Grace Height Evangelism Vanguard

ldentifying with God in his big dream to reach out to humanity because people matters to him.

Photos from Grace Height Evangelism Vanguard's post 01/05/2024

Pst Nuel in discipleship training sessions across villages after gospel engagement by grace height evangelism Vanguards crew.


Psalms 137:6
Consecration is an intentional act of devotedness and obedience to someone one loves and holds in high esteem. An intentional act is a direct opposite of an intentional empty mouth profession. Though both are intentionally done, one is a positive action while the other is done in the negative affirmation.
A consecrated servant is real, faithful and committed whether it is in the public or private. He remains who he is to the course of his belief anyday, anywhere,on any occasion and in all weather.
The Psalmist said, "if l do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth;if l prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy". This rememberance in this text and it's context is a meditation on who God is and his wonderful work which would keep you on your toes with red alert anywhere you go. It is the same thing as in 'remember your creator in the days of your youth'.
Despite all these numerous and challenging examples, there are people who are something here for God today and another thing where they get there tommorow - indulging in different kinds of lifestyles in different places where they are found.
If you are a consecrated servant, be who you are wherever you may go and Christ shall count on you for your good.


Mathew 5:15.
Acts 21:13.
Among these four elements in the world, water, air, earth and fire which are vital to human's existence in this realm, God choose to make his ministers flame of fire(Hebrew 1:7). Let's try to figure out why God chooses to make his ministers flame of fire. To achieve this, we shall put some common features of fire that distinguishes it from other mentioned elements into consideration.
Fire is distinct - meaning, where it's presence is registered, one does not need to labour to recognize it because it has a distinct outlook. When you see it, you will recognize it. Fire does not follow trend to either copy or assume one state or form today and another tommorow. Fire does not conform, does not yeild to societal demand or pressure and never afraid to stand alone.
Prophet Elijah was a good example of keeper of this flame as he stood alone at mountain Carmel against 850 prophets of baal. No wonder king Ahaziah does not find it difficult to identify him at the description of his mode of dressing when the messangers he sent to Ekron returned back earlier than necessary. Elijah was seen by Ahaziah as the only prophet in the land who could present such a confrontational message without fear.
Fire cannot be ignored because it's presence affects it's environment in a conspicuous manner. If anything comes in contact with it, either that thing become fire itself or it is consumed.
Fire is very generous as it lights up other materials that has the potential to carry it. Throw a sheet of paper at fire, sit back and describe what happens. When Moses saw that Joshua was a good material which would ensure the continuity of the burning flame, he impacted him. When Elijah saw that Elisha was a good material, he impacted him. But Gehazi the servant of Elisha could not make it along that trend because he fell short of the required attributes of good fire material to keep aflame for God's glory in his generation. What sort of material are you made up of?

Photos from Grace Height Evangelism Vanguard's post 15/04/2024

Pst Nuel with his Evangelical team in Angwa Dodo engaging the village folks with the gospel


Pst Nuel leading a Virgil prayer under abo tree in ofabo during a convergence of the 13 churches in that community to observe the yearly prayer to commemorate the handing over of the entire community and their land to Christ by the elders and chief of the community dated April 2nd 2024


Pst Nuel in a cross over night from March to April 2024 with the last days trumpeters ofabo village

Photos from Grace Height Evangelism Vanguard's post 05/04/2024

Pst Nuel and his Evangelical team in small sheds village showing Jesus film in an open field during Easter 2024

Photos from Grace Height Evangelism Vanguard's post 05/04/2024

Pst Nuel and his team in Angwa Dodo village showing Jesus film one of the nights during a three day Evangelism programme


