Testimony Thursday

Testimony Thursday

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Testimony Thursday is a platform directed from God in a revelation after intense prayer at the Glory dome to share the good news of what God has done for his people to his Glory alone.



27th November 23. Monday

*Do not rebel against God*

Numbers 14:9 Do not rebel against the LORD and don't be afraid of the people who live there. We will conquer them easily. The LORD is with us and has defeated the gods who protected them; so don't be afraid.*


Humans are naturally stubborn. Humans are naturally rebellious. Humans are naturally ungrateful.

Do not rebel against God means

1) Do not oppose God.

2) Do not disobey God.

3) Do not look down on God.

4) Do not commonize God.

5) Do not challenge God.

6) Do not turn God into your mate.

7) Do not tempt God.

8) Do not push God.

9) Do not assist God.

10) Do not look at God as plan B or a substitute.

Do not be rebel against God also means...

a) Trust God wholly.

b) Do not trust in yourself.

c) Do not trust in anyone or anything else. Only God.

Most times we have rebelled against God severally by rebelling against His Servants, His Prophets, Apostles, Pastors, Leaders, Elders etc.

Do not rebel against God. Rebellion in The Bible is described as "the sin of witchcraft".

Do not rebel against God. Try your best never to rebel against God.


1) Father, Thank You for Your Word to me today. I am more than grateful In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!

2) Oh Lord... Have MERCY upon me in anyway I have sinned against You In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

3) Dear Lord.... I am sorry for offending you and annoying you and rebelling against You... Please help me to please You at all times By Your Mercies In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

4) Ask The Lord God Almighty what you want Him to do for you this week By His Mercies In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

Bible Study: Numbers 18




PRAISE The Lord!!!!

Thank You Most Sweetest Jesus ❤️🔥🥰💯🥰❤️





16th November 23. Thursday.

*Tithe giving*

Leviticus 27:30 One tenth of all the produce of the land, whether grain or fruit, belongs to the LORD.


God values Tithe. God doesn't joke with His ten percent.


It's a sign of commitment that shows you truly believe that God is The Giver of your resources.

Giving your Tithe shows you are loyal and submissive to God.

Giving your Tithe shows you are grateful.

Giving your Tithe shows you acknowledge God so much in your life.

Do not spend any income without removing your tithe first.

Your tithe is your seed. It germinates to become a Mighty tree in the realm of the spirit.

Always give your tithe. All great men gave Tithe.

Great men till date gives tithe.

In my business now ehn, anytime I get a profit... I must pay my tithe. Anytime I earn or get money, I must pay my tithe.

Tithe is necessary ooo... Don't joke with your Tithe please.

There was a time in my life where things were very difficult for me despite the salary I earned them. Things started to become easy for me after I resumed tithe giving.

If you don't want things to be tight for you, then pay your tithe.


1) Thank You Sweetest Jesus ❤️🔥🥰💯🥰❤️ for Your Word to me today. I am grateful In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

2) GLORY TO GOD for the resources You have given me and even for those coming, Lord... I'm grateful In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

3) Lord... Help me to be consistent in my tithe giving In The Mighty Name of Jesus ❤️🔥!!!

4) Ask The Lord God Almighty what you want Him to do for you today By His Mercies In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

Bible Study: Numbers 10



Thank You Sweetest Jesus ❤️🔥🥰💯🥰❤️

Lord, I'm sorry;!!!!







15th November 23. Wednesday.

*Punishment upon those who disobey*


If your child misbehaves, you punish that child. True or false? TRUE.

If your student or pupil misbehave, you punish the student. True or false? TRUE.

Same way, when we misbehave... God punishes us.

His aim for the punishment is to help us see the Truth (light) by becoming remorseful and repentant.

God punishes those who disobey. If you doubt me, ask Jonah. Ask lot's wife. Ask David. Ask King Saul and so on.

Here are some punishment God gives those who disobey.

Leviticus 26:14-16 The LORD said, *If you will not obey my commands, you will be punished.

15. If you refuse to obey my laws and commands and break the covenant I have made with you,

16. I will punish you. I will bring disaster on you---incurable diseases and fevers that will make you blind and cause your life to waste away. You will plant your crops, but it will do you no good, because your enemies will conquer you and eat what you have grown.

Ensure you try your best not to offend God anymore. Yes, the death of Jesus has made salvation accessable to all mankind, but it's not a yastic to misbehave. Judgement is coming. God's punishment is coming. Avoid God's punishment. Avoid sin.


