
Digital Sales and Marketing Expert...🤳
Budding Copywriter...✍️


Use This PERSUASION HACK To Get What You Want In Your Business and Relationships.
You have been in a situation.

Where you want a specific result...
..or reaction from someone.

But you do not know how to go about it,

You want the girl's number,

Or you want to make that prospect pay for your product...
And you are scared of getting a no.

If you understand persuasion,

And how to draw on emotions to influence human behavior,

You will be less worried.

That's why I want to show you one of...

The most effective persuasion hacks known to man.

Walk with me...👇
Have you ever seen an Ad that asks you to submit your email address...

To get a FREE...


About a certain topic you are interested in...

Can you ever say no to such a request?

Take for example:
You are suffering from quick ej*******on.

And suddenly while you were browsing on Facebook,

You see an Ad that says;

"5 Natural remedies that eliminate quick ej*******on in 30 days."

Click the button below to get the free article.
As a victim of quick ej*******on

Can you ever not click on that link?



Now that is the first stage of this persuasion trick working on you!
The advertiser knows your deepest pain,

Creates a free product that will help you solve it in 30 days

And charges you nothing but your contact details?

He has done 2 things into your mind automatically,

🧲 Unlocked your gratitude and trust
🧲 Purchased your indebtedness
This means you automatically now trust a stranger,

And subconsciously think you owe him something back.


This phenomenon is natural,

And every human is a victim of it.

As it is part of our biological composition to return favors (if you know what I mean)

You see,
If you then go through the article and one of the 5 natural remedies you try,

Actually, make you last longer with your wife?

Boy, you have gotten trapped...😂🤣

Not in a bad way though,

But at this point,

You will be open to any suggestion that this advertiser makes!
And what's worse?

He now has your email address,

So that he can suggest more things to you,

But this time for a fee!

And most times,

They usually have a product to sell to you.
Only that,

This time around he will not need to convince you.


Because of the 2 things they have already done to your mind with that free product.

That got you lasting long in bed again!

Now let's bring it home to you:
As a business person,

Instead of going online...

And just talking about the features and benefits of your products,

And almost begging for people to buy from you, why not...

Do these;
✍️ Find out the pain and desires of your potential customer

✍️ Create a product that helps them solve a pain or fulfills one of their desires.

✍️ Offer them that product for FREE

Then you can unlock their;

✅loyalty, and
So that when you introduce your paid product

They would have trusted you enough to know that your recommendations work,

And will be in a natural buying condition...

Because of the obligation to reward you for giving them value for FREE upfront.


But before I go...

The name of this persuasion hack...

According to the father of the study persuasion and influence,

Robert Cialdini is;


I couldn't imagine closing this post without mentioning that.



PS: If you want me to mentor you on;

How you can use the digital products marketing business model to make 6 figures weekly on your phone.

Let me know by commenting YES and I'll be on your DM with a FREE REPORT to show you how to start.

See you inside...🥂


4 Things People Need To Believe To Buy Anything From You Online.
The only way to move people from point A to point B in their beliefs online...

Is through your content.

And for your content to drive sales (make you more money)

It needs to make your audience believe the following 4 things...⤵️
1. Your content should make them believe in themselves

This means your content should inspire and motivate.

Don't just be that marketer who talks and talks about the product.

You need to help your audience overcome their limiting beliefs
Answer the limiting questions in their mind

Questions like;

How can this work for me?

Now show them with your content...

Examples of people it worked for that they are probably better than.
This kind of content...

Will help your audience abandon their limiting beliefs,

And take them a few inches closer to saying yes to your product.
2. Your content should make them believe in you

You can achieve this goal by sharing personality types of content.

Share relatable stuff about yourself.

About life generally.

Don't project an infallible image.
If your content projects you as perfect,

You become less relatable...

And you should know that people follow people.

So if you are a superhuman in your status,

without any trace of normal life,

You might not be able to make them believe in you enough to buy from you.
3. Your content needs to make them believe in the product creator.

This is where you share insight into the life of the product creator.

✅ Their hero journey,

✅ How they overcame their obstacles

✅ And came to create that product.
The reason you should do this is because;

Most of your audience will find themselves in that story.

And nothing connects humans better than stories.
So take advantage of your product creator's success story to create an emotional connection between;

- You
- Your audience &
- The product creator

And you'll find it easier to get them to buy from you.
4. They need to believe in the product

This kind of content is quite easy

All you need is to show proof that your product works.

