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(Ways to turn a devil to an angel)

🌗Written by provy 🌗

**Please do not to copy and repost ***

Chapter 13

Sun-Hi knew her life is officially over , she didn't know what to do or how to react as the chief security glare dagger at her .
But then she noticed something crazy , Sun-Hi jaw dropped as her gaze at something impossible. The chief security noticed this and she turn , Zayn head was slowly regenerating .

"What the hell " she mumbled with a frown , molecule by molecules Zayn head gradually reformed and finally it was done . He open his eyes and huff .

" That was insane " he grumble and then his gaze move to Sun-Hi .
" Hey detective am glade you're still alive " he said .

"Like hell how come you're head miraculously grew back , what the f**k are you " Sun-Hi yelled .
" Am one hell of a fox " Zayn said calmly .

"So snake girl what do you think " Zayn said staring at the chief security.
" Don't get too cocky fox , only a 9 tail fox is powerful enough to do what you just did . But done worry I have killed a 9 tail fox before so I know how to handle piece of trash like you " she said , Zayn eyes darken and his expression crumble .

" Look here little girl I hate it when insignificant creature acts significant infront of me . We aren't in the same level " Zayn said and his body let out a huge blast of aura which circled around the hall , she gulp down and took 2 steps backwards .

" W-what the hell, what the hell are you " she yelled and Zayn smirk dangerously.
" Why don't you see for yourself " he said , a gigantic hideous fox appeared behind Zayn . The fox has 2 long horns , bright yellow eyes , sharp teeths and it's body is covered with red smoke and it has 10 long tails wiggling in the air .

The most monstrous thing about the fox is the fact it has 4 arms and 3 eyes . The fox pleased his lower 2 arms on Zayn shoulders and placed his upper hand on Zayn head .
"Grahhh " it roar and the entire building vibrated to its foundation.

Sun-Hi could not see the creature but the felt the intense pressure build around her , she noticed the chief security is now shivering with eyes wide open in horror and her lips tremble .

" That's enough Zayn " someone yelled ..
The elevator door roll open and a lady dressed in an elegant Italian suit stepped out , she cat walked confidently towards Zayn and behind her are 3 other ladies who were holding weird looking guns .

" Deli " Zayn chuckled .
" Can you please cancel your aura , it's making me uncomfortable" Mrs Rubby said and Zayn nodded , his aura died down and the fox creature vanish I to thin air . The atmosphere became calm .

" Hey Nam-jin are you okay " Mrs Rubby ask the chief security who's name is Nam-jin , she was too scared to speak .

"Hey Nam-jin " Mrs Rubby called again and she flinch and then to her boss .
"M-my y-you are here "Nam-jin said and gulp down large amount of saliva.
" Go to the restroom and clean yourself, it seems you have p*e on yourself " Mrs Rubby said and everyone turn to Nam-jin who gasp as she realised she had p*e on herself, the fear she felt earlier might had caused her unconscious urinate on body .

"A-am sorry my lady I will go right away "she said embarrassed then she rush out .
" Wow she's such a strong girl , where did you get her from " Zayn ask
" That's not your business Zayn , why is the king of calamity here " Mrs Rubby said and Zayn groan .
"Don't call me that , anywas am here for business " Zayn said and Mrs Rubby gaze move to Sun-Hi who is still seated on the floor , she haven't yet digest what she had just seen .

"And the human girl is with you "Mrs Rubby ask and Zayn nodded .

" Hey detective what are you doing seating on the floor " he ask , she huff and managed to get back in her feet .

" Deli meet …"
"Am detective Sun-Hi " Sun-Hi said stretching her hand for a handshake which Mrs Rubby gladly accept.
' call me Rubby , am the head of this establishment " Mrs Rubby said with a sweet smile plastered on her face .

" Pleasure is mine " Sun-Hi said .
"Okay Zayn let's go to my office " Mrs Rubby said and walk ahead and her guide followed behind .

