The Apostolic Church Nigeria Maraba loko Assembly

The Apostolic Church Nigeria, Maraba Loko Assembly


May this new year bring many opportunities your way, to explore every joy of life and may your resolutions for the
days ahead stay firm, turning all your dreams into reality and all your efforts into great achievements.


Hmmm what a great faith


Hmmm may we not disappoint God in our journey of life in Jesus Name Amen



*When you are sick, Don't fast.

*When you are fasting and you become unwell, break the fast immediately and treat yourself because it's only the living that can Fast.

*If you are a preacher and you are not strong enough to preach,don't force yourself to impress your members. Dont pretend to be a supper-man. Allow someone else to preach. If you die in the pulpit, your members will be the first to say "I told him to be resting, he refused"
Only the living can preach.

*If you are sick and you are demonstrating faith, after three days, you are not healed, take medications. Its not a sin.

*If you are doing dry fasting and you discovered that you have started seeing 'The burning bush', drink water fast and break your dry fasting, then try it another day.
Don't go and die before your time because of unnecessary competitions with a fellow pastor.

*If you are ageing and ALLNITE Prayers is having effect on your health, stop it.

*If your wife or someone is sick at home, don't leave the person unattended to and rush to church.Treat them first, before church: God is FIRST. Family is SECOND. Church etc are THIRD.

*Always check your sugar level and your blood pressure.

*If you are told that Robbers are operating on the road, park your car some - where, pray, then hide.
When they finished their madness, start your journey or return home. Dont faith it..


I wish you long life with good health. None of us will die careless deaths in Jesus name.



Jesus help us to be burning for your kingdom may our service not be irrelevant on the last day



1. Be humble. Right now, you might be energized by the call, the church, and even the position that God has placed you in. Don’t lose this feeling but go further by imitating Jesus’s example as seen in Philippians 2:5-11. In this passage, He is the prime example of what it means to be a humble servant for the Father. Most of all, remember that being a pastor is not a position of status but a posture of servant leadership.

2. Be prayerful. A minister prays for his people. Period. Your effectiveness in ministry is directly tied to your time in prayer. By praying with a heart of love for your church and your community, you are appealing for all the forces of heaven to act on behalf of the gospel you are preaching. Place prayer high on your list every day and prove your love for people by praying for them.

3. Be biblical. In 2 Timothy 4:2, Paul gives Timothy a simple response to a culture of subjectivity: “Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; rebuke, correct, and encourage with great patience and teaching.” Let no one ever say that you missed the mark in your preaching and teaching ministry. Instead, be faithful to plan, study, and make disciples throughout your call.

4. Be loving. Peter wrote words that have always spoken to me: “Above all, maintain constant love for one another, since love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8). Love your church, your community, and your ministry. Spend time with them in visits, care for them in times of need, and in anything you do with and for them, do it out of love.

5. Be gospel-centered. The gospel is the center of all that we do. While it might be that you’ve shared the gospel to people thousands of times, there’s probably someone out there that might be hearing this message for the first time. Paul’s advice to Timothy applies here: “Do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry” (2 Timothy 4:5 CSB). Don’t breeze over the essential elements of evangelism in your ministry—there are souls out there in need of Jesus.

6. Be gracious. It is by God’s grace that you can serve Jesus in your ministry in the first place. As God has given you grace, therefore, show it to others. Be gracious to your members, your staff, and people in your community. This means to be gracious to all you encounter, even those who may never darken the doors of your church or benefit you personally. And yes, even to those who may not like you for some reason.

7. Be diligent. Ministry is not for the lazy. Of course, be careful to take time to be with your family and to take care of your body and soul. However, study hard, pray hard, and work hard. Paul wrote, “Pay close attention to your life and your teaching; persevere in these things” (1 Timothy 4:16). You may not always get it right but keep trying: it takes time and wisdom for you to grow in this discipline.

