Gbenga Stephens II

Mind Developer, Heart Coach, Relationship, Marriage and Leadership Expert, Career Counselor.


My prayer for you this year, is that God will never do less for you compare to previous years.

May you experience the quantum lifting and glorification of God this 2024.

Don't forget, you are a POSSIBLE project


May all your dreams, vision, plans, prayers, and goals meant to make you better and fulfilling, become possible this 2024,

May every longtime embarrassing impossibility in your life, give way to possibilities,

May others and I join you in your celebration this year as your desires are granted.

Welcome to your year of All things are POSSIBLE 👍!

Happy New Year Friends,

A New You, Our Dream!



It's few days when 'a new year' will roll in.

One painful decision that you must make but will eventually be gainful in the long run, is change of friends.

"Great people have very few friends, poor people have plenty friends." Too many for anything good to happen in their life.


One of the greatest decisions I ever made in life though a bit late, was to change friends, who actually were no friends but mere colleagues.

"Vision will drive away those who are pretenders, and keep those who are defenders and helpers."

Once you know where you are going in life, it will determines your company.

You were born with brothers and sisters, but you will have to choose your friends.

Your friends are more important than your brothers and sisters; Proverbs 18:24

A friend is anyone who is willing and committed to help you get to your destiny.

"Any friend who can disassociate or cut off from you because of your vision, was actually not a friend but a fence, hindering you unknowingly."

-You can outgrow your friends.

"He or she that envies or is jealous of you, is no friend but a dangerous enemy."

"If your friend knows you are building your own house or planning something big and he too is either building his or planning something big but kept it a secret from you, that's no friend but a spy."

A friend who hates you because of your vision, is an agent sent after you, and not an angel sent to you.

So, if you want to be great, don't keep company with small minded people and if you want to be successful, stay away from 'failures.'

The Angel told Mary to visit Elizabeth and when the two met, the baby in the womb leaped. Never be a friend with anyone whose presence in your life will not allow your baby to leap!

Your dream should be stimulated by your friends, anytime you come around them, they should fire you to keep going.

Anyone who becomes negative to your dream, is a pollution, they are dangerous to your vision, they will abort your baby.

Sometimes, it's people of your household.

If in your group that you call friends, if you are the smartest in that group, it's time to leave the group. If they always asking you the questions, that's not great, that's bad.

You should be in the company of those who make you think, expands you, who you ask questions, gain knowledge, intelligence and insights from.

Don't make parasites as friends, they will eat your vision for launch.

"He who keeps his own achievements and successes a secret from you, but always want to know about yours, is not a friend but a fraud, an enemy."

Wise people choose their friends, successful people are very deliberate about their company.

Wise people make choices that protect their vision.

Vision is seeing the future before it becomes a reality,

Vision is to hope, dare for something beyond yourself.

With some friends, you can't cross over to take over, you will only cross over to remain a leftover.

Many had to change those they call friends, before they can make flights ✈️.

I'm Gbenga Stephens, renewing MINDS and empowering Destinies.

I read, think, write and teach to make lives BETTER!

A New You, Our Dream!


The best and lasting asset you can leave behind especially for your children and extended family, is a good name, not cars and buildings.



According to the World Economic Forum, these are the top 10 most-in-demand skills for 2023 and beyond:

1. Analytical thinking.
2. Creative thinking.
3. Resilience, flexibility and agility.
4. Motivation and self-awareness.
5. Curiosity and lifelong learning.
6. Technological literacy.
7. Dependability and attention to detail.
8. Empathy and active listening.
9. Leadership and social influence.
10. Quality control.

The more of these skills you possess and can demonstrably apply, the better your career growth prospects.

As you take a stock of 2023 and plan for the coming year, how many of the skills do you possess?

What are your plans to bridge the gaps where you may be lacking?

Dear believer, don't just pray into the new year and believe you are taking over, go get any of this skills.

The world is changing fast and many courses are becoming irrelevant,

Many degrees are becoming useless.

Don't just Pray into the new year and later start blaming the devil, when things don't work out. Let's pray and plan, learn and leverage.

I'm Gbenga Stephens, renewing MINDS and empowering Destinies.

I read, think, write and teach to make lives BETTER!

A New You, Our Dream!