You can do this;

By sharing testimonials of people who have used your product.
And have gotten the desired results that your audience is looking for.

Then you'll find it easier to get them to buy from you.

Testimonials that prove that the product works.

And you need to keep at it.

✅ Post positive reviews.

✅ Repost testimonials.
It's all about proofs and more proofs

This is the final piece you'll need to...

Push your customers over the edge and make them buy what you are offering.



PS: If you want me to mentor you on;

How you can use the digital products marketing business model to make 6 figures weekly on your phone.

Comment YES and I'll be in your DM with the requirements you need to start today.
See you inside!

Photos from ViosaDigitals's post 22/04/2024

Use This Process to Make Money From Your WhatsApp Status.
Short Tutorial...
Most people only post memes and funny videos on their WhatsApp every day.
Only to beg for urgent 2k at the end of the day.
While there are thousands of people who...
make thousands of naira daily by posting on their own status
Because they know the secret you are about to read
Follow me...
The first rule of monetizing anything is product.
This means you must have something to offer.
Do you see those ladies who sell clothes on their WhatsApp status?
But the question is,
What if you don't have any money to start a physical business like that?
And you can't find any vendor willing to let you snap their products so you can advertise it on your WhatsApp status and get paid a commission if you sell
(That's what most of them do anyway)
The good news is, there is a way to monetize your website,
Without selling physical products that need you to go up and down in the name of delivery.
Now walk with, me as I show you exactly how to monetize your WhatsApp status without spending a dime.
1. Go to Selar. co
2. Click on the 3 dashes on the top right corner of your mobile screen - Check P1 (P for picture)
3. Then click on the affiliate network option
4. On the next page, you click on the "Become an Affiliate" button - Check P2 (P for picture)
5. You'll find the option to get started at a charge of #3000/year - click on it.
This 3000 gives you access to an unlimited number of digital information products,
You can sell on your WhatsApp status and get people to pay you money for it. - Check P3
6. Create a free account first then you will be led to the payment portal
7. Click the Pay Now button on the payment portal to start the payment process. - Check P4
8. Go ahead to pick any payment option you prefer (I usually pay with my card) - Check P5
9. Complete your payment, login again as a selar affiliate, and find your way to your affiliate dashboard after your payment is confirmed.
10. Click the "Click here" button to open up the list of products you can promote on your WhatsApp status for commissions! - Check P6
11. On the next page click on the "Get Started" button - Check P7
12. Then you get to the page where you can pick any product to promote on your WhatsApp status from 70,000+ options. - Video
The only secret in this business is consistency,
Post about your product daily
Until you make your first sale,
Then you'll be able to scale with the profits you get.
PS: If you want me to mentor you on how you can use this business model to make 6 figures weekly on your phone.
Comment YES to get the FREE REPORT that gets you started.
See you inside.

Photos from ViosaDigitals's post 20/04/2024

Protect the identity of your WhatsApp number online.

By securing it with a WhatsApp link.

Here's how to do it;


"Create WhatsApp link"

Click on the first link that appears on the page. (check pic 1)

After the page opens up...

You then proceed to click the;

"Create a free wa. link" option. (check pic 2)

Then it takes you down where you are going to input
..the WhatsApp number you would like to shield. (check pic 3)

Proceed to type in your WhatsApp number

Then you type in the custom message you want those contacting you to send...

Eg: How much is the yellow shirt?

Before hitting the green "Generate my wa. link" button. (check pic 4)

If you followed all the instructions well,

The next page should reveal your unique WhatsApp link. (Check pic 5).

Then you can go ahead and paste that link everywhere on the internet.

Instead of your plain phone number.



PS: Interested in learning how people are making bank with their smartphone...

And getting paid every week?

Like this lady in one of the pictures attached to this post? (check pic 6)

If your answer is yes,

Then I have a FREE REPORT that explains the business model for you...

Comment YES and I will send you the link to the FREE REPORT.

See you inside!



How Big Brands Trick Your Mind into Making Bad Buying Decisions.

7 minutes read... 👇


A jeweler was trying to sell off a set of turquoise jewelry that had overstayed their welcome on her shelves.

After trying many sales tactics to sell these fairly high-quality pieces of jewelry...

She decided to count her loss,

And sell the turquoise jewelry for half the price.

So she instructed her sales girl in writing to pay 1/2 the price for the jewelry as she was about to go on a trip.

But she was pleasantly surprised to find out upon her return from the trip,

That the jewelry had not just been sold...

