Diffuse Ink

What you see is a reflection of our feel,environment, mind,nature including people and the world.


The air is alive with a gentle breeze
Breathing life into every birth
With melody of hope
echoed by early morning birds

With every breath
A journey begins
Towards the horizon where freedom wins
Guided by the light of the day

Embrace the promise of morning Light
Feel the air so crisp and clear
With passion in our hearts
And faith in our stride.

We welcome the beauty of May
We embrace the joy that May brings our Way
As we journey on in its gentle Sway
The memories will never fade until the next May.


You can't see it all.

Behold the sunrise
From dawns first light to dusk embrace
Each moment is a stroke
With a tale to tell.

In the annals of time
Through the pages of history
Lies the remnants of empires,built on shifting sand
With the passing of time, their glory fades, leaving behind the ruins, where memories cascade.

From ancient ruins and modern strife,
Each chapter is written with blood and water
Through the labyrinth of the mind and heart
In the language that only the wise seek.

We are on a journey
Seeking the deeper truth
That lies within, beyond the reach of mortal sin
Leading us to the realms of Light.

P/S: While there's still time let's explore this inner landscape with pride, for within lies the power to truly decide.


In the garden of my life,
At the silent whispers of the night
She was standing beside me
With threads of love

She created me a pathway
Through darkness into light
To navig*te life's intricate race
With wisdom g*thered through the years

In every step,
I found solace and Peace
flowing like allure
With petals of resilience

In the quiet moments
Her voice echos with wisdom
She whispers lullabies
That soothes away fears

P/s: Here is to mother's whose love endures


Once upon a time,
There was a country
Where coins gleamed
Market hums with lively tunes
Factories hum with vibrant life.

Once upon a time,
There was a country
Under the sun's warm boon
Opportunities bloom
like flowers in spring

Once upon a time
There was a country
Where families glow in abundance
With every hand reaching out to lend
To build a future without an end

Now we live in the shadows
Of our dismal scene
Echos of loss hang in the air
Empty pockets
with heavy hearts

People falling on the street
In search of a gleamer light
leaving behind a bitter fault
In the grip of relentless defeat
families struggling to make ends meet

But if your faith fails you
in the face of adversity
Your faith is little
Let's pave the path
For a better way

For in one voice,
There's power untold
A demand for a future
That is not estranged
With determination that refuses to abide.

P/s: Let not silence be our fate.
Feb 19th 2024


Together we've journeyed beneath the Sun
Through twists and turns
We shared our moments and whispered our dreams
In each other's company our spirits ignite.

In the dance of shadows and flicker of flames,
Beyond mortal claims
Our potions brewed and spell cast
through the constellation of our souls

So here we are,
In the symphony of existence
Dispelling all gloom
with laughter as petals and tears as dew

With gratitude and Love
Let us embrace the dawns gentle kiss
And seize the moments of bliss
To chart our course beyond the veil

P/S: To the friends whose loyalty remains true, and for your steadfast presence like golden sand.


The nature of man,
A perpetual tale of contradictions,
whispers of virtues and shadows of irony.
A symphony of a complex heart.

The nature of man,
Like a love garden,
Painted with strokes of hues
Yet marred by flaws time can't erase

The nature of man,
A dance of virtues and vices
Striving for wisdom
Yet entangled in darkness where storms blossoms

The nature of man,
An intricate raw of humanity
Harvested by divinity
For a journey of immortality.


woke up with a healing balm next to me
Grateful for the Love you freely roam,
The canvas of my dream,
Your touch awakens a love that feels just right.

Your timeless love never grows old
An eternal bond of two entwined souls
Together we navig*te through seasons,
Valleys and mountains.

Your eyes,
A reflection of a Love story,
written beyond the pale
In the echos of laughter and tears

Your voice,
An eternal melody
forever spawned
To cherish you always is my heart's delight.

P/s: A prelude to Vals day


Shades of Gray!

I tread where morals clash and lines bled,
I forge my path, in the realm where grey shades meet
I'm a lone heartbeat.

