orumebebe's concept

orumebebe's concept

Being professional and putting you first as my client my priority!!!


You asked him N7,000, and your dad told you he will give you in the morning before he leaves for work. This was after he has thoroughly scrutinized what you needed the money for, all the questions he asked were already making you angry.

Throughout the night your dad couldn't sleep because he was thinking as to why he must sacrifice his last N7,000 for you

In the morning he calls you into his room and give you N6,000-00 instead of N7,000-00

You were not happy and squeezed your face in discontent, and reluctantly said thank you after complaining that it was not all you requested

Your mum after seeing this does not utter a word but meets you in your room where your dad is not present and give you N1,000 from her own money and say "don't mind him, add this to meet your needs .

You began to smile and quickly run to Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp to write.

"I have the best mum in the world, I love my mum".

Now your dad had gone out with just N500 in his pocket with no fuel in his car. Because of you, he uses public transport that day to work. He gives your mum N500 to enable her handle any emergency while he is away.

At work, he worked overtime. After closing late, everyone of you keeps saying "daddy is never always around except mum".

Your good dad will never allow you to see how much he suffers for the family because he is a MAN.

Always try to appreciate your dad your husband and brothers. It's not easy at all. We go through a lot to provide food, shelter, and so on for the family

May GOD Almighty bless our Daddy... Ameen.

This is not to say mothers ain't doing their best as well nor am I trying to devalue the importance of mum.

May God bless our parents!!!


Sallah treat!!! Who is giving me🌚🤦‍♂️


Congratulations to all who got appointed, do well to minimize your outburst, it's a small time and a dire situation. Albez Marine and Akoko Edo People


Ehh, Manchester united🌚🤦‍♂️


— If you keep praying for something who is making you pray for it. It means Allah wants to give it to you. He wants you to have it. Allah will test your sincerity for it. He will test whether you're ready for the commitment or not. Therefore know that these tests are from Allah Himself. Know that He is "Al-Wahhab" (Giver of all things). So keep praying with Tawakkul and when time is right your Lord will provide you with the thing your heart has been longing for.


— When you see someone becoming better in their deen, please don't remind them of their past. instead remind them of their future, Jannah.


— Reaching a stage of no longer forcing things to happen, no longer expecting from anyone, and no longer blaming people and things for what has already taken place is growth and maturity which are all honed by trials that left scars and wounds that are still bleeding at the present. They aren't things that you get once you decide to have them. You earn them with your tears, sweat, and blood.

But just because you already have been in this version of yourself doesn't mean that you no longer get hurt by people whom you no longer expect from. It's a human thing to be disappointed and frustrated. At one point, it is just your response to them that changed not exactly how you feel about them.

The truth is, at one point, it is not a hundred percent of ‘not forcing things to happen’ or ‘not expecting from anyone’ or ‘not blaming anyone’ thing. It is expecting in silence, breaking in silence, and when they defy what they say, be disappointed in silence and move on in silence. Sometimes it is just what you say to redeem yourself. It is a coping mechanism.

Someone told me months ago, “You do not blame anyone for the bad things that happen to you, because you blame yourself.”

I remember laughing inside me because it was a bullseye. I am guilty. I tend to not blame anyone when everything goes wrong. I tend to accept things whatever the results are. I tend to not expect vocally, but I do it silently.

And you know the effects? You tend to say sorry for things that you did not do. At one point, you would blame yourself for the things that did not work out even if they're beyond your control. You forgive everything, but you take time to forgive yourself which is quite unfair—I realized.

We pardon all people’s transgressions towards us while barely giving us the forgiveness that we give away for free. We expect less from people, don't blame people, don't force people to do what they say, but we force ourselves to take responsibility for what we never did especially on the aspect that nobody is aware of, our emotional wounds after their mistakes.

“It's okay. Qaddarallah. I need to have more sab’r.” We usually hear ourselves saying those words and then move forward again, pretending that our hearts are fixed while we're dying behind closed doors.

And maybe, just maybe, if you ever happened to be someone like me who loves to pour all the blame on themselves, I ask you to forgive yourself no matter what happens. At the peak of things like this, I always remind myself:
“For whatever you cannot control, leave them all to the one Who Controls everything; your Rabb.”

Expect less from creation, and pour all your husnudhan billah.

— Veiled Poet | Self-blame (rp)


— If Allah finds goodness in your hearts, He will give you better.”

