St. Mary's Hospital & Maternity, GRA, Enugu

A health care organization providing patient treatment with specialized medical, nursing staff and m


Delivering healthcare is not only serving the rich and capable.
There comes a time when health care is delivered to the population that might not have access to those services due to a number of challenges. This was our driving force to carry out an intense outreach programme to enable us give back to the people and community.
Healthcare professionals were available with distribution of drugs, BMI calculations, free consults and investigations.
All in all, it was a masterpiece.
St. Mary's Hospital & Maternity, GRA, Enugu
We care❤❤❤


Fio-Fio (Pigeon Peas) is a superfood that is rich in nutrients while being low in calories.

The health benefits of consuming fio-fio include promoting weight loss, managing blood glucose levels in people with diabetes, protecting heart health, as well as providing nutrients for different body functions.

Cooking tips: Soak the fio-fio for at least 5 hours before cooking and discard the cooking water after it is cooked.
Alternatively, use a pressure cooker and also dispose of the cooking water.
This helps prevent bloating/gas.



Today, we celebrate World Hypertension Day, a day dedicated to highlighting the importance of monitoring blood pressure and bringing global awareness to the 1 billion people living with high blood pressure worldwide.

This year’s theme is Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer.

Check out our earlier post on ‘Know Your Numbers’ and stop by to have your blood pressure checked.

Photos from St. Mary's  Hospital & Maternity, GRA, Enugu's post 12/05/2022

Today we celebrate, honour and recognise our Nurses. We thank you for your resilience, strength, commitment and dedication to this esteemed profession. We appreciate the love, care and support you put into our health system.
We love you.
Happy Nurses day!!!!!


Chronic stress leads to adverse health effects such as headaches, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression, and anxiety.

However, it is how we react to and manage stressful life events that activates symptoms of stress.


Malaria is a preventable and treatable disease that continues to have a devastating impact on the health and livelihood of people around the world.

Today, we join the global community to raise awareness about Malaria and advocate for the innovation and deployment of new tools in the fight against malaria, while supporting equitable access to malaria prevention and treatment.


May this season be filled with joy, peace and good health. Happy Easter!


Udara Fruit also known as African Cherry, has a lot of health benefits.

It helps boost your body’s immune system, improve heart health and maintain the healthiness of your gum.

The sweet and sour taste of Udara may act as a natural remedy for constipation, toothache, sore throat, and indigestion.

Udara fruit is in season at the moment!


An ECG (electrocardiogram) records the electrical activity of the heart at rest. It provides information about heart rate and rhythm, and shows if there is enlargement of the heart due to high blood pressure (hypertension) or evidence of a previous heart attack.
It can also be used as a screening test when there is a family history of heart disease.
Visit St. Mary’s to get your ECG done.


Ụbọchị ọma ndi nke anyị,

Taa bụ ụbochị eji elota asụsụ ogbodo ndị nọ n’ụwa gba gburu gburu, nke a mere anyị ji chọọ iji asụsụ anyị gwa unu na Ndụ ike bu ọgaranya ndụ.

Ka anyị lezie onwe anyị anya nke ọma, rie nri diri ahụ anyị mma, hie ụra nke ọma, megharia arụ nke Oyibo kpọrọ “exercise”, ma bikwa ndụ kwesịrị ekwesị.

Echefukwala ịhụ dokịta n’ụlọọgwụ kwamgbe kwamgbe.

Anyị na-echere gị echiche ọma.


May the gift of love be yours to receive and share today and always.

Stay healthy as you enjoy Valentine’s Day.


Your body is about 60 percent water.

Staying hydrated is a daily necessity as water keeps every system in the body functioning properly.

This includes;
•carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells
•flushing bacteria from your bladder
•aiding digestion
•preventing constipation
•normalising blood pressure
•stabilising the heartbeat
•cushioning joints
•protecting organs and tissues
•regulating body temperature

Health experts commonly recommend eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals about 2 liters, or half a gallon a day. This is called the 8×8 rule and is very easy to remember.


Ugu leaves are not only a good source of dietary fibre but are rich in vitamins, minerals and powerful antioxidants.

Like most leafy green vegetables, they offer numerous health benefits and are an important addition to a healthy diet.

Tip: Do not overcook Ugu leaves to preserve the valuable nutrients they contain.

Photos from St. Mary's  Hospital & Maternity, GRA, Enugu's post 07/02/2022

Hypertension is often called a "silent killer". Most people with hypertension do not know they have the condition because it may have no warning signs or symptoms. For this reason, it is essential that blood pressure is measured regularly.
Stop by and have your blood pressure taken by a healthcare professional.


World Cancer Day is observed on February 4 every year to create awareness about cancer.

People across the globe are urged to come together and battle the condition through prevention, early detection and treatment.