" Is she the one we are looking for , are you sure she's gonna have a lead on the ripper " Sun-Hi whispered to Zayn .
" Rubby is a serpent beast and she's the CEO of a secret supernatural hunting agency known as the EYE . The EYES hunt down dangerous powerful supernatural creature and they make sure to exterminate any supernatural being that's a threat to humanity. The agency has been operating for the past 300 years, so am sure she has information regarding the ripper " Zayn said .

"Okay we are here " Mrs Rubby announced and they all walked into a huge well decorated office , Zayn sat down and cross his legs and Sun-Hi also sat down .

" So what do you wanna talk about " Mrs Rubby ask as she sat down .
" We are in search of a serial killer aka the ripper " Sun-Hi said and Mrs Rubby scoff .
" His name Kyong , gush that bastard had been a pain in our neck for a while now " Mrs Rubby said and Sun-Hi gasp .

"Where is he now "Zayn ask Mrs Rubby.
" Well …" she trailed and stood up .
" A week ago we managed to capture him and brought him to our base but due to my men careless he stole our dimensional travel ring or dragon ring and that was what aided him to escape after killing few of my agents who tried to stop " Mrs Rubby said .
" Dragon ring , isn't that like a ring that could create portals " Zayn ask and Mrs Rubby nodded .
" Yes "

" I don't really know much about what you guys are saying but how can we locate him " Sun-Hi said and Mrs Rubby turn her gaze to her .
"You shouldn't be too hasty human , the creature you are up against is no child's play . He's a hybrid Sabertooth Tyger and a serpent beast , that's one of su-grim worst combination. " Mrs Rubby said and Sun-Hi sigh and lean back on her seat .

" How can we locate him "Zayn ask again , Mrs Rubby pick up her iPad.
"Before he escaped we were able to plant a tracker on his head and his current location is Durhaja island " Mrs Rubby said and turn the iPad screen for them to get a view of island, Sun-Hi collected the iPad .

" I haven't heard of such island " Sun-Hi said .
"That's because it's not of this realm " Zayn said but Mrs Rubby shook her head negative.
" No , Durhaja is an island here in the human world but it's currently hidden from the eyes of human . According to historical text , Durhaja is the home of monsters . During ancient dark era it was said that thousands of supernatural monsters walk the earth and they fed on human flesh until the gods decided to put an end to the monsters reign , the gods wiped out 90 percent of the monster and seal away 10 percent in a mystical island and that Island is call Durhaja . " Mrs Rubby explain .
" Okay that's creepy " Sun-Hi grumble .

" Why didn't your men go after him if he's still alive " Zayn ask .
" I have sent 2 squat of well trained angent but non came back alive , that's to show you how dangerous that Island is . We concluded that it's best not to send anyone there for now "

"How are you sure he's still alive " Sun-Hi ask .
" The tracker placed on him is still active which means he's still alive , if he is dead the tracker would have gone offline . " She said and then she turn to Zayn .

" So Zayn what do you have in mind "
"Well .. it seems we are going to island . Hey detective what do you think " Zayn ask and Sun-Hi swallow hard , is it a good idea for her to go to such a place .

" You wanna take a human to such a dangerous place " Mrs Rubby ask .
" I can manage " Sun-Hi said .
" You don't know what you're saying young lady , that Island is not a child's play. Do you want me to show you footage of how my agent got brutally killed by ugly monsters " Mrs Rubby said , clearly she doesn't like the idea of Sun-Hi going to such a place .

"Like I said I can manage" she said confidently and Mrs Rubby sigh .

"Okay fine , Zayn 3 of my agents will be accompanying you to island . With our technology you will be able to locate him faster " Mrs Rubby said .
"I don't have problem with that but please inform them to stay out of my way else I might just add them to my dead list " Zayn said .

"He's so …weird " Sun-Hi said to herself.

*** Few minutes later ***

Mrs Rubby , Zayn and Sun-Hi stood at an open hall filled with agents moving to and fro while others were busy with their computer. Sun-Hi watch with mouth wide open as she admire the diligence of the agents . They heard the sound of heavy foot steps and they all turn , 3 people approach them dressed in black combat pants and jacket which carries the agency logo .