~ Qur'an 8:70


You deserve someone that stays ❤️.even when it rains .Specially when it rains 🌧️

Photos from orumebebe's concept 's post 03/04/2024

“Always be your biggest fan of your achievements.”


Having needs doesn't mean you're needy or weak; it means you're human. Every single one of us has things we need emotionally, physically, and mentally to feel whole and balanced. It's totally normal. Yet, somehow, when we express these needs, there's a chance we'll run into folks who don't get it. They might brush you off, make you feel small for voicing what you need, or worse, act like you're a burden for having needs at all.

Let me tell you something—those people? They're not your tribe. Your true people, the ones who really belong in your circle, will listen to you. They'll take your needs seriously. They won't make you feel guilty for having them, and they certainly won't mock you for being human.

It's important to surround yourself with those who understand that having needs is part of what makes us all connect and relate to each other. It's about give and take, supporting and being supported. So, if you find yourself among those who can't or won't acknowledge your needs, it might be time to reconsider who you're letting into your life. Your needs are valid, and the right people will always respect that.


As a single woman, you probably want to marry well. But how can you expect an upwardly mobile man to marry you when you have bought like five expensive wigs since he started dating you, but he has never seen you with even one book? That is a dead giveaway that you are an empty woman only concerned about what you will put on your head and not what enters your head. Successful men are not as foolish as you think they are. They do cost benefit analyses on everything, including their relationships. Yes, to satisfy their libido, they may date you. I don't encourage that. But it is a reality. Men are not as emotional as you. They can date who they don't rate! Therefore, read to improve your vocabulary and be up to date on social issues, technology, and investing. Then, look for opportunities to have intellectually stimulating conversations with him. Make love to his mind. That will make him see you as a worthy life partner that is relevant to his boardroom, not just someone to relieve his sexual frustration in the bedroom!

Photos from orumebebe's concept 's post 30/03/2024

When you win arguments with your wife 😂


I’ve grown to understand that the only true test of friendship is loyalty, not money, not even support, just loyalty. I’ve had friends who didn’t bat an eyelid to give me money and material things but gossiped about me with strange people.

What you need is a loyal friend, not a rich friend. A loyal friend covers you even if they can’t solve your problems. A loyal friend might not always approve of your weaknesses, but they’re not discussing them with strangers. If your loyal friend is rich, that’s good. But loyalty first.


One road doesn’t lead to the market and market is everywhere depending on what you want to buy and it’s quality and quantity should be your biggest motivation; forget your own side of it, which is the purchasing power.


• Sister i understand you are making duaa for your future husband but "May his barber mess up his Eid cut if he looks at another girl is not a duaa"- ' -


• Sabr is love. Sabr is cleaning your heart with Dhikr & Dua. Sabr is asking for forgiveness. Sabr is loving Allah swt. Sabr is crying tears of repentance. Sabr is crying in sujood. Sabr is sacrificing your desires. Sabr is secluding yourself from fitnah. Sabr is being alone. Sabr is being tired. Sabr is living to please Allah.🦋


• My mother said to always keep my happiness to myself, to never whisper it to others. People will evil eye you, even if they don’t mean it, even if they love you, even if they have beautiful souls, she said. They can’t help the evil that resides in them, so protect yourself. Remain silent.🦋


When I used to hawk on the street, there was this guy who liked me so much.

He loved to do stuff for me even without asking.

He was that kinda man an average girl would call a "mugu" for always being there without saying his mind.

He wasn't talking $ex with me, which got me more worried because some men won't be that nice to us without being useful in their beds.

I even turned down some offers because they were too much from "just a friend".

I no fit chop money for Lambo when you no dey enter my eye like that.

One day, I had an open conversation with him in his car.

Do you like me? I asked....

He froze for a moment because he didn't see that coming.

That reaction alone suggested that this guy was "m@dly in love" with me.

Stuttering, he replied; I like you but like my sister...

Sister???? I responded while staring at him with weird smiles...

He was almost sweating 😅

I said; Ok oooo, I just asked because the gifts from you doesn't look like what a big brother would just be giving his kid sis at the snap of a finger ooo.... Even this phone???

Him: If God blesses you with me as a wife, I'll be so happy ooo but nne you know na???

Me: 🙄 you want God to bless you with your sister as a wife? But this is almost coming late ooo because immediately you said you liked me as a sister, I just told a guy that I've accepted his relationship proposal.

