Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide

A Home � For Every One, Jesus is Lord



‭Luke 14:15, 16 & 18 AMP
[15] When one of those who were reclining at the table with Him heard this, he said to Him, “Blessed (happy, prosperous, to be admired) is he who will eat bread in the kingdom of God!”

[16] But Jesus said to him, “A man was giving a big dinner, and he invited many guests;

[18] But they all alike began to make excuses. The first one said to him, ‘I have purchased a piece of land and I have to go out and see it; please consider me excused.’

They all gave reasons to be excused from the party because they didn't love the celebrant. If you love God no excuses can stop you from obeying him.

There must be a foundation of love for God to be able to withstand the adversaries of the devil.

‭John 3:16 AMP‬
[16] “For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life.

He has demonstrated his undying love by His altimate sacrifice on the cross, we owe him reciprocation of that love by keeping his commands.

‭John 14:15 AMP‬
[15] “If you [really] love Me, you will keep and obey My commandments.

The obedience of the commandment of God through love brings blessings to us.

‭Deuteronomy 28:2 _ 6 AMP‬
[2] All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you if you pay attention to the voice of the Lord your God.

[3] “You will be blessed in the city, and you will be blessed in the field.

[4] “The offspring of your body and the produce of your ground and the offspring of your animals, the offspring of your herd and the young of your flock will be blessed.

[5] “Your basket and your kneading bowl will be blessed.

[6] “You will be blessed when you come in and you will be blessed when you go out.

The manifestation of obedience to the word of God is safety and divine blessings in all ramifications.

In all our dealings with God we must have

Finally in your prayers always ask God for the spirit of love for your fellow humans. Because you can't claim to love God and hate your brother.

Happy Father's Day To All Our Dear Fathers In The House, We Celebrate You

Photos from Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide's post 09/06/2024

Anchor scripture

‭Philippians 3:10a (NLT‬)
I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead.

When you begin to ask God for favours without knowing him that favor will in return take you away from him. You'll begin to use that gift of a job, a child, or that blessing of a new business as an excuse why you can't come to serve him because you didn't know him before you were blessed.
Seek to know God before seeking his reward only then can you hold on to him despite the wealth. For what is the benefit of wealth outside christ.

‭Deuteronomy 8:18 NLT‬
[18] Remember the Lord your God. He is the one who gives you power to be successful, in order to fulfill the covenant he confirmed to your ancestors with an oath.

‭1 Peter 3:17 NLT‬
[17] Remember, it is better to suffer for doing good, if that is what God wants, than to suffer for doing wrong!

Christianity is a work. That's why you need to work out your salvation according to the scriptures with fear and trembling. Living in christ is daily work through the abundant grace of God.
Teaching the word of God is a gift. That's why there's many gifted with the gift of teaching the word. But living the word of God is work through the grace of God. For whatever you do not work can not work out for you.

God can not come down from heaven and stop you from committing a sin. But if you know him you'll know what he has said about that sin. That knowledge you have about what he has said about that sin coupled with the grace of Christ will help you overcome.

‭Daniel 1:8 NLT‬
[8] But Daniel was determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine given to them by the king. He asked the chief of staff for permission not to eat these unacceptable foods.

He made up his mind. He worked on himself and decided not to partake in the kings meat. He worked it out.

‭Psalms 1:3 NLT‬
[3] They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.

You can be planted by the river side but until you do (work) you can not Prosper. For they Prosper in what dey DO.

‭James 2:20 NLT‬
[20] How foolish! Can’t you see that faith without good deeds is useless?

[21] Don’t you remember that our ancestor Abraham was shown to be right with God by his actions when he offered his son Isaac on the altar?

[22] You see, his faith and his actions worked together. His actions made his faith complete.

[23] And so it happened just as the Scriptures say: “Abraham believed God, and God counted him as righteous because of his faith.” He was even called the friend of God.

[24] So you see, we are shown to be right with God by what we do, not by faith alone.

‭Genesis 18:1 NLT‬
[1] The Lord appeared again to Abraham near the oak grove belonging to Mamre. One day Abraham was sitting at the entrance to his tent during the hottest part of the day.

[2] He looked up and noticed three men standing nearby. When he saw them, he ran to meet them and welcomed them, bowing low to the ground.

Abraham was already used to the habit of lending a helping hand to strangers. He didn't just mistakenly welcome angels on that faithful day.

