Predav Electrical Technology

Predav Electrical Technology

Specialist in solar inverter installation, Inverter production, Electrification, CCTV, Electrified f


*"I tasted all that is sweet, but I found nothing sweeter than good health. And I tasted all that was bitter, but nothing was more bitter than being in need of good people. And I carried both, iron, and rocks, but nothing was heavier than debt. I discovered therefore that life comprises only of two days: A day for you and a day against you. So when it is for you, do not be reckless; and when it is against you, be patient. Because both days will expire !!* *If you can't be a bridge to connect people, then don't be a wall to separate them. If you can't be a light to brighten people's good deeds then don't be darkness covering their efforts. If you can't be water to help people's crops sprout, then don't be a pest destroying their crops. If you can't be a vaccine to give life, don't be a virus to terminate it. If you can't be a pencil to write anyone's happiness, then try to be a nice eraser to remove their sadness.*
*We can only be each other's keeper.*


*My Wife’s Salary Was a Mystery Until I discovered How Much She’s Truly Worth*

In 2016 she told me her salary was N35,000. And then two years later, when she got promoted, I asked about her salary and she said, “Oh these people, don’t mind them. They added only N8,000 to my old salary. Because of her meager salary, I’ve taken up so many responsibilities in the house without complaint. I pay for utilities and pay for food. I pay the fees of our two kids, clothe them, and take care of their medical bills. When my wife sends me a grocery list, she adds sanitary pads. She buys dresses and clothes, comes to show them to me, and asks me to pay for them. She started talking about a car when our second child came in. Things weren’t good on my side so I asked her to give me some time. She said, “I’ve saved something. I can add it to what you have so you pay me when your money comes.”

I agreed and took that money from her, topped it up to get her a car. For three months my ears never rest. She would wake up at dawn and ask me to pay what I owed her. I got tired and paid the money when I didn’t have much in my account.

One evening, I turned my laptop on and saw a lot of emails. I checked and it was my wife’s email that had been opened. I asked her, “Did you use my laptop?” She answered, “Yeah I was checking something.” I told her, “Then you didn’t log out.” She answered, “I forgot. Please log out for me.” I was about to log out when something caught my attention. I saw a mail with the subject, “January Payslip.” I opened and started going through. When I saw her gross salary, I was shocked. N654,734? And this girl has been crying poverty?

I went through the details. That night I couldn’t sleep. I was angry. I felt let down. I felt cheated. I felt played. We’ve been married for six good years and my wife earned that much without my knowledge? How much she earned didn’t bother me a lot than what she was using that money for. I decided not to talk immediately but rather do a little bit of investigation.

All my life I’ve held the view that it wasn’t right for anyone to go through their partner’s phone. It’s an invasion of privacy and it breeds mistrust in the relationship but that night, going through her phone was the only way to find out what I was looking for. I started with her best friend. Nothing much was found. Her family had a Whatsapp group. I read the messages there. I got few hints. I went through the chat with her father and that was when I realized my wife had bought a piece of land and had started building. Her father was in charge of the project. He had sent photos of the various stages of the building. At some point, her father said, “Thank you for helping out your brother. He would have been home had it not been you.”

She has only one brother—her senior brother. I went to look for the chat between them. Her senior brother lost his job and was home doing nothing so my wife bought her Hyundai i10 to use for Uber. Every week, her brother rendered an account and they split the money. From all indications, my wife was doing well for herself while she plays poor so she could rely on my salary. Why would she do that? I thought I was being a supportive husband so my wife could be proud of the man she married. When we bought land, it was her name and my name that appeared on the land title. That car I bought for her with a loan from her bears her name. I didn’t mind. I believed what’s hers was also mine.

The next morning she realized I wasn’t looking well. I was boiling on the inside but looking for a good opportunity to start the conversation. When I calmed down a little, I asked her, “So why would you do that to me?” She asked, “What have I done?” I answered, “You bought land, you never told me. You started building on it, you never told me. When are you going to tell me?” She was shocked. She asked, “Who told you all that?” I said, “Your father did.” She stood quiet for a while. She asked, “Why would my father tell you all that? What were you people talking about” I said, “I don’t know. You can ask him.”