I showed him the chat (the truth was that, the said guy I allegedly gave response to, was my younger brother😅😅😅)

He just gave a smile in disappointment and left. He stopped taking my calls for long and everything died a natural death.

I never wished to date a man who could not look me in the face and ask me out.

You know why I gave this story????

Dear sisters, it is w!ckedness to watch a man spend a fortune on you when you know that you can never have something to do with the said guy.

Stop those insensitive statements, saying you just took him like a big brother.

Shey you no recognize all the children wey your mama born?

Stop taking advantage of people's good heart simply because they are not outspoken.

When the opposite gender (who is not your homie) begins to make certain sacrifices that crosses the line of "just friends" , begin to ask questions.

A man would never feel used for having $ex with you but would feel used for letting him spend so much on you.

When a man goes this miles, and doesn't ask for your body, he wants you...

Hope this made sense?

Ndukwe Otuomasirichi Favour



Most brothers speak with emotions when they meet sisters that have taste. This is an error, asking for good things of life is not a crime, brothers have tastes too. No matter your level of religiousity, there are brothers and sisters you can not afford, so getting married to them will bring up financial tussle.

We all have levels, brothers, there are some sisters you cannot marry because of the financial engagement, no matter how you see it. In life, there is social stratification. You have a diploma , and she's a Masters holder, and you want to marry her, it is not always easy to see that type of marriage. It is one out of ten.

A man once said that none of his daughters has ever used a commercial bus, bike or yango since birth, if you want to marry a lady like that and you do not have a car, she will find it difficult to cope, she is not used to it, there is difference between trekking and exercise in a manner of speaking. A sister who stays in a duplex apartment in her parents' house all through, you want to put her in one room in a local environment, it is not easy for her, my brother.

The best thing to do is to marry a sister you can afford, there are women you will give Android phone, they will announce it because it means a lot to them, they will jubilate, but some are already using iPhone, they will not appreciate your Android phone, not because they are bad, but they are more than what you can offer.

Each time you see sisters or brothers seeking partners and they roll out their cut off mark, it is what they want, do not get emotional about it, it is a choice. If you cannot afford them, pray for them to get what they want provided it is not against the religion. You should not be angry when people make their choices. Some brothers are of the opinion, once a sister is using hijab or niqab, she does not have the right to choose a decent living. This is wrong.

While you can marry anybody, she wants to marry somebody. What about a brother that is religious, masha Allah brother, who is financially bouyant and responsible, he is the dream man of most sisters. The brother wants a sister who has memorized the whole Qur'an, religious, beautiful, educated, with front and back, we all like good things.

A ma sha Allah brother once told me, 'Abu Sheikh, I heard, you are a match maker, please can you help me get a Muslimah, she should be like 40 years old divorcee, who is stinkingly rich, her name must be Khadijah, because I am 25 years old, and my name is Muhammad.' He continued, 'if you can get it for me, I will reward you handsomely.' I just smiled,people and their cut off marks ! 😮‍💨

Always pay attention to details.

Abu Sheikh


Adora UMEUJI ask your girl folks if they know her!!! Most of them don’t. DC Omo do it better though


Advising people you are richer than is easier!!! Maybe not the morale we suppose to pose but money counts a lot these days!!!


Pray you marry into a family that loves you like the way you love their son or daughter.


While I was away, I lost grounds on the platforms where informations regarding prof Julius Ihonvbere OON, majority leader house of reps statistics for his second term, please sir Joshua Iraoya and Sir Ekundayo Omoniyi Bright enlighten us!!!


What do you have to say about BARR ERIC OKAKA TIME IN THE HOUSE SO FAR? Sir Eseile Lucky Ovie with clarity bring us to bare


Odumodu black births the slogan show workings in his music art just like one of our fella at a time said based on logistics!!! It’s obviously time to show workings and not tell tales of where you u have worked before. Where are proves of your goodwills 🌚


How can a borehole creator claim to have performed better than Governor Godwin Obaseki ????

It's an insult 😒

All well an insult but does he deserve it, for someone who promises and fail even with reminders and tubers of yams,Ram and elder’s blessings. Oh yeah he deserves it.


Today’s reader, Tomorrow’s leader. I don’t think it is applicable in Nigeria politics, they just go on zoning and family history!!!


Call me egoistic but I am never gonna repair a bond I didn’t break!!!


The way northerners especially their girls prefers and use iPhones, you will think it’s a northern product. It may not be proof on who wants to show off but I think they have money. The major problem has being birth control and poor education!!!

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