Pinnacle Of Power & Glory Gospel Centre

Pinnacle Of Power & Glory Gospel Centre

Raising people of power and glory to influence their generation



*TUE. 9TH APR. 2024*



*For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10:4*

*Strongholds can be defined as anything physical or spiritual or otherwise that can hinder one from gaining access to what has been freely given to that individual by an established authority or by the LORD.*

*The devil through the operations of his cohorts, agents and lieutenants called the demons in form of principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places including witches, wizards, occults and familiar spirits and marine powers are saddled with the responsibility of hindering, opposing, resisting one from entering from laying hold in what is his*

*Strongholds can be likened to STRONG ROOMS as we have it in the banking sectors and elsewhere, where the SAFE containing the liquid cash/money and other treasures and valuables are kept for safety and from been accessed by an unauthorized individuals.*

*Spiritually, STRONGHOLDS are strong forces or powers and structures where the good, benefits of an individual are locked up which cannot be easily broken through in order to lay hold on them. However, by weapons of the spirit which God has given to us, His children,who knows our rights and possessions in God, we have been empowered to pull such strongholds down and that shall be fully accomplished through us by the power and the spirit of the LORD upon our lives in Jesus name, amen*

*An understanding of the things that are confronting or contending against our lives, destinies and ministries is very important so that we can know how to wage war against them and to overpower then through the help of God*

*A nonchalant attitude or weak preparations in combating these forces must be avoided and arrested by all means. It is therefore very necessary that we set ourselves in order so as to take the battle to the gates of the enemies and to give them devastating blows that will keep them at bay perpetually*


*Heavenly Father, I hereby apply for your help upon our lives so as to understand how to forcefully deal with the forces and powers that are contending against us and for the baptism and impartation of audacity and ruggedity in all realms to get them overwhelmed in perpetuity in Jesus precious name, amen*

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*You are blessed irrevocably.*



*MON. 8TH APR. 2024*


*TEXT: LUKE 18: 1-8*

*Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me. Luke 18:5*

*It is important to realize the fact that PERSISTENCE has a great power with which it can wear out or overwhelm the force of RESISTANCE, and that was the exact thing that our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ taught His disciples of old and we that are His followers today and till He returns to take us to Himself.*

*Understand that if you know what you want and you are resolute about it that there is no force on earth that can resist you from getting that thing, in as much as that thing is in the very purpose of God for your life*

*The woman in our text today had no husband, son or daughter, not even any relation to help her out but the power of persistence was the driving force that drove her to PREVALENCE*

*The above spirit was what brought Jacob into the limelight and frontline of his life and destiny when he wrestled with that angel in Genesis 32: 24-28*

*The angel tried to persuade him because he said the day breaketh but Jacob refused his excuse on the grounds that his own day has just begun and until something tangible happens that the angel cannot go. No wonder he had this record to his credit that "For as a prince hast thou power with God and with men and hast prevailed. Genesis 32:28*

*Understand that if you can pray and persist at the place of prayer that nothing will be impossible for you as you will surely prevail over that predicament. In a nutshell, a persistent prayer will make you to prevail over any form of predicaments that may want to stand on your way and that resistance would undoubtedly be relegated to the backyard where it shall be seen no more*

*If Jacob through the power of persistence transformed to Israel, from a single entity to a nation, then you and I can have our situations changed for a better and a glorious one. Selah!*


*Heavenly Father, I hereby make demands on your holy name for the grace,to receive the baptism and impartation of persistence at the place of prayer for destiny fulfilment so that I will not give up until my God-given purpose is realized in Jesus precious name, amen*

*Receive that grace, baptism and impartation now in Jesus precious name, amen*

*Don't give up your dreams because of resistance but rather press into persistence until prevalence is realized*

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*SUN. 7TH APR. 2024*



*Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.*-

*It is very important to understand the fact that tongue has the power or the ability to produce or bear fruits to the one using it depending on how and on what it is being used for either by yourself or by another person (s)*

*Understand that man is a free moral agent, and to a large extent free to say whatever he likes or wants. However, one fact is sure, and that is; "Whatever he accepts or says with his mouth has a way of producing a commensurate fruit for him to eat, whether good or bad, negative or positive, life or death*

*We shall briefly consider the life of Rachel the wife of Jacob who was so much loved by her husband, Jacob. When she was giving birth to her second child and because of the hard labour she had, decided to name her child Benoni, meaning "SORROW" or son of SORROW but thanks be to God and for the quick intervention and correction made by Jacob who refuted that evil name immediately but called the name of his child Benjamin, meaning "SON OF MY RIGHT HAND" and of course we all know that the right hand of God is POWER. This story is found in Genesis 35:16-19*

