Peter Harmlex Bekwapu

Peter Harmlex Bekwapu

I'll creatively inspire you to be the best you are meant to be, discover your unique voice, purpose and leave an imprint of impact and relevance.


With our detailed, up to date and professional CV writing software.

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A few years back, when I read certain post on this platform, I rush to send the author either a friend request or a message.

Some of the contents of my message were without form and void.

I was just in despair.

I needed help and guidance, I believed that the online space was a gold mine but I didn't know how to navigate it's path.

None of the people I sent a friend request to accepted me.

Most of the few who responded to my message were trying to sell something to me.

It's either one course, clarity session or an ebook.

Naive me, wanted help so badly but wasn't ready to pay the price.

I kept the circle.

Send friend request.
Send messages.

Hoping that somehow Jesus will come and take me by the hand.

Ever heard, if you have a smart phone and data you shouldn't be broke?

I knew that statement was real but it wasn't my reality.

I was stuck in the whole of knowledge in part.

Unorganized information.

I jumped after freebies.

Today it's about goal setting, the next is on forex, later on creative writing, next on cartooning...

I merried round free information.

Seeking for deep in the banquet of shallow.

However, as time grew, my passion and hunger increased.

I took the necessary steps to acquire specific information

I embraced my first clarity session.

It cost me my studio pics and cake money but I was uncomfortable with posting pictures all for the likes and glamour of social media

This was my first journey to more and it's been a worthy expedition.

Stop limiting yourself to what you know, it's quite bad to know something about everything.


Professionals are people who k be everything about something.

Stop chasing every tunnel.

People make money from writing
People make money from graphics designing
People make money from ebook marketing
People make money from ecommerce
People make money from forex trading
People make money video editing

Stop looking for money, money is not missing.

Money only follows value.

Be valuable, be productive and you'll attract money.

Until I write you again, stay productive, acquire specific knowledge, practice and grow.

Cheers to your continuous productivity!
Peter Harmlex Bekwapu

Get End of Year Assessment Guide by Peter Harmlex Bekwapu on 20/01/2023

I always have this in mind, eagles soar alone..I also remind lions that in other not to eat grass, you don't make friends with rabbits.

You know what I tell the cat?

You'll die of starvation being friends with rat.

See, I learnt from the fish not to trust might not get drowned but you'll surely get cooked.

About the toad that is adjusting to the temperature of the water, you'll soon get boiled by the pressures of life.

You know what I'll tell you?

Don't plan the new year in error, carry out an assessment of the previous year.

Find out your strength, weaknesses, opportunities and Threats that made you vulnerable.

You don't know how to go about it, Don't worry!

Get a free copy of my personalized end of Year Assessment Guide here:

Get End of Year Assessment Guide by Peter Harmlex Bekwapu on I have good news for you.💃💃💃If you like good things and you want to play big this year, you'll grab this FREE offer.😋💥💥 Most people who say they've planned for the new year didn't even do an Assessment of the previous year😪


I always have this in mind, eagles soar alone.
..I also remind lions that in other not to eat grass, you don't make friends with rabbits.

You know what I tell the cat?

You'll die of starvation being friends with rat.

See, I learnt from the fish not to trust might not get drowned but you'll surely get cooked.

About the toad that is adjusting to the temperature of the water, you'll soon get boiled by the pressures of life.


We've made it to 2023

All thanks to God


I remember once doing a writing gig of N0.50 per word.

This guys will still shout for me untop, forming boss and all of that.

I just no wan remember my experience, I can cry a river😪

Was it the over 20 contents I delivered without receiving even N10 after all the stress and sleepless nights to meet dead line.

I was duped, used and dumped.😭

However, I'm here, standing stronger and better. I'll expose you to my flaws and weakness while I was still starting out and possible ways to avoid being used.

That's why you need to be in the "How To Monetize Your Skills As A Writer" training.

To be a part of the training, send a picture of you and your voters ID Card.


I am hosting a training on "How To Monetize Your Skills As A Writer".