8. Be cautious. There are going to be many temptations, distractions, and ministry directions. Be wary of the hype over the next new thing and take your time evaluating new ideas and trends. Rather than wearing out your church and staff with the latest and greatest, pursue a direction that offers stability mixed with some innovation. Change takes time, and keep in mind that consistency and familiarity are both helpful and useful for the long-term health of your church.

9. Be peaceful. A person of peace is a breath of fresh air in the community. The words Jesus gave to His disciples then are just as true today: “Look, I’m sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore, be as shrewd as serpents and as innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16, CSB). Find out how to connect with your community leaders and involve your church in a way that might bring people to Jesus.

10. Be joyful. The weariness of ministry is real and taxing on pastors. However, when you love your church and your community, ministry is not a burden but a joy. When you are not feeling joy, it may be time to take an inventory on your daily life: are you praying, reading, studying, and spending time with your church? Are you taking a sabbath each week? Is there unresolved conflict that you need to deal with? Realigning your life can help you serve Jesus with joy.



Dearly Beloved,

2 TIMOTHY 4:5, “But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.”

This is the mandate of God for everybody, not just Timothy alone. Every human being, whether born-again or not, will give an account of his destiny when he stands before the Lord. The tragedy of a person who is not born-again is that he will give an account of his divine destiny despite the fact that he is not born-again. He will not only be judged for his sins, he will also give account of his unfulfilled destiny. A man that dies as a sinner, yet carries the destiny of an apostle, is going to give an account for an apostolic ministry despite the fact that he did not get born-again. That is why it is imperative that you are saved.

COLOSSIANS 4:17, “And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it.”

In the entire Bible, only two people were bold enough to say they finished the ministry that they received of the Lord. The first person was the Lord Jesus Christ.

JOHN 17:4, “I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.”

Paul was the second person that said this:

2 TIMOTHY 4:7-8, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.”

If it was only Jesus Christ that said He had finished His work, we could have given an excuse that it is not possible for anyone of us to do it. We could have said Jesus was different. He is not different from us. Jesus was only different from us in His birth, in His relationship with the Father as the only begotten son of the Father. He is now our Elder brother; we are continuing His ministry. The same Holy Ghost that He had is what we have.

If the Lord fulfilled His ministry by the same indwelling Holy Ghost, we also can fulfil our ministry as men with the indwelling Holy Ghost. We can fulfil our destiny. Paul believed that and did it. There is no excuse for any fallen man that is redeemed for failing to fulfil his destiny. It is our responsibility to fulfil it.

Paul said, about fulfilling his destiny, “I have fought a good fight”. There is a good fight you have to fight if you are going to fulfil your destiny. There is a fight to the fulfilment of a man’s destiny, a fight against the devil, a fight against the flesh and a fight against so many things. Many people were not willing to fight the good fight so they lost; they were ejected from the call by the devil. Paul said, “I have finished my course”. He ran a good race of endurance.

There are three aspects you must take heed to if you want to fulfil your call. Paul said, “I’ve fought a good fight of faith; I have finished my course, I have kept the faith”. If you are going to fulfil your call, you are going to do what Paul did. Keep the faith, do not ever lose the faith, and do not ever think of backsliding and getting into error.

So, we see that it is possible to receive the call and not fulfil it. That a man is predestined does not mean it will automatically come to pass. The Bible reveals that there are two parts to the fulfilment of our destiny. The first part is God’s own part, where He shows us His mercy and draws the entire scope of a man’s destiny. The second part of that destiny is man’s own part. The man must be willing to pursue that destiny. If any man desires to do the will of God, God will show him His will. Many people are not willing to do the will of God, so they do not get a revelation of the will of God. A man’s part is to DISCOVER IT, ACCEPT IT, PURSUE IT, AND FULFIL IT.
Go and win with Jesus.