*In the same vein, the mother of Jabez because of her pains at childbirth also called the name of his son Jabez which means "SORROW" and no wonder the life of Jabez was full of sorrow until such a time that the man decided to conduct on himself a self deliverance prayer which turned his life around from sorrow to becoming an honourable man which was his true identity. 1 Chronicles 4:9-10*

*You must never allow the ugly situations you are passing through to dictate or determine your words and eventually a negative destiny upon you which is never from God*

*Refuse to allow any man to call you what and who God has not called you or said of you*

*Peradventure any negative pronouncement has gone forth upon and against your life, you still have an escape route like Jabez did to debunk and vehemently reject such evil label or identity from men or their master, the devil*


*Heavenly Father, and The Destiny Changer, I hereby make demands on you that you change every evil or negative pronouncement either by myself or by men which has adversely affected my colourful destiny in Jesus precious name, amen*

*The grace and the discipline to say to myself or to embrace whatever positive declarations and pronouncements made upon my life is hereby released on you and on me in Jesus precious name, amen*

*Decree, Declare, and embrace what is good and positive concerning your life, and you shall be glad you did*

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*You are blessed irrevocably.*



*SAT. 6TH APR. 2024*


*TEXT: 1 THESS.5:18*
*In every thing give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you*

*The Almighty Father is the God of the heavens and the earth, who needs to be honoured and feared by all, for it is He that created the whole wide world and He does wonders past finding out by the sons of men*

*It is however unbelievable, (even though it happens) to see mere mortals trying to query or question God when some things happen to us or in our lives, forgetting the submission of our text today*

*Most people instead of being grateful to God, begin to question His authority for doing some things in the lives of other people around them while they are being neglected or abandoned by God*

*Most times we see or hear some people, in the name of making their requests known unto God talk to God as if they are mates or colleagues. Some people will even open their mouths to tell God that He is unfair, for not creating them like some other people who they think are better than them*


*Note that we are the sheep of his pasture and not the other way round, and as such no man has any right to query or question Him*

*Understand that if God will answer all our prayers exactly the way and the time we want some things that we may not even be alive by now to enjoy those things we are enjoying now because He knows better than us and He has better plans for our lives than our own plans*

*Go back to God in prayer, asking for His mercies and forgiveness for those times you have acted in an unbecoming manner before and toward your Maker*

*Ask for the grace to obey the scripture, by giving Him thanks in every situation, even for being alive and for the fact that it is the living souls that can give thanks to God every moment of our lives*


*Heavenly Father we hereby apply for the grace to truly honour and adore you in every situation that may come our way. Give us the grace to always trust your judgment as better than ours and in fact the best for our lives in Jesus precious name, amen*

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*You are blessed irrevocably.*



*FRI. 5TH APR. 2024*


*TEXT: PSALMS 92:1-5*

*It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High. Psalms 92:1*

*It is naturally good to give thanks to someone who is good to us or to the people who are good to us but it is spiritually heathy and wise as well and much more as it is being recommended to give thanks to the Almighty Father, even the Father of glory for His benevolence to us, for doing what no man can ever do or give to us, which ranges from the gift of breath and life, the gift of good health, protection and preservation, provisions and supplies etc*

*Verse 1 of our text also recommends the singing of praises to our God, who is the Most High God,who is higher than those who think they can be high by taking their hard drugs, all to the detriment of their lives*

*It is of necessity that we sing praises to God's holy name, irrespective of whether you consider yourself to be a good singer or not. No wonder the Psalmist in chapter 89 and in verse 1 of the book of Psalms penned: "I will sing of the mercies of the LORD for ever. With my mouth mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations*

*Verse 2 of our text talks of showing forth God's loving kindness in the morning and his faithfulness every night. We see the demonstration of the love and the kindness of God, put together, which is called "LOVINGKINDNESS" when we wake up in the morning and the demonstration and the declaration of God's FAITHFULNESS at night, after returning home at night, that He is too faithful to fail you and to fail me as well*

*Few of the questions to ask ourselves are:*
*a) How often do you give thanks to the LORD?*

*b) What about the aspect of singing praises, or is it a "NO GO AREA" to talk about by you?*

*Understand that one of the things you need to make a habit in your life is to sing praises to God. Let it be an occurrence of a natural phenomenon in your life*

*Learn to thank God for His mercies, because it is of His mercies that we are not consumed for His compassions fail not. They are new every morning and every moment. Great is thy faithfulness, O LORD!*