It may sound insulting but, its actually not.

When last did you do this and never stop doing this.

Many only fumigate their surroundings, hoses, rooms, factories, etc but, they don't fumigate their minds from time to time.

Sadly, no matter how fumigated your environment are and insects, etc free, if your inside isn't, it will be an exercise on the seen and not on the unseen.

And don't forget, the unseen not according to your prophets oo, is the real deal.

Don't only kill physical mosquitoes, reptiles, insects, etc, kill also and even first, mental mosquitoes, reptiles, insects, etc. They actually do exist!

I'm Gbenga Stephens, renewing MINDS and empowering Destinies.

I read, think, write and teach to make lives BETTER!

A New You, Our Dream!


There is actually no minimum wage, nobody but you can determine your wage through your;

-Negotiation skills,
-Relational prowl,
-Self valuation,
-Indisposability, etc.

Government or private institutions may peg your wages, but dont let incompetence, lack of improvement, attitudinal infractions, etc peg your wage.

Keep Growing Up.

I'm Gbenga Stephens, renewing MINDS and empowering Destinies.

I read, think, write and teach to make lives BETTER!

A New You, Our Dream!


Dearest Singles/Married;

Your first child should not be a boy or a girl. It should be your brainchild.

Any man without a brainchild should not even think of getting married.

If you marry without a brainchild, you may be biologically fertile and economically barren.

A brainchild brings money to feed your children.

You are probably reading this on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.

Each of these businesses were the brainchildren of an entrepreneur.

Note that Mark Zuckerberg did not have children until after his brainchild (Facebook) was successful.

Jack Dorsey of Twitter does not have children.

Let there be a business or an enterprise or an innovation or invention or a product or an investment, etc that can feed people, before having children.

NOT just a job please.



Even if you are poor as a parent, occasionally take your children out of the Ghetto to classy neighbourhoods, nice malls, the cinema or just some fun hangouts.

You don't have to spend much. Buy them a Coke and return home.

But that few hours of exposure will positively affect their mentality.

Expose them to class and wealth so they don't have only a poverty mentality


Celebrate the exit of some people from your life. They are in transit in your life, you can't stop them.

Don't be sad and don't allow anxiety of survival without them capsize your ship of destiny.

Just be patient and reach out in faith and step with confidence into the realm of possibility;

for with God all things are possible.



In one of my research by interacting with people, the high, the low, the mighty, the weak, the rich, the poor, etc, I came up with a very strange discovery.

I discovered that poor people are very careless, carefree and reckless in the usage of their words.

Though this sets of people are always earliest to our places of worship, always attending programs and services, very regular in their commitment to their local assemblies, etc unlike the rich who are 'busy' and shows up not too frequently,

They look, act and present themselves as very religious but, the knowledge of the potent power of words, especially self words, is alien to them.

I noticed they curse everything in view. They curse their president, governor, children, leaders, trade, businesses and even self, unconsciously.

Their level of ignorance about the potent, efficacy, efficient, sword-like power of words is very worrisome.

From personal confessions, to description of happenings, to explanation of state of things, to expression of feelings, and so on, they are always fiercely negative with their words.

You hear them say, this Country is already scattered, it can't be well again with the country, we the miserable poor citizens, we are hopeless in this country, we helpless indigenes, the city we are in is too dry, nothing is working, our children are just walking about aimlessly, rooming the streets like useless persons, we are doomed in this country, if you can't steal, you can't make it in this country, the country is finished, and many more.

They even curse their children in the name of comparison. It's from this same poor market woman and men, the transporter, etc you will hear terrible adjectives and phrases, describing their situations and addressing their wards.

Check interviews of rich people and compare it to the poor people, especially on the state of things.

The rich or wealthy man may say things are tough for our people, an average citizens is not finding it easy, etc (mind you, not him) especially if he is a politician and he is from the opposition.

But hear the poor, they will say things are hard for them, they will even use themselves as examples of wretchedness, poverty, and the sorry state of things.

The poor lacks complete knowledge of the invisible but powerful power of words.

They believe they must describe things the way they are exactly and not the way they desire it should be.

Unknowing to this sets of people, their words is part of their woes because, you can't get anything not equivalents to what you say with your words/mouth regularly.