Pst Nuel in last days trumpeters in ofabo village during Easter 2024



The mounting of challenges standing your way to either resist, cause delay or completely deny you of advancement in life may look mountainous from all indications terrifying you from attempting to mount against it. As a child of God, be reminded in case you have forgotten that, defeat and achievement of life's purpose against mountain of challenges is not by power or might but by the spirit of God and besides, God who is your father is not unrighteous to allow temptation that is beyond your capacity to handle to come to you (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Any mountain therefore, that is allowed on your way is a testing ground for your promotion on the side of God and is also a temptation on the side of the devil to project your flaws, deny you of the promotion intended by heaven and possibly destroy you.
The expectation of heaven concerning you while that mountain is stirring you to your face is to mount against it and demolish it. Caleb mounted against his own and budozed it thereby,levelling it to become a plain. You are not different in any way so,with this good and great challenging example,go ahead and budoze yours and share the testimony.
When Goliath of Gath was matching up and down,touting,defiling the name of God and terrorizing his people, God was watching him in silence as if his hands were tied. But as all things work together to them that love God,all the acts of Goliath become an advertisement as God used that to draw all attention to him as such that is beyond human destruction.
At the height of his popularity and delusional, God brought in an inexperienced shepherd boy on military ground to remove his head that housed the mouth he used in boasting against God. His defeat was described as a national loss that enslaved the remnants of his people while the victory of David brought revival rest from oppression to the nation of lsrael. You shall not achieve anything less.


Genesis 12:1-2,10 & 20
Genesis 26:1-2
Genesis 47:23
God called Abram and he left his father's house to the land of Cannan where God showed him. While he was in the will of God,famine came there and chased him and his wife to Egypt but by divine intervention,the Egyptian chased him out of their land back to wherever he came from and that was his victory. He survived the famine in the very place where God posted him. Survival of situation or circumstances does not depend on location but on God's allocation that would surely be sent to your location;for the God of the city is also the God of the village or hamlet.
In the days of Isaac,the heir to the eternal promise,famine came with an increased intensity above that which screened Abram's faith.And as lsaac was packing his belongings to head for Egypt, God showed up and said," don't go to Egypt,stay back in Gerar". He obeyed God and survived the famine in the land.
Why is it that there was always famine in the land of Cannan God's choosen location for his people and food was always surplus in Egypt? Can you see the hand writing on the wall that the devil was using this hunger and lack as a bait to drag the people out of the purpose of God? And l heard Paul lamenting " Demas has forsaken me having loved this present world and has departed to Thessolonica." What gave Jesus victory at this tempting season was, "man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceed from the mouth of God". Attractions of assorted breads shall not divert you to Thessolonica from the purpose of God.
Abraham and lsaac survived in their respective generations and the devil decided to wait for Jacob who could not face the terrifying horror of the famine in his days therefore,he relocated to Egypt with his entire family and as soon as they got there,Satan locked the gate against them and for the next 430 years,the remained in agony of slavery.
May his grace that worked for Abraham work for you. May the measure that work for lsaac work for you. May you not be enticed by Satan to the place where he will lock you up in servitude. Hunger and lack are Satan's design to establish his purpose. David inquired of the Lord saying " why this famine and to what purpose is it allowed?" And God in his faithfulness answered him and showed him the way out of the mess( 2 Samuel 21:1-6).
Develop that habit of inquiring of the Lord over whatever situation that may come your way and be sure of away out.

Photos from Grace Height Evangelism Vanguard's post 15/03/2024

Grace Height Evangelism trainees watching person of peace video during a training session in Kwaita Village

Photos from Grace Height Evangelism Vanguard's post 15/03/2024

Grace Height Evangelism Vanguard's training session in DBS group where a Muslim gave his life to Christ and was prayed for ready to be discipled

Photos from Grace Height Evangelism Vanguard's post 01/03/2024

Sessions of training of evangelism Vanguards and examplary practical practice in the field by Pst Nuel and his team leaders