*Heavenly Father, I ask that you grant unto me the grace to give thanks unto you every moment of my life, so that every breath that I am able, I would sing of the goodness of God*

*The grace to do this is hereby released on you and on me both now and forever more, amen*

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*You are blessed irrevocably.*



*THU. 4TH APR., 2024*



*Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.*

*To rejoice in someone or in something is to be excited in and or with that person or in that thing. However, it is important to understand the fact that it is only in the LORD that we can truly rejoice.*

*This is because left for the economic situation in the country and in the nations of the world coupled with other vices, criminalities and anomalies that are happening at an alarming rate, it become very difficult, if not practically impossible to rejoice in the midst of such happenings*

*Understand that our joy and rejoicing can only be made possible and sustained if and when we put our trust in God and our faith in His word, and this can only be made possible when we have treasured God's word more than our necessary daily bread*


*Understand that the devil, who is our Arch enemy, along with his cohorts are never happy to see us rejoice and so they could do everything possible to truncate our joy but they would never succeed in our lives and against our destinies in Jesus precious name, amen*

*You have to deliberately or consciously make up your mind, against all odds not to allow the situations and circumstances that may be confronting you to take your eyes away from your Maker*


*By the authority in the name of Jesus Christ I decree and declare that nothing shall be able to hinder us from obeying the biddings of the LORD of rejoicing in Him always in Jesus precious name. Amen*

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*WED. 3RD APR., 2024*



*The KIng James Version of the scripture says: "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones" while the New Living Translation puts is as follows: "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but broken spirit saps a person's strength²*

*From the above and many other versions of the Bible we understand that a cheerful, merry or joyful heart is equated to what medicine is to the ailing body, as it brings healing which the body requires while a broken spirit or a heart that is troubled and full of sorrow dries the bones or saps the strength of a person*

*It could be proven and indeed it has been proven both scientifically and otherwise that a man is at his best when his heart is full of joy and at his worst when his heart is broken, dejected, or is overwhelmed with sorrows and uncertainties of life*

*To this end, you owe it a responsibility to encourage someone out there which could be you, that may be reading this devotionals, that you've got to throw away the sorrows and the troubles of this world while you embrace joy and gladness of heart. No wonder our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ told His disciples in John chapter 14, and in verse 1 saying: "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me"*

*It is important to understand that we live in a world where news that are not too good for the hearts to bear are the things that fill up the socio media platforms here and there, which can result in breaking of the heart, except we deliberately make up our minds and intentionally choose to be happy, our situations and circumstances notwithstanding*

*Determine never to allow anything or anyone, not even yourself to break your heart or dry up your bone or to sap your strength*

*When David thought that he had lost everything in life by virtue of his ugly experience at Ziklag, and he almost wept out his life and there was no solution, he had no option but to encourage himself in the LORD his God and that was when he could think well so as to receive God's leading that eventually led to the recovery of whatever they had lost before then*

*Remember that it is only with joy or a merry heart that a man would be able to draw water out of his well of salvation. Isaiah 12:3*

*Note that it is when you put your hope and faith in the Almighty God that we can escape the temptation and the danger of our hearts being broken or our ener strength being sapped*


*Heavenly Father, I hereby make demands on your holy name and your word for the baptism and impartation of joyful, merry or a cheerful heart that will bring healing to my heart just as the medicine does to the physical body in Jesus precious name, amen*

*The grace to acquire and to maintain or to sustain a merry or joyful heart is hereby released for, to and on you and on me permanently in Jesus precious name, amen*

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*MON. 1ST APR. 2024*



*I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it Him.*

*Good morning dearly beloved, even as I welcome you to another brand new month which the LORD has made, for us to rejoice and be glad in it both now and forever more in Jesus precious name, amen*

*It is important we understand the fact that our God is a protocol breaker, who also changes things as He wills and for your lifting and mine. To Him alone be all the glory, honour and power both now and forever more, amen*

*When God decided to turn and indeed overturn things for men and women as we see it on the pages of the scripture and in your life and mine and in our present dispensation*

*To Abraham, when God decided to turn and overturn things for him, that challenge of unfruitfulness that lasted for the first 99 years of his life was blasted off, and it was then that every other thing in his life began to have meaning, definition and shape as it was supposed to be*

*When God decided to turn and to overturn things for Hannah, the Almighty God gave her exactly what she asked for, as He turned and overturn her mockery to celebrity and celebrations*

*Understand that when God steps into the affairs of a man's life, it will be an occasion for one to leap for joy indescribable*

*Understand that God can turn and overturn things in your life and He would actually do it, so as to close the mouth of your adversaries but opens the mouth of your friends and your loved one and yea that of the passerby to see and to celebrate the awesome power and greatness of the LORD*