But it had been sold for double the initial price!

How on earth is this possible?

The sales girl had mistaken the instruction to 1/2 the price for an instruction to 2x (double) the price.


The elephant in the room is neither the store owner nor her sales girl.

The elephant in the room is YOU.

The buyer.

How come nobody wanted these turquoise jewelry at their initial price?

But as soon as the prices doubled,

The jewelry was cleared off the shelves by the same buyers who refused to buy at a smaller price.

You see,

This glitch in human nature is called the cognitive bias.

And you are a victim/victor of it too.

Let me explain;

Why do you think brands spend lots of money to pay celebrities and influencers to talk about their products?

And why do you think women prefer to buy a skin care kit that Tonto D**e is talking about rather than buy from a random but trained dermatologist?

It is the flaw of our cognitive biases.

You see,

This bias helps you make decisions fast, based on your experience and belief systems but against good old logic and hard-core probability measurement.

And this is why Aquafina paid Kate Henshaw multi-millions to drink their water on camera.

So that you will automatically believe in your head that if Kate can drink Aquafina...

Then aquafina is the best-packaged water out there.

This is not necessarily true,

Just like the fact that the turquoise jewelry isn't more valuable than before the price was doubled.

But cognitive bias makes it look like a piece of jewelry has to be more valuable because it is more expensive.

Knowing this;

How can you avoid being deceived by your biases?

Well, it's relative,


There are obvious advantages of these biases including;

- speed in decision-making and

- avoidance of information overload dilemma

(That place where you know too much so that you can't make a simple decision)

But ultimately you would want to be more deliberate in your decision-making and not depend on your;



Social influence…

…and other causes of cognitive bias, to direct your decision making especially when making big buying decisions.

Instead, be led by;

- Critical thinking

- Thorough research

- Probability measurement

Although these processes will delay your decisions,

But your decisions will be more accurate and directed better than...
..when you depend on your emotions and motivations in making decisions.



Comment YES if you want a FREE REPORT that shows you how to get paid up to 6 figures every Friday,
By simply promoting other people's digital products with your smartphone.
See you inside.


Many times, the key to unlocking the next level in your career or business is in doing the things you (hate) don't like doing.

Some of the things that do not come naturally to you (you are not passionate about them) are usually the harbingers of the success you seek.

Therefore, you must understand the non-negotiable tasks in your career or business and tackle them head on, daily, until you squeeze out the results you desire.

Only in doing this will you be able to find harmony between diligence (not hard work) and passionate pursuit.



These are the 5 things you'll need to start making 100k monthly from this online business in 90 days.

1. A smartphone with an internet connection

This will be your office.

Where all the activities, including:

- WhatsApp marketing
- Advertising
- Leads nurturing and so on...
..will be carried out.


2. A digital marketing course.

This is a learning material prepared to show you the steps you'll need to take from the lead generation to the final bus stop of sales closing.

While you can learn this independently online (YouTube)

You'll need roughly a year (if you are the smartest person on the planet)

To fully grasp how to use your knowledge to print money.

But I don't think you have all that time.

Or do you?


3. A strong WHY

Why do you want to make more money?

If the reason you want to make more money is not deeply compelling...

You will give up on a lucrative business like this in less than a month.

So get your motivation locked in.

In fact, you might need to write down your WHY on a piece of paper,

Slide it into your wallet and peek at it a few times every day,

To rekindle your desire to take action and get the results.


4. Massive Action Orientation

Are you a procrastinator?


You are not alone.

But, you have to find a way to deal with your ailment.

Yes, procrastination is a deadly disease that can hinder you from making anything of your life.

Hence, you have to become a massive action-taker,

By placing "work done" above "excellent work" especially in business.


Because most times your demand for excellent output is only an excuse to be unproductive.

Do you get me?


5. Mentorship

Especially when you are just starting out.

You want someone who has walked the path you now walk to hold your hand.

Guide you away from the common mistakes they made.

No wonder most students make money faster than their mentors did when they started.


Meanwhile, did you notice...

That I did not mention the name of the business up until now?

Forgive me;

I call this business Digital Products Marketing Business.

This business helped me resign from my former 9 to 5 in less than 11 months after starting.

Not just me,

But thousands of Nigerians too are making money with their phones
..every week through this business.

So if this kind of success interests you,

If you want to know more,

I have prepared a FREE REPORT for you that you can access by commenting "FREEDOM." on this post.
See you inside... ✈


There is so much money in tech.