1) Thank You Sweetest Jesus ❤️🔥🥰💯🥰❤️ for Your Word to me today, I am very grateful In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

2) Dear Lord... Please forgive me for I have sinned many times against You. Have MERCY upon me Oh Lord In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

3) Do not let Your punishment swallow me. Please I am sorry!!!! In Jesus Mighty Name;;;

4) Ask The Lord God Almighty what you want Him to do for you today By His Mercies In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

Bible Study: Numbers 9

Thank You Jesus ❤️🔥🥰💯🥰❤️

Lord, have MERCY!!!







3rd November 23. Friday.

*Save your life*

Leviticus 18:5 Follow the practices and the laws that I give you; you will save your life by doing so. I am the LORD.*


God's laws are aimed at giving us life both here on earth and in Heaven.

Anyone who follows the law and principles of God must end up in life, not just life but life in abundance.

Look at our text again. Leviticus 18:5 Follow the practices and the laws that I give you; you will save your life by doing so. I am the LORD.*

In this wicked way, the only way to save your life is to follow the principles of God.

A man who follows the principles of God can never end up as a thief.

A man who follows the principles of God can never end up in adultery.

A man who follows the principles of God can never end up duping others.

It's difficult to put a man who follows the principles of God in jail.

It is difficult to sentence a Man who follows the principles of God to death.

According to today's text.... If you want to save your life, follow God's principles.


1) Thank You Sweetest Jesus ❤️🔥🥰💯🥰❤️ for Your Word to me today. I am more than grateful In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

2) Lord, have MERCY upon me for I have sinned. Forgive me Oh Lord In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!

3) Dear Lord..... The enemy and wicked ones are after my life. Please help me to follow your principles at all times so I can save my life In The Mighty Name of Jesus ❤️🔥!!!!

4) Ask The Lord God Almighty what you want Him to do for you today By His Mercies In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!

Bible Study: Leviticus 25



Thank You Sweetest Jesus ❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🔥!!!!





2nd November 23. Thursday.

*Don't copy others*

Leviticus 18:3 Do not follow the practices of the people of Egypt, where you once lived, or of the people in the land of Canaan, where I am now taking you.


The world is taking a new shape. What is the right thing is now assumed to be odd.

People no longer celebrate good. The world celebrate evil more than good.

Now it looks like to get to the top, you must follow this trend of evil.

It now looks like good doesn't pay. It now looks like God is too slow. It now looks as if unbelievers are making it big than believers. It now looks like things aren't favourable anymore.

Now no matter all that happens... Never follow or copy the lifestyle of unbelievers.

Look at what God said in today's text... Leviticus 18:3 Do not follow the practices of the people of Egypt, where you once lived, or of the people in the land of Canaan, where I am now taking you.

This means that God doesn't want you to copy or mix with the style of the World.

Stick to God's Way. God is not slow, the ways of God are just process. Miracle can never tire Jesus ❤️. Miracle and not magic. Anything that is Magic isn't from God!!!!

Stay tune.... Calm down.... God's miracle is on the way. Don't copy the World. Let the world copy you because you live the lifestyle of Christ.


1) Thank You Sweetest Jesus ❤️🔥🥰💯🥰❤️ for Your Word to me today. I am very grateful In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

2) Lord, have MERCY upon me in all the ways I have tried copying the ways of the world... Have MERCY upon me Oh Lord In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!

3) I refuse to copy the World.... I refuse to copy Others.... I stand on my ground and I declare I am for Christ now and forever More By God's Special Grace and Mercies In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

4) Ask The Lord God Almighty what you want Him to do for you today By His Mercies In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!

Bible Study; Leviticus 24

Thank You Sweetest Jesus ❤️🔥🥰💯🥰❤️



Praise The Lord!!!





27th October 23. Friday

*The rest belongs to the Priest*

Leviticus 2:1-3 When any of you present an offering of grain to the LORD, you must first grind it into flour. You must put olive oil and incense on it

2. and bring it to the Aaronite priests. The officiating priest shall take a handful of the flour and oil and all of the incense and burn it on the altar as a token that it has all been offered to the LORD. The odor of this food offering is pleasing to the LORD.

3. The rest of the grain offering belongs to the priests; it is very holy, since it is taken from the food offered to the LORD.


Anyone who works for God must surely be rewarded.

It's God's strategy for His Priest to be well fed and taken care of.