The more they curse themselves, the more life becomes harder and yet, they blame the devil, the politicians, the village people for everything.

How can you be struggling and still be using your words, mouth against yourself. How can things be presently tough or bad and you are still making it terrible with your words and tongue? Don't you know words are powerful, words have the power to kill or make alive, destroy or preserve?

Words are seeds and whatever anybody sows, they will definitely reap. You can't sow demotion, backwardness, impossibility, hardship, fear, poverty, etc through words and expect otherwise.

Our lives will consistently follow the path of the consistent and domineering words from our mouths.

No one can do better than the words he or she speaks or the things he or she says consistently.

If you words, phrases, adjectives, confessions, etc don't change, your situation may not change.

I'm Gbenga Stephens, renewing MINDS and empowering Destinies.

I read, think, write and teach to make lives BETTER!



How I wish this is also what matters to most of we God's children today,

David was willing to lose every other thing but to gain this one thing.

For David, almost everything was nothing too important to him except one thing.

-Not the crown,
-No the wealth,
-Not the throne,
-Not the wives,
-Not the children,
-Not the subjects,
-Not the title,
-Not the assets,
-Not the position,
-Not the skills,
-Not the fame,
-Not the possessions,
-Not the power,
-Not the kingdom,
-Not the money,
-Not the friends,
-Not the gifts,
-Not the affluence,
-Not the prophetic,
-Not the impacts of victory over Goliath,
-Not the many admirers,
-Not the many influencers,
-Not anything God has ever done for him,

As David was concerned, he can lose every other thing but there is one thing he dreaded not to lose.

As far as David knew, every other thing can go except this very thing.

What is that one thing you and I should never wish to lose?

Though health is very important, but that wasn't the one thing David never wished to lose.

There was one place David never wished not to be and one thing he never wished to lose.

Psalm 52:11
Do not cast me away from Your presence,
And do not take Your Holy spirit from me.

Má ta mí nù kúrò lọ́dọ̀ rẹ, má sì gba Ẹ̀mí Mímọ́ rẹ lọ́wọ́ mi.

Kada ka kore ni daga gabanka, Kada ka ɗauke mini Ruhunka Mai Tsarki

Nyeghachim obi-utọ nke nzọputa-Gi: Were kwa mọ nke amara aha-ya kwagidem.

David was willing to lose the crown, wealth, title, throne, wives, children,
subjects, assets, skills, position, talents, fame,
possessions, power, kingdom, money, friends,
gifts, affluence, influence
the prophetic, impacts of victory over Goliath, many admirers, many influencers, anything God has ever done for him or given to him.

But not the Holyspirit.

The Holy Spirit was what matters to David most in this world, while he lived. That was the only thing he cried to God not to take from him.

He lost a son at a time, ran away from the city at a time, temporary left the throne when he ran away from Absalom, lost subjects, friends and even right hand man at a time, etc BUT, he cried to God in Psalm 52:11

'Do not cast me away from Your presence,
And do not take Your Holy spirit from me."

Like Moses when he said in Exodus 33:15, that God shouldn't take them further, if God's Spirit (presence) will not follow him.

Beloved man of God, beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord, beloved leaders in the Church, hope you have not lost the Holyspirit, I hope I myself have not lost the Holyspirit?

It's very possible to stil be answering the the title man of God, it's 'possible' to still be doing wonders for God, etc but, His Holyspirit has departed.

Again I ask, what is that very one thing you and I should never wish to lose? It's the person not even the working or doings of the Holyspirit.

David not need the Holyspirit to perform signs and wonders or have miracles or deliverance in his life, etc. He wanted him for the relationship between God and him.

Dear, hope you have not lost the Holyspirit and when last did you make sure so?

I'm Gbenga Stephens, renewing MINDS and empowering Destinies.

I read, think, write and teach to make lives BETTER!

A New You, Our Dream!



If you want peace in your home when you are alive and even after you die, teach your children to cooperate with each other rather than compete with one another.

And shied them from children with that mentality until they are old enough to know right from wrong.

Do not introduce 'see your mate' into their minds. Let them develop at their own pace.

Never compare them to other children, including their siblings.

Don't raise competition demons among your children, it can be very destructive and deadly.