But if you are scared of its complexities,

Here's a faster and simpler way to make more money using the internet.


All heads bow at the sound of coding.

From the endless codes you have to memorize,

To the number of years, it will take you,

To master the skill before you get your first paycheck

The promise of wealth through tech is far-reaching for most Nigerians.


Our financial needs are so presently biting,

No one is ready to dedicate another 4 years (after spending 5 years in a Nigerian University system)

To master Tech before starting to make money.

But what most people don't know;

Is that;

There are simpler ways to get into tech and make much money without doing any code.

And no,

I am not talking about building no-code websites or apps.

This branch of tech is called Digital marketing.

And there are so many niches inside this branch...
..that there is a space for everyone to make so much money.

Some of the niches include;

- Copywriting
- Media Buying
- Funnel Building
- Landing Page Building and many more.

But the biggest challenge most people face in digital marketing is;

Finding, the niche that suits them.

Which means a niche where you can be;

- motivated to give your all.
- comfortable with the technical tools and
- expressive of your natural talents on the job.

Here is the good news though;

There is a very lucrative path,

That exposes you to all the niches in Digital Marketing at once,

So that you can;

Determine which one suits your personality best,

Before niching down on it.

Guess what is the best part?

You get paid handsomely while you learn.


I call this pre-digital marketing training path:

Digital Products Marketing System.

And I used this system to make so much money,

I had to resign from my former 9 to 5 job to focus on the business,

Before niching down on copywriting.

And the truth is,

This business has helped thousands of young Nigeria's like you gain financial freedom,
..since it became mainstream in Nigeria around 2018.

So my question to you is;

Are you ready to switch up your finances?

Do you,

Have a smartphone;

That you want,
To put to profitable use;

And make money
From the internet with it?

Then this Digital Products Marketing System is exactly for you.

Do you want to learn more?


I have a FREE REPORT for you.

Comment "GIVE ME" and I will DM you the link to the free report.
See you inside... 💯


If you are looking for an alternative but reliable income source.

Read this;

Inflation is a problem that cuts across all economic classes,

It doesn't matter how much you used to make last year.

If your income has not doubled.

While the price of most commodities has in some cases tripled.

Then you are bound to be on a financial deficit.

Every single month.

Your balance sheet will not balance (not a curse)

Simply because you have to spend more than you earn.

Yesterday, a friend of mine was complaining to me,

How he couldn't get himself to save up for a project he planned to complete this year.

Even though he gets gigs for his photography job regularly.

He was wondering if he was overspending.

I cut him off before he could finish,

Before asking him what the price of rice was a few months ago compared to today.

It has more or less tripled, right?

Then I asked if his number of Gigs per month had increased.

The answer was NO.

You see,

The hustle to make more money has never been more real.

However, some people have mastered the art of generating income on demand.

With easily accessible tools (e.g a smartphone)

It doesn't matter if you are

- an artisan,
- a housewife,
- a 9 to 5 worker,
- a skilled worker.

If you spend time thinking of what else you can do to make more money.

Then I have something for you.

This business,

(I call it Digital Products Marketing Business)
..I am about to introduce to you, was what got me freedom from my former 9 to 5 job.

And many more people have fulfilled their dreams,

Simply by applying the principles of this business daily.

So if you want to cash in on this online business.

I have a FREE REPORT waiting for you in my DM.

Slide in it to get it!
Cheers to making more money online... 🍕


Are you interested in a LEGAL Get Rich Quick Skill?

Read this thread;

❌ Not Ponzi
❌ Not referral based
❌ Not a pyramid scheme

If you are broke and jobless.

But you have a phone and an Internet connection,

Did you know you are still 1 thing away from getting rich quickly?

Are you surprised?

Did you know that with specific information,

You can learn how to use your phone to access the unlimited wealth available online.

Let me explain;

Under normal circumstances,

Anyone who wants to make money must have something of value to offer.

For some, their value is defined by physical labor (Category 1)

- Bricklayers
- Maids
- Road cleaners etc

While some others supply value with their time. (Category 2)

- Bank workers
- Casual staff of a company etc

This is where most graduates fall into.

At the top of the pile are those who supply value through a specific skill. (Category 3)

- Bankers
- Managers
- Consultants

These are the set of people,

That can determine how much they are paid per project/role.


To be able to make a decent amount of money,

You have to be in category 2 or 3.

And to be in one of those category,

You have to pass through a school or an educational system...

That can take many years of your life before you touch your first paycheck!