In today's text, God made us to understand that only a handful (verse 2) should be given as offering while the rest should be given to the Priest. (Verse 3).

Most Christians these days refuses to give offerings to God and refuses to give Tithe to God simply because they don't want the Pastor or spiritual leader to eat or collect their money.

A full time Pastor is entitled to what God tells him or her to collect from offerings. A Part time Pastor could also be entitled, maybe.

But what the Holy Spirit is trying to tell a user of today's devotional is that.... The Priest is entitled to the rest.

Whether the Priest eats it or not.... It's none of your business..... Just give and do your own part.

Don't join those kind of Christians who criticizes offering, tithe, vows etc.

Do your part and leave The Rest for God.


1) Thank You Lord for Your Word to me today... I am more than grateful In Jesus Mighty Name.

2) Have MERCY upon me in all the ways I have sinned against You By Your Mercies In Jesus Mighty Name;!!

3) Dear Lord, help me to give to You easily without asking why By Your Grace and Mercies In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

4) Ask The Lord God Almighty what you want Him to do for you today By His Mercies In Jesus Mighty Name,,,!!!!

Bible Study: Leviticus 20

Glory to God!!!!






26th October 23. Thursday

*God will make this clear to you*

Phillippians 3:15 All of us who are spiritually mature should have this same attitude. But if some of you have a different attitude, God will make this clear to you.


There are some category of Christians, all they do is to look for faults, look for arguments, look for points to drag and look for contradictions.

Such category of Christians are always fond of arguing about the Bible, arguing about Pastors, arguing about Christianity and arguing about doctrine.

Have you come across or met such persons before????

Now, I want you to understand something. Don't argue with anyone over the things of God. Don't argue The Bible with anyone. Don't argue doctrines with anyone. Don't!!!!

Instead, just pray that God will make it clear to them.

Look at our text of today... Phillippians 3:15 All of us who are spiritually mature should have this same attitude. But if some of you have a different attitude, God will make this clear to you.

Paul said Christians should have same attitude but for those persons who are not spiritually matured and having a different attitude, God will make it clear to you.

Don't be caught in a serious argument on God and His Kingdom's affair. We all know nothing!!!!

God will make it clearer to us In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!


1) Thank You Sweetest Jesus ❤️🔥🥰💯🥰❤️ for Your Word to me today... I am more than grateful In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!

2) Lord, have MERCY upon me in all the ways I have argued and quarrelled over Your Kingdom in time past In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

3) Lord.... The Revelation of You, please make it clear to me By Your Mercies In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

4) Ask The Lord God Almighty what you want Him to do for you today By His Mercies In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!

Bible Study: Leviticus 19



Praise The Lord!!!!



Thank You Most Sweetest Jesus ❤️🔥🥰💯🥰❤️



17th October 23. Tuesday.

*Yes! I punished you*

Isaiah 60:10 The LORD says to Jerusalem, *Foreigners will rebuild your walls, And their kings will serve you. In my anger I punished you, But now I will show you my favor and mercy.


Not every punishment you get in life is from the devil. Most times, God chastise us because He loves us dearly and because He wants us to come back to Him.

God can punish you for you for the following reasons....

1) Deliberate Disobedience

2) Wasteful life

3) Unfulfilled purpose

4) Secret sin

5) Deception

And so on.

Most times we have offended God deliberately or indeliberately and so we deserve any punishment from God. Yes! God punished us and we deserved it.

But By God's Special Grace and Mercies, there's a good news. Here's The Good News!!!!

Isaiah 60:10 The LORD says to (put your name here), *Foreigners will rebuild your walls, And their kings will serve you. In my anger I punished you, But now I will show you my favor and mercy.

God said In His Holy Anger He punished us.... But Today, He has decided to show us Favour and Mercy.

May God's Favour and Mercies follow you, your family and love ones all the Days of your life In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!

Remember.... When God shows you Mercy, don't misbehave with His Mercies.


1) Lord... Thank You for Your Mercies towards my life, family and Ministry In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!

2) Dear Lord... Thank You for Your Mercies towards Nigeria.... We are grateful In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

3) Thank You Sweetest Jesus ❤️🥰💯🥰❤️🔥 for Your Mercies towards Isreal.... We are grateful In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!

4) Ask The Lord God Almighty what you want Him to do for you today By His Mercies In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!