We left it there. Some minutes later she came to me with her phone: “My father wants to talk to you.” The phone was already on a loudspeaker. Her father was clearly angry. He asked, almost shouting, “You said I told you my daughter has a building? Where did I say that and when?”
I asked, “Is it not true that my wife has a building project going on that you’re supervising?” He asked me, “I told you that?” I asked him, “Is it true or not?” After the back and forth I told them, “I read your messages last night. I saw the pictures. I read the various budget you had sent to my wife. I read the confirmation of the money receipts that you sent her. You’re a man. Would you be happy if your wife does this to you?” He started fumbling. He started apologizing saying he thought I was aware.”

My wife stood there motionless, didn’t know what to say. When her father hung up, I told her everything I knew, from her salary to the car she bought for her brother. I said, “Yet, even your sanitary pad, I buy them. You think I’m a fool? You’ll use your money to acquire your own properties and live on mine because you’re my wife? I hear. We’ll see.”

Trust was lost. Love was broken. We had to find a new way of living our lives going forward. Her father called me every morning and evening apologizing for everything and sometimes taking up the blame so I didn’t have to blame his daughter. I told him, “The emotional state I’m in right now, it would be hard to think straight or think forgiveness. Just give me space.” Three days later, they were in our house. The father, the mother, and the senior brother. They came to apologize. “Don’t let this break up the beautiful marriage you both have. If nothing at all, consider the kids and be lenient in your judgment.”

I listened to them. My position was still the same. “I need time to clear my mind. Just leave me alone to think.” From last month to this moment that I’m writing this, my wife had changed totally. She doesn’t ask for money but the house is being run smoothly. She has started paying for things she never paid for but that doesn’t move me. She has taught me a very great lesson and I’m taking it seriously. That in everything, I have to look out for myself and my family first. Lastly she told me, “If you want us to change the names on those properties, we can do so.” Guess whose name is on the property…her father’s name.”

I told her, “You don’t need to change anything. They are yours. You suffered for them so you can decide what you want to do with them.” The land I bought has our names. I’m selling it and take my money back. The car she’s driving has her name. I put a for-sale sticker on it some weeks ago. She agreed she’ll pay for the car. I’ve given her two months to pay up or I sell it and take my money.
She’s getting the message and I’m glad. Each one for himself, God for us all.
She keeps asking if I’m going to leave her. I keep telling her I won’t but if she wants a separation for a period, I will gladly give her. I’m not going to leave the marriage. I would give us some time to heal and see what may happen but when it comes to money, I’ve taken the lesson she taught me through her actions.

What will you do if you are in my position and feeling deeply hurt??


This girl bought an iPhone. When her father saw it, he asked her,

"What was the first thing you did after buying the phone?"

She replied "I put an anti-scratch sticker & bought a cover for the phone".

"Did someone force you to do so?",the father said, to which she replied "No".

The father asked another question "Did you think it was an insult to the manufacturer?" She said "No, it was actually recommended that a cover be used on the phone".

"Why cover it, is it that it's ugly or cheap?" asked the father. "No daddy, actually I covered it because I did not want any damage to it or what would devalue the phone", she replied

"I see, so when you put the cover on, did it reduce the iPhone’s beauty?", he asked again. "Daddy I think it looks better & worth it for the protection it gives to my new iPhone", she replied

The father looked lovingly at his daughter & said, “if I had asked you to cover your body which is much more precious than your iPhone would you have readily agreed?".

She was mute . . . .

Lesson: Indecent dressing & exposure of your body reduces your value. Learn OR perish!!!

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2



How many times have you refused to take a step to bless someone just because you felt what you had to offer was small?

Truly, it may be small but that does not make it insignificant. Didn't the 5 loaves and 2 fishes matter in the long run?

That "little" word of God that you have is what another person needs to be liberated.
That "little" knowledge or information you have on a subject matter can go a long way in another person's career, business, marriage and even life.
That money you don't want to give because you feel it's too small can be a source of encouragement to another person.

That "little" you have is what another person needs to be fed and you can be fed from that "little" also. Your wealthy place can be in that "little" thing and resources can be multiplied to you from it.

Do not despise your 5 loaves and 2 fishes, they are not too small.

When you are faced with the option of being a blessing to another, don't hold back because you think what you have is little.



In my office, I receive more than 1,000 letters and mails every month.
All these letters and mails pass through my hands.

I stay awake almost all nights reading and responding.

After my promotion,
I had to move into a new office and take over some special duties in addition to my schedule of duties.

In the new office, I saw letters that were dumped somewhere. No one has touched or open the letters nor read the letters

I wondered how the letters got there.

The envelopes used for the letters were very dusty. About nineteen letters from the same person.

It has same name.

Same phone number.