"Okay Zayn this are the agents to accompany you on this mission , please introduce yourselves " Mrs Rubby said .
" Am Seo-Joon" a guy with bald head , tall and masculine said with a bow .
"Am Seok " the second guy who has a proud look on his face said confidently.
" Nam-jin , we met earlier" Nam-jin said .
" Hey little snake you look scared , C'mon I don't bite . Try to feel free around me but don't feel too free you might end of dead " Zayn said with his creepy smile on .

" Can he be any less creepy " Sun-Hi said .
"Okay " Nam-jin said , she could still picture the creature she saw behind Zayn . It's monstrosity and dangerous aura is something she won't forget in a hurry .

" Okay guys this is Zayn he's a beast and this is detective Sun-Hi am sure you all know her . Your mission is to eliminate Kyong." Mrs Rubby said .
" Yes ma'am " they all said in unison.
" Detective Sun-Hi , please take this . It will be if help to you "Mrs Rubby said and handed a weird looking gun to Sun-Hi .
" That's a product from my agency, the gun will assist you " Mrs Rubby said .
"Thanks " Sun-Hi said with a bow .

Seo-Joon created a portal using his dragon ring and they all walked in and the portal zapped close .

" Ma'am do you think they will make it" Mrs Rubby assistant ask .
" The threat isn't Kyong , the threat is Zayn . Zayn can be crazy some times but I rather prefer working with Zayn than working with jade . The punk goes insane when he's excited " Mrs Rubby grumble .

****Durhaja ****

At a huge forest filled with fog, tall trees with wide canopy branches were present and because of the canopy the forest looks dark due to lack of adequate sun light .

A red portal open and Zayn and his team steped out and the portal vanish .

"So this is Durhaja" Zayn said taking a glance around forest and all he cound see were trees spreading miles ahead .
" Okay Kyong location has been identified, let's move south " Seok said taking a glance at his phone like device which has a map of the island in display with 2 dots . A red dot showing the location of their prey and the blue dot showing their present location .

" Let's move fast , they are lots of ungodly creatures here . I don't plan on becoming food for any of them " Seo-Joon said and they started moving following the map direction .




(Ways to turn a devil to an angel)

🌗Written by provy 🌗

**Please do not to copy and repost ***

Chapter 12

It was a bright Saturday morning and birds chirps fill the air , detective Sun-Hi was inside her well arrange kitchen making breakfast for herself. She also made hot chocolate tea , she sniff the steam from the tea and smile in satisfaction.

"Just need to take my bath " she said and rush out of the kitchen , it took her almost 40 minutes to take her bath and then she got dressed and ready to go to work .

" Huff I look great "she said staring at her reflection in the mirror, her gaze move to the dressing table and she frown after sighting a well designed ring lying carelessly on the table .

" Why is that thing still here "she said and pick up the ring , she held it close to her eyes . Yeah she still remember how happy she was 3 years ago when she and her fiancee where making arrangements for their marriage. She still remember how glee those moments were but everything crash , every fell apart in a snap of a finger . The same guy whom she thought was her soul mate was just another punk who doesn't know how to keep his dick inside his pant .

He was really sweet and caring but on the other hand his eyes and dick are always chasing othet women , at least she hoped he will change but it turns out that will never happened. A big fight between them ended their relationship and they part ways .

" Crap "she said and just then she heard movement sounds coming from the seating room , Sun-Hi being a police quickly grab hold of her gun and she carefully tiptoe out of her room . Who ever the intruder is she wanna catch him or she with out dragging much attention.

She noticed the sound is coming from her kitchen so went over to the kitchen , she carefully pull the door and it made no sound .

" Freez " she yelled and pop out with her gun stretched forward but she was shock to see him holding her cup of tea and a half bitten pancake in his hand .

" Hey detective, I think you should put down your gun it's pointless pointing it at me " Zayn said nonchalantly , Sun-Hi arch her brows wondering how he got here.

" What are you doing here , wait are you here to finish me off because of last night " she ask still pointing the gun at him , Zayn hiss and took another sip from the cup of tea and took a big bite from his cake .

" Well no , like seriously did you make this " he said pointing at the pancakes and that was when Sun-Hi noticed he has almost eat all of the cakes . She made 10 but now 4 is remaining.