Bible Study: Leviticus 13

Thank You Sweet Jesus ❤️🔥🥰💯🥰❤️

Thank You Lord....

Lord, have MERCY







16th October 23. Monday.

*More than enough*

Exodus 36:2-7 Moses called Bezalel, Oholiab, and all the other skilled men to whom the LORD had given ability and who were willing to help, and Moses told them to start working.

3. They received from him all the offerings which the Israelites had brought for constructing the sacred Tent. But the people of Israel continued to bring Moses their offerings every morning.

4. Then the skilled men who were doing the work went

5. and told Moses, *The people are bringing more than is needed for the work which the LORD commanded to be done.*

6. So Moses sent a command throughout the camp that no one was to make any further contribution for the sacred Tent; so the people did not bring any more.

7. What had already been brought was more than enough to finish all the work.


God's aim for His House is to have more than enough. God's aim for His Kingdom is to have More Than enough. God's aim for His Church is to have More Than enough. God's structure for His projects is to have More Than enough.

God designed it that everyone should give their freewill offering, Tithe, vows, welfare offering and all manner of Offering to The Church until the Church has more than enough.

Don't be deceived by the devil to stop giving. God appreciates and love your giving.

In today's text, the people of Isreal kept on giving excitedly until it was More Than enough.

Will you continue your giving? Or will you stop your giving???

The more you give to God, the more you become blessed By God.

Give and it shall be given unto you In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!


1) Thank You Sweet Jesus ❤️🔥🥰💯🥰❤️ for making me and my family and love ones to see this New week. We are grateful for everything In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!

2) Thank You Sweetest Jesus for Your Word to me today. Thank You Lord In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

3) Please Lord.... Help me to give everything of me to You until it is more than enough In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!

4) Ask The Lord God Almighty what you want Him to do for you today By His Mercies In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!

Bible Study: Leviticus 12

Thank You Sweetest Jesus ❤️🔥🥰💯🥰❤️

Lord, have MERCY!!!








11th October 23. Wednesday

*Leave This Place*

Exodus 33:1 The LORD said to Moses, *Leave this place, you and the people you brought out of Egypt, and go to the land that I promised to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and to their descendants.


When are you going to leave that place???

When are you going to leave that place of laziness????

When are you going to leave that place of procrastination???

When are you going to leave that place of your comfort???

When are you going to leave that place of immorality???

When are you going to leave that place of sin???

When are you going to leave that place of addiction???

When are you going to leave that place of unforgiveness?

When are you going to leave that place of indiscipline????

When are you going to leave that place of malice, envy, gossip and jealousy????

When are you going to leave that place of filthiness????

When are you going to leave that place of bad friendship and bad influence???

When are you going to leave that place of adultery???

When are you going to leave that place of po*******hy????

When are you going to leave that altar of greed????

When are you going to leave the place of anger????

When last are you going to leave the place of evil????

The time to leave is Now!!!!!

You want a confirmation?

Here is your confirmation....

Exodus 33:1 The LORD said to Moses, *Leave this place, you and the people you brought out of Egypt, and go to the land that I promised to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and to their descendants.

God is telling you this morning, leave this Place of your old lifestyle now and come to the promise land of Life that I have promised your descendants!!!!

Will you rather obey God or will you stay back in your life sin???

The Choice is yours... Do the right thing!!!


1) Thank You Sweet Jesus ❤️🔥🥰💯🥰❤️ for Your Word to me today, I am very grateful In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

2) Lord, have MERCY upon me in all the ways I have sinned against You In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

3) Dear Lord.... Help me to leave this place of poverty, rejection, loneliness and wretchedness to my promise land of hope, life and salvation In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!

4) Ask The Lord God Almighty what you want Him to do for you today By His Mercies In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!



Thank You Sweetest Jesus ❤️🔥🥰💯🥰❤️!!!!

Praise God!!!!





7th October 23. Saturday.

*Change Your Mind God, Remember The Covenant*

Exodus 32:9-14 I know how stubborn these people are.

10. Now, don't try to stop me. I am angry with them, and I am going to destroy them. Then I will make you and your descendants into a great nation.*

11. But Moses pleaded with the LORD his God and said, * LORD, why should you be so angry with your people, whom you rescued from Egypt with great might and power?

12. Why should the Egyptians be able to say that you led your people out of Egypt, planning to kill them in the mountains and destroy them completely? Stop being angry; change your mind and do not bring this disaster on your people.