*I hereby decree and declare the tangible and palpable move of God in your life that will cause the unbelievers, without, any further preaching, to submit themselves to the God of your salvation and manifestation in Jesus precious name, amen*


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*SUN. 31ST MAR. 2024*


*TEXT: MATTHEW 28:1-7*

*He is NOT HERE; for HE IS RISEN, as He said, Come, see the place where the Lord lay. Matthew 28:6*

*Glory, honour, power and majesty be ascribed to the the name of the Almighty Father, for bringing us safely to:*

*This day,*

*The last day, and the last Sunday of this month*

*The last day of the month of March, 2024*

*The last day of the first quarter of this year which also doubles as the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, otherwise known as Easter celebration*

*It is my earnest prayer that the power of the REASON for THIS SEASON shall be made manifest in your life and mine in Jesus precious name, amen*

*Understand that according to verse 6 of our text, that neither your friends nor your loved ones, and yea not even your enemies will be able to see or meet you where they think that you have be limited or restricted to, in Jesus precious name, amen*
*For your sakes and mine, the angel of the Living God shall come down to roll away every obstruction to your rising spiritually, financially while every evil keeper assigned to watch and to monitor your progress shall shake and become like a dead soul in Jesus name*

*Beloved, our assignment in this season and beyond is to go and proclaim the resurrection of our Saviour and Lord which is more important and rewarding than the eating and drinking that are commonly associated with this season*

*Understand that if the power of the death and of the grave could not hold Jesus captive, that nothing, shall be able or allowed to hold your life captive or to any ugly locations in Jesus precious name*


*By the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the death, I hereby make demands on God for the enforcement into bear, everything that Divinity has earmarked for your life and mine in Jesus precious name, amen*


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*You are blessed irrevocably.*



*SAT. 30TH MAR. 2024*


*TEXT: 1 PETER 3:19-22*

*By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison. Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God, angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto Him.1 Peter. 3:19,22*

*Our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ is indeed the Saviour of mankind in its entirety. He worked tirelessly while on the surface of the earth in order to fulfil His life assignment and the mandate which He had received of His Father and He went further, by leaving no stones unturned in going to preach to, not just bodies but to spirits that were held down in captivity*

*Please, understand that Jesus Christ did not just die, and was buried like any other soul but that He went beyond the ordinary or the normal or average expected thing of waiting till the day of resurrection because He Himself is the Resurrection and the Life but He rather scaled the utmost heights to seek and to save that which was lost*

*Beloved, I don't know whatever dream that God has given you to accomplish in life and destiny, you must never allow any incidents or occurrences to hinder you from fulfilling that assignment if you must please He who has chosen you as a soldier unto Himself*

*If Jesus Christ did not fail in accompanying His assignment inspite of the difficulty and challenges, nothing should be able to stop you in achieving yours in Jesus precious name*


*Understand that the scripture says "Surely there is an end and thine expectation shall not be cut off"*

*As death could not hold Jesus captive so that He remains Lord of all and in charge and in full control while in the grave, be it known unto you that the very confrontations that may come your way and the happenings around your life would not and should not be able to stop the fulfilment of God's plans and purposes for your life*

*Have this crucial understanding that a bend on the road is never the same as end of the road because when you get to the point where the bend is, you would soon discover or realize that the road continues*

*Make up your mind even as you tell yourself that "trust in God and faith in His word for all possibilities in God" would undoubtedly produce for you great and mighty results beyond your expectations and widest imaginations in Him*


*I hereby decree and declare by the unction at work in the life of Jesus Christ, our Master, that I shall surely rule and reign in victory in Jesus precious name, amen*


*Press into the future, go beyond the "Good Friday" or the crucifixion in order to experience the Resurrection morning and season*

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*FRI. 29TH MAR. 2024*


*TEXT: JOHN 19:28-30*

*When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, IT IS FINISHED; and be bowed his head, and gave up the ghost*

*A day like this is well observed or commemorated all over the globe or globally as "GOOD FRIDAY". However, many people might have this question reserved or unanswered in their minds as to why a day like this is being referred to as a GOOD FRIDAY when in an actual fact it was supposed to be termed something else, negative, as it was a day of a negative, horrible, gloomy, sorrowful and traumatic occurrence when Jesus Christ , the Son of God and the King of glory was badly handled, as he was spat upon and hit on his head. He was treated with mockery and disdain and was, at the end of the day CRUCIFIED*

*Naturally speaking, it was never a good day for Jesus but for the joy that was set before Him, He endured the cross, despising the shame and He is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1&2*