" Yes I made them "she said
"Wow aside from poisoning you're really good in baking "he said and pick another pancake .

"Hey that's my breakfast"she hurried grab the tray of pancakes before he will eat up the remaining 3 .
" Geez don't be stringy"he said
" How did you even get in here "she hair yelled .
" Am a fox I can enter where ever I wish to enter , by the way this tea smells weird "he said and Sun-Hi groan .
" Well it's not just a tea it's a medicine for menstrual pain relief" she said and Zayn flinch and his expression went blank .

"Did you just say …" he gulp down and she nodded .
" Awe I hope it doesn't have any effect on men "he said and quickly out down the cup of tea .
" Well I don't know " she said .

"He is acting totally different from yesterday, he looks calm and hilarious unlike yesterday " she thought , Zayn expression became serious .

"Okay detective am here to assist you catch that mutated beast , don't get me the wrong way am not doing this because I care am doing this because…"

"Mina asked you to " Sun-Hi cut in and Zayn shook his head negative.
" No , am doing this because am bored " he said and she scoff .
"Yeah because you're bored "she grumble .

"Anyways I have 2 rule to give you and I will love it if you keep them in mind . Rule number 1 don't try to get friendly with me and don't get on my nerves , don't interfere with my judgement else you will end up death "

" That's so much for just rule number one , you should break it into 2 "she said and Zayn shot her a glare .
" Rule number 2 : make sure not to break rule number " he said .

" Yeah yeah I get it , so how are we gonna locate the ripper " she ask and walk out of the kitchen with the tray of pancakes and Zayn followed behind her .

" Well I know someone who might know where to find the ripper " Zayn said with a smirk .
"Who is this person " she ask and took a seat at her small dinning table .
" Well you will get to know when we get there " Zayn said , after she's done with breakfast she and zayn went outside.

" Is that your car " she ask pointing at the black Mercedes infront of her house .
"Yap let's go " he said and flung the door open and she hurried walk in .
"Wow you most be rich to afford such a car " she said smiling .
" Don't make me laugh "he said and ignite the car engine and he drove off .

*** An hour later

Mina was busy buying groceries at a supermarket, she walk around pushing the market trolley as she obtain all the things she need and after so many twist and turn she was finally done . She paid her bills and the items were placed in a customer bag which she held and walk outside.

"I haven't heard from Zayn , I wonder how he is fairing . Maybe I should summon him , nah I shouldn't. Gush I kinds miss his company"she was lost in thought and paid less attention as she walk down the road , unknown to her a fast car is approaching her . The horn of the car jolted her back to reality but it was too late , the cat is now very close too close for her to dodge .

"Get outta the way "someone yelled and dive forward and successful push Mina out of the way and they both crash hard on the ground . The car tyres screech and it also came to rest .

" A-are you okay " her saviour said but Mina was too scared to open her eyes , she laid on the floor with eyes close and her body is quivering .
"Hey Mina open your eyes " he said and she slowly did and the first face she saw was that of U-jin , she quickly day up .
"Am alive , oh my god am alive "she quickly hug U-jin who was shock at her reaction .
" Thank you so much U-jin …wait U-jin "she scream and push him away after realisation hit her hard and her expression crumble to a frown .

" What are you doing here "she ask glaring at him
"Well I …I was just passing by when … C'mon Mina I saved your ass you shouldn't act so cold towards me " he managed to say , she scoff and staggered up the she dust her butt .

" Young lady how are , am so sorry for almost knocking you down " a calm voice said and Mina and U-jin turn only to find a middle age man infront of them .
" Why the hell were you on sp*ed , what if you had truly hit me huh "Mina snap and thus got the attention of some pedestrians.

"Sorry miss, I was in a hast my boss is late for a business meeting " he said politely.
"Your boss " Mina gaze move to the expensive black car but then she gasp when she saw her shopping bags on the ground . The car tyres has crush the items in the bag .

"Oh my god , my items "she rush to the bag and pick it up . Everything inside is destroyed.