I Decree And Declare
- Every closed destiny is re-opened.
- Closed marital destiny is opened.
- Closed career destiny is opened.
- Closed destiny of our children is re-opened.
- Whatever door the enemy has shut against you, it is re-opened today.
- Grace to keep loving God, grace to keep serving His interest, receive it in the name of Jesus.
- Grace to be committed to walking in the Spirit so you can catch the signals from Heaven, receive it now in the name of Jesus.
Listen: the Lord sent me to rescue my world from all oppression of the devil.
- Any agent of the devil that stands to resist this declaration that you believe goes down for you today.
- There shall be diverse testimonies of new chapters to your destiny this week.
As the Cell is replicating, God is giving you another house.
Somebody is wishing, “I wish I had a house of my own.” - You will have it now.
Somebody is being threatened by His Landlord, you will emerge a Landlord this year.
As you keep pursuing after God, things will keep opening up to you.


🙌The making and destruction of a man is found in his DESIRE, your desire is the access key to manifestation and exploit👌


Preaching A/pastor l. E. Okon
Topic church growth

Practical humanity says growth Matthew 16:18 Peter was a marketer of God organisation
Church growth z a partnership between God n man the power of God and power of men.

D skill if men work online with d power of God.

U must be productive 1 Cor 3:6,9, Matt 9 Ephesians 4:16, Rom 12:4,8.

Every standard body does it share

Every members of the church does it's share for the growth of the church.

Take a pattern for d growth of d church

Strategies for church growth

Home cell unit


Sunday school

Fruitfulness Jn3:8-16, Col 1:10, Matt 3:8

it bring glory to God


Christ like character

Growth by beleiver to d unbelievers 1 Cor 16:15

Method changes principle never changes

A system for developing people Eph 2:9

First foundation class

Second disciple class


Membership is becoming a viter organ of d church Rom 12:


It define u a true beleiver Eph 2:9

It provides a spiritual family support Gen 6:1,2,


Listen to this every carefully your Mentality will affect your Reality


Topic l will heal ur land
Text 2kings 2:19-22

The first wonders is to heal our land
My land shall be heal

Ps 85: 12, 18, 115:14, Deut 7:7, gen 3:

My land shall yield her increase

7 land
Darkness job 10;22
Peace lev 26:6 Isaiah 6:21gen 26:30

Change ur mentality about the things of God

Favour model testimony comfort

Have positive mind

Believe in d ministration of the minister

Learn to give to the men of God


Preaching pastor I. E. OKON
Topic The work wisdom
Text Deut 28:2-9,

The work wisdom is here in the promise
Talk the talk and work the talk.

***Different kind of work

**Blessed shall thou be in d city (that is d wisdom of industrialisation, education)

**blessed shall thou be in d field(wisdom of agriculture).

**blessed shall be the fruit of thy womb (this are people who can personally develop thereself e.g. comedians, musicians, actors etc.)

**blessed Be thy basket (this are those who do storage farming)

**blessed shall be thy fishery
Blessed shall be when thou go out (bless is the man that go into transportation business)

**the lord shall cause thine enemies that rise up again you (wisdom of the military) 1 Kings 10:27,28, 2sam 8:2-4, Gen 39:35,

** blessed shall be whatever you set your hands too (do ice cream, ice blocks, restaurant, make up).

**blessed is thine land ( real estate business)


When Jesus was born in Bethlehem during the reign of King Hero's, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem asking where the Christ was born, they eventually found it. When you truly seek God, you will find Him because those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will always be satisfied by God. When the wise men entered the house, they saw the little baby Jesus and worshipped Him. Then they presented rare gifts to Him as a sign of deep devotion. True worship involves honouring Christ and being willing to give Him what is valuable and important to you. Such valuable things may include ur time, talent, money, knowledge etc. How much offering do you give to God every Sunday or fellowship time? How much time do you spend in prayer, in the church, in mission and in other of God's work, how much of your knowledge and wisdom do you offer for God's work? If you have been stingy or frugal in your giving to God, repent now and start giving to God great and valuable things. God is worthy of the best you have.
Oh God, take my silver and my gold, not a mite would I withhold. Take my intellect and use every power as Thou shalt choose.



2 Chronicles 36:2 Jehoahaz was twenty and three years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months in Jerusalem.