I'll not be mentioning 1,000 apps and asking people to download, sign up and register.

I'll teach my students from my experience.

Every single money I've made as a writer, I'll share how I went about it.

Surprisingly, I'm using Facebook as the main app to Monetize this skill.

I'll teach pitching.

I'll show my students how to create a portfolio of their works.

I'll teach my students how to get clients regularly and retain clients as well.

I'll teach my students how to niche down (it makes them professional)

I'll mention all the things I've done that gave me money as a writer.

I'll also lead them to an App, not the regular upwork or freelancer, it's easy to sign up, easy to navigate and with the right pitching, they'll get their first gigs in less than 2 weeks.

This training is not for people who want to learn how to write.

This training is for people who can write and are willing to make their first Thousands from writing.

It doesn't promise a quick rich scheme.

You wouldn't make money if you don't sit up and work, there's money everywhere on Facebook (I'll open the eyes of my students to it).

NB: They're people who are not better writers as you or even write up to you, but they make money from this skill.

Wake up, Wake up.... Collect your money.

The training is 99% free with jusy a commitment fee of N1,000 for people who don't have Voters ID Card and N500 for people who do.


The day you realise that Impact and value is not measured in how well or how long, you'll sit up and be serious with your life.


New year resolutions (WRONG STRATEGY)
Vision board (RIGHT STRATEGY)

My dream... (WRONG STRATEGY)

My action plan (RIGHT STRATEGY)


I pray you don't miss out on your life changing opportunity because of the pitfalls of familiarity, pride or procrastination.


You were born to look like your parents but you die looking like your decisions.

Ponder on these words.


Hunger is a necessary sign that you are alive.

Your appetite to eat is a sign that you are in good health

The quality of the food you consume will determine the availability of nutrients for growth and development.

How much value do you place on your personal development?


Everyday is a gift don't waste yours.


What are you doing differently to improve your personal development?

Are you not tired of wishing and hoping without taking action?

Do you want to use the same pattern that didn't yield tangible results?

You have a unique role to play in your life and the world at large.
Don't sleep on your personal development.


Have you written your goals and strategic plan for 2022 or you are waiting for new year eve to write a lengthy new year resolution that you recycle every year?


80% of you reading this article is behind your personal development plan but you are not ready for this conversation.

Sometimes we are to busy with achievements and assignments that we forget to relax and work on our personal development journey.

Just as food is a necessity for daily survival, so is the need for your personal development journey.


Are you comfortable with the fact that you've stopped growing?

No one has noticed the decline in your personal development journey but you should tell yourself some truth.


A man sees a snake dying in flames and decides to free it from the fire. As soon as he catches it, the snake bites him causing excruciating pain. The man immediately drops the snake and the reptile falls back into the burning flames.

At this point the man, looking around, finds a metal pole and uses it to take the snake from the flames again, saving his life.

Another man, who had seen what happen, approaches the man and asks him: "This snake bit you! Why are you trying to save his life?"

The man replies: "The snake's nature is to bite, but that won't change my nature, which is to help."

Don't change your nature just because someone has hurt you. Don't lose your goodness of mind, but learn to act carefully.

Photos from Peter Harmlex Bekwapu's post 21/04/2021

There was a making process, I didn't appear from nowhere.

You saw me crawl, stand, take my first step, my falls and fails.

I am not one without scars for I've been through through the wilderness.

I've tasted drought and passed through murky paths, I wasn't born made.

I went through rigorous trainings, test and battles.

I'm not just a survivor
I'm a warrior
I didn't fall from the sky
I went through a making process.

*I write not as one that has attained the mark but as one with experience. *


Have you seen a beautiful lady today?

Please meet, Ms. Angela Tamarapreye Willie, she is a proud lover of Christ Jesus, an ICF certified Self-esteem Coach and Youth Enthusiast.

She runs a CAC certified business called EVOLVE WITH TAMARAPREYE (EWT) and is the privileged convener of EWT youth house called THE EVOLVING YOUTH, EWT Self-esteem Academy and Corner.