" No no no this can't be happening, Mrs Ari is gonna kill me . Sir I don't think your sorry will be enough , your car destroyed my stuff and I don't have enough money to buy them again "she said and just then the car passenger back door open and a tall man dressed in a black suit step out , Mina mouth fell open the moment she saw him .

"What's the fiasco all about " his deep voice echoed and his driver quickly rush forward.
"Sir it's nothing serious am .. "
"I wasn't talking to you , young miss what seems to be the problem " Charman Lee ask and Mina gulp down nervously.
"Sir I …"
" Am sorry we almost run you down , please I will pay for any damages" he said .
"Okay sir thank you so much " Mina said with a bow and chairman Lee nodded , he walk back into his car and return with a bundle of cash which he handed to Mina .

"Sir this is too much I .."
"Oh don't worry use the remaining money to treat yourself incase you sustain any injuries"he said smiling and Mina bow .
"Thank you sir " she said , his gaze move to U-jin and for some unknown reason U-jin doesn't like him . Chairman Lee chuckle and walk back Into his car, bus driver also rush back Into the car and he ignited the engine and drove off .

Chairman Lee took a glance at U-jin through the window and then his gaze move to Mina .

"A 9 tail fox and the 10 tail fox bride , what a coincidence. Why is a 9 tail fox with the bride of 10 tail " chairman Lee mumble to himself.


" U-jin..U-jin "Mina called several times but he gave no response, his gaze was on the car of chairman Lee which is now far ahead .
"Hey U-jin "she call and snap her fingers and he turn to her .
"What are you lost staring at " she ask .
" That man , he seems weird . He smells inhuman "he said frowning .
"Huh what are you mumbling about " she ask not understanding his point .
"Hahaha oh sorry for that I was just talking to myself " he lies with a nervous chuckle , she rolled her eyes.
"Well thank you for saving me , gush I can't believe am going to start shopping again . Ahhh this is annoying "she said and proceed back towards the shopping centre.

"Hey Mina wait up, let me come with " U-jin said following her from behind .
"And why should I agree to that remember we aren't friends "she said not sparing him any glance .
"Yeah yeah I know but that doesn't mean we are enemies either so…"
"Yeah so what " she said , he grabbed hold of her shoulders and she stopped walking and then to him .
" C'mon Mina, I am sorry, " he said .
" Well your sorry sounds like s**t to me , you almost got me killed .."
"But I just saved your life today, " he said .
"Yeah about that , thank you "she said and turned and walked away .
"Hey, does that mean you have forgiven me? " he said, following her closely .
" Well I don't know "she said .
"You're kinds weird if you ask me "
" So says the guy who tried to kill me "she said , U-jin groaned and massaged his forehead .
"Can you please stop talking about that, let's just forgot that ever happened " he said
"Yeah I know , I promise to forget you tried to kill me "she said sarcastically with an eye roll .

**** Meanwhile

At a secluded building Zayn and Sun-Hi were inside a huge hall and in front of them stood 10 men dressed in black suits and glasses . They seemed to be security guards and a young lady stood in front of security guards . She's also dresses in a black suit and has a pink rose flower pin to her breast pocket .

" Am here to see Deli or should I say Rubby " Zayn said .
"Where is your appointment card? " the young lady, who seems to be the chief security officer, said .
" Do I need that to see Deli , go in there and tell her…"

"Am sorry sir but I can't let you go in , you need an appointment card in order to talk to Mrs Ruby and please stop calling her Deli '' the chief security said .

"Hummm look here lady we mean no harm we just wanna talk to your boss , it's something serious " Sun-Hi said and the chief security moved her gaze to her , she frowned and scoffed .

" I have no business with you human girl , and as for you Mr Fox I will advise you to book an appointment. Please leave this place now that is nice to you " she said and Zayn frowned .
" Look here lil girl I don't like it when people act cocky around me , now be a good little snake and get outta my way " Zayn said , the chief security clench her fist and look up at Zayn.

" You might be a fox but that doesn't mean I can't beat you , now why don't you run along else I'm gonna embarrass you " she said .

"Oh I see , detective, can you please move back . It seems little Mrs snake here wants me to rip her apart " Zayn said and folded the hand of his shirt .