But because of the internet.

This gap can be cut out.

So that you can start making money and get rich as fast as possible,

For specific types of online businesses.

But of all this business,

I want to tell you about 1 today.

This one is the fastest and simplest way to make money online.


- It is fully online

- You don't need to buy and sell physically to do it

- You need little or no capital to start the business.

- You can start making money from it while at the beginner level.

- It can increase your bank account FAST

- You can do it even as a busy 9 to 5

I call this business Digital Information Products Marketing.

And it is why so many young and old people are quitting their jobs...
..and living a life of freedom in the 21st century.

If you also want these kinds of results,

For yourself and your bank account.

My DM is open.

Hit me up.

Cheers to making more money online... 💣


As a Christian,

If the first thing you do after waking up from your sleep is pick up your phone.

You are very very...

You are the Christian number billion + that faces that problem too

The creators of that tiny device have mastered the art of grabbing your attention even before you wake up.

As someone said;

The first thing you do when you wake up is your God.


I am not saying if your phone is the instrument of your business,

That you should purposely ignore it all day.

This is my proposal to you;

Make the Bible the first thing you touch when you wake up,

Even if it is 3 chapters,

Do it,

Even if it is one chapter,

Read it,

Even if it is 1 Verse, my brother!

Make sure you fulfill all righteousness...

And defeat the programming of men (iPhone and Android makers)

By picking up a material that talks about your "Christian God"

Before you go on to the activities that you must accomplish with your phone.



Happy Sunday!


If you are asked to choose between being the richest man on earth.


With no

❌ Friends,
❌ Business partners,
❌ Co-workers,
❌ Lovers,
❌Religion or

Just you and your money, locked away in a luxurious island.


Being one whose earthly needs are all met.

But with many people who look up to you for friendships or work or spiritual leading or advice.

Which would you choose?

Happy Sunday! 🌞


Life is so interesting!...💰


Life is interesting.


In This Present Hard Economy where the cost of living is Extremely high are people not seeing enough Pepper?

Now the problem becomes worse for you, if you are you have no high source of income in this Tinibu's regime.

Where a sachet of water is now 50naira,

hmmmm🤔 I laugh!!!

Now come to think of it, before you started this year, I mean as at December 2023

You set up a lot of goals for yourself,

You set a lot of targets.


I want to ask you;

Do you have a finance plan that can help you generate money FAST that you can use to achieve these goals?

Now everyday you recharge your phone, you buy data to chat morning and night,

Please I want to ask you, how much have you made from those chat??


I want to remind you again that the year you started with a lot of targets will soon run to an end just like last year did...

And you crossed over 2024 with a lot of goals you did not achieve in 2023

Is this how you want this year to go too?

When will you wake up?

That same phone in your hand is also what I myself also have,

The only difference between me and you is that I make money with mine from the comfort of my bedroom,

You don't make money with yours, and that's as a result of what I know that you don't know.

Now I want to show you this same thing that I know which you don't know in a masterclass!!!

This Masterclass was created to show you how you can 200k to 600k monthly with your phone from the comfort of your home.

So if you are interested in...

How you can start making daily income in less than 48hours from the comfort of your home and make from 200k to 600k monthly...

Click on the link anywhere around this post to bring you to my WhatsApp dm

please take note that we only have capacity for just the first 50 persons

Good luck!!!

Now note that

* This is not MMM
* This is not for you if you are not willing to learn
* This is not for you if you don't believe in making money online

This is for you if

1. You have a smartphone and internet connection
2. You are willing to learn and implemente

If you are interested, click on the link anywhere around this post to bring you to the masterclass and I'll see you later.


Ever experienced that thrilling moment when you found a pile of cash in the pocket of an old trouser?

Imagine feeling that rush EVERY DAY from the comfort of your own home!💲🥳

Now, it's possible. Thanks to the proven Igbo apprenticeship business model,

You can set up a digital product business that does all the work for you.

No need to create products, no need to master a new skill first -


✅ Copy, 

✅ Paste, and 

✅ Watch the profits roll in!

This unique system puts YOU in control.

You're the boss, and best of all, you keep 100% of the revenue from your sales.

And this isn't just hype...❌

Thousands of people just like you have already transformed their lives with this igbo apprenticeship business model offline.

Now, it's your turn and for a limited time only,

You can start your own digital product business

With just 

✅ Your mobile phone 

✅ With data in it and 

✅ A small investment.

