Timmy Larry

Official page of Pastor TImmy Larry
the Founder and General overseer of


Happy new month, and welcome to our month of mercy for great grace.I pray that the Lord will guide, and bring you to supernatural encounters that will change the face of your endeavors in life.I pray that your seeds be multiplied in accurdance to your seedings,in JESUS CHRIST NAME AMEN.


Love is consistent and can be trusted,love yee one another as yourself.True love bears All pains and is proactive in forgiveness.I mean God's kind of love.


Any god that cannot defend himself and encourages devotees to fight kill and also die in his name is not the true God, GOd that created creation does everything possible to maintain and preserve creations including human beings.This is why Jesus Christ rather came to save and die for the sins of the world 🌎🌎🌎, to preserve the people he suffered to create John. 3 v 16,Rom 5 v 8.One of the greatest sin in Christianity is murder or suicide.Christians must never fight offensive battles but we have the right to defend ourselves and in the situation where you cannot defend yourself then you are encouraged to die as a Christian for Christ than to compromise for the devil.Rev 14 v 6....12.....


Sunday was my birthday celebration and I deeply appreciate my wonderful children, partners and friends who found time to celebrate with us on that day.The lord will course men to celebrate you too, in Jesus Christ name amen.


Watch out for empty noise and escape their deception.The devil's noise is fruitless but God's noise is very fruitful.make a joyful noise to the lord Jesus Christ always.


Those who gathered to throw you up should be there at your coming down if not, you will surely crash at your coming down.BE CAREFUL how you treat people WHO CONTRIBUTED to lift you up.There is karmic law effect even in the game of politics.


I've just reached 200 followers! Thank you for continuing support. I could never have made it without each one of you. 🙏🤗🎉


Nothing is too hard for the large minds, believe it and you will accomplish it.Dont allow your eyes to deceive you,cos your body is very adaptable to change.


Happy new month of February, and welcome into our month of faith work with God, you are bound to recover all that you lost as God will begin to steer up the heavens and the earth to work in your favour.You shall not again ciimb that fruitless tree of unfruitful labour.God is touching your tongue with a fresh dimension of power of the Holy ghost to chat a wonderful course of unimaginable successes.Keep your altar of prayers burning with fresh fire and refuse to be distracted.The God that did it for Prophet Jeremiah, will do it for you, in JESUS CHRIST NAME AMEN.


The joy of this season of celebration is the hope of your victorious tomorrow, please go all out for it but with Christ in you, in Jesus Christ name amen.


Strive to build a strong spiritual capacity so as to remain afloat in Christianity.If not, you may soon find yourself in the opposing camp.Be warn, worldliness is catching up with many!!!!!!!!?


Timaya said “ Music in our days wasn’t even like this . You did not have to wait for a record label to sign you before you start working . There were no sponsors but for the love of music we kept going . What am i saying ? Young talents don’t have to wait for a label to come to them . Keep working , if you dream big , you won’t submit to just any kind of label . Every label owner wants to make profits and they will use you in a way that you might not even be comfortable with it . You might cry and no one hears you, you might even lose everything. Just like business people start small and grow big, you can start small and grow too . “ 🔚

This is more than truth , many young talents are not even concerned about succeeding anymore . They just believe if this or that label signs them they’ll grow . Have you ever asked yourself what the label stands to get from you ? Do you think someone will put in so much money and might not make life uncomfortable for you ?

Truth is young kings and queens can make it , start small and keep going . If you are talented , study music business , invest the little you got and stay consistent .

I can't count the number of messages in my inbox begging me to link them up to Don Jazzy or Olamide. Whenever I see those messages, I do laugh. You are looking for Olamide to sponsor your music career but you don't have a single song you have recorded by yourself. You don't even have a Facebook business page. You are still using your normal Facebook profile. How can someone believe you are serious?