Mathew 13:24-30
Why was the dragon not cast to Mecury or Pluto but Earth? Why the tares among the wheat knowing it would choke it? Why was the tree of knowledge of good and evil allowed in the garden knowing that man is vulnerable? Why was Judas allowed in the camp and on the table with the Lord Jesus Christ knowing that he was a betrayal? If you are not ready to stand, fight and conquer, you can keep complaining for as long as the enemies cares. These have been the order of things before the beginning began.
Men demons or demon men as you might prefer to call them are littered everywhere choking some good thoughts as you ignorantly share with them. They are choking good plans and actions so as to mar any anticipated result and to drop potential celebrants and testifiers in the mud of despondence.
Jesus knowing how evil man can be refused to commit himself to man. He knew that Judas was in his camp and that knowledge kept him on his toes most of the time as they fellowship together because it becomes of us to fulfill all righteousness. In your quest to fulfill all righteousness and give God pleasure, are you sure you are not choking anyone? If the devil is permitted to screen you,what would be the outcome? Don't answer with your mouth but rather,with your heart and conscience. For out of the abundance of the heart,the mouth is still speaking and for that reason,the heart must be kept with all diligence because out of it the issues of life are still issuing.
That ancient dragon - the serpent came to Jesus as accuser of the brethren but found nothing in him because Jesus had a conscience void of offence towards men and towards God - how is it with you? Are you not crying right now calling for vengeance, vengeance against someone who offended you some times ago? The one you were admonished by scriptures to follow his steps said, " father forgive them because they don't know what they are doing" while hanging on the cross where they condemned him to death as a common criminal.
Search your conscience brethren because something might be hidding there with ability to choke whatever thing you might have ever done good thereby,rendering your relevance irrelevant when and where it would matter most.


At Virgil in Poukafa Village

Photos from Grace Height Evangelism Vanguard's post 12/02/2024



Jeremiah 32:27.
John 2:25.
God is a supreme being who has excellent knowledge, understanding and wisdom. He is perfect in thoughts and actions and that earn him the liberty to decide a thing without any kind of consultation.
The sovereignty of this God is so defined that he doesn't need your support to become who he is. He is God before the begining began and he remains God till the end of all times. Your presence or absence from his programme of events,your agreement or disagreement with his operational principles,your acceptance or rejection of his personality and decrees does not add or take away anything from him or what he does. Your acceptance of his Lordship and availability at his command is to your benefit.
If you become reasonable at any point of your life to have accepted him as your Lord,it means you have willfully trust the entirety of your being to him and your 'will' is lost in his and as such,contribution of your ideas springing from personal opinion over what the government and authority of heaven has decreed is not valid - your opinions and ideas are not needed over what a perfect God has put in place.
Continuity in his word is what guarantee discipleship indeed and the moment you are consistent in this dimension,you have made yourself a peculiar treasure unto God. Your concern become God's concern and you are the one he is talking to at this point when said " l will be with you in trouble." Therefore,"if God be for us,who can be against us?" If God is with you in trouble,it means God also is in trouble and if God is in trouble, trouble is in double trouble. Sometimes these things might look,appear and sound funny like when God went with Joseph to prison as if God was helpless.
In this kingdom assignment assigned to us,we are not called to be successful but faithful to him that called us. Does that cancel life of success in ministry? No,it hasn't because it has its place - only the misplacement is what we are speaking against. Whatever assignment that is given to you is not meant for your promotion - is not meant to raise you above others - is not meant for your glory but to him that called you into that assignment. For all glory must be until the Lord. When you are found faithful in your assignment,you can be raised, promoted or be made successful but any time a labourer in a building site begin to decide what happens to the foundation, design and the entire outlook of the buildings,his assignment in that site is over. Cast far away from you therefore,the spirit of Nebuchadnezzar who saw the beautiful and glorious outlook of Babylon as the resultant efforts he had made over the years. I know that you know the direction the story take from that point.
God don't need you but you need God. God cannot be made righteous - he don't need that but it is you that need to be made righteous so as to meet up God's criteria for his blessings. When God partners with you to get a project done,your acceptance and faithful commitment to whatever it is,can never be a favour done for God - it is rather,a privilege given to you that must not be abused.
While you are faithfully walking with and working for a righteous God,can you suffer affliction? And the scriptures saith,"many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord shall deliver him from them all." Righteousness will make you to suffer in this present evil world because unrighteousness is reigning in all directions but God in his faithfulness is always at your desposal to deliver you.
His call upon your life is not a call to a life of exception or some kind of special immunity from tribulations that characterize this present world but in Christ alone shall we continue to have peace and our ultimate consolation and confidence is that,Jesus Christ has overcome the world and we shall overcome as well - just stay connected to him.