Their Destinies, paths, and paces in life differs, know it, respect it and abide by it.

Also, where they will influence their worlds differs.

Praise them anytime you see them playing or working with their siblings or friends.

Children who understand cooperation grow up to be adults who rule nations.

Don't destroy them in the name of 'Im just challenging them to be better.'



Mathew 16:13-15

Even though they have lived together for years, they still don't know him.

- They saw him did miracles, wonders, pray, preach, teach, etc exceptionally but still don't know him.

"There are many husbands and wives, who don't really know who their spouses are today, etc."

And at such, rather than becoming destiny helpers, they have become instruments of destiny frustration to each other.

If many of us knows our gifts from onset, we have no business studying what we studied at school or doing what we are presently doing.

You are not your;
Place of birth,
Physical looks,
Place of growth,
Vehicle of birth, etc.

You are your Gift!



In Luke 5:1-11, the Lord himself promised Simon Peter that he would no longer catch fish, but men.

Three and half years after, at a time that it appeared Jesus needed him most, Peter denied Jesus. Not only once but thrice and he later wept bitterly because, he saw himself as a failure.

When he was supposed to be catching men for Jesus, he was busy denying ever meeting him, knowing him or having anything to do with him (Luke 22:55-62).

Imagine Peter witnessing to his accusers and to those standing by when Jesus was arrested, about the love and goodness of God. But rather, he denied him.

After the death of Jesus and everything seems to be stagnated, Peter in his backsliding state, even though he had cried bitterly earlier and showed remorsefulness for his denials, decided to go back to catching fishes (John 21:3).

May you never backslide.

Later on in John 21:4, Jesus showed up again to his disciples including the run away Peter. In the process of their reengagement, the Lord asked Peter if he doesn't love him more than being a fisherman and rather be catching men for him. He asked him to feed his lambs and sheep.

Peter came back!!!

Same Peter who ran away and returned to catching fishes rather than men, preached a sermon on the day of Pentecost and three thousand souls/men and women fishes, were brought into the kingdom of God
(Acts 2:41).

And in Acts 3:1-8, he made a lame man to walk in the name of the same Jesus he had denied earlier.

By Acts 5:14-15, his shadows had started healing the sick. He was already a man to be reckoned with in the things of God. Promoting, preaching, healing, delivering and being a blessing to thousands in the name of the same Jesus he thrice denied.

Dear, won't you too come back. Won't you come back to your Lord and saviour Christ Jesus?

Yes, you backslided. Yes, you turned back. Yes, you stopped going to fellowships. Yes, you ran away from the brethren. Yes, you have stopped paying your tithes, etc. Yes, even though you still attend a Church but you have stopped participating in any kingdom advancing activities or you are even now a different churches every Sunday Christian.

But see, no matter how many times you may have denied or disappointed Jesus, as long as you are truly repentant, God can forgive you, heal you and restore you.

He can still use you mightily as he did with Peter; all you need to do is repent and never go back into sin again.

Peter came back and still fulfilled his destiny of catching men for Christ, rather than catching fishes for living.

Won't you too come back, I mean to God through Christ, so you can fulfill your original purpose in life?

So that your destiny will help, impact, transform, deliver, restore, influence, make ways and prosper as many as have been ordained to enjoy your fulfilment.

Please, like Peter, 🫴 🫴 🫴 COME BACK!!!

I'm Gbenga Stephens, renewing MIND and empowering Destinies.

I read, think, write and teach to make lives BETTER!

See you in Church tomorrow.


The only products that everybody on Earth must patronise are:


That is why you can’t go wrong investing in real estate, the agriculture value chain and mass clothing.

*You may not become the richest men on Earth, but you will hardly be poor.*


It's November, the 2nd to the last month of the year.

May this November bring your beautiful memories and prosperous days.

Happy New Month Sir/Ma.

May your seat NEVER be empty again.

Occupy your seat of honor, glory, power, favour and God's lifting today.


Are you a parent or a youth that will become one soon or in years to come, please, don't miss this and invite others.

Facebook Live: Gbenga Stephens.

See you there.

Photos from Gbenga Stephens II's post 19/10/2023

If you don't have this in life (image One), you can't make much impact and wave influence.

Such a person will only be living but not existing, alive but not lively.