This year’s theme of ‘Close the Care Gap’ revolves around identifying and recognising global disparities in cancer care.

We should all work to create a world where people live healthier lives and have better access to health and cancer services, no matter where they are born, grow, work or live.

At St. Mary’s Hospital, we are committed to this vision by offering screening for early detection of certain types of cancer as well as promoting healthy living to prevent the disease. Contact us for more information.


World Leprosy Day takes place on the last Sunday of January to raise awareness on one of the oldest diseases known to humanity.

Leprosy, also known as Hansen’s disease is a chronic infectious disease caused by slow-growing bacteria called Mycobacterium leprae. It primarily affects the nerves in the arms and legs, the skin, the lining of the nose, and the upper respiratory tract.

Leprosy still affects about 200,000 people each year and there are millions living with leprosy related disabilities particularly across Africa and Asia.

However, leprosy is curable with a combination of antibiotics. Early treatment is essential to prevent serious complications.

Today, we honour the experience of people who suffer from Leprosy and stand united with those who face stigmatisation, discrimination and isolation as a result of the disease.



Stress is the body’s reaction to a challenge or demand. The reaction can be physical, mental or emotional affecting the body, thoughts, feelings and behaviour.

Stress causes headaches, upset stomach, insomnia and decreased productivity.

Stress that is not managed can lead to many health problems such as depression, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, menstrual problems, sexual dysfunction, skin and hair issues and gastrointestinal problems.

Act to manage stress by
•Practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation or massage
•Getting regular physical activity
•Spending time with family and friends
•Setting time aside for hobbies such as reading or listening to music
•Learning to manage your time effectively
•Seeking treatment with a mental health professional to learn coping skills

This year, let us prioritise our emotional well-being.


Sleep is an essential function that allows the body and mind to recharge.

Good sleeping habits helps strengthen the immune system thereby aiding the body’s ability to fight infectious diseases and inflammation.

Lack of good quality sleep increases the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Most adults require seven to eight hours of good sleep each night. Children and teenagers need substantially more sleep.

Get enough sleep each day to have a healthy body and mind


Regular physical activity helps prevent or manage many health conditions and diseases including High Blood Pressure, Type 2 Diabetes, Stroke, many types of Cancer and Arthritis.

Exercise also helps control body weight, improve mood and boost energy.

Any amount of physical activity is better than none at all. To reap the benefits of exercise, get more active throughout the day.

Consistency is Key!


As part of our STAY HEALTHY 2022 campaign to promote health and wellness this year, we will examine the 5 pillars of Lifestyle Medicine.

Today our focus is on healthy eating. A healthy diet supplies the nutrients for the body to work effectively. It plays an important role in maintaining good health and preventing chronic diseases and cancer. It also boosts your mood and can help you feel your best. Good eating habits supports weight loss and keeping a healthy weight.

We therefore recommend the following;
Eat starchy carbohydrates especially those high in fibre to improve gut health. These include yams, unripe plantain, sweet potatoes, Ofada/Abakiliki rice, wheat swallow etc.
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables for vitamins and minerals.
Fruits in season are the best. Rich vegetables are usually green and leafy such as Ugu, African spinach (Green), Water leaf , Bitter leaf and Afang leaves.
Eat lean proteins to help repair and build the body’s tissues. These include fish, skinless white meat poultry, beans, peas and lentils.
Cut down on Saturated fat and Sugar.
Too much saturated fat increases the risk of developing heart disease - found in palm oil, red meat, chicken skins, organ meats, fried foods and fast foods.
Regular consumption of food and drinks that are high in simple sugars causes tooth decay, obesity and diabetes. These are found in soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, breakfast cereals,
sweets, cakes, biscuits etc.
Eat less salt. Too much salt can raise your blood pressure leading to heart disease or stroke. Packaged/Canned food, Breakfast cereals, bread and sauces already have high salt content
Drink plenty of water to aid digestion of food, increase energy, relieve fatigue and flush out toxins.

Let us be more conscious when we go to the market/shops or buy cooked meals


The start of a new year is a time to reflect and set goals. This year, we encourage everyone to make resolutions that promote a healthy lifestyle. In this regard, let us: Eat better- more fresh whole foods, less simple sugars, salt and deep fried food. Get moving- increase physical activity and do not sit for long periods of time. Get adequate sleep- aim for an average of 7 hours per night. Prioritise your emotional wellbeing- learn to manage stress and avoid unnecessary conflicts. Avoid risky substances- no hard drugs, limit alcohol consumption.

This is also the time to arrange a medical checkup.
Remember, Prevention is better than Cure.


It is a well known fact that viruses constantly evolve through mutation which is a change in their DNA sequence.