Photos from Grace Height Evangelism Vanguard's post 07/02/2024

Engaging village folks with the gospel


Nehemiah 1:1-11
There are things that heaven does not tolerate. There are things that heaven cannot endure. There are things that heaven does not encourage. There are things that heaven does not forbear and there are principles that heaven sees and consider as abominable.
When such abominations are towering higher and the abominable seems to be dominating every sphare of a community or society and lukewarmness is encroaching on the church as fear is choking every believer, heaven would thunder with a demand such as, "who shall we send and who will go for us?"
The willing mind and ready legs that surrender will become a thunderstorm with a thunder- bolt or an axe or a threasing instrument in the hands of God to tear down and destroy systems and patterns shouldering God's will on earth and to build a replacement that would bring glory and pleasure to God.
At such a time, the likes of Esther would spring forth saying, "if l perish, l perish" - such people don't perish. The likes of David would appear tearing down the mountain of fears that had rendered everyone in the camp of Israel impotent while hidding like cowards including the king who was the commander in chief of the armed forces. And at such a time, Nehemiah would show up crying out his eyes because a positive change need to be effected.
God uses human instrumentality to accomplish his purpose on earth but it is only when you are grieved of your inability to hear instructions that gives directives on purpose that you would be enrolled. Not until that is done, routine activities of religion would keep celebrating in our communities and on our ignorance.
But Nehemiah cried to the King of Kings over the ruins and delapidated condition of the city of his father's sepulchres and he was made a threasing instrument and builder that brought about the restoration of the lost glory as the governor of Judah.
Everything spring from desire going into the secret place and having cried to the King of heavens, the Kings on earth has no option but to bow. This is educative that embracing and trusting the only true God for the accomplishment of a desired task is great wisdom. You shall do well to stand against and for what heaven approves or disapprove.


A video clip of Jesus film show during the programme in Anini Village where 25 people surrendered their lives to Christ.

Photos from Grace Height Evangelism Vanguard's post 28/01/2024

Several sessions of individual engagement of village folks on one on one and house to house evangelism during the period of the programme by Grace Height Vanguards.

Photos from Grace Height Evangelism Vanguard's post 28/01/2024

Pastor Nuel and his team mates praying for a man that was bedridden by stroke who eventually began to sit on chair by himself the following day. We are trusting God to perfect his healing on him

Photos from Grace Height Evangelism Vanguard's post 28/01/2024

Serial sessional views of Jesus film show in Anini Village during the three days community engagement with gospel evangelism programme


Praises in Bassa language in preparation for revival sensitization

Photos from Grace Height Evangelism Vanguard's post 14/01/2024

Sessions of discipleship training for intensive rural communities gospel engagements

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Videos (show all)

Pst Nuel leading a Virgil prayer under abo tree in ofabo during a convergence of the 13 churches in that community to ob...
At Virgil in Poukafa Village
A video clip of Jesus film show during the programme in Anini Village where 25 people surrendered their lives to Christ.
Clip of training session on mission in Porkafa Village 25th to 28th October 2023
Grace Height Evangelism Vanguard glorifying God for the great accomplishment over the weekend in Awawa Village.
This process preceeds finding the Person of Peace during mission to an unfamiliar community.





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