" Now get outta my way or get ready to…"

"Boys please throw this trash out and make sure they don't ever show their face here again " the chief security said , Zayn anger skyrocket the moment they called him trash .

" You all are so dead "he growled , the 10 guards charging forward. Zayn who also charges forward .

It took Zayn 30 seconds to wipe them all out , he ripped out the heart of one of the security officers .
" Ashhhh "the guard gasp fell flat on the floor , Zayn stared at heart in his hand . A creepy smile formed on his lips and he gazed at the chief security.

"I guess I will have to handle you on my own "she said and her eyes glowed bright yellow , her fingers elongated to claws and she charged forward so fast that the next thing Zayn fest was a hard punch which sent him crashing on the walls .

"Ahhh f**k " he groan and staggered up .
" Now that's how I like it "he said and looked up at her ,she charged forward again , directing her fist at his face but he quickly blocked . The 2 started exchanging punches and kicks clearly she's damn skilled . She did a rolling side flip and landed a hard kick on Zayn's shoulders .

"Ouch " Zayn shrieked and staggered back. She didn't give him space to rest, she leaped up high and sent a jet kick at his chest . Zayn crashed on the ground and he somersaulted 3 times before crashing on a pillar which cracked .

" For a fox you're really weak , I'm sure you're 3 or 5 tail foxes, " she said .
"Hummm , should I end this fight or should I just continue having fun with you " Zayn said and staggered up , his broken shoulders healed up and his fractured ribs .

" Am impressed that a small snake will be...." Zayn was still saying when she dash forward and landed a punch at his face , the impact was so brute that Zayn head shattered and blood splash all over the floor with pieces of his skull and his brain .

"Oh my god " Sun-Hi screamed out loud in horror, Zayn's headless body stood still .

" Such a waste of effort, he came all the way here to die " the chief security said and took out a handkerchief which she used to wipe her bloody fist .
"Now what should I do with you? " she said and turned to Sun-Hi who flinched .
"F**k am no match for this lady , she f**king killed Zayn . How am I gonna escape this place? "Sun-Hi said and swear rushed down her face .

The chief security turns to Zayn's headless body and scoffs .
"He even died standing , what a lame ass fox , since you're human then it means it's time to die " she said with a big creepy smile , Sun-Hi heartthrob fast .

" Why do they all have creepy smiles , her smile is just like that of Zayn . God am so dead "




They are still people asking about moonlite fantasy, the story is currently going on at moboreaders with over 31 chapters but I changed the story name to ALHA CRAIG .

Please if you're interested then click the link BELOW



(Ways to turn a devil to an angel)

🌗Written by provy 🌗

**Please do not to copy and repost ***

Chapter 12


Mina and Zayn were seated at a classy VIP section of a restaurant, while she is busy admiring the interior of the VIP room Zayn us busy staring at her like a photo .

"This place is damn beautiful"
" Welcome to green garden please what are you orders " a beautiful waitress said smiling .
"Hi good evening " Mina said smiling and the waitress gaze move to Zayn who didn't spare her any glance .
After placing their order the waitress walk away and shortly the return with 2 trays of rice balls and chicken soup .

" Enjoy " she waitress said and walk away .
"Omg this test really nice , hummm " Mina moan .
" Can't you at least shutup and eat " he said while eating his food .
" You are such a joy killer " she said with an eye roll .
" That's your own point of view " he said and pick another rice balls and push it into his mouth .

" Hello there guys " someone said and Zayn look up and so did Mina , detective Sun-Hi stood In front of them with a calm smile on her face .
"Wow detective what are you doing here " Mina ask , Sun-Hi giggled and her gaze move to Zayn who is busy eating his rice balls.

" Can I seat " Sun-Hi ask pointing at the empty chair .
"Yeah ..yeah you can seat " Mina said and Sun-Hi sat down .

" So what are you doing here, did you also book a VIP section like us " Mina ask again .
" Wel no, let's just say am here to talk to him " she said staring keenly at Zayn , Mina pause and her gaze also move to Zayn who isn't paying attention to them .