I dance on the edge
Unafraid of my age
To grapple against an imbalanced gauge

I keep vigilant in the cloak of the night
Challenging the demands of fate
For a world where justice sets us free.

P/S: "In the tapestry of courage, threads of resilience weave the narrative; let the echoes of bravery resonate in the verses of our shared journey."
Till I write you again,


Wise men in their last days knows it's dark
They give their last wave by chanting words of mystical euphoria
Which mortals understands in their later days
Just like Today...

4th September again
The day you gave your last smile
upon this mountain you ones called home
With words that could not be understood by carnal men

If time exist in Heaven
Hope you still remember the memories
When you gaze upon the earth
Hope you see how vacuum your space is

I'm convinced of the Joy in heaven
During your home coming
And am glad you made it to sit with your fellow comrades that fought a good fight of faith

The Impartation will always be my Prospective


Silent Night 🌺
Tonight, icecubes falls at the foot of my bed.
A night with a tiny little star,
Whose light is fading.
Falling down like an apple from a tree still wearing a frown

A night that has caressed the star
with much intimacy
silently wiping a tricking tear
That haunts the troubled mind

A night that drowns me into my heart
A night that comes back to Earth once in a while
On an appointed day
In a frightening way

Bending to an adverse fate
Through the narrow aisle of pain
Where all men will help you die
Just to feast on the milk your flock supply


I'm standing outside this Man's world
Cos his part is over!

I should be crying buh just can't let it show
I should be hoping buh just can't stop thinking

For all the things we should have said I never said
For all the things we should have done i never did

Give me back those moments
When I watched you start the craft of a Father

Happy Father's Day😊


There's a dream that hides behind a wish
Hopes that mounted herward Iike the sea
Above the desolate and Stormy deep unrest
Hanging thoughts under a silent breath

We all touch each other's heart
By means of Hope, Dreams and Love
Yet our hearts is not in our hand
But our future is in our hands

There will be less blood on the ground
If we let go of the knife in our palms
And water the seed in our hands
To walk through the most colourful garden

A dream is more than a hope
Most times it comes like a vision
The insurance of your goal is your dream
How about your dream?


I'm checking up from a roared storm
that broke into day sun
To guard my neck and ears from snow
And from the mural monument of the Egyptians amun

Days are gradually drifting
In the hand of the gusty northern wind
from glossy tres
to thin grey hair

When last was nature truthful
and sternly just
in keeping the secret of self-sacrifice
It has always buried the good ones beneath the low green tent

upon a motley-braided mat
our future waits
with increased craving
for an uncertain prophecy of harvest

Somehow we are left between choice and providence
To test our faith
when nature works our plans to favour it's fate.

Diffuse Ink
I write to make you feel okay


There's nowhere to hide
I've lost myself in search of truth
The truth about Love
And how to Love

And am willing to participate
In the little comfort I found in it
To nurture it
And share it to the world

I forgot my reflection
When I journed into my evolution
It became easy to give myself to courtesy of compassion
Just so I could be here to say I love you

sweet like the song of early morning birds
from net of Fowler tree
So is my Love for me

p/s; Often times where we lose ourselves is where we find the truth
And the truth is always how you get to Love yourself more

I'm a Casuist
I write to make you feel Okay


Now the party is over
How I miss the way I used to feel
Now my internal clock
is counting faster than my wall clock.

Back to reality
Where memories continues to fade away
Moments turn into flashes
that gradually dim to nothing

I sit and wonder where life is traveling to
Carrying a lot to an unknown destination
People with goals and vision
surrender to the fate of it's driver

This is a gentle reminder
Of what beauty looks like
When it is displayed in a prismatic pattern
Being fractured by life but not Broken.

I'm a Casuist
I write to make you feel okay.
Coming to you from Ink


There was a horror of great darkness
at Abroad moon
Which hid his face in a starless sky
With exceeding grief and pain
And a drop by drop blood loss

smiling gleefully with an outstretched arm
He was scourged and bleeding
The son of man was dead
And was laid to rest

The Earth moaned
As he was wrapped gently
In a linen cloth
With no words spoken

In a hush of dawn
He borne the burden of our betrayal
To end mens separation from him
And go destroy eternal death.