Whatever that is good that you're doing, keep doing it. Because God is a rewarder of the deligent.

When you don't follow the process you miss the product. Every product has a process that brings it to actualization. When you miss the steps you can't get a perfect product. Follow the process carefully and the product will be perfect.
Therfore if you know him follow his process and you'll not be put to shame.

Live in your ministry and let your ministry live in you.
Is it the ministry of giving?
Care giving
Whatever you ministry is in the body of Christ, live in it and let it live in you.

Photos from Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide's post 02/06/2024

Text:- Deut 8 vs 6-18
*Proverbs 10 vs 22
* Deut 11 vs 12
*Malachi 1 vs 6-7
*Proverbs 23 vs 26
*God can't create a partway, that will not lead you anywhere.
* Nothing comes to you by mistake, God arrange it.
*God is the source of power to get wealth.
*Anything you did not Faith You fake it.
*It's God blessing that make you rich, not your hard labor.
*You must look away from the economy of your government and look at the economy of heaven/God.

Photos from Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide's post 26/05/2024

Text:- Psalms 98 vs 4-5
* Psalm 85 vs 5-7
* Learn to give God a shout of Praise
* Use anything you have to praise God
*Give God sacrifice of praise
* Let everything that have breath Praise God.
* You don't need to have everything to be grateful.
1. Father show us your mercy.
2. Father look beyond me, and show me your favor.
3. Father revive me again, let the joy of my salvation be restored.

Photos from Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide's post 19/05/2024

Text:- Isaiah 56 vs 6
* Mathew 21 vs 13-14
* 1 Thesselonia 5 vs 17-18
* Luke 11 vs 1, 6 vs 12
* Act 6 vs 4
* Exodus 12 vs 40-41
*We learn by doi something when we do it over and over
* Prayer is a personal way talking to God.
* The foundation of every church is built on prayer.
*Don't ever lookdown on prayer, because it's the solution to all challenges.
* If we can learn in the school, we can also learn prayer in the church.
* Start Making efforts in your prayer life.



1st kings 8:27
When God begins to talk about his house, He cannot dwell in the most beautiful of auditoriums.

Acts 7:46
In as much as BETHEL means Gods dwelling place (GOD’s house) God does not dwell in buildings developed by the hands of men.

1st cor 3:16
God dwells in the hearts of those whose body has become a temple habitable by the most high.

You’re not an ordinary person because God dwells in you.
If God cannot dwell in the most beautiful and well designed and furnished temples but decides to make man his dwelling place then man is no ordinary being.

When a man arrives in a place a god has arrived.
A man who can build a mobile alter in his heart carries God’s presence.

You’re not ordinary because you carry the presence of the most high.

Until a man realizes that his heart, his body is THE BETHEL of the most high. He cannot do exploits. He cannot attain destiny.

When the Bible talks about BETHEL he’s referring to the hearts of men.
You’re Gods house
NO evil is permitted in the house of God.

You’re not permitted to harbor evil, Sin, misfortune, poverty, because you’re the the house of God.
The carrier of God’s presence.


BETHEL 2024 (DAY 1)
Text:- Gen 35 vs 1 - 15
BETHEL simply means “ THE HOUSE OF GOD “.
Abraham was the first man that built an alter for the Lord and Isaac located those alters and when Jacob came Jacob also located his fathers alter.

Jacob was a man that faced a lot of challenges in his life. Until he decided to surrender his life and his entire house hold onto the lord and travailed into Bethel.
Just as Hannah travailed at Shillo
And God came through for her.
That same God is still coming through for believers. If only you’re willing to surrender and travail before the LORD.

GOD told Jacob because you have travailed your name has been changed.
Your family’s generational problem shall be changed as a result of BETHEL 2024.
All the blessings your fathers could not access will be accessible to you and your house hold as a result of BETHEL 2024.

There are things you must surrender when you come to BETHEL if God must remember you
1. Surrender your name (pride, ego)
2. ⁠surrender that sin that easily entangles you.
3. ⁠you must appear unto God empty so He can fill you.