" Humm Zayn " Mina called and he sigh and look up .
" What "
" She's here to…"
"I want us to talk business " Sun-Hi cut Mina short .
" What business "
" It's about that creepy bastard the ripper " Sun-Hi said .
"The ripper "Mina mumbled .
" I told you am not interested "
" Why , oh let me guess you're not interested because it's non of your business "Sun-Hi said glaring at him , Zayn shrug be put down his chop sticks .

" Well you're right , I don't bloody care because it's non of my business " he said with finality in his tone .
" That thing has killed hundreds of innocent people , I was also a victim of you and your friend didn't save me that night I would have also died just like the others " Sun-Hi said .
" Oh so you're that little cry baby jade saves , wow too bad you're still alive " he said with so much sarcasm , Sun-Hi frown clearly he won't give in .

"Zayn I think you should help , it's been like 14 years and the ripper has been killing people like a psychopath. And mode of killing is too diabolic" Mina said .
" It's non of my business, as long as he doesn't cross my path then am okay with him doing what ever he wishes " Zayn snap , Mina frown and clinch her fist .

"You're selfish you know that right " she said .
" That's your point of view and not mine "he said .
" We are talking about human lives here , so you're okay with people dying . C'mon Zayn help me out here , just help me get rid of him " Sun-Hi said , Zayn took a sip from his cup of juice .

" Look here girl , human lives means nothing to me . I only care about things that has connections to me , if that serpent beast is killing humans then it's humans problem to deal with and not mine . You're police right , well deal it with and stop disturbing me do I look like captain Korea to you or do I look like superman " he said clearly he doesn't give a flying f**k about anyone aside for himself.

" This guy is a handful for sure " Mina said to herself then her gaze move to Zayn then to Sun-Hi who is glaring dagger at him .

"Hahaha " Sun-Hi chuckle and Mina arch her brows confuse.
" Haha I knew you will be this sturbon , clearly you're one of those guys who love it when people use force on them " she said staring keenly at Zayn , a weird creepy smile formed in Zayn face while Sun-Hi smirk evilly . Mina stared blankly at them .

" Okay why are they smiling at each other like that , geez they both look scary " Mina said .

" Tell me detective do you think you're capable of convincing me to help you " Zayn ask and detective Sun-Hi smile widen even more giving her a dark mischievous look .

" Oh I have a plan "she said and before anyone could see it coming she took out a syringe which contain red fluids and she stabbed it I to Mina neck . She injected the fluid into her neck .

"Huh " gasp after feeling the sharp needle pain .
"What did you do "Mina ask staring at Sun-Hi .
" Oh don't worry Mina I injected a powerful poison into your body and it will effect in 3 ,2,1 now " Sun-Hi said and just then blood rolled down Mina nose , she touch her bleeding nose and gasp .

"What the hell am bleeding , what the hell did you do to me "Mina panic .
" Don't worry I have an antidote but …" Sun-Hi gaze move to Zayn .

" I will only give you the antidote if Zayn here agrees to help me get rid of the ripper " she said grinning .

" What makes you think I will help you " Zayn ask maintaining his confident smile .
" Base on my analysis it seems Mina is very dear to you , I discovered you're a teacher at her school and for some weird reason you guys are close . I have been keeping a close eyes on you 2 after the last time we met " she said and Zayn chuckle .

" And you think poisoning her is the best solution to get me to work for you , what if I tell you I can cute her " Zayn said and Sun-Hi chuckle and shook her head .

" Hahah you're wasting your time as of now Mina is…"

"C-can y-you g-guy s…" Mina voice quiver as her sight gradually became blur and she place her head on the table and passed out , seeing this Zayn heart skipped but he try to maintain his calm expression.

" She has roughly 20 minutes " Sun-Hi said , Zayn glance around the empty VIP room thank god they are the only ones here right now . He placed his hand on Mina arms .

" Fox healing light " he mumbled and his hand glow , he tried healing her but instead he felt a sharp pain in his chest and he cough out blood .

" What the hell " he gasp and stood up .
"Hahaha I don't know what's wrong with you but your lil girl has 3 minutes left "

"I thought you said 20 minutes " Zayn ask glaring at her , she smirk and cross her legs .
" Well I lied , she has just 3 minute oops I think it's 2 minutes . By the way why did you cough out blood " she ask .