When a virus has one or more new mutations, it is called a variant of the original virus.

Omicron is a variant of the SARS-CoV2 coronavirus which causes COVID-19 disease.

While preliminary evidence suggests that Omicron causes more infections and spreads faster than the original strain of the virus, there is no evidence so far that the standard prevention strategies, including vaccination, wearing masks, physical distancing, ventilation and hand washing are not effective in reducing the risk of infection or transmission.

Let us all remain alert and abide by these WHO guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


Photos from St. Mary's  Hospital & Maternity, GRA, Enugu's post 08/12/2021

As part of our ongoing campaign to promote health and wellness in work places in our community, our clinical staff also visited Tenece in Enugu.

Photos from St. Mary's  Hospital & Maternity, GRA, Enugu's post 04/12/2021

In keeping with our goal of promoting health and wellness in our community, some members of our clinical staff visited UBA main office in Enugu.

One of our doctors, Dr. Ifeanyi, made a presentation to sensitize the management and staff of UBA on topics including; Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Prostrate Cancer and Hypertension.

Our medical team also carried out medical checks and screening tests after the presentation.

The need for maintaining healthy lifestyles as well as carrying out regular health checks was emphasised as this could impact productivity in the work place.


Each year, on December 1st, the world commemorates .
This day remains relevant as it serves as a reminder to global leaders and citizens on the need for more funding and access to HIV services. It also helps to increase awareness on the impact of HIV on people's lives, end stigmatisation and discrimination, and improve the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS.

AIDS which means Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is the most severe phase of HIV infection. People living with AIDS have such badly damaged immune systems that they are susceptible to severe illnesses called Opportunistic Infections.

This virus can be transmitted through contact with infected blood, semen or vaginal fluids.

Treatment can help, but this condition cannot be cured. Without treatment, people with AIDS typically survive for about three years.

Today, we join the world in highlighting the theme of World’s AIDS Day 2021; “End Inequalities. End AIDS” with a special focus on reaching people who are currently not receiving essential HIV services.


As we come to the end of Men's Health Awareness Month 2021 - , we will be live on Correct 100.9 fm Enugu to share insights on the significance of this event and all you need to know about Men’s health.

Join the conversation with Dr. Chukwuma Ofoefuna on Tuesday, 30th November from 9:00am to 9:30am.


Today is , a day to raise awareness of Mellitus and highlight strategies to prevent and treat it.

is a chronic, metabolic disease characterized by elevated levels of blood glucose (or blood sugar), which leads over time to serious damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves.

Symptoms may include increased thirst, the need to urinate often, constant hunger, weight loss, vision changes and fatigue.

Type 1 diabetes often begins in childhood and is an autoimmune condition. It is not preventable but can be managed with insulin injections.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of the disease, usually occurs in adults but is now increasingly found in children and teenagers as more young people are becoming overweight or obese. In this condition, the body becomes resistant to insulin and sugar builds up in the blood usually due to excess consumption of high-sugar foods. This type may be prevented by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
In addition to insulin, there are other kinds of medication available to help manage the disease if it does arise.

Early diagnosis and treatment enables a diabetic patient achieve better health outcomes. Therefore, anyone who suspects they may have diabetes should visit the doctor.


It's 2021
is an infection of one or both lungs caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. The infection leads to swelling (inflammation) of the air sacs of the lungs which become filled with fluid or pus making breathing difficult.

is usually transmitted when an infected person coughs or sneezes and another person inhales the infected particles.

While anyone can get pneumonia, certain groups of people are at higher risk of getting the disease. These include;
* Adults over 65 years
* Children under 2 years
* People with compromised immunity or chronic disorders
* Smokers

Symptoms of pneumonia are cough that produces coloured or bloody mucus, fever, chills, chest pain and difficulty in breathing.

Your doctor can diagnose pneumonia by taking a thorough history and carrying out a comprehensive physical examination.
Investigations such as Chest X-ray, Blood tests, Sputum cultures and Pulse oximetry help to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment depends on the organism causing the pneumonia. Your doctor will provide a prescription following diagnosis. Patients are also advised to increase fluid intake, eat well and get plenty of rest.

can be prevented in many instances by;
* Breastfeeding babies for at least the first six months.
* Regularly washing your hands
* Covering your coughs and sneezes
* Keeping clean, sanitary surroundings
* Avoid smoking
* Maintain a healthy lifestyle to boost your immune system.
* Getting vaccinated if available.

As most parts of the world are still dealing with the COVID19 pandemic which can cause in severe cases, we want to stress the importance of preventive measures to guard against potential causes of lung disease.

Photos from St. Mary's  Hospital & Maternity, GRA, Enugu's post 09/11/2021


One of our Ante-natal patients, Ruka Fache gave flowers to our Chief Nursing Officer, Mrs. Ebele Okenwa in appreciation for excellent healthcare delivery and support.