Photos from Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide's post 05/05/2024

Text :- 15 vs 9-10
*Psalms 44 vs 8
*Ephesians 1 vs 2
* Philippians 1 vs 2, 6
* Zachariah 4 vs 7
* when Grace arrives, it's overtake and suspend Labour.
* Grace has the ability to minimize struggles in your life and career.
*One day of Grace, is far better than a life time struggle, it's good to work hard, but connect yourself with Grace.
* How far you have go with God, will determine how much Grace you enjoy.
* It does not matter who believe in you or not, Grace has no apology.
* Grace gives room for overtaking.
1. Grace has special preference
2. Grace attract special attention and treatment.
3. Grace enhances the volume of your life.
4. Grace have magnetic power to attract goodness
5. Grace can qualify the unqualified.



Photos from Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide's post 21/04/2024

Text:- Acts 3 vs 6-7
* 1 Samuel 17 vs 26-28
* Mark 10 vs 27
* John 15 vs 5
* John 3 vs 27
* Numbers 18 vs 26-27
* Whichever road, you have decided to take must take you, to somewhere.
* Decision is a major factor, that's critical to life fulfilment.
* The decision you make today, will determine how glorious is your destination.
* Let us wake up from indecision.
* Learn to make a quality decision, because it will maximize your glorious life
* Stop depending on your strength/ability, depend on God.
* The decision David, Daniel and the 3 Hebrews men take, lead them to their glory.

Photos from Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide's post 14/04/2024

Text:- Zachariah 1 vs 17
* Luke 8 vs 2-3
* Eccl 7 vs 12-13
* Luke 7 vs 4-6
* We have to seat up and commit ourselves to the services of God.
* The place of money, in the life of a believer/church is very significant.
* Don't waste God's resources in your life
* What you need desperately is God's favor
* Don't ever think you are were you are now, because of your own doings.
* You don't have any connection outside God.
* Be careful, how you treat people you don't need now.
* Let the value, of the gift you gave me, be seen.

Photos from Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide's post 07/04/2024

Text: Eccl 9 vs 11
* Proverb 9 vs 16
* Proverb 3 vs 3-4
* Acts 20 vs 35
* Proverb 11 vs 17
* Proverb 19 vs 17
* Proverbs 28 vs 27
* Let people see your values, anywhere you find yourself
* If God has shown you mercy, why are you not showing mercy to others.
* Let mercy be your way of life.
* Don't be ashamed to work for God. Because God will not be ashamed to work for you.
* Always make yourself available.

Photos from Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide's post 31/03/2024

Text: John 15 vs 13
* Mathew 6 vs 13-15
* If you forgives , your heavenly father will also forgive you.
* John 8 vs 4, 7-11
John 19 vs 30

Photos from Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide's post 24/03/2024

Text:- John 13 vs 34
* Luke 5 vs 3-4
* John 3 vs 16
* 1John 4 vs 9-11, 20-21
* Roman's 13 vs 8
* Mark 12 vs 30-31, 10 vs 21-23
* John 14 vs 23-24
* Love is not theory, love is practical
* Who wake you up every day?
* Who is clothing you?
* Who is feeding you daily?

Photos from Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide's post 22/10/2023

(Sunday Impartation Service)
Text:- Mathew 21 vs 13-14
* Luke 11 vs 1-3
* Thesslonians 5 vs 17
* Matthew 21 vs 22
* Genesis 20 vs 2-3
* Joshua 10 vs 12
* James 5 vs 17
* Daniel 9 vs 3
1. Destiny change when men pray
2. Mountains became plan
3. The devil leave your life and family
4. You attract Aboudance of blessings
* True prayer is the innermost part of our lives yearning for fellowshiping with God
* Prayer is an answer to challenges
* Prayer is calling God for help
* People who don't play with prayer
can't be played by the devil
* Jesus thought how to pray, so learn
how to pray
* Whatever agree in the alter of prayers
can't be changed easily.
* Even in disobedience God still hard the
prayer of Jonah.
* If you need increase sow

Photos from Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide's post 09/10/2023


Photos from Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide's post 08/10/2023

Text:- Job 36 vs 11
1. When you obey God's word
* Matthew 6 vs 33
2. Seeking after God's Kingdom
* Genesis 15 vs 1
* John 3 vs 16
* Roman's 5 vs 8
* Deut 28 vs 47-48
* When you walk in love you don't see
* If we must attract reward we must
work in love
* God is looking at your inward not
* Any service that's not acceptable can't
be rewardable.
3. Love God
* Your love for God can drive
impossibilities to become possible
* Every thing in the kingdom work with
* Matthew 22 vs 36-39
* 1King 3 vs 3
* 1Chronicles 29 vs 3
* Every alter receives sacrifices
* As you go out this week your steps
are ordered by God

Photos from Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide's post 01/10/2023

Text:-Act 20 vs 32-34
* 2 Peter 1 vs 2-3
* Psalms 138 vs 2-3
* Psalms 121 vs 1-3
* Acts 15 vs 8-11
* Genesis 8 vs 5
* Today your glory will shine
* In the midst of darkness you will
working in light.
* God has given you those things that
will make your life comfortable.
* God will build your life entirely.
* The God who is doing it for others will
certainly do it for.
Happy Independence Nigerians 🇳🇬
* A new Nigeria is Coming, it would be
long you and your family will see it.