"It's not a slot you need in life, but a seat. Slots are always temporary, but seats are mostly permanent."

For you to travel from Nigeria to the US or the UK, etc, you must have your SEAT booked.

There is no standing in the plane of life.

Don't miss this two coming programs, in Abuja and Akure.

Stay bless.

A New You, Our Dream!


One way we release our faith and make our lives better no matter the prevailing circumstances is through our words.

This is why I speak over 5000 words of greatness, success, progress, prosperity, health, etc to myself on daily basis.

Our words are very important in the outcome of our lives.

No wonder Christ said, we are justified or condemned by our words.

This means your words carry the greatest weight in your life.

This is why lawyers try to get your confessional statements because it's harder to convict you on what other people said.

I'm Gbenga Stephens, renewing MINDS and empowering Destinies.

I think, write, teach and speak to make Lives BETTER!

A New You, Our Dream!


It’s National Failures Day in the US.

Why recognize failure? Successful people know that you don’t achieve success without it.

To succeed faster, you need to fail faster. It takes a lot of experimenting to create things that add value.

Why do we lose the capacity for experimenting as we grow older?

This is part of our biggest challenges in Africa and Nigeria in particular.

Failure is demonized, mystified, classified as evil, spiritual attacks, etc and must be heavily prayed against .

Whereby, people don't want to experiment, try new adventures, etc because, if I fail, they will all laugh at me and seriously mock me.

Children wants to pass AT ALL COST including fraudulently,

Politicians wants to win elections at all cost, ready to do ANYTHING,

Pastors wants to get results by all means including seeking help from satan, etc

because, failure is a taboo, it's demonic and an orphan according to us.

We need MASSIVE reorientation as a people.




Success is about more focus, opportunities and some elements of favor and not less sleep,

You can be awake and still be in conference with stubborn failure.

Don't kill yourself with vigils and sleeples nights.

I'm Gbenga Stephens, renewing MINDS and Empowering Destinies.

I read, think, write and teach to make lives BETTER!

A New You, Our Dream!



Genesis 12:1-3

In the Scripture above, I counted EIGHT "I will" of God to Abram.

- I will show you,
- I will make you a great nation,
- I will bless you,
- I will make your name great,
- I will make you a blessing,
- I will bless those who bless you,
- I will curse him who curses you,
- I will in you make all the families of the earth to be blessed.

EIGHT "I will" of God to Abram. You and I knows that number EIGHT stands for New Beginnings; and truly, this was the new Beginning of Abram's life. We started hearing his name more consistently for the next three decades.

Let me also interpret what God was saying to Abram in the above scripture;

- No matter who is the president of your country,
- No matter the state of the economy of your country,
- No matter the government in power in your country,
- No matter the global happenings,
- No matter the exchange rates of your country,
- No matter the cost of fuel, diesel, gas, etc in your country,
- No matter the season of life,
- No matter how many naira to a single dollar,
- No matter the outcome of farming produce in your country,
- No matter the policies of your government, etc,

Abram, your case is SETTLED! I'm not given anybody to handle, I'm incharge myself!

God was interpretedly telling Abram, no matter what will work against others, you will NEVER be affected.

Why did God have to stretch his neck out for Abram? Maybe because he loves him? No.

Certain things does not happen for you because God likes/loves you because, God actually does not hate anybody. It's His covenant with you that would make such differences.

Remember, Abram had to play his own role first.

There're classes of blessings from God.
1. General blessings: every creature of God gets them.
2. Special blessings: specially for God's children/people.
3. Unique blessings: only for covenant walkers.

You know I hear people sing a song 🎵 🎶, 'Olorun Babalola, Olorun 1930' (God of Babalola, God of 1930).

But truth is, 99. 9% of those who sings this song does it for entertainment sake (though they claim its for praises), but they actually don't understand what really happened.

1930 was as a result of Covenant Walk 🚶‍♂️ and not drumming, singing, shouting, dancing and shaking bums.

Dear, join me and others @ the venue/online in this explosive journey that will REDEFINE your life and SETTLE you by God FOREVER!

Newoil Bible Christian Assembly; Renewing MINDS and Empowering Destinies....

I'm Gbenga Stephens, I read, think, write, and teach to make lives BETTER.