A man's blessing could be short, medium or long term depends on the duration of enjoying the blessing. Note that the plan of God for us is for our blessing to last long while the devil always tries his best to short change our blessing. Therefore, it is only those who understand the rules of engagement that will enjoy the long term blessing.

The king in our scriptural passage reign for 3 months not because he died but he was deposed by enemy. I pray for you today that the blessing of God in your life will last long in the name of Jesus.

You remembered the woman that Elijah prayed for and had a child, after a while the devil struck to short term her joy by killing the child, but thank God for urgent intervention of higher authority the woman would have lost the child. Today whatever that has been put together by the power of darkness to short term your blessing, it is cancelled now in the name of Jesus.

This week, your joy will be filled. Your testimony will not be denied, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Your marriage, job, children and your peace shall not be taken away from you, in the name of Jesus. Whoever that attempt to tamper with your blessing, will go for it, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Remain bless in the Lord shalom


Peace Be Still

Mark 4:39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

Are you going through the storm of life at moment? Does it seem the storm is about to overcome you. According to the words of the Lord, peace be still right now, in the precious name of Jesus. Over that financial storm, marital storm, career storm, spiritual storm, I say peace be still in the mighty name of Jesus. You shall laugh last in Jesus name.

Be blessed

Jesus is Lord



Hebrews 3:4 For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God.

The above scripture makes it clear that every success recorded involved human efforts but God is the One that crowns efforts with good success ultimately.
This year, Jehovah the Ultimate Builder will support you. He will surprise you pleasantly. He will send help to you. He will crown your efforts with good success, in the name of Jesus. He will open doors of favour for you. That your ongoing project, shall be completed this year in the name of Jesus. Everything that represents abandoned project in your life shall receive divine touch of completion today in the name of Jesus. Every of your step of faith shall enjoy divine backing in the name of Jesus. He will raise men and women to speak in your favour, in the name of Jesus.

Confession: Year 2021 is my year of Divine Harvest and great wonders. I shall not labour in vain. All round blessing is my portion, in Jesus name

Be blessed
Jesus is Lord


Amen to this fire


Hmmm be careful whom you choose to becoming your partner


HOW TO BUILD INTIMACY (Friendship) in your Relationship and Marriage.
Marriage only makes someone your lawfully wedded PARTNER, it is Intimacy that makes them your FRIEND.

There are married People whose best friend is not their Partner, while for some, their Partner is not even their friend. Such a Marriage is a waste of "I DO"




=>TALK.. A lot.
Create time to call, text, chat, video call, hang out.

Talk about everything and anything.

About your love for each other, your day, how it went, what you ate, who you saw, your funny/hurtful experiences and adventures, talk about your fears, your hopes and aspirations, gist, gossip, rant to each other..

Both in the Spiritual and in the Physical, Communication breeds Intimacy.

=> GIVE.
Communication isn't only with words, you also communicate with gifts, acts of service, cash, etc.

Learn to spoil each other with the resources available to you both. And for the married, S*x is also part of communication.


Pray together, Plan together, Play together. Bath together (if married), Eat together,

Visit friends together.

Go on dates, attend programs, seminars, concerts together.

Grow Together. Intentionally come up with ideas and plans that will see you and your partner more together than apart.

It's sad when you see persons who seem to enjoy themselves more when apart from their partner, a married Man who prefers being with the Boys every Friday eating suya and drinking peppersoup than taking his wife out to do same or something else, you are harming your Relationship and Marriage..

Marriage without Intimacy is like Food without Salt.

Intimacy builds Trust, Unity, Love, Happiness and Peace. Go for Intimacy. Go for Gold.

Marry your Friend and Befriend who you Marry


Preaching: A/Pastor
Topic: The way of wisdom
Text: Job 1:2-8

God told us that this year is the year of the release of wisdom.

Proverb 2: 6-11 wisdom will keep the path of Jugdement.

* When wisdom enters into to your heart
And knowledge is pleasant into your soul.

* Discretion shall preserve you.

