Promoting my Catholic faith.

Promoting my Catholic faith.



Many know Ferrero Rocher for its popular hazelnut chocolates, but the company’s tie to Our Lady of Lourdes is lesser known.

Michele Ferrero, the company’s founder and a devout Catholic, had a deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and wanted to honor her through his work. It is reported that he named his company “Rocher” after the rock grotto, the Rocher de Massabielle, which marks the location where the Virgin Mary appeared to St. Bernadette in Lourdes, France.

In fact, “rocher” means “rock” in French. With this in mind, many point to the chocolate’s crunchy coating and uneven gold wrapping as Ferrero’s attempt to resemble this rock formation at Lourdes, which had a special meaning to the chocolatier.

At the 50th anniversary of the founding of the company, Ferrero said: “The success of Ferrero we owe to Our Lady of Lourdes; without her we can do little.”


Eternal rest to all departed souls

Take the Whole World, But Give Me Jesus - Be Happy Live Positive 16/04/2024


_(Tuesday, 16 April 2024. Readings: Acts 7:51-8:1, Ps. 31:3-4,6,8,17,21, John 6:30-35)_

_*“Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.’” (John 6:35)*_

Today’s first reading concludes the story of St. Stephen, the first Christian Martyr. After the false witnesses spoke against him, Stephen was asked to defend himself before the Jewish Council. At this time, Christianity was not yet separated from Judaism. Christians were only identified as believers. Stephen reminded the Jews of how they had previously killed the prophets God sent to him and how they also killed Jesus Christ, the son of God. Recall that Peter said the same thing to the council in Acts 5:30-32. But for Gamaliel’s timely intervention, Peter and the other apostles would have been lynched. To add salt to injury, Stephen said: “I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God.” (Acts 7:56). The council cast Stephen out of the city and stoned him to death. This brings us to today’s lessons:

1. Like Seeds Along the Roadside: The behaviour of the Jewish council reminds me of the Parable of the Sower. These Jews can be likened to the seed that fell along the road; they heard the Gospel, but they never believed it. As Jesus puts it: “The ones along the path are those who have heard; then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, that they may not believe and be saved.” (Luke 8:12, Mark 4:4). Some people cannot listen or accept the truth. And if you dare to preach to them, their only response is hostility. Do you remember how Jesus Christ was bundled out of the Synagogue and taken to the brow of the hill on which their city was built? If Jesus had not miraculously slipped through the crowds that day, he would have been brutally murdered. (Cf. Luke 4:

Take the Whole World, But Give Me Jesus - Be Happy Live Positive Jesus taught that while the manna was earthly food (never satisfies), the bread from heaven truly satisfies. The people said: “Give us this bread always.” Jesus replied: “I am the bread of life; he who comes to me shall not hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst.” (John 6:35). ...


Grant safety to all travellers world wide in Jesus name.



_(Tuesday, 16 April 2024. Readings: Acts 7:51-8:1, Ps. 31:3-4,6,8,17,21, John 6:30-35)_

_*“Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.’” (John 6:35)*_

Today’s first reading concludes the story of St. Stephen, the first Christian Martyr. After the false witnesses spoke against him, Stephen was asked to defend himself before the Jewish Council. At this time, Christianity was not yet separated from Judaism. Christians were only identified as believers. Stephen reminded the Jews of how they had previously killed the prophets God sent to him and how they also killed Jesus Christ, the son of God. Recall that Peter said the same thing to the council in Acts 5:30-32. But for Gamaliel’s timely intervention, Peter and the other apostles would have been lynched. To add salt to injury, Stephen said: “I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God.” (Acts 7:56). The council cast Stephen out of the city and stoned him to death. This brings us to today’s lessons:

1. Like Seeds Along the Roadside: The behaviour of the Jewish council reminds me of the Parable of the Sower. These Jews can be likened to the seed that fell along the road; they heard the Gospel, but they never believed it. As Jesus puts it: “The ones along the path are those who have heard; then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, that they may not believe and be saved.” (Luke 8:12, Mark 4:4). Some people cannot listen or accept the truth. And if you dare to preach to them, their only response is hostility. Do you remember how Jesus Christ was bundled out of the Synagogue and taken to the brow of the hill on which their city was built? If Jesus had not miraculously slipped through the crowds that day, he would have been brutally murdered. (Cf. Luke 4:


Tuesday 16, April 2024
Third Week of Eastertide
Acts 7:51-8:1; Jn. 6:30-35


Good morning my dearly beloved child of God. Hope you’re fine in the Lord? God is always there for us. We are God’s own. Jesus is our best teacher in everything. He cares for us more than we care for ourselves. So, another new day with new opportunities has come, let us rejoice and be glad and not worry too much. Jesus has risen, do not be afraid.

We have seen another day. What do we make out of it, love or hate, trust or mistrust, believe or disbelieve, thrusting yourself to God or resisting Him?

In today’s first reading (Acts 7:51-8:1), we see stephen accusing the Jews of being like their fathers, not in good things, but in bad ones. They are quick in resisting the Holy Spirit and helping in the killing of the prophets (Acts 7:51-52). For Stephen, they are the uncircumcised of hearts and ears (Acts 7:51). What about us?

Do we share in this accusation? We better watch ourselves in what we do. Are we like our fathers? If so, How? In doing good things or bad things? In being wicked or in being nice? In evil acts or righteous acts? In proclamation of Good News or that of bad news? In speaking the Truth or Telling lies or false hood? In being brother’s or sister’s keeper or brother’s or sister’s destroyer or betrayer or slayer? In killing or saving life?

They killed Stephen, but before he died he forgave and prayed for them. What about us? Those who hurt us. do we pray for and forgive them or do we pay them back with their own coin? Needless to do that, don’t be like “your fathers” but learn from Stephen and subsequently from Christ who said Father forgive them they do not know what they are doing.

Forgiveness is one of the central messages of Christ. He preached it and He lived it out. Father forgive them for they do not no what they are doing (Lk. 23:34). You must forgive seventy times seven times (Mtt.


*Magnificat Prayers*

My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior; Because He has regarded the lowliness of His handmaid; for behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed; Because He who is mighty has done great things for me, and Holy is His Name; And His mercy is from generation to generation on those who fear Him. He has shown might with His arm, He has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart. He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and has exalted the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty. He has given help to Israel, His servant, mindful of His mercy - Even as He spoke to our father - to Abraham and to his posterity forever.


Pope Francis made a special “getaway” from the Vatican and met with a group of 200 children at a parish in metro Rome.

A brief statement released by the Holy See’s Press Office said that the Holy Father went to St. John Mary Vianney Parish in Borghesiana, east of the Italian capital.

There Pope Francis met with a group of 200 children studying catechism and in a relaxed manner answered some of their questions.

Pictures from the meeting posted on social media show the Holy Father happily greeting the children and even giving them playful “high fives.”


A new film depicting the incredible true story of Irena Gut Opdyke, a Polish Catholic nurse who risked her own life to hide Jews persecuted by N**i Germany during World War II, debuts in theaters across the country April 15-16.


Lord Jesus Christ, you are the bread of life. You alone can satisfy the hunger in my heart. May I always find in you, the true bread from heaven, the source of life and nourishment I need to sustain me on my journey to the promised land of heaven. Amen 🙏🙏🙏

Police arrest man suspected of robbing parishes in fake priest scam 13/04/2024

Police arrest man suspected of robbing parishes in fake priest scam Multiple Catholic parishes in both New York and Texas over the last several months reported encountering a man who in some cases called himself “Father Martin.”


This poor man called and the Lord heard him.
~Psalm 34:6

Photos from Bishop Paulinus Ezeokafor's post 13/04/2024
Pope Francis makes surprise visit to 200 children in Rome suburb 13/04/2024

Pope Francis makes surprise visit to 200 children in Rome suburb Pope Francis made a special “getaway” from the Vatican on Thursday to meet with a group of 200 children at a parish in metro Rome.