A New You, Our Dream!



It doesn't need to be strenuous, tedious, energy sapping, strength exertion, vigorous action, harsh task, sweat dripping, rock lifting or 8-6, before it's called work.

The word ‘work’ is very deceptive, especially in our environments here.

It makes you think work MUST be laborious.

False and very untrue!

Beyonce works when she sings,

Venus Williams works while she plays tennis,

Warren Buffet works when he invests,

George Soros is working while manipulating currency,

Gordon Ramsay works when he cooks,

Gbenga Stephens works when he writes ✍,

11 year old Ryan Kaji works when he plays with toys and earns $22 million annually from his YouTube channel,

A comedian works when he is sounding unserious, making people laugh,

Another person works when he or she travels business class from cities to cities, representing organizations,

And a labourer also works when he lifts bags of cement, etc.

What you do as play, is what someone else do as work.

Work and play can coexist.

Play can be work, but don't play with your work.

Work has to be PRODUCTIVE.

It does NOT have to be LABORIOUS!

I'm Gbenga Stephens, renewing MINDS and empowering Destinies.

I read, think, write and teach to make lives BETTER!

A New You, Our Dream!


-Nobody watches you more closely than the person who hopes you’ll fail,

-Nobody studies you more diligently than the hater,

-Nobody talks about you more than the person who tried to destroy - and failed,

-Nobody leads a campaign against you like the person who can’t believe you had the guts to move on and move up,

-Nobody works harder to break you than the one who fears what God has made for you.

Keep climbing regardless.

I'm Gbenga Stephens, renewing MINDS and empowering Destinies.

I read, think, write and teach to make lives better.

A New You, Our Dream!



Men/Daddies, let's gather here now.

If you are a man especially, a father, and your children are always 100% comfortable whole day with their mum without asking after you while you are still alive,

I pity your old age.

Just know that your money, that's if you have or your work, will be your companion in old age.

You actually don't have children, you only have those you are assisting to raise and even government can do that.

Fathers, be friends to and with your children. Play, chat, have fun with them, watch movies or programs together and don't just be a provider.

Don't just be a disciplinarian, who shouts, scold, beats and correct all the time, be friendly!

Even father Christmas who give gifts to children during Christmas, still plays with them.

Don't be an absentee father, don't be a foreigner, visitor and a stranger to your children.

Daddy, you are not a terrorist or bandit, you are supposed to be a friend, mentor and role model. Stop shouting at them at every opportunity.

Stop saying you are too busy. Stroll with them, engage them, etc.

Money and material provision is not everything.

And if you are a woman, a wife and you are comfortable, happy and fulfilled that your children can be clued to you for a whole day and not care about their father,

You boast around about how very close your children are to you and not worried about their daily distancing from their father,

You are wicked, ungodly and a bad person, except it's the man that's the one operating an Isolation camp, fencing himself away.

And even at that, you must do everything possible by the help of God, to dismantle that future prison and regrets.

Definitely children will be closer to one of the parents more than the other and perhaps the mother, but the ratio shouldn't be like 80-20 or 90-10.

Every good wife and mother must make their children to love their Dad and always make them see the sacrifice, efforts, struggles, etc they are making for them and the family.

Some women don't even tell their children how huge the sacrifices their father pays to provide.

Daddies, you too should sit your children down once in a while and let them know the sacrifice you are making.

Stop acting like the Almighty, who created the heavens and the earth without stress. Let your children know the pains, sacrifices, etc.

Or else, your wife alone will take the glory since she is the channel you use must times to reach the children.

Wives and Mummies, don't arrange and settle your future with your children and leave your husbands out, the table can always turn.

Everywhere is littered today with men suffering in old age, abandoned by wife and children.

May wisdom not be far from our men and fathers.

I'm Gbenga Stephens, renewing MINDS and empowering Destinies.

I think, write, and speak, to make lives better.

A New You, Our Dream!

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Sh*ttu Street Oda Road Akure
Akure, 340106

I’m stronger than the strongest.. A philanthropist ...A public figure

Toun Yinusa Esq Toun Yinusa Esq

Legal Practitioner | HRM | Writer | Lead @queens_ministry

ShuGhar ShuGhar

@Shughar Entertainment