"My healing powers backfired " Zayn lied , the truth is that Mina is dying and it's also affecting him .
" What are you gonna do now huh , just give in"she said smiling feeling confident .

" Fox healing light "he said and Mina body levitated up and bright red light circled around the floating body , the light healed her internal wounds and clear out the poison.

Zayn steched his hand and Mina body flew into his arms , her expression is now calm as she sleep peacefully in his arms . Sun-Hi mouth fell open shock .

"What was I thinking , this dude isn't human . He's a magical creature and this is just an ordinary poison " she said to herself and clinch her fist tight , she bow her head in disappointment.

" That was one funny way to force someone to do your will " Zayn said
" Don't blame me am desperate "she said staring down at the floor .

" Were you really gonna watch her die " Zayn ask and Sun-Hi look up at Mina who is sleeping peacefully on Zayn arms , her head is resting on his chest while her chest move up and down as she inhale and exhale.

" Am not that heartless , the poison was gonna take 24 hours to take critical effect , I was just trying to pressure you . " She said and Zayn scoff .

" anyone who ever hurt my property most be publish "Zayn said and his eyes turn red , Sun-Hi gulp down as she felt intense heat surging out of Zayn body . Sweat roll down her cheek and her eyes bulk out , fear grip on her like blanket.

" You love poisoning people right , while why don't you have a test of my own poison " Zayn said and a black looking scorpion appeared on Sun-Hi shoulder . With out wasting time the scorpion stung her and then it vanish out of sight
"Ahhhhhhh " she shriek out loud, Sun-Hi started shivering.
" W…what t..the h..hell " she gasp unable to speak .
"Ahhhh , so cold …so cold . Why is it so cold "she shiver , her skin gradually started turning pale white .

" Well you have been bitten by a mountain black ice spider king , you are gonna freez to dead . Right now every vein on your body is being frozen and in not time your heart will also be affected " Zayn said smiling , Sun-Hi gasp and gold mist gush out of her mouth . She felt intense pains as her bones also freeze making it hard for her to move her joints , Zayn smile creepily as he stared down at Sun-Hi .

" Z-zayn s-stop " Mina weak voice made Zayn to frown as he glance down at her , her eyes is now open but she looks weak .

" Why" Zayn said and Mina smile and her gaze move to Sun-Hi .

" You're hurting her . " Mina said and return her gaze back to Zayn .
" Well I don't care as long as she tried to kill you then she a threat to me anyone who is threat most die " Zayn said but Mina shook her slowly .

" Why do you prefer solving everything by hurting people " Mina ask and Zayn frown .
" It seems you're running your mouth too much this days "he said and Mina shrug .

" That's the truth , anyways you don't have to kill inorder to prove your dominance. You can sometimes forgive and you will still earn respect . " Mina ask staring deep Into his brown eyes . He stared at her for a while then his gaze move to Sun-Hi who is still on the floor

" I see , so you want me to spare her life right "

"That will be a great " Mina beam , Zayn gaze move back to Sun-Hi who is now lying on the floor , her hair , skin , eye brows , eye lashes were now white like snow and her fingernails bright blue like ink .

" So cold…so cold "she mumble .
" You should count yourself lucky " Zayn said and a bright red light circled around Sun-Hi , the light radiated heat on her and in no time the frozen venum in her body was cured . After healing Sun-Hi Zayn carried Mina and walk out of the VIP room .


Zayn appeared inside Mina room and he carefully put her down on her bed , he covered her body with the duvet then he stood up and made to leave .

"Zayn "Mina called and he turn to her .
"What " he ask , she smile while staring up at his face .
"Thank you "

" Go to sleep mina "he said and she let go of his hand .
" Zayn"
"What's it " he ask again .
" Can you please help detective Sun-Hi , at least just help catch the ripper for my sake " she said calmly .
" Am not interested in hunting down weak supernatural demon beast "he said and a door appeared behind him , he opened the door and walk in and as soon as he did the door vanish and Mina huff .

" He's really sturbon"



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