In her words, "She has been super amazing and treats me like her daughter. I have also learnt alot from her ante-natal sessions. The weekly buns and soft drinks also motivate me to come for ante-natal classes every Tuesday. I love it here

In the pictures above, Mrs. Okenwa (CNO) poses first with Ruka and then with our Human Resource Manager, Adaobi as she shows off her flowers.


*Stress* is a feeling of being overwhelmed or unable to cope with mental or emotional pressure. It is the body’s reaction to a challenge, demand or harmful situation.

As the body responds to stress, a chemical reaction occurs causing an increase in heart rate, fast breathing, tightening of muscles and a rise in blood pressure.

No part of the body is immune from stress leading to emotional, physical, cognitive and behavioural symptoms.

Since symptoms vary, it is important to discuss them with your doctor. Chronic stress should be managed by a Mental Health Specialist.

However, some simple techniques can be used daily to manage stress. These include;
* Recognising what causes you stress at work or at home and trying to avoid those situations.
*Trying not to take on too much and setting priorities.
*Controlling Perfectionism
*Avoiding arguments and interpersonal conflicts
*Engaging in physical activity-going for walks, exercising, participating in sporting activities etc.
*Eating healthy meals
*Meditation, Prayer, Quiet time and listening to soothing music can help calm the mind
*Getting a good nights sleep- cutting down on caffeine intake.

As we mark Stress Awareness Week, we want to highlight these stress management tips to help promote Health and Wellbeing.



Free Breast Examinations will still take place at St. Mary's Hospital and Maternity GRA, Enugu, tomorrow , 27th October, 2021.

Don't miss this opportunity!
Early detection saves lives!



Free Breast Examinations will still take place at St. Mary's Hospital and Maternity GRA, Enugu, on Wednesday, 27th October, 2021.

Don't miss this opportunity!
Early detection saves lives!


Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women worldwide. With increasing urbanisation and lifestyle changes, the number of cases in Nigeria has been on the rise and it is now one of the leading causes of cancer deaths.

Breast cancer screening can help detect the disease early making it easier to treat.
With early detection, survival rates may be as high as 98%.

In this regard, we are excited to contribute to the global campaign on Breast Cancer Awareness by offering Free Breast Examinations at St. Mary’s Hospital.

Check poster for dates and time.

Save the date and get screened!

Photos from St. Mary's  Hospital & Maternity, GRA, Enugu's post 15/10/2021

To celebrate Global Handwashing Day, we visited Graceland Private Schools Enugu.
We were warmly received by the school's Administrator, Mrs. Dorothy Uzochukwu.

Our CNO, Mrs. Okenwa explained the importance of Handwashing to the school children, especially during this pandemic.

She demonstrated the 6 steps to scrub the hands and also taught them a 'Handwashing' chant as a reminder to regularly wash their hands.



Happy Global Handwashing Day!!!

Here are five things to do as you wash your hands using the scrubbing techniques as seen on the video;

- Open tap with your elbow, wet hands and close the tap.

- Lather with soap.

- Scrub for at least 20 sec (or sing the happy birthday song ×2)

- Open tap with elbow and rinse well.

- Dry with clean towels or air dry hands.


In commemoration of Global Handwashing Day 2021, our Chief Nursing Officer (CNO), Mrs. M.E. Okenwa, a Maternal and Child Health Specialist talks about Handwashing .


World Arthritis Day is observed on the 12th October, every year since 1996. This is a special day that unifies people of all ages, race and gender to raise awareness on rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) .

These are conditions that affect the joints, tissues around joints, and other connective tissues leading to inflammation and degeneration and causing pain.
Arthritis is not just a disease of the elderly as some types can affect one at any age.

On this day, we want to highlight the fact that there are treatments that can help manage Arthritis. Treatments are personalised depending on symptoms, severity and overall general health.

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Videos (show all)

Ụbọchị ọma ndi nke anyị,Taa bụ ụbochị eji elota asụsụ ogbodo ndị nọ n’ụwa gba gburu gburu, nke a mere anyị ji chọọ iji a...
As we come to the end of Men's Health Awareness Month 2021 - #MOVEMBER, we will be live on Correct 100.9 fm Enugu to sha...
REMINDER!!!Free Breast Examinations will still take place at St. Mary's Hospital and Maternity GRA, Enugu, tomorrow , 27...
REMINDER!!!Free Breast Examinations will still take place at St. Mary's Hospital and Maternity GRA, Enugu, on Wednesday,...
Proper Handwashing Technique.
Our Laboratory.
Benefits of Breastfeeding to mother and child.




10 John Nwodo Close, G. R. A.

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