She lives to see that young people attain their best potentials and ladies grow out of low self-esteem, develop and master a healthy self-esteem so they can see and value themselves how God does.

She'll be one of our resource personnel at YOU TOO CAN GLOW ACADEMY

Would you want to miss this life changing experience?


Have you ever been robbed before?

Armed men carrying weapons to take away your hard earned money.

I know that feeling of pain and terror.

I remember mine, 2years ago at the entrance of De-Choice eatery, Calabar.

I actually had an appointment with a female friend there, after waiting for over 1hr30mins babe text to apologize that she can't make it.

You told me you were dressing up and all the bla bla bla, you sent text message not even a call.

I was quite disappointed, I took a last sip at my drink and left in anger.

As if babe read my mind, she calls and starts apologising, telling me sweet things that tickled the butter flies in my stomach.

I was smiling sheepishly as I walked out of De-choice only to be intercepted by a tout.

He looked quite terrify and hungry.

"Guy put your phone for pocket, area no clear o. Cult boys dey vex sey dem kill their n***a dem full outside o"

I thanked him, put my phone into my pocket and move to go when he asked me to tip him so that he can buy sachet.

I innocently stopped, put my hands into my pocket and brought out my wallet.

I unzipped it slowly and was contemplating how much I should give him. When I brought out N200 to give to him, I noticed that the number had increased.

3 hefty terrifying guys surrounded me. They quickly helped me to hold my wallet

I dare not say a word, they already showed me their ID card. Gun and dagger.

I had to cooperate well, one insisted on seeing my phone. The first guy that stopped me said I shouldn't bring out my phone no matter what.

Another of them persuaded me as his guy to have his number 😂

Omo, I didn't bring the phone out o, las Las they gave me my wallet, transport money and my phone.

My siblings think this story is a lie but I know its not.

I know Gods hand and I'm indeed grateful.


If you think school will make you rich, look at your teachers shoe...

*who dey breeeeet*

Get yourself armed with skills like creative writing/content creation, website development, the art of selling...for this contemporary age.

You Too Can Glow Academy is loaded with 11 Coaches to open you to the wealth in you and awake your sleeping giant.

Who dey breeet?

Is your account balance what is making you behave as if you don't want the e-Book and bonuses.

Send me a message now, I have an offer for you.

They are certain things we can't live without
Food, oxygen, water..

If you didn't see your name there, just lower your pride...

*send me that message now*

Don't be the reason you are still the same, I've tried my best.

Don't use the 'am' a writer theory to deceive yourself.

Don't bank on how long you've been skilled but how well your skill is converting for you.

I might never give out such value for such a giveaway amount again.

Remember, you can get in today for N2,000 only.

The bonus alone is over N100,000 its a win win for you.

Coupled with the fact that its online and you can always access it here on Facebook.

Timeline photos 03/04/2021

One of the very questions that have spurred me to take life seriously is, this: How come some people are poor in life while others are rich?

I had many answers and I'll share a few with you.

Most people never really tend to live their dream life, fulfill all their plans not because they didn't dream good dreams.
Most average people today are very great dreamers, life opened opportunities to them but they for once behaved as ‘Nigerians’ who for once has uniformly agreed to cooking rice on Sunday, they formed the 'I will group'.
You keep pushing opportunities to someday 'I will'

Someday I will buy that course
Someday I will upgrade my skills
Someday I will ask her out

You've finally caged yourself with someday I'll do all I'm supposed to do to achieve my goals.
If you keep procrastinating the reading of that book, the writing of that book and all other great things you should do, you need help and that's what I'm here to offer.

The amazing fact with the I will group is that, they think and dream and fantasize about all the things they are going to do "someday'.
They have an excuse for every situation they're in.
While you sit about making excuses, goal getters are pushing forward through the many reasons they should give excuses
They're times they fall, but they gather courage to rise
They don't just rise, they rise above fear and still move forward

Timeline photos 02/04/2021


Your mind is more than just a tool, your mind is the most powerful weapon God gave you, it fuels your creativity and broadens your imagination.