*It is important to note that a day like this is not when we appear dull and sad as if Jesus Christ is still in the grave. Be it known to everyone and everywhere that our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ died more than 2,000 years ago and He rose up triumphantly over the power of death and grave, never to die any longer but He is alive and He liveth forever more. Praise God, Hallelujah!*

*Understand that it is not your wearing a long face and refusing to eat meat in a day like this that matters but the condition of your heart as well as for our readiness to be Christ-like or like Jesus in all that we do and say*

*Please, I like you to understand the following even as you trust God to use it to draw you closer to the Cross of Calvary and your song everyday shall be "FATHER, DRAW ME NEARER AND CLOSER TO THEE*

*Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God became the son of man so as to make us become the sons of God*

*He actually became poor, even though He was rich so that He can confer on us the mantle of prosperity through his poverty. 2 Cor. 8:9*

*Even though He was strong, yet for our sakes, He became weak so that we can become strong through His weakness. Hence we can do all things through Him (Christ) who strengthens us. Phil.4:13*

*He was rejected beaten and was abandoned by all, His disciples inclusive so that He can ever be with us never to be forsaken or abandoned*

*Our Saviour and Master, Jesus Christ was humiliated so that you and I, can be glorified*

*Jesus Christ gave up Himself to be born in a MANGER so that you and I could live in MANSIONS eternally while He also agreed to die YOUNG so that we can live LONG. O What a display and a demonstration of unfeigned love, so real and so divine!*

*Our Saviour and Master wore the crown of thorns so that you and I could wear the crown of life of glory and a crown of righteousness and He became like a lamb that was dumb before his Shearer so that He can become our ADVOCATE before the Father in heaven*


*Heavenly Father, I hereby make demands on You to give me the grace to have a fresh and deeper understanding of all that you did while on earth and especially when you were a dying on the cross of Calvary in Jesus precious name, amen*


*Take time to have a sober reflection on all that Jesus did for you on the Cross of Calvary and ask for the grace to love Him more than ever before.*


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*THU. 28TH MAR. 2024*


*TEXT: JOHN 9:4*

*I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is yet day; the night cometh when no man can work,*

*There is time for everything in this world and much so as the book of Ecclesiastes chapter three confirms that. For example if an individual is sleeping at a point when he is supposed to be working, such a person is bound to face its consequences*

*It is important to note that it is not good enough for one to say that he is doing something without a recourse to the fact that there is a time frame within which some things should be done for it not to lose its value and or relevance*

*The challenge of not doing the right thing at the right time has caused a good number of people an untold troubles and pains. For example, if a man is almost 60 years old before making up his mind to marry without any cogent reason for doing that more than the fact that he is just flirting around with ladies here and there. The question is: "At what age does the man want to raise the children through their academic terrains?"*

*In fact no one needs a Seer to tell one that such a man would use all his earnings and resources at the retirement from active service to be sponsoring his children throughout their educational careers when in actual sense almost all his children should have graduated from tertiary institutions*.

*In the same vein anyone who eats all his earnings or resources while he is supposed to invest a good proportion of it would definitely be faced with lack when it is harvest time as he would have had nothing to harvest since the mentality of ploughing back part of his earnings was never a consideration to him*

*Understand that time waits for no man and therefore it is important to make up your mind to do whatever you need to do today rather than postponing it till tomorrow*

*Sow your seed or plough back that proportion of your harvest and don't eat everything. Have the right understanding that in every harvest that God gives that there is a portion to sow while there is also a portion to eat. He gives seed to the sower and a bread to the eater. Therefore, don't be an eater only but also a sower*

*Don't wait till the time when others are harvesting before you embark on sowing as there are times and seasons for everything in life*


*Heavenly Father, I hereby make demands on you to grant unto me the grace and the willingness to follow your example and principles of giving attention to what must be done NOW rather than postponing it till a later date when it would have been too late. Give us the grace to receive bountiful harvest in this season and beyond, for night cometh when no man can work, in Jesus precious name, amen*


*Avoid procrastination at all cost and by all means. Selah*

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*You are blessed irrevocably.*

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Pinnacle Of Power & Glory Gospel Centre Wishes you a happy and blessed 2024.
Miracles everywhere!
Money hanging since 2018 received
Submit yourself to God's instructions  that would engender you to positively impact your generation
Impacting your generation by the way you relate with people or behave to them
Impacting your generation by your correct and good relationship with the people you come across their ways
Humble yourself before God and He will lift you up




T. Pumpy Estate Phase 27, Dunamis Church Road, Behind Amac Market Lugbe

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00