Photos from Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide's post 24/09/2023

Text :- 2Chronicles 20 vs 21-23
* Psalms 34 vs 1-3
* Gratitude is a dangerous weapon in
the kingdom.
* God is not looking for excuses but
greatful people
* Your attitude qualified you to attain
God's blessings
* What is impossible with men it's
possible in the alter of Praise.
* Praise God at all times not when it
convenient for you.
* Gratitude towards God is one of the
secret for victory
* God himself love greatful people
* Psalms 8 vs 1-3
* When you praise God you are lefted
above you enemies.
* When things are not going according
to your plan praise God

Photos from Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide's post 09/09/2023

Text: Genesis 2 vs 7-10
* Mathew 7 vs 24
* Proverb 22 vs 6, 15
* Ephesians 6 vs 4-5
* Ephesians 5 vs 23-30
* Colossians 2 vs 20-21
1. The duty of a dignify person
* He/she must build a Christ like home.
*A person of dignity must make
sacrifices to build his home/church
* Your character define you
1. Build your home with Godly wisdom
* Proverb 25 vs 2
2. Build with meekness
3. Build your home with prayer
4. Build your home with understanding
* Luke 10 vs 38-39
5. Build your home with the fear of God.
* As a woman of dignity you need to be
an influence to your house and
* When you are dignify you are place
above others in the society.
* Your attitude should be worthy to
* Every child of God is a dignify person.
* Jesus Christ is a good example of a
dignify person.

Photos from Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide's post 03/09/2023

Text:- Luke 6 vs 38
1Corinthians 16 vs 1
* There's no different order of giving in
Europe and in Africa it same order.
* Hebrew 11 vs 6
* you must come to God believing that
he is a rewarder
* Proverb 23 vs 26
* Any giving that is not from the heart
is useless.
* Malachi 3 vs 8
* Giving is the responsibility of every
* When you are not a giver no prayer and fasting can deliver you from poverty
* Every sacrifice fromn a willing heart
leads to supernatural breakthrough.
* Every kingdom demand it's a master
key to a new door in life.
1. Giving your Tithe and Offering
* Abraham blessings can't be yours
without paying the price.
* You must plan your giving, don't be
conjure to give
* You don't claim his blessings, you
claim the blessings by sacrifice.
* The more of God's knowledge we have the more we gain access to his blessings.
2. Giving to the poor
* Learn to give to the needing, don't
wait for them to beg
* Proverb 19 vs 17
* Proverb 28 vs 26-27
* When you meet the needs of others
God will meet your needs also
3. Giving to the prophet/men of God
* 2Chronicles 20 vs 20
* 2 kings 4 vs 8
* God will always stand against anything
that stand against you when you give.
* God does not over look your sacrifice
to your prophet.
* Mathew 10 vs 41

Photos from Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide's post 27/08/2023

Text:- Psalms 106 vs 1-5
* Psalms 92 vs 4-5
* Always stay greatful and don't forget
his benefits
* God alone can guarantee true
* No one without a testimony, it
because we lack value for what God is
* This is the time and season
to embrace the truth.
* God is the healer, not any man

Photos from Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide's post 20/08/2023

Text:- Genesis 28 vs 16-22
* Pay your tithe and your giving secretly
so God can reward you openly.
* Galatians 3 vs 26
* John 1 vs 1
* Galatians 5 vs 8-10
* Leviticus 27 vs 30-32
* Numbers 18 vs 21-24
* Mathew 23 vs 23
* Luke 11 vs 42
* Luke 18 vs 12-13
* Don't ignore, eat or diverte your tithe
* Proverbs 3 vs 27-28
* God didn't create any one without a
* Anytime God want to make us useful
we find excuses.
* Anytime you have an opportunity to
do good do it.