The scope of your success and achievements in life is backed by the strength of your illuminations.
Until you’ve gotten your mind revamped, you’ll continue to wallow under certain pillows of regrets and sad enough, you can never succeed beyond the success your mind has conceived.

Are you tired of having New Year resolutions without actually effecting the changes?
Are you always on the other end of the net to achieving your goals and plans and its about running you into depression?
Is your online presence and visibility as a brand stuck in darkness?
Do you want to remain at the stage of impact and relevance for a lifetime, rather than be a one time champion?
Do you want to know why you fail even with a good plan?

CONGRATULATIONS! you are one step closer to the cure of all your problems.
*YOU TOO CAN GLOW* is not just a book but an answered prayer.

When you purchase the book you’ll be guided on;⁣⁣
☘️ Getting The Right Mindset: get access to secrets on how to improve the power of your mind and reprogram your thinking pattern by noticing and avoiding energy drainers that limits the proceeds of your mind. Remember that you can only go as far as the illumination your mind provides.⁣⁣
☘️ Effective Goal Setting: You’ll be fully equipped with the techniques on setting SMART goals (Either long term or short term goals) ⁣⁣

☘️ Personal Branding: 6 ways to be positioned as an authority to tap into the realms of impact and be highly sought after value dispenser and remain relevant in life, regardless of seasons.⁣⁣
☘️ You’ll discover the only two ways to learn in life and which of the two ways is better, faster and safer for you.
☘️ Negative Value Systems: You’ll also discover negative values that will affect your level of influence and relevance.

☘️ Positive Value Systems: You’ll be properly exposed on the techniques to cultivate positive value systems that will help you grow, glow and live a life of impact.

☘️ You’ll also know the #1 reason people fail even with a great plan.

They’re bonuses for you if you purchase the book now;
💢 Personal 1 - on - 1 Strategy session with me for 1full month valued at ( #45,000)⁣⁣
💢 How I got my first job this year as a content creator. (Platforms and opportunities you should leverage on). This is valued at ( #7,500)
💢 Preparing for an interview? Expecting an online job? I’ll be sharing things to do, know and frequently asked questions to expect.
Assuming you are to sign your contract online what would you do?
Do you have an online portfolio? This is valued at ( #7,000)
💢 How to pitch yourself to a sponsor or employee in less than 5 minutes. Valued at ( #5,000)⁣
See flier for more bonuses, don't forget to send evidence of payment via inbox or whatsapp 07026295161


Welcome to April its my birth month and they'll be a lot of contents and offers for you to glow with.


If your plan is to play, give excuses and remain in the dark this year;

kindly avoid me, unfollow me, remove me, delete me, block me, you are even free to kill me

As long as I'm alive, you must continue to grow and glow

You must be relevant
Discover your purpose and
Be of value to your generation.

By the new month latest, I'll unveil the academy.

I can't stop until there's a better version of you.

To your continuous growth and productivity.


There's only one reason I'm not a business man.

I'll only offer you what you need and not what you want.


I remember how I followed Coach Emeka Nobis and I'm still following him with my life.

Something happened and for the first time I disagreed with his thought pattern.

How will he deceive us that we can write a book in just 3days.

I felt very bitter and started avoiding his posts.

My mind as at then saw 30days to be too short a period to write a great book.

I understand how you feel because I've been there before, I know exactly how to clear those weeds in your mind.

Stop thinking that people can't attend certain heights in life because you tried and couldn't succeed.

Swallow your pride and give yourself access to being an author in 7days.

Photo: When I won Coach Emeka Nobis' Giveaway Sponsored by Icon Mobile Technologies


You are not a writer but you have a story and an idea that can be turned into a book.

Its really simple but all you need is my hands to show you through the right path to avoid getting stuck on the way.

Write your book in 7days.

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With our detailed, up to date and professional CV writing software.Learn how to stand out of the crowd, steal the attent...
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