* Knowledge is information....

*Understanding is to experiment knowledge (experimentation of knowledge)....

*Wisdom is information applied....

* The month of January is the month of WISDOM.

* ***What is the way of wisdom.

* To gain wisdom is to maintain purity Job 2:5
Proverb 31:1-3.

**** Young male if you give your strength to women, you will not succeed and also lack wisdom. Psalm 32:2.

* To gain wisdom is to Pass the test of life.
Job 2:9.

**** God is wisdom, wisdom is the principle thing get it and you get everything....

* To gain wisdom is to stay away from fear.
Job 3:25.

****The path way is for you to get wisdom and to obey this three things....



Preacher A/pastor OKON

Text Isaiah 11vs1-16

Prophecy from God's servant Ass/Pastor OKON from Mararaba Loko Assembly, Orozo District Nyanya Area....for the Year 2021....

2021 the year of God's Jugdement
Two category of people the righteous and the unrighteous....

Year of wisdom God is giving to me freely
Year of knowledge n understanding

God is taking you back to that original plan that destiny is not going to be altered

Your destiny should not be altered in Jesus Name Amen

His your year of release of what have been lost

God is going to bring forth a mysterious way this year

2021 will be the year of the spirit

FOR the release of wisdom knowledge understanding you will never be confuse again

Fresh knowledge wisdom idea to take over the world

2021 is the year of service with faithfulness
Things will be turning around, you will be shining from glory to glory

2021 is the year of divine connection everyone you need in life will part your way

2021 a year of uncommon help from God

2021 it should be the harvest of souls

2021 is a year of the return of your past members all that is yours

2021 is a year of reconciliation

2021 is a year of unity

2021is a year of the church strength

2021 is a year of strange success part ways

2021 is a year of divine strange escape from attacks

2021 is a year of quick reward for obedient

2021 for the righteous is a year of

Uncommon proof of God/manifestation in your life

For the Unrighteous ones....

There should be an excess blood shield of the wicked

Massive down fall in the nation

Year of disgrace for the pride

Year of natural disaster

Year of evil exposure

Year of destruction of lifely hood of the wicked

Year of famine for the wicked

Year of great lost for the wicked Exo14


This God is too good o wao this is for me and for us blessed be thy name o Lord......




Joshua 3:5b




Genesis 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

With great joy in my heart, I welcome you the year 2021. The year that God has vowed to reward your efforts with success. To crown your labour with rest. He has declared to make you the envy of others, as no single seed you have sown or going to sow this year will escape great harvest, in the name of Jesus. Welcome to the YEAR OF HARVEST.

Jesus is Lord


I congratulate you for witnessing the last day of the month, and of the year; I pray for you, as you have seen and witnessed the last day of this month and this year so shall you see the end of all that troubles you.

All that afflict you, all that give you problem, all that give you pain, all that make you shed tears, all that bring you sorrow shall end with the year.

All that bring you shame and disgrace shall disappear, you shall see your Egyptians no more.

The gate of this year that is about closing shall never close against you and your household, but it shall close against all that is not of the Lord in your life.

All your good portions hanging in this year shall all be delivered unto you before the close of this day.

You shall have a good story to tell at the end of this day, you will surely end this year well with testimonies to show for it.

Last minute sorrow shall not be your lot, I decree and declare into your life, you will surely enter into the new year in a glorious way without any evil carry-over, in Jesus mighty name, Amen.

