
G-PEM desire all men to be save and come to the knowledge of the truth of God's word


As children of God our lives and spirit are in God's hands and He will help until when we fully redeemed from this present life and enter into the next life void of all the encumbrances of human passion and disobedience. "This is the hope of salvation".

Hope is not just linked to salvation. It is an essential component of salvation. We are save in hope. Hope is built on faith toward God even on the redemption of Jesus Christ our saviour.

Our hope connect with our calling, which is God's invitation into His presence through which we may have a relationship with him (Eph.4:4). Our salvation is grounded in eternity, for God "Chose us in him before the foundation of the world that we would be holy and blameless before him.(Eph. 1:4).

This hope is only entered into with a humble and willing heart to turn to Lord in repentance, admitting your sins and short coming, feel genuine remorse for your action and confess your sin to God seek his forgiveness. Finally accept Christ as your personal Lord and saviour(Luke 15:11-24).

There is no hope, except the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.(Eph.2:8). When we were saved we have this hope. The hope is assured when have Christ in you(Col. 1:27). This is the hope of the believers.

Please pray as follow if yet born-again
""Lord Jesus l come to you this moment, l know l have sin against you, have mercy over me as l willfully offer my life to you. Be my Lord and saviour, take over my life and strength me to serve you to the end in Jesus name. Amen.
Welcome to God's kingdom if pray that prayer.

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name amen


"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?(Her.17:9). This Bible verse seems pessimistic and reveal an apparent futility of seeking to develop person integrity. Without doubt, forcing to do it with our own efforts is futile.

Personal integrity is the quality of being truthful and honest with yourself and others, of intentionally aligning your personal behaviours and actions to be aligned with your own values, principles and ethics. Personal integrity happen through self-awareness and also exploring your values system.

Personal integrity is said to be demonstrated when we learn and live to:
* Respect the privacy of our colleagues in private conversation.
* Communicating honestly
* Taking responsibility for your actions
* Supporting your organisation values without recognition
* Acknowledged others efforts for good work
* Being trustworthy.

Personal integrity is the quality of a person to uncompromising adhere to a specific set of ethical and moral principles, including; HONESTY, RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY

Human view of the personal integrity is far different from God 's. Both God and man hold us in high esteem as we commit whole-heartedly as we learn, practice, grow and maintaining personal integrity.
Personal integrity is not optional for the believer. Even when it's characteristics are either ridiculed or simply emulate by those around us, yet integrity is attainable.
Our integrity will be quicken as we let God's word to shape our lives.


Thanks to all of you who made my little King day colourful.
Am so gleeful to have you even making my occasion a reality.
God bless you all.

Photos from G-pem's post 22/02/2024

My King has made it again
I call on the host of Heaven to celebrate and rain on you an abundant blessings, grace to excel in life, spirit of greatness, divine favour, great opportunities, open doors, divine health and strength in your inner man.
May the spirit of wisdom, knowledge and understanding come and remain in you forever in Jesus name Amen

Photos from G-pem's post 29/01/2024

May your love for God grow with faith
And on this special occasion of yours I request that the host of heaven remember and celebrate, grand your heart desire, put your enemies to shame by releasing a miracle that will silent your mockers in Jesus name Amen.
Happy birthday my darling

Photos from G-pem's post 23/12/2023

All thanks and Praise to God Almighty for His great grace on the Prince and first son of Obubra Kingdom.
Today on this special day of yours, I join the host of Heaven to celebrate you. I pray that God will grant all your request and heart desires, bless you above measures, lift you high above challenges and your equals, connect you to your destiny helpers, fill you with peace and divine health in Jesus name. AMEN


Be part of what God intent doing over Wednesday and Thursday nights in the land of Adijinkpor through praises.
Are you in neighbouring communities?
Come with an open heart of praise to him who is worthy of our praise. Blessings await you


We truly welcome you to the Month of December, our season of '" of celebration '". Let heart fully celebrate God's grace and goodness over us and all that con concerns us. He is great and marvelous God, and had done great things in lives, so we felt it's a sole obligation for us to praise all through this great and wonderful season and this day, we shall be considering the '" POWER OF PRAISE '"

The power of God released in praise is as the same power He used creating the firmaments, and one of the reason the creator create humanity was to praise Him (Eph.1:5-6,12).
Celebrating God's grace and goodness is singing melodies to Him on who He is all that He had accomplished for, in , within and through us.
Brethren, desire to praise God this season and be willing to receive His spirit into you as He will reset your heart toward Himself by steering your attention away from worries and focus onto His greatness. It position you to receive what He want to do in your life either in a church servic, small group or even as we individually seek Him.

Praise is the expression of approval and adoration. Praise is when we praise, glorify, worship, celebrate, exalt and bless someone or something heartfully.