Diffuse Ink

Photos from Diffuse Ink's post 06/04/2023

Marry a wife not the material

Are there roses in your garden?
The flowers you treasure
Not for pleasure
But to protect against a gambling den

Who do you desire
When splinters of light appear
And the moon surrounds the night
With a smiling eyes

Who do you root for
When your lovely face shines with radiance
And your moist lips full of loves desire
To feel every pause of your heart with a sensuous touch

Who soothes your sorrow
When misery swells your soul
As candles flicker their last silent breath
And the World laughs at your stumble

Who stays with you
As time adds years like sand in the beach
And the gray skies sprinkles droplets of sad tears
When your beauty is slipping to the wind

P/S: Marry a wife not a "Material Wife"
Diffuse Ink


Dear Diary
Ije Nwoke aburo I claim it in Jesus Name😩

What it takes to be a man
is to see beyond the life you live

What it takes to be a man
Is having the strength to say and possess what you believe

What it takes to be a man
Is to look through the hate with a gentle feeling.

What it takes to be a man
Is to understand seasonal change,old signs and unfamiliar highways.

what it takes to be a man
Is to give up and not holding to things you should have given up on.

what it takes to be a man
is Knowing what to give up on.

Nwoke Tosia Ochere Ibe ya
It's a loaded Month
Stay Happy
Greetings 🥰


Have you ever thought of people
Who have nothing to believe in
They weren't raised religious
And they wish they were

People whose hope is shaken
Torn and ruined from fall
All they posses is grief
Who answers the questions of their troubled soul

There's a count down to Easter
Christians observing a common ritual
In remembrance of the death of their saviour
Same with Muslims observing Ramadan

What about those who can't pray
Not because they don't know what to say
And even if they do
They don't know who to say it to.

People without vision
Who's rib and heart has been unable to rest
Trapped beyond their fate
Who will turn their faith to sight

Beyond these lines
Are rain drops of challenging tears
From a young boy
In a country running wild

Beyond these lines
Is a mother's cry
Who just lost another child
In the hands of religious bigotry

Beyond these lines
Is a cry from a people who has nothing more to lose
The only thing they lived for
Has been stolen and conceived

What did we do wrong
Is a cry from different tribes and groups
Asking a question
That only hope can answer

There's a cry from a man on a mission
To save his people
From the hands of manipulators
Who derives pleasure in feasting on our ignorance.

P/S: Let's give wisdom a chance which is profitable to direct.
The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious; but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself.


Dear Diary
There's difference between a lot and the best.
Have the best not a lot.

Give people chance to show you who they are.
Don't always be on the defensive but don't allow yourself to be manipulated.

Remind me this day and everyday that any day you wake up, you did not just wake from sleep
You woke from a won battle, be grateful

Keep smiling, it's therapeutic but know who you show it...Till we meet again 🖊️


Dear Diary
Most times you may not be able to control what people do but you can control how you respond.

I'm writing to register this consciousness in you that you must make up your mind to accept changes over what is out of your control.

Do not forget, your help and contribution is not needed in everything, learn to mind your business.

Never forget your Anthem
See no Evil
Say no Evil
Remember that your seeing and saying all depends on you.
It doesn't mean you did not see but know when to say.

Don't allow your wound to completely heal...Till we meet again 🖊️


I will soon be called a dead man
A mystical Spirit
A been with no soul

Few days back
I had an encounter
With both the living and the dead

I saw myself in a battle field
with no weapon
but in a thick armor

I saw faces
They are my "friends and enemies"
The dead and the living ones

The battle line was drawn
And I had nothing to fight with
But so many to battle with

In the heat of the fight
I began experiencing the elastic limit of my strength
When my body couldn't carry my spirit any longer

I was handed over a pen and paper
But I rather die on my feet
Than live on my knees

I will soon be called a dead man
A mystical Spirit
A been with no soul

Till I bleed again


Let me introduce you to myself
I'm not a little girl but young in the game
I'm a listener that has been blinded
By the whisper of my heart,
Neglecting the whisper of my head

I don't want to be pulled by the collar
Everything he said is true
Everything he say I believe
I don't have a thought of my own
If I had, it's like a roller coaster turned into a merry-go-round.

