

3 Easy ways to write your own business plan…
You can write a basic (one page or more) business plan by yourself in less than an hour or two. This is fine if all you need the business plan for is to organize your own thoughts and nothing more.

But if you need to convince an investor, enter a business plan competition or apply to a bank for a small business loan, you will need a plan that is much more detailed and looks professional.

To help you with this, we recommend the following three options to get you that perfect business plan you have been looking for…

Option 1 – Use free samples and business plan templates

Life is too short to be spent on reinventing the wheel.

If you’re new to business planning, it can be really helpful and inspiring to see some samples before you start writing your own plan.

With hundreds of free sample business plan templates out there, you don’t need to become a biz plan expert or pay an overpriced consultant to write one for you.

All businesses may not the same but a sample business plan allows you to choose a format that best resembles your business and adapt the format and content to suit your needs.

Say you want to start a dry cleaning and laundry business, you can use a sample business plan prepared for Smallstarter Dry Cleaning & Laundry Services to build your own plan. Since both businesses are quite the same, you will only need to change a couple of things and Voila! you have your own business plan.

We have compiled for you a list of ‘100 Free Sample Business Plan Templates’ for different types of business. This will be a good place to choose a sample template for a business that is similar to yours and adapt it to meet your own requirements.

Disadvantage(s): While using a sample business plan template is a quick and easy option, you may have problems with some parts of the plan that require specific skills like accounting, marketing and analysis.

Unless the financial and marketing plans you require are basic and will not require the detailed analysis that banks and investors often ask for, you may want to consider options 2 and 3 below which take care of these disadvantages.Starting a business is a serious project that often requires huge investments of our time, effort and money. If you want to reduce the chances of failure and improve the odds of success, planning is a must!

If nine out of ten new businesses fail within their first two years, don’t you think good planning can make you ‘lucky’?

Studies show that new businesses that have a plan double their chances of success and are more likely to raise more capital than businesses without a plan. So, why is it that very few entrepreneurs ever take the time to write a plan for their brilliant business idea?

Well, half of us don’t really know what a business plan is and the other half needs help to write one.

This article introduces you to the world of business plans; what they are and why they’re important. We also reveal three quick and easy ways to write your own business plan without any experience whatsoever.

3 Reasons why you need a business plan
You can think of a business plan as a roadmap that shows the direction from where you are (idea stage) to where you want to be (successful and profitable business).

A business plan is not the long, complex and scary document many people think it is. In fact, a great business plan can be as simple as a one-page document and could also be a long 100-page presentation. It all depends on its purpose and target audience.

Here are some of the most important reasons why you must have your own business plan…

#1 – You need it

The most important benefit of a business plan is that it helps you to put all those beautiful dreams and ideas you have for your business on paper.

Contrary to what you may think; the business plans you have in your head and on paper are not the same. Taking the time to write down a plan for your business forces you to organize and refine your thoughts.

For the very first time, you will be able to see how everything is connected, and some important things you never really thought about will start to stand out.

On a mental level, writing a business plan will make you take yourself more seriously. Investing time, energy and focus to prepare a plan on paper feels like signing a contract with yourself. It increases the confidence and belief you have in your business idea and focuses your mind on those critical things that are obviously missing.

Before you have a plan on paper, all the ideas and plans you have for your business live inside your head. The problem is that they keep swirling around in a random and disorganized fashion. But when you have finished preparing your business plan, it feels like you have a map to your ‘promised land’ with a clear direction and a laser focus.

A business Plan helps you find the gaps in your idea and focus on the things that are really important. (photo credit: boscoanthony.com)

When you interact with an entrepreneur who has taken the time to prepare a business plan, you will know. She is usually more articulate, confident and knows the business like the back of her hand because she can visualize the roadmap in her head. This is what you get when you go through the rigour of preparing a proper business plan.

#2 – Banks and investors will want to see it

In our article: ’10 guaranteed ways to raise the capital you need for your small business’, we explored several ways to raise money from both formal and informal investors like your friends, members of your family, angel investors, potential customers and partners.

Depending on the amount of capital you’re asking for, most investors (including your mom) may want to see a plan that proves to them you know what you’re talking about.

Banks and formal investors (like angels and venture capitalists) want to know if your business can make enough profits to pay back a loan (with interest) and provide a good return on an investor’s investment.

Banks and investors would want to see your marketing plan. They want to see the profiles of the people who will run and manage the company. They want to see a cashflow forecast and your projected profits for the next 3 to 5 years. They want to see that you’ve analysed your competition and have a plan for your products and services.

Banks and investors will want to see all these things (and more) to convince themselves that your business deserves a loan or is worth investing in.

Above all, having a well-prepared business plan is often a sign that you are a serious, organised and disciplined person. This is usually the kind of person investors and banks will want to give their money to.

Relevant article: How to apply for a small business loan from your bank and get it approved!

#3 – You can make money with it

You would be amazed at the number of business plan competitions that are available every year for African entrepreneurs and small business startups. Many of us don’t even know about them.

Business Plan competitions are usually sponsored by all kinds of local and international organisations to encourage small businesses and entrepreneurs with brilliant ideas.

Kenya’s Lorno Rutto is just one of many African entrepreneurs who raised startup capital by winning a business plan competition / entrepreneurship contest. In 2011, she won prize money in the Cartier’s Women Initiative award (Sub-Saharan Africa category).

This prize money provided the capital she needed to expand her recycling business which converts plastic waste from the streets of Kenya’s capital (Nairobi) into fencing posts. Today, her business (Ecopost) has created over 7,000 fencing posts, 500 new jobs, generated more than $ 150,000 in yearly revenues, saved over 250 acres of forests that would have been cut down.

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Agon Place, 78 Abakaliki-Enugu Road Abakaliki

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:30
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:30
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:30
Thursday 08:00 - 17:30
Friday 08:00 - 17:30
Saturday 08:00 - 17:30

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