Photos from Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide's post 13/08/2023

Text:- Duet 10 vs 12-13
* God's love is unconditionally
* Jeremiah 2 vs 1
* It was during a birthday that Elijah
head was demanded.
* Anything is possible during celebration
of a king, you are going home with
multiple blessings today.
* If don't love your neighbors you can't
claim to love God.
* Our first Love is God, love the Lord
with all your heart.
* If don't have the love of God, you will
continue to complain.
* Mathew 24 vs 12
* When you stand with God longevity is
your reward.
* 2 Timothy 2 vs 4
* When you love the world you can't
please God
* 1 John 2 vs 15
* We need to come back to God again
today tomorrow might be too late


Text:Jeremiah 1 vs 11
* If You can Behold IT, you can
Become IT.
* The way you see yourself is same way God look at you, stop reducing yourself
* 2 Corinthians 3 vs 18
* Genesis 30 vs 30-45
* Keep what you want to become in
your mouth.
* If you must affect a change you must
see things that will change you.
* No body know you better than you.
* God says your desires will be granted,
so be positive in your thinking.
* Proverb 4 vs 23-24
* Isaiah 12 vs 3
* 2 Samuel 1 v2
* 1Chronicles 15 vs 4
How to sustain your future
1. Be positive
2. Don't compromised
3. Study your Bible daily
* 2Timothy 2 vs 15
4. You must help Others
* Luke 6 vs 38
* Mathew 7 vs 12


Text-: Psalms 104 vs 33-34
* Psalms 34 vs 19, acts 16 vs 16
* Praising God bring down his glory
upon that individual
* Acts 16 vs 16-26
* Psalms 48 vs 1
* Psalms 149 vs 1-3
* Praise any time anyway open heaven
* Jesus you love us too much thank you
for the love 😍 😍 😍

Photos from Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide's post 23/07/2023

Text:- Isaiah 12 vs 3
* Isaiah 43 vs 3
* You are only passing through that
challenges now you will not remain
1. Go to God in Prayers
* Psalms 139 vs 18-19
2. Go to God in Worship
* Psalms 118 vs 6
3. Go to God in Praise
* If you want to win you must not quite
* The love of God is the
beginning of Abundance.
* Exodus 13 vs 14
* Exodus 14 vs 8, 10
* Learn to discuss with God in Prayers
* When your heart is not happy you
can't receive anything from God
* Let your focus be on God
* 2 Chronicles 20 vs 1-3

Photos from Christ Aflame Rescue Ministries Worldwide's post 09/07/2023

Text:- Psalms 89 vs 2-3, 20
* Joshua 1 vs 1-3
* Exodus 17 vs 13-14
1. Forget about self, focus on what God
is saying.
Philippines 6 vs 2
2. Show interest anothe man business.
3. Substituting your will to your masters
* John 5 vs 30
4. Ignoring every negative talk.
5. Taking all necessary risk
* 1 Samuel 17 vs 32
* 2Kings 2 vs 1-20
* Matthew 25 vs 19-24
* The place of greatness is a
place of service.
* Anyone who have no time to serve can
never achieve greatness.
* Service bring advancement to life.
* Serve God with all your heart.


Text :- Roman's 8 vs 18
* 1 Corinthians 9 vs 10
* The privileged of serving God is to
gain his glory.
* The more of God's word in your heart
the healthier you become
* You don’t train in the middle of the
game you train before.
* If you don't train properly you can't
be crow as a champion
* You must not lose focus if you want to
crown as a champion


Text Genesis 32 vs 27
* God will give you Grace to understand
his timing for your life.
* Exodus 30 vs 19-21
* Genesis 8 vs 7
* The God that change Jacob status he
will change yours.
* Hosea 2 vs 21-23
* God will break protocol for your sake.
* You will shout the shout of victory.
* God will take you to a place of more
than enough.
* Revelation 12 vs 15

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LOVE AND OBEDIENCE ‭Luke 14:15, 16 & 18 AMP[15] When one of those who were reclining at the table with Him heard this, h...
BETHEL (DAY 4) WITH PST WILLIAMS ELOGUN1st kings 8:27When God begins to talk about his house, He cannot dwell in the mos...
BETHEL 2024 (DAY 1) Text:- Gen 35 vs 1 - 15BETHEL simply means “ THE HOUSE OF GOD “.Abraham was the first man that built...
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