The Power Of Praise
Praise have the power to crush the boundaries of race, class, and barriers that desperate the supernatural world from the physical world is erased. Praise always precedes the victory (Josh.6; Acts 16 ). We experience great signs and wonders when praise and worship are engaged in difficult situations. It a powerful tool to use for massive victory.

* Praise helps us to sense God presence
* It enlarge our perception of God
*It reveals solutions we can't see
*It reminds us of God blessings
*It enlist us for God protection
* It breaks chains and open doors.
Effective praise despense the supernatural power to metamophus the atmosphere and release breakthrough. Discover the power of praise in season of celebration.


As an ambassador of Christ, we understand that we have been sent to reconcile the to God through the daily shared of the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ.


*Grace serves as a defender and protectors to the righteous in times of troubles.Daniel 3:19-26.
*Grace justifies, saves, teaches and aid to live a godly life. Eph 2:6; Titus 2:10-12.
*Grace allowed and enable us to have passion for God's people.Matt 9:35-37
* We are HEALED by GRACE. God heals our broken heart and binds up our wounds even though we didn't deserved it. Psalm 147:3
*Grace promotes. Grace transforms and put one in charge. Gen 41:41-44.

Grace is the outward expression( the out working) of an inward ( divine influence) in our hearts. It the inner workings of the glory and power been made manifest effectively in our lives.
It is the basis for our faith. We believe we are saved by faith through grace: " the underserved favour", which can not be earned: it is a free gift of or from God.
Irresistibly, we experience this grace of God pulling us toward faith, whereby we trust the sufficiency of the atoning death of Christ for sin. Our eternal salvation is completely and thoroughly the work of God's grace.


To continuously explore God's Grace, you must develop an attitude of regular prayer and steadily approaching the throne of grace.
Undoubtedly, as believers when we are lacking help it is obvious that we are lacking grace.
The continual exploring of grace as a believer makes you to find help in times of need. Grace is a spirit that harass the spirit of prayer.
God's Grace cleanse us of our sins by atony dead of Christ.It realises God's life, power and righteousness hence we come to Christ.
It is through grace that God works effectively in changing our hearts and lives. Grace offer us a new life in Jesus Christ which is not condemned by God (Rom8:1)


The Old Testament used "favour" in the expression " found grace in the sight or eyes of God" Gen. 6:8; Exo.33:13-7.
The New Testament used "the unmerited and abundant gift of God's love and favor to man, especially made effective in Jesus Christ for the saints.
The word Grace is also used by Apostle Paul as an opening and farewell salutations.This grace came through and is revealed in Jesus. John 1:17.
In the Christians faith, GRACE is the unconditional love, the free and underserved favour of God. It's about good stewardship of the things He's provided and our experiences. It's grace that teaches us to fear, just as it relieves our fears.
Exploring God's Grace is a process through the Scriptures considering how God expresses His greatness and goodness throughout the past till this day.
Grace strengthen our faith, and sustained God's mandate and anointing, it influences our spiritual gifts to be in full operations.
Desiring Grace is desiring the spirit of;
*Generosity, the will to do something more for others,
*Respect, the dignity of life and work,
*Action, the mechanism for change,
*Compassion, the concern for others
*Energy, the spirit that catalyses us.


I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with jewels.
For as the earth brings forth it's bud, as the garden causes the things that are sown in it to spring forth, so the LORD GOD will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations. (Even Nigeria) Isaiah 61:10-11


How Big Is Your Mistake Quota?
Everybody fails. The winner are just the ones that keep getting up again!
Really, the only way to be a loser is to fail and quit; or fail and not learn from it, or fail and not look beyond it;or fail and let it define you as a failure.
Listen carefully to these words, "For time would fail me to tell of Gideon and of Barak, and Samson, and of Jephthah; of David also, and Samuel, and of the Prophets: who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises , stopped the mouth of lions, quenched the violence of the fire, escaped edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong."
Note the words "out of weakness were strong." Built into every painful experience you 've ever had, is the wisdom you need to start over and do it better the next time.
In Leadership Magazine, J. Wallace Hamilton says, "The increase of suicides, alcoholics, and even some forms of nerves breakdowns, is evidence that many people are training for success without ever being trained to handle failure. Yet failure is prevalent than wealth, disappointment is far more normal than arrival."
Only when you can look failure in the eye, experience it and move beyond it, will you succeed.
In the Psychology of Achievement, Brain Tracy tells of four millionaires who made Thier fortunes by the age of 35. What is notable about them is that all four tried an average of seventeen different things before they found the one that made them successful !
Imagine that! They tried and failed and changed--- sixteen times---before they found what worked for them. That's what it takes, an attitude that refuses to quit!
We are too quick to judge things as failures when they ' re just learning experience. Knowing what doesn't work, moves you one step closer to knowing what does.
Thomas Edison said, "Many of life's failures are just people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up." The key is having the commitment to move through your failure....