But be quick - this offer is reserved for the first 50 people to click the link anywhere around this video.

So, if you're serious about breaking free from the 9 to 5 grind you don't like and creating the lifestyle you deserve,

Click the link anywhere around here NOW 

To watch a FREE video presentation on this easy-to-follow business model.

Don't let this opportunity slip away as this is your chance to live the life you've always dreamed of.

Click NOW and make it happen!


Are you scared that your,

💲 Product

💲 Service

💲 Brand

Will not be able to attract enough customers?

This is exactly what I would do (to overcome that fear) if I were like you:


1. Know your audience

You have to understand your ideal clients;

❓ what keeps them up at night?

❓ what solutions do they crave

❓ what their desire is

After knowing this,

You have to tailor your every message to resonate with them.


It is never about you!


2. Craft irresistible offers.

You have to present your

💲 product

💲 service

💲 brand

so that it becomes a no-brainer for your ideal clients.

This means,

Your offer should not just solve a specific pain point.

But it should also save your clients more time and energy...
.. then it usually takes to solve the same pain point.

This is how you stand out from your competition.


3. Leverage social media

I risk sounding like a broken record

When I say;

You have to be where your customers hang out.

"Right in their faces!"

🚀 Engage

🚀 Build relationships

🚀 Share valuable content

Before you ask anyone to patronize you

give them a hint of your value and person.

And watch how they support your every move.


Social proof is a powerful magnet.


4. Share your expertise;

You have to "position" yourself as an authority.

- Write

- Podcast

- Create videos

About your niche.

If you constantly give value first,

Your ideal clients will always come back for more.

And won't mind paying when you say so.


5. Survey your audience

Do not create products or services you love.

Remember again

It's not about you.

Once you have a sizable audience

Ask what they need.

Create polls

Conduct surveys or

Simply engage in conversations

Then tailor your offers to their feedback.


6. Offer free value.

One of Robert Cialdini's weapons of influence is "commitment"

And nothing commits humans like freebies.

Take advantage by giving a taste of what you offer by giving free;




You have to show your expertise upfront.


7. Ask for testimonials

Sharing testimonials is the fastest way to build trust.

So as soon as you begin to give value,

Even if it is for free,

Don't be shy about requesting glowing testimonials.

These testimonials will be valuable towards your product launch.

So treat it as payment or part of payment for your product or service at the initial stages.


Testimonials build credibility faster than any other factor in marketing.

Nothing beats living evidence...

That your system for solving a specific pain point works.

Get it?


8. Consistency

I saved the most important for last.

Without this, the remaining 8 do not happen.

Another cliche quote to prove my point?

"Rome was not built in a day"

There you go...

Dope right?

So you have to stay consistent with your content and engagement.


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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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Life is so interesting!...💰
Life is interesting.
In This Present Hard Economy where the cost of living is Extremely high are people not seeing enough Pepper?Now the prob...





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Alimosho, 100275

Traffic hacker, content creator and building digital Innovative mind

The Oracle Of God The Oracle Of God


Bromo Journal Bromo Journal
Alimosho, 10001

Very funny video, comedy skits, reaction videos, etc .

News Website

Gist Arena Gist Arena

woman affairs, social media influencer , mental health, lifestyle & entertainment comedy& news advert

Harduns Digital Hub Harduns Digital Hub
46b Ayodeji Ogunlana Street Off Elshadia Bustop Sylva Estate, Idimu Ejigbo Road
Alimosho, 100275

Hardun's Digital Hub. A home of digital service at it's best

Unique Adex welding and iron blender construction Ltd Unique Adex welding and iron blender construction Ltd
Lagos Off Lasu Road Igando , Lanre Bus Stp , No 14 Sanni Thamos Str

We produce metal like door �,gate �, hand hail ,step case and building construction �

Skincare tips and home remedies Skincare tips and home remedies

hello guys welcome to my page. am all about, skincare, fertility, child care, and marriage.

Princess Nessy Princess Nessy

YouTube Content Creator On Work And Study In National Open University. Online Learning Is The Key..

Redeemed Christian Church of God, New Amen Pavilion Parish, Redeemed Christian Church of God, New Amen Pavilion Parish,

New Amen Pavilion Parish 18 Bamidele Street, Egbe lkotun Lagos Place where prayers are answered

Cedote Basytiana Cedote Basytiana

👤CEO of @techclux Niche: Lifestyle & Entertainment-❤️ Creating About my HOBBIES|CAREER|SKILLS|TALENT