Same address.

Same request.

And same handwriting.

When our cleaners wanted to dispose them, I stopped him and requested him to bring them to me.

I opened and read one.

It was a letter written to the accounts and finance department of our company by a labourer in November 2019.

The letter was a request.

The worker was humbly requesting the head of accounts department to pay him, his salary that he is critically sick and needs the money for urgent treatment. In the letter, he stated that he had hepatitis which affected his liver.

I read the second letter. It was the same request. Looking at the letter, one will know that it was written in tears. The drops of tears were still visible on it, since the letter was inserted in an envelope.

I read the third letter and saw the same thing.

I read the fourth letter, it was still the same request.

He has been writing and sending in letters since November 2019 and the last letter was written on 10 August 2020, in which the writer stated that the accounts department should have mercy on him and his family and unblock his line and answer his calls.

It was confusing.

Who blocks people's lines here?

I decided to call.

I used my phone and dialed the number on one of the letters, which was the last letter written on 10 August 2020.

It ranged.

No one picked.

I redialed it.

It ranged again.

Someone picked.

I spoke first.

“Hello,” I said, “Good afternoon.”

“Good afternoon.” a female voice answered. It was the voice of a middle aged woman.

I told her my name and where I was calling from.

She kept quiet.

I told her that I am calling to speak with the person who bears the name on the letters.

She started sobbing over the phone.

“He is lying down here.” She cried.

“Who?” I asked to reaffirm.

“The person you want to speak with.”

“Can I speak with him, please?”

“He can't talk anymore. He is only breathing. He can't move. He doesn't even know that someone is sitting beside him. I am his wife. We have been writing letters and calling but you people said we should not disturb you anymore. Our lines were blocked. His money was withheld. We sent people to you people's office but they came back with nothing.” She cried, “We are just waiting for him to go and rest.”
I couldn't say a word.
I was just dropping tears because of the way she spoke.
She continued.
“He is dying day by day. The person receiving our calls and letters threatened us not to write or call again. My husband have been a worker in you people's company for more than seven years. He laboured there. He worked as if the work was his life. He didn't miss any day even when he was sick. But see how he has been abandoned. What has he done to deserve this treatment? God sees everything. We have been going around to ask for money but no one wants to help. We have to leave town and return to the village. No money to treat him. No money to eat. No money to pay rent. I spent my business money and nothing...” She sobbed.
I guess there was an error somewhere.
Maybe something I am not aware of. The company I work for are not known for this narrative.

I asked her their village and home address.
She told me.

I went to the village.
It is a village between Osino and Begoro. I lost my way several times before getting to their house.

I saw the man.
He was lying down on a mat in front of their house. The wife was sitting next to him on the mat. She was chasing flies around him. She just finished cleaning him up in front of their house.
He was looking dried and tired.
No emotion.
No movement.
He can't talk.
He can't hear.
His eyes were just opened, eye balls were merely rotating.

He is a middle aged man.
At his early fifties.
The sickness have taken the greater part of him and has left him dropping tears bit by bit which his wife constantly cleaned.
I guess he noticed that a stranger was around.

I didn't know him when he was working with us.
I did not think it was only the sickness his wife told me that brought him down to this state. What I saw was more than liver disease.
His wife in tears spoke to me saying;
“Even if he dies today, I am already comforted. He needs to go and rest. He has suffered a lot. Maybe, I will join him later. I have nothing else. I just came to this world to bury people I love.”
I left there with tears and heavy heart.

On getting home, I sent foodstuffs and beverages from my house to them because I had no money with me.

As I got to work next day, I told my boss about the man.
I also met the head of accounts department concerning the sick man. To my dismayed, the head of accounts department have been approving the man's salary every month non stop but the accountant in charge of payment was not sending the money to him, since he noticed he was not coming to ask for it. The accountant was embezzling the money. Sadly enough, the accountant was also close to the man, so the letters and calls were going directly to him. The sick man and his wife trusted him and they were using him as a middle man to reach the head of accounts on their behalf. My pain arose more when I found out they were even from the same community.
He has been signing and collecting the man's money for about two years now without delivering the money to the sick man.

He was arrested and charged.

He payed off the money in a day from his life savings.
He was then suspended.
But I have made an enemy.
An enemy that doesn't know that he is an enemy of himself.

Two of our Directors visited the sick man and his wife. They arranged for him to be taken to the hospital for better treatments. He was admitted into the hospital last weekend for better treatments.