13. Remember your servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Remember the solemn promise you made to them to give them as many descendants as there are stars in the sky and to give their descendants all that land you promised would be their possession forever.*

14. So the LORD changed his mind and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened.


God's Word is final. Any one who has access to God's Word, has access to life.

God is need of constant reminder of His Word because His Words are final.

In today's text, God was angry with the Isrealites and wanted to punish them severely. But Moses reminded God of His Own Word (The Covenant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) and immediately God remembered, He changed His Mind.

You too can change the Mind of God over many situations of your life by reminding Him of His Covenant.

Use The Word of God to remind God of His Covenant of healing, His Covenant of wealth, His Covenant of breakthrough, His Covenant of success, his covenant of Freedom, His Covenant of Salvation, His Covenant of Mercies, His Covenant of Grace through The Blood of Jesus ❤️. Anytime you remind God of His Covenants, He will change His Mind about your present situation.

Moses used that secret to get God's Mercies after His wrath showed up.

In order to enjoy the covenant, you must be qualified for this covenant by being a genuine Child of God. Are you genuine? Do you know Christ personally to claim you are in a covenant with Him?


1) Thank You Sweetest Jesus ❤️ for Your Word to me today In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

2) Have MERCY upon me Lord in anyway I have sinned against You In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

3) Lord, please remember Your Covenant and have MERCY upon me. Please change Your Mind in this present situation of my life In Jesus Mighty Name!!
4) Ask The Lord God Almighty what you want Him to do for you today By His Mercies In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!

Bible Study: Leviticus 6

Thank You Jesus ❤️🔥🥰💯🥰❤️







5th October 23. Thursday.

*Wrong Foundation*

Exodus 32:1-9 When the people saw that Moses had not come down from the mountain but was staying there a long time, they gathered around Aaron and said to him, *We do not know what has happened to this man Moses, who led us out of Egypt; so make us a god to lead us.*

2. Aaron said to them, *Take off the gold earrings which your wives, your sons, and your daughters are wearing, and bring them to me.*

3. So all the people took off their gold earrings and brought them to Aaron.

4. He took the earrings, melted them, poured the gold into a mold, and made a gold bull-calf. The people said, *Israel, this is our god, who led us out of Egypt!*

5. Then Aaron built an altar in front of the gold bull-calf and announced, *Tomorrow there will be a festival to honor the LORD.*

6. Early the next morning they brought some animals to burn as sacrifices and others to eat as fellowship offerings. The people sat down to a feast, which turned into an o**y of drinking and s*x.

7. The LORD said to Moses, *Hurry and go back down, because your people, whom you led out of Egypt, have sinned and rejected me.

8. They have already left the way that I commanded them to follow; they have made a bull-calf out of melted gold and have worshiped it and offered sacrifices to it. They are saying that this is their god, who led them out of Egypt.

9. I know how stubborn these people are.


Psalms 11:3 said "if the foundation of a righteous man be destroyed, what can the righteous do?".

In today's text, the Isrealites didn't waste time to abandon Moses because of their wrong foundation in Egypt.

They were used to seeing calf, images and idols as gods to worship. So when Moses didn't come back from the mountain after forty days or so, they quickly went to Aaron to make gods for them just like the way they were in Egypt.

And so Aaron made a golden calf for the people to worship. If you had studied that scripture carefully, you must have noticed that the people even celebrated their new created god immorally by throwing an open s*x party. What a way!!!! What a foundation!!!!

Brethren, never joke with the foundation of anyone especially your children. The Bible said "train up a child in the way he should go, and when he grows, he won't depart from it. Do you hear that?

Isrealites stayed in Egypt for many years and even after leaving Egypt, they were still behaving like Egypt because of wrong foundation.

Your children are observing you. Your friends are observing you. Your neighbours are observing you. The young ones around are observing you. Please set the foundation straight especially for your children. So that when you are no longer there, they will be copying good things and not bad things from you.

Do not joke with foundation especially the foundation of the child. What you sow into the child is what you reap. How you lay the child's bed now is how you will lie on it later.

Foundation matters, most children got corrupted by wrong foundation. Their environment corrupted them, their parents corrupted them, the movies and music they watched corrupted them.

Act now on their foundation, don't give room for nonchalantcy. Be serious with this, so they won't end up building a calf to worship other gods.


1) Thank You Sweetest Jesus for Your Word to me today. Thank You Jesus In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

2) I correct every wrong Foundation in my life now by Fire In The Mighty Name of Jesus!!!!