Saturday 13, April 2024
Second Week of Eastertide
Acts 6:1-7; Jn. 6:16-21


Good morning my dearly beloved child of God. Hope you’re fine in the Lord? God is always there for us. We are God’s own. Jesus is our best teacher in everything. He cares for us more than we care for ourselves. So, another new day with new opportunities has come, let us rejoice and be glad and not worry too much.

Today is another new day to experience Christ our best friend and brother who calms the tides of fear in our lives. “It’s I do not be afraid” (Jn. 6:20).

As the new community grew so did its needs to develop new structures. With its growth came a more complex membership and structure because of increase in number, Jesus says, it’s I do not be afraid.

Thus, as the disciples were increasing in number, a complaint arose by the Greek-speaking Jews against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food (Acts 6:1).

Note that at this stage of its development, the Church was still entirely Jewish in its membership. However, they were divided into two distinct groups: – the Hebraic Jews, who spoke the Aramaic and/or Hebrew languages of Palestine and kept strictly to Jewish culture and customs and – The Greek speakers (or Hellenists) were “overseas Jews”, who had become culturally and linguistically Greek.

Both belonged to the Jerusalem Jewish Christian community. In either case, it is possible that the Greek speakers were to some extent looked down on by Aramaic/Hebrew speakers. Just like what happens even among us to this very moment- indigenous and non indigenous with its complexity- surfacing itself in all spheres of life- religious and spiritual life inclusive.

Hence, even at this early stage in the life of the Church, we can see the ugly head of ethnic-cultural divisions surfacing. The same phenomenon ravaging the Church even up till today - the discrimination along culture, ethnic and tribal


Saturday of the Second Week of Easter, Year B.

In life, there are so many 'inevitables,' oftentimes you desire a good, smooth and soft journey at the course of living, but because you aren't the owner of life nor the happenings therein, the opposite of your desires often do occur or rather often present themselves before you thereby leaving you in a state of quagmire. These are moments of storms.

But amidst all these or that, are we going to let go of our faith, believe and trust in Him who has got the compass of life and existence, therefore resorting to hopelessness and faithlessness? Not at all.

But why would one not lose hope or give up on God amidst those ugly and tempting moments? We will not give up on God for all our sufficiency and consolation are anchored on the following words that Say; this too shall pass away, there is time for everything, that tough times do not last but tough people and mind, do last and that God is still in control and in charge for He's bigger than our storms (cf 2Cor 4:17-18. Matt 24:35).

Mind you, it's not just about the storm but what matters most is the acceptance and disposition toward such a storm, since it's left for an individual to either make a storm a story or a problem to be a bitter one or a better one. You make the decision and choice on what you want.

Again while some storms often come to drop a message or lesson and disappears but because of some internal and external distractions we often allowed into us, we do not hear the voice of Jesus speaking to us amidst the storms of life saying it is I fear not ( the I Am of Old testament).

The disciples in today's first reading, failed to allow the storms of noise and storms of sharing of food to distract them rather than giving heed to such storm, they applied the wisdom of the Risen Lord by raising up seven Deacons, who were charged


"If you choose to separate yourself from God
in this life then you won't be with Him in the
next. It's as simple as that."
-Pope Benedict XVI

Former p**n actress embraces Catholic faith 13/04/2024

Former p**n actress embraces Catholic faith Bree Solstad, who previously produced and acted in the p**nography industry, is among the adult converts who entered the Catholic Church this Easter.

Catholic Relief Services calls for ‘immediate end’ to Gaza violence 12/04/2024

Catholic Relief Services calls for ‘immediate end’ to Gaza violence The group reissued a call “for an immediate end to the violence” and “greater humanitarian access to ensure innocent civilians can access food, shelter, and medical attention.”



🙏🏻🌹Dearest in Christ, do You know that this was how Bridesmaids used to dress at wedding both for Holy Mass and wedding celemonies before Satan started attending weddings. Hmmmm. SO BAD😭



👉🏻Behold, THESE Bridesmaids, are they not beautiful in their OUTFITS?👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Over 700 baptized on Easter in Nigeria despite attacks on Christians 12/04/2024

Over 700 baptized on Easter in Nigeria despite attacks on Christians More than 700 Christians were baptized on Easter Sunday in Nigeria’s Diocese of Katsina, where there is a rise in attacks mainly targeting Christian communities.