Good morning, and do have a Blessed and Thankful Last Thursday and Last day of the Year🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🔥




1 John 2:29
[29]Since we know that Christ is righteous, we also know that all who do what is right are God’s children.

As we move to bid 2020 goodbye, it is high time we reexamined ourselves of our true identity. The above scripture gives us explicit feature of a true child of God by saying "he who does what is right is a child of God". From that I can conclude that he that does what is wrong is child of devil. Where do you belong sir? Do people see what you do as rights or wrongs? You can't be fighting your neighbour every now and then and claim to be a child of God. You can't be falsifying your church or ministry reports and claim to be a child of God. You can't be having so called side chick and claim to be a child of God. You can't be a nagging wife at home and claim to be a child of God. How can you be telling lies and claim to be a child of God? How can you be sleeping with that brother and that sister you are not married to and still be claiming you are a child of God? It is time to turn a new leave. The first resolution you need is the resolution to be of God and please God. Would you decide to do that now? In the name of Jesus Christ, receive grace to please Him. Every yoke of sin in your life is broken now, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Be blessed
Jesus is Lord



1 John 2:8b ........: because the darkness is past, and the true light now shineth.

Where there is darkness, there must be stagnation, frustration, rejection, falling and stumbling, weeping and gnashing of teeth, sadness and sorrow. But when light shines, there is speed and progress, favour and beauty manifest without stress, joy flows like a river, laughter springs forth.
According to the integrity of God's words, the days of darkness is over in your life. The seasons of darkness is forever past in your life, in the name of Jesus. Beginning from today, you have entered into the era of lights. The light of God is shining in your life, finance, ministry, careers, marriage and family in the name of Jesus Christ. I decree an end to sorrow and weeping in your life, in the name of Jesus Christ. Congratulations

Jesus is Lord


You Shall Not Die

Psalms 118:17 I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD.

In this season, may this scripture find expression in your life in the name of Jesus. Arrow of death is returned to sender. He that waits to hear bad news about you shall wait forever, in the name of Jesus. I will not follow anyone to your grave this year in the name of Jesus. As God lives, we shall all witness 2021 in great style in the name of Jesus.

Be blessed

Jesus is Lord



Isaiah 41:18 I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of the valleys: I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water.

It is unusual for anyone to expect a river at plateaus. It is also uncommon to have spring in a valley just as wilderness is not expected to have a pool of water,but God is saying to you this week, that the miracle you least expect will suddenly happen. There shall be an end to wilderness experience in your life. Every dry finances, business, family, career, ministry will blossom again. The barren will see a sign of fruitfulness. You shall sing a new song in Jesus name. Your testimony will surprise people around you, in the name of Jesus Christ.
I wish you blessed week ahead.

Jesus is Lord


*🤔 Who invented the three basic Covid 😷 rules to protect us:?*

*1 - Distance 🧍*

*2 - Hand hygiene* 👐 🚰🧽

*3 - Using the mask* 😷

*These laws were given to the nation of Israel 3,500 years ago. Did you know? So look it up in the Bible! 📖*

*1 - EXODUS 30: 18-21 - Wash your hands 👐🚰*

*2 - LEVITICUS 13: 4, 5, 46 - If you have symptoms, keep your distance, cover your mouth and avoid contact. 😷🤒*

*3 - LEVITICUS 13: 4, 5 - Who is infected must remain in quarantine for 7 to 14 days*

*And there are still those who doubt that the Bible is a book of wisdom !!!*


- When *GOD* wanted to create *fish* , he spoke to the *sea*.

- When *GOD* wanted to create *trees*, he spoke to the *earth*.

- But when *GOD* wanted to create *man*, he turned to *HIMSELF*.

- Thus *GOD* said: *"Let us make man in our image and likeness"*.

- If you catch a *fish* out of the water, it will *die*; and when *you remove a tree from the ground, it also dies*.

- Similarly, when *man* disconnects from *GOD, he dies*.

- *GOD* is our *natural environment*.
We were created to *live in HIS presence*.
- We must be connected with *Him* because only with *Him* does life exist.

- Let's stay *in touch with GOD*.
- Let us remember that *water without fish is still water* ,but *fish without water are nothing*.

- The *soil without the tree is still soil*, but *the tree without soil is nothing* ...

- *God* without *man is still God*, but *man without GOD is nothing*.

- If this message has made you reflect and you find joy' spread it and share with others, this is called Evangelization.
*God Bless You All*









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Hmmm what a great faith
Hmmm may we not disappoint God in our journey of life in Jesus Name Amen



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