This morning.
I received a call.
It was the man's wife.
Her voice choked on the phone.
She was sobbing.
She then spoke.
“Thank you so much. Thank you so much for fighting for my husband. Thank you so much for your efforts. At least I heard his voice again. He smiled at me. Now that I am speaking with you sir, he is gone to be with the Lord. God bless you, sir.”


My take: Who are you sitting on his/her salary, progress etc.
who are you assassinating his character, because you're envious of him?
This speaks volumes about who we are, as individuals (Pastors, Elders and deaconess, the CEO's , Church members, directors), as a Nation. The problem is not all about the President, Governors or government but all as a people. Some are more wicked than the devil himself. The change needed must begin with *individual*
*God bless.*



Ki kaluku toju health e ooo.
Eat good food.
Rest very well.
Ti duplex ba se ko,
ki e ko.
Tiko ba se ko,
build two rooms and enjoy yourself.

If you have a car thank God.
If not, don't kill yourself .

Send your children to Ile-iwe poku l'owo e
(many of us go to Community/District Councils/Awolowo/Bola Ige's school, and we are doing very fine).
If you can't buy lace, put on ankara o jare.
If your husband is misbehaving, pretend as if he is dead

If your wife is not giving you peace, neglect her and face your children.

If your work load in the office
is becoming unbearable,
speak out and do the little you can do.

If your circle of friends, old school mates or family members are more of a competition rather than encouragement,
ma koja aye e!
Stay on your own lane!
Fira e l'okan bale.

If your business pack up or on the edge of packing up,
look only unto God and avoid different terrible advise from family and friends to
D'ogbon si.
Aye o pare joor!!!
As long there is life,
hope plenty yafun-yafun
Ma wo ago alaago sisé.

When you receive your salary, eat good food and sleep very well .

I have come to realize that
EMI ISE GUN JU EMI ENIYAN LO O JAARE. (Your job lives longer than you) .
......Good day


A husband said to his wife: I miss my family, I hope you will prepare lunch tomorrow, so I can invite them, it's been a while.

The wife said with a sigh: God willing, it will be good.

The husband said: OK, I will invite them.

The next morning, the husband went to work and at one o'clock he came home, and said to his wife: Did you cook lunch? My family will come in an hour.

And the wife said: No, I did not cook, because your family are not strangers, they can eat what is in the house.

The husband said: God forgive you! Why didn't you tell me yesterday that you won't cook and they will soon be arriving, what will I do?😒

The wife said: Call them and apologize to them, after all, they are not strangers.

The husband left the house upset and after a few minutes, there was a knock on the door. The wife got up, opened the door and was surprised to see her family, brothers, sisters and children!

Her father asked her, "Where is your husband?"

She said to him: He left a while ago.

Her father said, "Yesterday, your husband invited us for lunch. Is it possible for him to invite us and leave the house?"

The wife was stunned by the news, and began rubbing her hands, puzzled that the food in the house was not befitting for her family. She called her husband and said to him: Why didn't you tell me that you intended to invite my family for lunch?

He said to her: My family is your family, and yours is mine. There's no difference.

She said to him: Please bring ready-made food with you when coming, there is no food at home.

The husband said: I am very far from home and your family are not strangers, feed them from the food in the house as you wanted to feed my family.


You are an usher In the church. On sunday morning, before the arrival of the pastor, a stranger found you in the church and gave you a packet of sugar for the pastor and #10,000 for yourself.

When the pastor arrived and you briefed him. He refused to believe you. He said it was inconceivable that someone would donate a simple packet of sugar to him the pastor and give you #10,000. He collected the money and gave you the packet of sugar.

Getting home, you unsealed the nylon of the sugar and tore the packet. You realized that it did not contain sugar as envisaged rather a well counted sum of million dollars.The next service you give the testimony in the church and after service pastor asked you to return the packet of sugar to him.

*Now, as a "BORN AGAIN" child of God. What will you do?

Just be sincere.

Photos from Predav Electrical Technology's post 09/11/2021
Photos from Predav Electrical Technology's post 11/08/2021

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Photos from Predav Electrical Technology's post 16/07/2021

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Photos from Predav Electrical Technology's post 13/07/2021

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Photos from Predav Electrical Technology's post 22/05/2021

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Photos from Predav Electrical Technology's post 04/08/2020

We are established to serve you better
Predav Electrical Technology

Photos from Predav Electrical Technology's post 12/07/2020

We are Established to serve you better.
Life made easy by God Grace through

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