Filipina teen who loved Eucharist officially on path to sainthood 12/04/2024

Filipina teen who loved Eucharist officially on path to sainthood On April 7, the cause for canonization of 13-year-old Filipina Niña Ruíz-Abad was officially opened at St. William the Hermit Cathedral in Laoag City, Philippines.


Lord Jesus, you satisfy the deepest longing of our heart and you feed us with the finest of wheat (Psalm 81:16). Fill me with gratitude and give me a generous heart that I may freely share with others what you have given to me. Amen 🙏🙏🙏


Friday 12, April 2024
Second Week of Eastertide
Acts 5:34-42; Jn. 6:1-15


Good morning my dearly beloved child of God. Hope you’re fine in the Lord? God is always there for us. We are God’s own. Jesus is our best teacher in everything. He cares for us more than we care for ourselves. So, another new day with new opportunities has come, let us rejoice and be glad and not worry too much. Jesus has risen, do not be afraid.

Today's readings invite us to reflect on the way we treat those around us. Do we consider them at all worth thinking of or let alone doing favor and showing love to them?

In today’s first reading (Acts 5:34-42), the Jews lashed it out on the apostles and even tried to stop them by whatever means they have at their disposal, just like some of us do. But one man withheld them. He thought not just for them, but acted it out by speaking out openly.

How do we relate and pay attention to things around us to know when to act or not; so as not to be fighting God? Gamaliel, a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin, stood up and ordered that the accused disciples be put out of the chamber for a short time (Acts 5:34). He acted in good time and did what is right and he made a difference. What about you?

Gamaliel was the teacher of Paul and belonged to the school of Hillel. He was a leading exponent of a more liberal and humane interpretation of the Law and obviously respected by the council members. He warned his fellow council members (and warns us as well) not to be too hasty in conclusions and judgements.

He gave two examples of leaders – Theudas and Judas the Galilean – who started rebellious movements and in both cases attracted quite a large following of supporters. However, in both cases the leaders died or were killed and then their movements fell apart and their followers scattered.

Gamaliel suggested that, on the basis of these experiences, this ‘Jesus’ movement should be left alone.


A very warm and great happy birthday to all those celebrating this week.


Monday 08, April 2024
Fourth Week of Lent
The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
Is. 7:10-14; 8:10; Heb. 10:4-10; Lk. 1:26-38


Good morning my dearly beloved child of God. Hope you’re fine in the Lord? God is always there for us. We are God’s own. Jesus is our best teacher in everything. He cares for us more than we care for ourselves. So, another new day with new opportunities has come, let us rejoice and be glad and not worry too much.

Be happy this blessed day that we celebrate the beginning of our redemption.

Almost everyday, we will come across some kind of announcement. Announcements are made through public announcement systems in supermarkets, in schools or institutions, in the workshops and over the radio, media houses and social media.

Other announcements are just visuals on TV, signboards or bill board, public display systems, on our computers and on our mobile or other electronic devices.

Announcements try to catch our attention, but we can ignore them if they are not important to us.

Other announcements may be urgent and require our attention and response. How and when we will respond will depend on how we will be affected by the announcement.

Today is the Annunciation of the Lord. The Annunciation of the Lord is an important announcement to Mary and to us. Through the angel Gabriel, Mary is invited to participate in God's plan of salvation and through Mary the whole of humanity receive an invite.

How Mary will respond is of critical importance to God's plan. Of course, we now know that she accepted it and thus God's plan took flesh in Mary.

In today’s first reading, the Lord asked us to ask for a sign (Is 7:10-14) let us not be like Ahaz playing the holier than thou attitude saying I shall not put to test the Lord.

If He ask us to ask let's be humble enough to ask what is required of us, and that, is humility. In the letters to the Hebrews (10:4-10) we are reminded that what saved us is not the

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Islamic attacking on churches and Christian colonies in Jarawala city in Pakistan Punjab
Gods house set ablaze.Why the hate??
In destroying churches what do you fill.Brethren you are sowing the seed.