3) I will not Worship any other god beside my God Almighty In The Mighty Name of Jesus ❤️!!!

4) Ask The Lord God Almighty what you want Him to do for you today By His Mercies In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!

Bible Study: Leviticus 5

Thank You Sweetest Jesus ❤️🔥🥰💯🥰❤️

Lord, have MERCY!!!







4th October 23.

*This Man, Moses*

Exodus 32:1 When the people saw that Moses had not come down from the mountain but was staying there a long time, they gathered around Aaron and said to him, *We do not know what has happened to this man Moses, who led us out of Egypt; so make us a god to lead us.*


Humans are naturally ungrateful. The heart of man is deliberately wicked. The heart of man is definitely wicked. The ways of man is ungratefulness.

Moses went to communicate with God on the mountain and was there for forty days. He left the people under the care of Aaron, his brother. When the Isrealites didn't see Moses for days.. look at what they said....

Exodus 32:1 When the people saw that Moses had not come down from the mountain but was staying there a long time, they gathered around Aaron and said to him, *We do not know what has happened to this man Moses, who led us out of Egypt; so make us a god to lead us.*

What an insult!!!! These people didn't care to know if Moses was alright. They didn't care to know if he was doing fine. In fact, they called Moses "that Man, Moses".

Despite all what Moses has done for the people of Isreal, the best they could refer him to was "that Man, Moses".

What The Holy Spirit is trying to teach a user of today's devotional is that.... No matter how much you do for humans, they will still call you "that man".

Humans who are not connected to the Spirit of God most times are stubborn, jealous, angry, inhumane, non-caring, ungrateful and wicked.

If the Isrealites whom Moses did signs and wonders for could call Moses "that man", then you shouldn't put your Trust in humans. They will fail you, they will disrespect you, they will forget you, they will abandon you no matter how much you love them and no matter what you have done for them.

The Isrealites didn't even care or bother to know if Moses was okay.... They only cared for themselves... That's the nature of the flesh.

Don't depend on man. Depend on God!!!



1) Thank You Sweet Jesus ❤️🥰💯 for Your Word to me today. I am overwhelmed By Your Word. Take All The Glory In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

2) Have MERCY upon me Oh Lord In anyway I have been ungrateful to You or Man in the past. Have MERCY on me Lord In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

3) Please Lord, give me an heart of Gratitude. Let me become a grateful soul from now on In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

4) Ask The Lord God Almighty what you want Him to do for you today By His Mercies In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!

Bible Study: Leviticus 4

Thank You Sweetest Jesus ❤️🔥🥰💯🥰❤️

Lord, have MERCY!!!!








3rd October 23. Tuesday

*Offering time*

Exodus 29:42 For all time to come, this burnt offering is to be offered in my presence at the entrance of the Tent of my presence. That is where I will meet my people and speak to you.


Offering time!!! You should say Blessing Time!!!!

In our text today, God told Moses that offering will not stop from generation to generation. Yes!

Look at the scripture again. Exodus 29:42 For all time to come, this burnt offering is to be offered in my presence at the entrance of the Tent of my presence. That is where I will meet my people and speak to you.

Take note of the Word.... "For all time to come". WOW!!!!

Whether you want to believe it or not, God is interested in your offering. God wants your offering and God values your offering.

Never you make that mistake not to prepare your offering before hand.

Your offering is your sacrifice. Your offering is your seed.

Do not give God The worst that you have, give God The Best. Don't look for worn out money to give God, Give God the best. The reason why is because you attract the Presence of God through your offering just like the text today.

Always be involved in offering. When ever you hear offering time, dance very well and always give your offering. It's very important.

Be serious with your offering that you give to God and God will become more serious with you!!!!


1) Thank You Lord for Your Word to me today. I am grateful In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

2) Lord, have MERCY upon me in all the ways I have misbehaved with my offering, please forgive me In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!!

3) Thank You Sweetest Jesus for today.... I know my day will be glorious By Your Mercies In Jesus Mighty Name!!!!

4) Ask The Lord God Almighty what you want Him to do for you today By His Mercies In Jesus Mighty Name!!!

Bible Study: Leviticus 3

Thank You Dearest Jesus ❤️🔥🥰💯🥰❤️


Praise God!!!!






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Dangers ⚡ of Homosexuality and Lesbianism
So sorry 😔... The message is incomplete here 🙏