Timeline photos 12/03/2023

Join us on March 18th in Oklahoma for a day of interaction and co-learning on disciple multiplication. Interact with Galen Burkholder, author of Ordinary Disciples, Extraordinary Influence, and explore Near-Culture Missions.

Get all the details here - https://globaldisciples.org/event/co-learning-experience-march-18th/


"Those who do wickedly against the convenants he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits" Daniel 11:32.
An exploit is ""A heroic works of achievement,"" a mighty and daring acts. There are many scriptural illustration of men and women who did exploits for God.
God want to do great works that will show forth the reality of who He is to and in us. He is raising up people who will know Him intimately, who will be transformed in His image by beholding Him ( His glory John 1:14b; Roman 8:29), and who will demonstrate mighty acts in manifesting His power to the glory of His Name.


The integral matter of the Holy Bible is God love for you snd sll people.This love was demonstrated when God sacrifice His beloved and only begotten son for the whole world.
"Whom God set forth to be a propitiation by His blood, through faith to demonstrates His righteousness, because of His forebearance God had passed over the sins that were previously commited" (Rom.3:25)
God loves us so dearly, His his love for us is perfect. That is why He did not spear Jesus, but gave Him for our redemption(1John 4:9). Christ was destine to show you this great love snd it needful you to receprocate this love in the manner our and savior Jesus.



JOHN 3:8 “The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit”.

The supernatural is of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible universe, especially of or relating to God or a god, a being, place, object, occurrence etc, considered as supernatural or of supernatural origin that which is supernatural or outside the natural order.
The supernatural is said to be an events or things that cannot be explained by nature or science and that are assume to comes from beyond or to originate from the invisible or an unknown entity. The supernatural phenomena or entities are not subject to the laws of nature. It is derived from Medieval Latins supernaturalis, supernatural thorugh the corollary term “natural”.
Through faith in Jesus, every believer now have the right into God’s kingdom as part of His family and this is the first and ever step of existing in the supernatural.
“But as many as received Him, to them He gave them the right to become the children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of man, but of God (John 10:12-13). When we believe in Christ, we attract God hand that released and moves the supernatural through faith.
Jesus in (John 14:1 & 3) “Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in me. If I go and prepare a place for you. I will come again and receive you to myself, that where I am there you may be also”

Why was Jesus giving encouragement to His disciples, where was he going, what was the place? Has he finished preparing the place? Has he come to carry us or still coming? Where is Christ now and where are we?
The discussion of Jesus with His disciples (John 14), cut across from John 13:33-38. He had notified them about His going and that they cannot follow Him at the moment. Peter was anxious to follow Jesus, even wanted to lay down his life for Jesus, but was terrified of Jesus response vs 35.
So Jesus perceiving their hearts had to calm their worried – John 14:1. Jesus went to Jerusalem to prepare a place for us on the cross through His blood. The place was Jerusalem at Calvary on the cross. (Heb. 9:26). The fulfillment of John 14:3 is ongoing though it is partially fulfilled, because in our re-birth, we die with Christ buried and resurrect with Him and lives in Him (Rom 6:3-11). Eph. 2:6 tell us that Christ has “raise us up together, and made us sit together in heaven places in Christ Jesus. God had raise Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principalities and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come (Eph. 1:19-20). The believer are in Christ and is seated in heavenly place. This say, the believer is occupying the seat with Christ. Praise God.
Jesus did intend to take the believer out of the world, but to take them into Himself to behold His glory which the father gave to Him right from the foundation of the world (John 17:24). Through His glory, we await His second coming which will be the final fulfillment of John 14:3.
Currently, we exist in the supernatural because he had inhabited us into Himself and He is seated on the throne of unlimited authority. We have been identify with Christ in the supernatural and this marks and makes us different from any other people. Our existence in the supernatural automatic because we have a place in Him, we are complete in Him. Our consciousness of who we are in Him gave us the understanding of our position in God through Christ.
The redemptive work of Christ reconciled us to God and made us “fellow citizen with the saints and members of the household of God (Eph 2:19). Now our citizenship is in heaven (Phil 3:20). Our existence in the supernatural is by faith in Christ. Because we exist in the supernatural, miracles becomes inevitable. They are God’s respond to the desperate faith of His people. Our right of living and exercising the kingdom authority determined by God spirit of wisdom and the revelation knowledge of who Christ is (Eph 1:17-18).


The joy, success/happiness of you wil eva find is 4rm who you let in/abt ur life.Jesus is knocking, let Him in Rev3:20


I will bring near my righteousness; it shall not be far, and my salvation shall not tarry; and I will place....Isa.46:13

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