You claim you don't have money to record a song but the truth of the matter is that no one can give you money to record a song. Go and get a pidgin hole save and start dropping at least #500 inside the save everyday. Within 5 months, you can realize money to record your song in a nearby studio. When the song is ready, it can only cost you #5,000 to place your song in online streaming platforms. Then start promoting your song and make sure your


Happy new month to you my esteem friends, partners, and children.welcome to our month of surprises and supernatural possibilities.The lord's visitation upon you will be strong,God bless you all in JESUS CHRIST NAME AMEN.



These facts will be made available to you every week, until sizeable believers all over the world gets acquainted to them, for an alarm purpose of announcing the signs of Christ second coming.
1,The reblooming of the fig tree.mathew 24 v 32."Now learn the parable of the fig tree; When his Branch is yet tender,and putting forth leaves,ye know that summer is near.33,So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors."Commonly in the bible,we see Israel refered to as the fig tree that was cursed by Jesus Christ along the way as he expected to eat some food from it but there was none, and he cursed it in the book mark 11 v 13_14.The period of Christ return was tied to the reblooming of the this fig tree.now, if this is true,then we should concern ourselves in trying to find out when did this cursed fig tree regained back it's blessings to start bearing fruits again.this is important because the scriptures says the generation that will witness that happening, will not pass,; for Jesus Christ will surely come back before that generation comes to an end.verse 34 of Mathew 24 says it clear."verily I say unto you,This generation shall not pass,till all the things be fulfilled"35says"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
The most important thing we must look for,is the period Israel as a nation returned back from exile as God had declared it in the time past.We as children of God must watch with Keen interest, the unfolding of world events as most of these are directly connected to the return of our lord Jesus Christ.Israel as a nation was given the right to return to their home land, around 15 may 1948, after the second world war.if we use a hundred years to estimate a generation as commonly accepted,then,all we need to do is to add a hundred years to 1948, and we will be close to the timing plan of God for Christ returned and the rapture of the church.Our calculation is revealingly pointing us to 2048.that means before 2048 comes to an end, Christ must have come and the church MUST have gone.PLEASE WE ARE ONLY DOING SOME AMOUNT OF SCRIPTURAL ESTIMATION WORK HERE AND NOT AN AUTHENTIC WORK, SINCE THE SCRIPTURES HAD IT THAT NO MAN WILL KNOW THE TIME, NOT EVEN CHRIST HIMSELF.
Jesus Christ said IN matt 24 v 36"but of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my father only."We children of God are only expected to observe the unfolding of world events as reveal to by Jesus Christ before his departure to heaven.prominently displayed for us to take note of,are;
1 the signs of the destruction of Gods temple in Israel which took place in ad 70 after Christ accession.
2.The manifestation of false Christ and his agents,to deceive humanity.
3,Wars and rumours of wars
4, nation rising against nation, and kingdom against kingdom,
5, Famines,
6, pestilences,
7, And earth quake in diverse places,
8, killing of christians as a means of rendering service to their god, John 16 V 1....2"These things I have spoken unto you, that you should not be offended.
They shall put you out of the synagogue(churches) yea, the time COMETH, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service"Also. Take note of vers 3"And These things will they do unto you because they have not known the father,nor me."
9,The arrival of MANY false prophets, to water down and defile the gospel and the BODY of Christ.
10,All these are designed by Satan and his agents, to kill and terroris the faith of believers and if possible kill their love for God and their faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
The aim of bringing these signs of the reblooming of the fig tree,is because of its relevance in the end time happenings, And it's my responsibility to draw you all closer and put you on alert.JESUS CHRIST IS COMING SOON,BE PREPARE AND BE READY.God bless you as you read and share to OTHERS. APOSTLE DR. TIMMY LARRY, OF GLORIOUS ASSEMBLY MINISTRIES, JESUS VILLAGE, ALONG ATIMBO/AKPABUYO ROAD, CALABAR,CROSS RIVER STATE NIGERIA.


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