I surrendered a piece of myself
To a friend with a tongue of serpent
Who broke the walls of my heart
And left me to endure the grief that falling for love brings
That was the bright side of my worst problem.

I represent an unhealthy exchange
I've been controlled by mockers of truth
Insecurity is my best undefeated feat
The society says I'm less than average
My life is now in total disregard.

P/S: Dedicated to all girl child.
Shot by Media


I just want to live
And feel alive
Even if it will take a thousand night
Of a hunderd years.

I just want to love for free
Giving in every piece of me
A Love I can afford
Giving it all and more.

I just want to bleed the blood I owe
Taste the salty ocean on my cheek
Bite my lips
And wave at the ceaseless tides of life

I just want to sail on an open sea
Breath the fresh air before it goes stale
Make every moment a chance to exist
Wake up and smell the coffee.


Que Sera Sera

I keep vigil from a distance
Watching the chaotic beauty of my scars
From exterior to interior cut of my core
A painful reminder of my every touch

It rises like the sun
And sets with flashes of moments
That seems not to fade away
wrecking havoc in my heart

Though am fractured
But my Pragmatic display of strength
Is a guide to my weary feet
And a boost to my Will.

I hear voices like flickers of a dying candle
There's no conclusion to this pain
Everyday is a new start
Till I see the bright Light


No Better Love After Death

How else could this be explained?
This is the mechanism of gravitational pull
Exactly what happens when a Neg*tively charged ion attracts a positively charged ion.

It's beyond a feeling
But a Bond.
Chemistry calls it covalent bond
which is one of the strongest bond's

Beyond words
You are my Mirror
I came to a better understanding of myself
When I let go of myself to yourself.

Your thought is like a big flash
That awakens me
Can I ever dissever my soul from your soul
It will be like the sun falling out of the cloud at night

Your smile passes between the vertical light
And darkening chambers of my blue days
In your arms I find Care like a babe
To giggle for the Joy of a living love.

I couldn't believe this day will come
when a warrior will be slayed
Not by Enemies
But Love from one who was ones a friend.

There's no quick recovery after death
There's no better love shown after death
I love you now and forever
Till death do us part.


Once in a year comes a morning
That ends the previous night
To give birth to a fresh day
That ushers us into a new year
Happy New Year!


At that same hour
I heard the symphony of her voice
Singing calmly and peacefully
Drawing me closer to the celestial realm

like a gust of euphoric fragrance
I smell her perform
As I projected further
Away from matter

I found myself in her pleasant vineyard
It was a moment of memory
After a long disjointed effort
To keep love awake

Like a vigil of the heart
The resonance of our heartbeat
Surged a wave of connectivity
That enveloped us into the fantasy of every eve.


Sometimes all you've g*t to do in a day is just breath
And thank God for life.

The strongest warrior doesn't always win the battle,
The wise sometimes go hungry.

The most skillful are not necessarily wealthy
The Educated are mostly depressed.

Your abilities are consistent with your Period and Season.
Take a deep Breath!


{Duet by Diffuse Ink and Chamzy}

My love And I

It's 2022,
And I'm still in love with the person I saw in 2014.
You reached into my
soul and rearranged the position of my bones.
You rebuilt my ribcage so your heart could be home.

​​I miss you when something good happens, when something is troubling me, when I laugh and cry,
I miss you all the time, but I miss you the most when I lay awake at night,
And think of all the wonderful times that we spent with each other
For those were some of the best and most memorable times of my life.

I'm dried up like a raisin in the sun
For neglecting my insufficiency
Always trying to reciprocate undesired proclivities
I have inherited cold blood with deep emotional pain.

I've sacrificed my love
On the alter of freedom
And if my veins wake me up for another deceased romance
I shall remind it of the shame of excessive carnal demands.
(Diffuse ink)

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